Aug 31, 2023


Alas, 'tis o' dark thirty and the
dentist awaits.  What the hell
was I thinking when I made 
the appointment for 6:45?!
Must have been out of my
friggin' mind! 

I get it . . .  Methinks 'twas 
Dale Carnegie who said, 
"Do the thing you fear and 
keep on doing it."

Now, that is all well and good
but what bothers me is that
part about keep on doing it!!!

Let's see, now that I'm about
173, seems I've been going to
the dentist for just about 170
years. To this day, I can't think
about ole Doc Simpson w/o
shrinking into my childhood

So, off to see the wizard . . .
I mean dentist and there'd 
damn well be some margs
on ice when I get back or
I'm going to throw a tantrum
that would make my 3 year
old self pale by comparison!

Grrrrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Aug 30, 2023


Sharon posted this hilarious
pic of a welcome mat this a.m.


Laughed so hard, scared I'd pee.

Brings to mind how little I laugh,
how much more I cry, of course
metaphorically speaking.

Never would I suggest we spend
our days only laughing and joking. 
Our world offers a menu deserving
serious consideration in so many
matters. I fear never the twain shall

This very unbalanced Libra longs
to find its opposite at the end of 
the day. Naught wrong with those
pesky serious considerations I
mentioned early . . . but, mixing
some metaphors here, life needs
some cherries on top, as it were.

Have to ponder this bit of wise. 
See if some of it rubs off.

Aug 29, 2023


"Your job is to fill your own
cup so it overflows. Then, you
can serve others joyfully, from
your saucer." ~Lisa Nichols

Right or wrong, I grew up in 
an era of others first. From the
time I was a small child, this
was drummed into me by my
parents. I find I rather like this.

Not sure when things changed
to me first. And yes, I do get it.
When you're flying, you're told
to put on your mask first to be
able to help others. 

I know there are hundreds of
examples from both camps.
Still, I like the way I learned
as a kid. Doesn't mean I can't
appreciate the other way of
doing things. I can even see 
the practicality of me first

Rather makes me wonder,
Libra that I am, if there isn't
a way to do both?! Suss out
the situation, as it were. If
you need to put on your mask
first in order to help others,
go for it. But if you can, put
others first.

Promise, cross my heart . . .
'tis a lovely way of doing

You first . . .

Aug 28, 2023


Confessing that so many 
days of heavy rain were 
somewhat difficult to deal 
with, 'twould have to add 
that the aftermath is pure 

Blue skies, fleecy clouds,
mountains lined up in their
different hues, a plethora
of sunflowers by the side 
of the road. Methinks all 
that  needs to happen is to 
rename  CO Heaven, and 
we're set!

I swear, I was so inundated,
overwhelmed in beauty, that 
I found myself weeping.

Always fab to return home,
do the just landed tasks, and
seek out that old comfy bed!

Home, sweet home. Naught
like it!

Aug 27, 2023


Ohhhhh, long live the days .  . .

We are counseled again and 
again to live in the present and 
let the past stay in the past 
where it belongs. And to some
degree, I utterly agree.

For me, it's all about visiting,
a kind of vacation, if you will.
I'm at the end of those crazy
days of summer when I would
enjoy a trip or two, but both
my shekels and energy banks
are in the red.

I take a seat in one of my fave
places, settle in and close my
eyes. I flick through my mental
atlas and decide where I'd like
to visit. Italy? The Guatemalan
border? My childhood home?

The joy this brings me is
tantamount to heaven on earth.
Having said that, I visit. I
return to myself, my home,
my life, my present. And, am
happy to do so.

I get it . . . being stuck in the
past is no place to be. So
wouldn't wish to live there. 
Still, the odd trip is most
lovely to take and 'tis a very
special trip indeed.

Methinks my dad would also
appreciate that no intake of
special hallucinogens are
necessary for this kind of
travel. Ha!

Aug 26, 2023

08/26/2023 - Sarah

She is my shero; make no 

The woman works harder 
than anyone I know. Truly 
brings home the bacon.

That not being enough, she
always keeps her eye open
for fun pressies. It's her
birthday, yet she gifts to us!

I swear, the woman is just
about the most positive gal
I've ever known. Naught
gets her down.

She opens her home to any
in need of a space to lay 
their head. I find myself 
much moved as well as 
somewhat ashamed for 
not doing more.

