Jun 30, 2023


"I fear my storms, not realizing
they are the most beautiful part
of what makes me human."
~janine tamis

For shame, we do not realize
the proper value of our storms
and their place in our lives. It's
something to which I'm giving
much thought of late . . .

A couple of my besties are here
today and I'm cooking? Does
anyone recall what that's like?!
I have made more mess, more
dirty dishes, more bads and I'm
exhausted . . . not even brunch
time yet!

Still, for whatever reason, I've
held it together and proud of
myself. My guy tends to do
what I think of as "Explosion
Technique!" Used to scare the
bejesus out of me . . . now I
just try to blow it off!

Sooooo, here's to remembering
that these little nasties are all
about being human and let them

Are you listening, ld?

Jun 29, 2023


"Make today so awesome
that yesterday gets jealous."
Motivational Life

Yesterday was such a gift . . .
Could today possibly be even 

Speaking of yesterday, one 
of my favest cousins came to 
spend precious time with me.
Loved it all . . . the expectation,
prepping, sharing and laughing,
eating . . . and finally growing

Now that I'm a proper hundred
years old, I find myself telling
guests I must away to my bed
for a long winter's nap. Can't
help but wonder what they 
must think of me!

Today, I am expecting a special,
special friend for the evening. 
And on the morrow, we'll be
joined in a champagne brunch
by our third. Such fun . . . hope
we have long times a comin'
for more champagne brunches. 

I have confessed to seasonal
sorrows . . . SAD, if you will.
Alas, 'tis now summer proper
and I find it is not passing this
time around. 

I am ever so grateful for the 
gift of these visits, they may 
just save my life . . .

Jun 28, 2023


"You have eternity to sleep and
only one small lifetime to live.
Get out and run with the wolves."
~Amelia Dashwood

The woman says it all and well
'tis something to think about! 

As I approach these final years 
of my life, I find myself thinking
about all that wasted time I have 
spent sleeping.

I do give myself credit for all my
wondrous adventures, life lived
rather than simply existed. Still,
there are a few dreams I let slip
'twix and 'tween my fingers.

I wish I had spent more years in
the home my father built for me.
I look back at those years I ran
26 K a day in marathon prep. I
so remember cooking meals in
my fireplace coals. Yum! And to
say naught of camp cooking.

Looking back, I see I am fondly
recalling things I actually lived
and did rather than wished I had
done. Kudos to moi!

Obviously, somewhat hampered
by that whole age thing, still I am
going to strive to keep on living,
experiencing, enjoying!

Living over existing anytime, any
place, any how . . .

Jun 27, 2023


"It's important for everyone to
have a bit of a naughty streak."

When do I ever get to be
unhealthy, if not now?! I'm
nigh onto a hundred years
old and I want to be properly
naughty before I die!

Ice cream for breakfast, margs
for brunch, grilled cheese sands
for lunch, and lots of spag for
supper. Wow! Methinks I'm
getting fat just thinking of this

For me, naughty is all about
breaking the rules. No food
intended! Go to bed early, stay
up late. Hell, read all night if
you want to! Get up late or
don't even get up at all. A day
a bed w/a good book and choc-
chip cookies can be a wondrous 

Bottom line, we've all had rules
our entire lives. Time to color
outside the lines. Let's just find
out what it feels like to be a tad

Jun 26, 2023


"I'm gonna walk right out of
this heavy heart into the bare
boned beauty of a new start."
~A. Shea

We all love new starts, yearn 
after them, long for the positive 
changes they bring.

But . . . Do they have to begin
on January first? The first day 
of the month? The first day of 
the new week? A new day?

Methinks 'twould be a good 
idea if we could just wrap our
heads 'round the thought that
new beginnings can happen at
any moment.

In the middle of a song that
moves us. Halfway through a
meal. At the end of a chat with
a good friend.

We have trained our minds to
the thought of a logical place
for it to begin . . . this need not

Let's give up those old ideas
and create one new beginning
right this min. We can support
each other in our endeavors. 

AA isn't the only place friends
support each other!

Jun 25, 2023


 . . . and when they call you
'too much', please remember
too much feeling, too much
truth and too much love is a
beautiful thing. And that is
something the world is sorely 
in need of.
~She Loves Dandelions

I've ever and always been
known as too much. It is 
what it is and I accept this
about myself. And, I know
that I'm not for everyone.