I ponder her generous 
nature. Can't help but
wonder what makes her
tick and how she came
to be the person she is.

Ancestry? Breeding?
Example? Or, is she
simply a very old soul.
Methinks she has lived
many a lifetime to have
garnered the experience
to be the woman she is

I'll take her daily savvy,
her selfless ways, her
giving spirit.

Happiest of all b-days
dear heart. Know that I'm
stealing your wish . . .
I want to be just like you
when I grow up.

You fucking R O C K !!!

Aug 25, 2023


Methinks 'twas a fairytale come to

We sat outside in the gloaming . . .
Fire at our feet, candles twinkling,
fun eats by our side and that odd bit 
of red that never seemed to run out.

And the conversation . . . to die for.
Every topic imaginable, interrupted
only by sighs of simple joy. I par-
ticularly got a kick out of sneaking
into my once a year cigar stash!

I would ask myself . . . "Why oh why
don't we do this kind of healing grace
more often? Where is it written that
it only has to happen once in a life
time? Is the dog too old to learn new
tricks?" I don't bloody think so!!!

Frankly, it doesn't matter how many
shekels you have to spend. Nor do
time and place necessarily come into
the equation. 

It bears repeating . . . that fun picnic, 
a drive up the canyon, an unexpected
visit with a bottle in hand. Whatever
floats your boat. Just do it!

As for me . . . I'm already planning 
that next sally forth and conquer!
I ain't dead yet . . . best get on with
living rather than just existing!!!

Aug 24, 2023


"Nothing can dim the light
that shines from within."
~Maya Angelou

Thinking 'bout my sheros of late.
Maya Angelou springs to mind.
Top of the list! Top drawer!! 
Top shelf!!! 

Seems every time I turn around
she is sharing her wisdom, her
love, her courage. That term,
phenomenal woman, comes to

So wish I could be like her when 
I grow up.  Alas, Not happening.

Raise your glasses please . . .
Read her and weep. 

Maya Angelou was an American
memoirist, poet, and civil rights
activist. She published seven auto
biographies, three books of essays,
several books of poetry, and is
credited with a list of plays, movies,
and television shows spanning over
50 years. She received dozens of
awards and more than 50 honorary 
degrees. 1928 - 2014 Wikipedia

Aug 23, 2023


    if it stays, 
    it is love.

    if it ends,
    it's a love story.

    if it never begins,
    it is poetry.

An old friend of mine posted 
this bit of lovely this early morn.

What a phenomenal way to look
at this confusing sentiment we 
call love. There are so many ifs,
ands, and buts about this some
what iffy word.

    I love my children,
         forever more.
    I love my besties, 
         ever and ever.
    love my students, 
         as no one else.
    love Mexican food, 
         fat and all.
    love margaritas, 
         everyday please.

See what I mean? Love may just
be the most ill used word in the
dictionary. I have a secret rule I
use . . . 

    Love people; like things!

Sooooo, in the above, I would
most likely use the word adore
in the first sentence, love in the
following two and like in the
last two. Just my way of trying
to honor the true sentiment of
the word.

    Adore when you must; 
    love when you can;
    like any and all . . .

Aug 22, 2023


-If you can't meditate, pause
before every sip of coffee."
-If you can't pray, simply say
thank you before every meal.
-If you can't manifest, enjoy
what's already yours.
-If you can't journal, talk to
yourself in the car.
There is no spirituality rulebook."
Ancient Pagan Roots

Saw this at o' dark thirty this a.m.
Good thoughts and well worth

Truly a shame that we have this
idea that if we can't do everything
perfectly, then we don't do them
at all.

Doesn't really matter what it is . . .

If you can't hike, take a short walk.
If you aren't much of an inspired
cook, follow an easy recipe. Don't
like the way you're dressing of late?
Take your clothes to the Goodwill
and browse. You'll absolutely find
a new look.

Rise and shine . . . as my dad used
to say! It ain't that hard!

Aug 21, 2023


"Old age ain't no place for sissies."
~Bette Davis

Everything I've ever heard about
aging appears to be true . . . and
methinks you don't get it unless
you are indeed oldering.

My whole body aches. Alas, I 
can't dance anymore. I look in 
the mirror and am surprised. I
still feel young inside.

My hair is whiter than white, yet
I get such a kick out of dying part
of it Bluejeans Blue. So love my
jewelry, but it's almost too much
of a bother to put it on.

Easier to snack out of the fridge
than to prepare a proper meal.
Love to eat in bed and read or
watch a murder mystery. The
actual mystery might be when
did I ever become so simplistic?!

Enjoy taking rides like my parents
did back in the day. But, I'd almost
rather die than go shopping. Praise
the gods for online shopping and

Funny this aging business . . . 
heard about it my whole life, but
never saw it coming . . .

Think I'd better have a nice copa
de champaña in bed just to
celebrate . . .

Aug 20, 2023


Yesterday we went to a birthday
party, something we hadn't done
in forever and a day.

It felt as if we had walked into a
live painting or perhaps a movie
script. The colors . . . wow! Just
wow! There were umbrellas and
gazebos everywhere. And people
in all modes of dress were sitting
around chatting.

I simply can't even imagine the
work involved . . . before, during
and after. Still, I must say it was
the most wondrous party I've
ever been asked to and I enjoyed
every minute of it.

Sooooo enjoyed visiting with a
group of people, trying new beer
and sipping phenomenal margs.

We had to slip out as I found
myself tiring. They do say some-
thing about being young on the
inside and old on the outside.

Alas, I find this to be true . . .

Aug 19, 2023


"When you dance to your own
rhythm, people may not under-
stand you; they may even hate 
you, but mostly they'll wish they 
had the courage to do the same." 
My Gypsy Hippie Soul

I so love the eccentrics of this
world, and especially those who
have appeared in my life. My
own father was an eccentric . . .
phenomenal man!

I find it so interesting that there
are those who long to belong to
the cookie cutter bunch and those
who would do anything at all not
to be seen as the same.

Having broached this subject many
times before, I ask myself, "What 
is the attraction?" And, I believe 
'tis courage in action! It is easier to
follow the crowd; make no mistake.

To be the local eccentric cannot be
easy. It takes a brave soul to face a
classroom of peers, a congregation
of criticism, the worry of parents.

No matter where we each fall on 
the scale of cookie cutter to odd,
we must learn to accept each other
on our own paths . . .

Aug 18, 2023


"In physics and on the light
spectrum, black is the absence
of color. However in art, black
is the presence of all colors.
In printing, black is one of the
colors needed to produce other
colors. Wikipedia

Yesterday, my daughter-in-law
asked me about wearing black.
I haven't worn anything else
since I retired  a decade ago.

Perhaps, it's sheer laziness on
my part, but I don't think so.
I've always loved black, and
I do mean always.

I will admit to having been in
a state of grief ever since my
little brother went blind. Add
to that, the loss of family and
friends and sometimes I find
the grief unbearable.

It is what it is . . . and I'll be
wearing black until the end
of my world as I know it . . .

"Black is just a rainbow 
masquerading as grief." 
~ld jennings

Aug 17, 2023


"Those who are awake live in 
a state of constant amazement."

Sooooo right! Rather reminds
me of those old quotes about
slowing down and smelling 
the roses.

Can't help but wonder why we
insist on living at such a fast
pace. I swear, I never slowed
down once until I moved to my
cabin a few years ago. Such a
great feeling!

Let me think . . . some of my
slow down/rose moments . . .
unexpected visitors, beers on
the front porch, a ride up 285,
ordering pizza out of the blue,
the odd trip to see the kids . . .

All fab! All wondrous!! All
much needed!!!

Think I'm going to dream up
some more of these precious
slow down and smell the roses
moments . . .

Aug 16, 2023


"The soul always knows 
what to do to heal itself. 
The challenge is to silence 
the mind." ~Caroline Myss

My mind sins on the side of 
never shutting the hell up!

I'm nigh onto a hundred years
old and I still haven't learned
any tricks. Sooooo need some
advice as to the how. I already
know the when.

I can just hear it . . . "OMG, I
should have said this instead
of that. Why didn't you do thus
and so today? What's your excuse
for not calling what's her name?
You didn't mop the kitchen! And,
there are still dishes."

One of the things that kills me
is that most of the midnight mind
feed is absolutely ridiculous! I'd
like to turn an AK47 on my brain
cloud! The least it could do would
be to smarten up a tad.

Just had a thought . . . might help
if I didn't end my days reading
murder mysteries. Damn!

Aug 15, 2023


So loving me some summer 
these days.