I love those fabulous few I
have found throughout my
life that are different too. I
really don't go in for that
cookie cutter view of life.

I was thinking about all of
this yesterday when a few
neighbors gathered 'round
for a brewski or two.

Listening to the chatter, the
laughter, the knowing . . . I
found myself much moved
by these wondrous souls.

Sooooo, 'too much' it is . . .
Just give me too much life!

Jun 24, 2023


"Don't let this silly world trick
you into starving your soul for
material things. Someday you're
going to be sitting out under the
stars and realize how little you
actually need to be truly happy."
~Brooke Hampton

Precious few find themselves 
not guilty of falling into the 
acquisition trap. We all want the 
best for our families, our loved 

We start young . . . good grades,
learning to be successful, good
jobs, a fab mate, new house, 
those perfect children.

Still, our souls cry out to us to
see the difference . . . different
values, different goals, different
kinds of acquisition . . . or even
lack thereof.

Questions . . . Is it too late to
learn? Do we even have a second
chance? Have we even acquired
the necessary knowledge to give
ourselves another opportunity?

I sooooo hope we do! I pray that
I do . . .

Jun 23, 2023


Three days of summer,
now come and gone, and 
it's still raining. Methinks 
the deities somehow got 
the seasons mixed up!

Still, I find myself hopeful
for warmer weather soon
to take over my winter

If we are to be gifted a time
of warmer climes, I want to
make certain I don't just sit
inside and let the days go by

I have visions of sitting out
and sipping the odd marg. A
few rides taking in changes
in our mountain sceneries. 
Visits to the kids, a priority!

I think what I'm seeing in my
fertile imagination, is a kind
of soul bathing in the warmth
to come. I must, nay I need, 
to spend as much time in the
sun as absolutely possible.

Here's to summer days, long
sunny hours of warmth, chats
and visits w/fam and friends. 


Jun 22, 2023

06/22/2023 - Summer Solstice, Day 3

"Life isn't about waiting for 
the storm to pass. It's about 
learning to dance in the rain." 
~Vivian Green

Never, ever have I seen such
a storm as last night. Thunder,
hail and rain for roughly nine

I found myself much shaken,
needing to be held, thought it
would last forever . . . 

I could see the yard slowly
filling with white. This long
term hale could cover just as
efficiently as any snow. 'Twas
a bit of a bubble-wrap x-mas
in July, if you will.

The entire experience was 
like a giant metaphor. The 
body can only shake so long. 
At some point one must wend 
the way to the jane or grab a
drink of water. And finally, 
the body's need for sleep 
overcomes fear.

Today marks the third day of 
the Summer Solstice. Methinks
the gods must have been dancing
to the drumming of their own
storm . . .

 . . . Happy summer! 

Jun 20, 2023

06/21/2023 - Summer Solstice, Day 2

"I would rather sit by the camp-
fire than go to the mall any day!"

Methinks today marks my favest
day of the year . . . the beginning
of summer warmth, the season I
most cherish.

Obviously, this also underlines
the seasons that bring on my
despair . . . winter and its 
tag-alongs, its underlings.

Still, 'tis my intention to enjoy
every single hour of this delightful
season . . ."Let me count the ways!"

The odd trip, picnics in baskets, 
champagne in the afternoon glow,
FACs with friends, summer foods
and invites!

Is there anything I can do, any 
deals I can make, any prayers I
can pray . . . to make this season
last a bit longer?!

Alas, methinks 'tis set in stone . . .

 . . . happy travels ahoy!

06/20/2023 - Summer Solstice, Day 1

"I am out with lanterns looking
for myself." ~Emily Dickinson

My children are grown and fab
people they are too! My grands
are married and bringing the
greats into the world. 

My students are caught in those 
wondrous memories of yesteryear.
I remember them with such joy.
You know, I miss teaching every
single day of my life!

Alas, fantabulous that retirement
may be, it brings about that eternal
question, "So, who am I now?"

A fair question when I think of all
of the above. Frankly, there are 
days I am filled with such sorrow 
because the me I knew no longer 
seems to exist.

As I'm no longer allowed to drive,
I find myself ever so grateful to
those friends stopping by, having
a visit and a brew. It helps!

So yesterday, a friend and colleague 
came to lunch and to say goodbye.
We reminisced over memories of
our students and teaching days. 