Sitting under our fave tree, 
having the odd brewski, talkin' 
'bout old times. Why's it that no 
other time compares to summer?!

Those underlying expectations
comin' true . . . picnics! Oh . . .
how I love picnics and they just 
aren't the same at any other time.

One of the things I love about
these lazy days of summer is
people get out and about. Next
thing you know, visitors!

Trips . . . time to visit the kids.
Greatest of great times. The
grands're growing up so fast. 
Seems each visit finds them 
stretched yet another inch.

I despise shopping . . . still I 
get a kick out of hitting the odd
second hand store in summer.
'Tis when most of our lovely 
belles are cleaning out their

I can't hike anymore; I even
consider going to the mail box
my walk of the day. So, rides!
How I enjoy rides. Learned this
at the hand of my parents. Alas,
at the price of gasoline today,
rides are few and far between.

'Tis going to be a most lovely 
day . . . think I'm dream up a
mimosa . . . or two!

Aug 14, 2023


"What you do makes a difference,
and you have to decide what kind
of difference you want to make."
~Jane Goodall

Love her, like her words and surely
'tis who all of us wish to be when
we grow up!

I've ever and always wanted to make
a difference. It matters and it matters
to me! And, don't think for a moment
that it's putting myself down to be
concerned about this.

Sooooo, time to get a move on. How
to go about it is the question, what
with be a hundred years old and all.
The image that always prevails in 
my case is the concentric circle. 

Think of it this way . . . we each 
stand in the midst of a concentric
circle. Some circles are larger, some
smaller. But, they all overlap. This
would mean that if we each do what
we can, our circles, our love, our acts
will cover the entire universe.

For me, that might mean write letters
and notes, send cards, invite a hurting
soul to lunch, give small donations.

So, I'm going to stop worrying about
what I can't do, what others do, and
simply do my best in my own space.

Aug 13, 2023


"The privilege of a lifetime is
to become who you really are."
~Carl G. Jung

I see it! I get it!! I'm living it!!!

This is really true. It takes an
entire lifetime to become . . .
Looking back, I can appreciate
that eternal struggle of personal
growth, that art of becoming.

Still I ask, "Why is this so hard?"
You'd think personal acceptance
was WWIII.  Well, maybe it is.

Being interested in personal
growth and still fighting for
those habits of a lifetime; go

I swear, sometimes I think I'm
pregnant . . . "I want ice cream
for breakfast! That's not enough;
add one more scoop. I know I'm 
full but I want seconds anyway!"

Time to grow up? Or, simply
time to grow?!

The below quote has been
attributed to Jung. Whether 
or not, it's a good one . . .

"Our ability to grow and heal 
depends on how much truth
we're willing to accept about
ourself. Know yourself, then
be yourself." 

Aug 12, 2023


"You cannot go
through the years
simply letting
things ride.
Stand up.
Build a doorway.
Use your body.
Move the light out
from your bones
and carve
your own sun
into the sky.
the tired rules.
~Victoria Erickson

I have no idea how Erickson
has found such wisdom at
such a young age . . . 

Not seeming to possess much
in the all-knowing department
myself, methinks I want to be 
just like her when I grow up!

I imagine we'd all agree that
wisdom comes to us as we age;
alas, 'tis experience which 
enriches. Still, there are times 
I just want to shout at the 
Universe . . .

"Enough with the experiences;
just bring on the wisdom already!"
Seems I'm not much in way of 
the patience department!

Just need to slow down, regroup,
learn my lessons and somewhat
patiently await the the donning
of wisdom . . .

Aug 11, 2023


"As I wept
in the arms of darkness,
I heard the voice of 
my grandmother say,
Nothing stays the same, 
not even pain.
Life is a path of change.
Of ecstasy and ache.
So, no matter what the storm 
claims, let love light the way."
~Tanya Markul

I so remember coming home
after 20 years in my beloved
Mexico . . . my heart broken
and fear for what would lie

I went up to see my grandma
after a few days rest, venerable
woman that she was. She was
sitting in her mother's rocking
chair, low to the ground. What
a comforting sight.

I went in, banging the screen
door, bent down and hugged
her. I then sat on the floor next
to her. I simply broke down and
sobbed as she held my upper
body in her arms.

There is no one in this world
such as a grandmother. I pray
my own grandchildren never 
have their hearts broken. Still,
may they ever know they can
come to me and we'll weep

Aug 10, 2023


Last night I dreamt I went to 
Chiapas to see my family there.

At some point, I felt I needed a
task. We had visited and eaten
and shared . . . so I headed to 
the warehouse.

There I found a little three-sided
room. One wall was full of boxed
shelves of canned goods. Alas,
the floor was full of signs of rats
and mice. I saw my job at hand!

I asked that the foods be removed
and hauled to another space. Once
done, I began my cleaning. God,
how I cleaned. And, I don't think I
even had gloves on. Once finished,
I asked that the little room be

I returned once the room had aired
out and filled the shelves with books.
I moved in a cot type twin bed and
made it up. I threw both blue and
yellow rugs on the floor and hung
some fun pics on the already yellow
painted walls. All I needed was a
comfy chair, yet to be found.

Different members of the family
would stop by to have a look-see
at my self appointed project. I think
they were somewhat blown away
that anyone would take on such a
thing. Comments . . . most interesting.

Once finished, there was no proper
show and tell, just the odd visit and
plenty of questions . . .

When I awoke, I couldn't believe I'd
had this dream. Rather a complete
saga, if I do say so myself. What is
the meaning? Why did I have it? Is
there a message housed within?

That old word, flabbergasted, comes
to mind . . .

Aug 9, 2023


"God have mercy on the man
who doubts what he's sure of."
~Bruce Springsteen

Telling it like it is . . . brilliant!

Methinks 'tis moi at this exact
time of my life! I find myself 
doubting, doubting being the 
operative word.

My entire life, I've been sure
of myself, my path, my way.
But now, now that I'm about 
a hundred years old, I find
my soul riddled with doubt.

My mother used to say I had
my life planned from the cradle
to the grave. Bet she chuckles
somewhere up there on a cloud.

Pray I have the wisdom to learn
a lesson here. Pray I can take a
step back and see what unfolds.
Pray I be that euphemistic old
dog learning the odd new trick.

God help me . . .

Aug 8, 2023


"The most common way people
give up their power is by thinking
they don't have any." ~Alice Walker

I read this quote a few moments 
ago and it got me to thinking, 
"What is personal power?" We 
must all have it to some degree 
or another. Mostly, I believe we 
see it in others and don't look for 
it in ourselves.

As parents, we hold a certain 
amount of power over our young 
children. The same would be true 
of teachers in their classrooms. 
Obviously, each of us in our own 
walks of life, hold power.

Sooooo, what's the catch? Where's 
the lesson? What's important here?

For me, it would be this . . . "Never,
ever, under any circumstance, abuse 
the power we hold." 

Abuse of power may just be one of
the reasons we're where we are today.

My apologies to Alice Walker. She
made an important point and I seem
to have gone off on a tangent!

Aug 6, 2023


This year, my guy and I've been
funning with old murder mystery
series; sooooo much fun! Think 
Barnabe JonesColumboHart 
to HartHomicideMannix. Add
in the odd marg and you're really
having fun!

We seem to have fallen into this
odd schedule. Mornings are for
everything else, as it were. PMs
are for the odd detective show
and nights are for me to read my
book of the day.

We were just commenting how
much our daily regime has altered
since we retired to the cabin. That
daily rush, rush, rush to all and
sundry, has slowed to a once a 
month shop and eat out.

What I find interesting is that 
sense of contentment I feel with 
this latest era of my life. I find
particular joy in the midnight
reading and have to laugh how
sometimes I long for sleep.

Albeit the odd joint pains that
seem to assail the 70 + retirees,
I'm finding good fun in the frame!


"One of the nicest things you
can do for someone is listen to
them when they speak to you,
with no other intention than to
just listen." wordables

I do know this to be true. Alas,  
we tend to listen to respond
rather than just listen to hear.

I have a couple of friends to 
whom this applies. They are
truly listeners and listen with
all their hearts. I want to be just
like them when I grow up! In
my case, I tend to anxiously
await so I can comment. 'Tis
rather selfish if you think about

I notice I often say, "when I 
grow up." Methinks 'tis high
time I get on with this growing
up process. If I'm not careful
I'll be days in my grave before
it ever happens!

Are you listening, Linda-Dale?!

Aug 5, 2023


"Prayer need not be in words,
but rather in thought and attitude.
~Abdu'l Bahá

I actually spend a great deal 
of time thinking about prayer.

As a child, we had family prayer
each evening, as well as solo
prayer time. It was nice.

I've come to understand that prayer
is much more comprehensive than
"Now I lay me down to sleep." That,
"Oh God, give me a hand here." as
you look heavenward is a prayer
although maybe a tad disrespectful.

Down for the night, your thoughts
for you only . . . a prayer; make no

I sit by the fire of an evening and
meditate. It's a lovely way to embark
on the prayer state. For me though, 
next thing I know, I'm actually talking
to my father. So hope God doesn't 

Bottom line, prayer is most likely a
different story for each of us. Embark
on it, use it, and frankly, it doesn't
really matter who's on the other end
of the line.

Aug 3, 2023


"This year has taught me not 
to postpone enjoyment. Any 
opportunity to enjoy, take it." 

Methinks has to do with aging!

Of course I'm getting older and
as it sure beats the hell out of 
its alternative, I'm fine with it! 

Still . . .

All last year, 72, never felt it.
Just going along, enjoying life
and no issues. This year, 73, all
of a sudden and all at once, I'm
feeling it . . . and so no can do
be happy about it! Damn!

Ages to heal from that fall on 
the ice. Taking the stairs to the
bedroom a whole lot slower.
Saying to myself, "Where did
that bruise come from?"

Frankly, 'twould be somewhat
humorous if it weren't such a 

Note to self: Enjoy life to the 
best of your ability. Do what 
you can do; don't do what 
you can't . . .  and get over it 

Are you listening, ld?


"To live is the rarest thing in the
world. Most people just exist."
~Oscar Wilde

I often ponder living vs. existing . . .

It would be frivolous to think both
don't exist in our lives. We wash
the dishes, do the laundry, fold and
put away, run to the bank . . .

These are simply household chores
we all deal with on a daily basis. 
I think we mostly do them by rote
and don't give any thought to them.
I have noticed my mind is a million
miles away whilst choring away!

The Buddhist philosophy suggests
we honor our tasks by being present
as we accomplish them. Good idea
and once in a while I'm even able to
do so.

I find I am simply enamored with
the idea of actually living. In fact,
so much so that I love it all . . . the
planning, the doing, remembering.
It's not living in the past, it's more
about honoring that living we strive
to accomplish.

Taking a walk, sending a few cards,
eating a fave meal, watching the sun
and moon as they rise and set . . . all
bits of living for me.

For others, it might be more about
world travel, going to concerts, 
exotic experiences. 

Bottom line, methinks 'tis the existing
part that actually makes the living part
possible, doable, if you will. That's
something to ponder  alright . . .

Aug 1, 2023


I find myself craving ice cream
from time to time; you'd think
I was about nine months along!

I can recall making homemade
ice cream at gram's when I was
a child. The kids got to take the
first turns at the crank as it was
easier initially. I even remember
getting to lick the paddle; yikes!

Another fun memory was whilst 
in boarding school. Once a month
we were allowed to go to town.
I can taste the ice cream even

Being of few available shekels,
my roommate and I would buy
a half gallon of ice cream and
sit in the mall. We would eat 
and people watch. Once it would
begin to melt, we'd trash it and
return to school.

Favest of all ice cream memoirs 
come at retirement . . . eating it
for breakfast in bed, having a treat 
whilst watching a movie . . . simply
no rules once you're an oldster!

Sooooo, if you find yourself more
in an icy mood than a dirty drinks
mood, come on over and we'll take
a trip back in time . . .


    Where does it all start?
Why, at the beginning, of course.
    Doesn't that imply an ending?
Indeed it does; all things must end.

I see it now . . . the beginnings,
the endings. Albeit a trip, a visit,
a given year in school, even a

Obviously, we all know and have
known, that all things begin and
end. In my case, I simply haven't
given much thought to the ending
part of the equation . . . until now!

Surely, it's the entire aging process
that brings these contemplations 
to the forefront. I swear, I am NOT
obsessed, although my friends may
swear differently, but I find myself
thinking about endings of late.

When is my time? When will I go?
How do I get ready? What's on the
other side? Am I going to be alright?

And then, I sort of get it . . . This
must be what it means to take things
on faith. Hell, you've handled every
thing else in life, why do you doubt?

You're going to fine, just fine!

Hey, I want that in writing!!!