She gave me a gift, a precious gift!
Somehow, she kindly reminded me
who I am, not just who I was. 

Grateful beyond the pale . . .

Jun 19, 2023

06/19/20223 - Juneteenth

"Junteenth is a federal holiday
in the US commemorating the
emancipation of enslaved 
African Americans. It is
celebrated on the anniversary
of the order by Major General
Gordon Granger proclaiming
the freedom for enslaved people
in Texas on June 19, 1865."

Texas having been much in 
the news of late, it's nice to be
reminded of this positive note.

All throughout history, peoples
other, have been mistreated,
denigrated, maligned. When
and where does it stop?

Methinks today is a good day
for self-commitment. It starts
here, with moi. I want to stand
and be counted for equality,
the loving, decent treatment of

As we each stand for what is
right, those wondrous concentric
circles radiate out, overlap, and
bring courage.

Let's do this!

Jun 18, 2023


"Thou shalt love thy neighbour
as thyself." Matthew 22:39

I sooooo love our neighbors!
There are days I feel like the
luckiest gal in the world. 

We hang with our neighbors
who only live a quarter of an
hour away. Over the years,
we've become good buds. I
call my friend, my d) all of 
the above.

She kindly introduced me to
another friend who lives a
half an hour away. Such fun!
And now, one of my fave
students and fam have moved
there as well.

I remember when we moved
here . . . we felt rather alone.
Not lonely, as we're good 
company for each other, but
still, alone.

I revel in my home, my family
and friends . . . both old and
new. Life is good and as warm
days approach, I'm good too.

Jun 17, 2023


Today, I honor my closest 
friends . . . the ones I can be 
absolutely candid with! Never 
knew this could happen!

I love seeing my fave ole gal 
friends! Naught like it; make 
no mistake! So look forward 
to this happening when it can.

Whereas I used to be able to 
spend hours with them, I find 
that now I become quite tired 
or even exhausted at some 
point nearing the end of our
time spent together. 

There are a couple that I feel 
utterly comfortable saying, 
"I'm tired, I need to rest." I 
know there are precious few 
to whom you can say, "Please 
leave, I need to lay down now."

My heart breaks that I have
grown so old that this needs 
to happen. On the other hand, 
I glory in the friends with 
whom I can be so straight.

I repeat, I glory in friends 
such as these . . .

Jun 16, 2023


an oath or swear word.

"The benefits of being a mature,
well-educated woman is that you
are not afraid of expletives. And,
you have no fear to put a fool in
his place. That's the power of
language and experience. You 
can learn a lot from Shakespeare."
~Judi Dench

I'm not at all into television, but
still enjoy some of my mysteries
on DVDs. I prefer English most
of all, although the US has come
up with some pretty good ones.

One of my fave English actresses
is Judi Dench. She is so real. I get
such a kick out of her missives.
She tells it like it is and even 
refuses surgery of any kind as she

Confession; alas, I find my own
vocab includes the odd expletive.
Praise the language gods, I only 
let one slip in 40 years of teaching. 
You could have heard a pin drop. 
I immediately asked one of the 
students to take me to the principal.
He just laughed and said, "You're
safe with us, miss."

My dad used to say you could be
cursing when you simply said, 
"Oh dear!" Something to do with
your anger, tone of voice, intention.

I don't like swearing when it's 
used in anger! I'm fond of saying
things like, "This marg is f---ing
fabulous." or "You look f---ing
amazing in that dress.

There's another verbiage misuse,
perhaps even worse than cursing,
teens using like every two or three 
words. "I'm like over it. I'm like 
tired of it. I'm like hating it." 

We all have our own lingo, likes
and dislikes therein . . . so be it!

Jun 15, 2023


"If you are more fortunate than
others, it is better to build a
longer table than a taller fence."
~Tamlyn Tomita

Ran into this bit of wisdom this
early morn. Alas, per often, the
author was not honored . . . 
one of my pet peeves.

I love the simple beauty of the
quote, its wisdom, its kindness.
Sorrowfully, we live in a world
today where we are fearful of
strangers, reluctant to engage.

I get this; I live in these current 
times as well. So, I choose to
take the quote metaphorically.
Naught wrong with doing what
you can do . . . as long as you
do something.

Smile at shoppers as you walk
down the aisle. Get something
off the top shelf for that short
little old lady. Let another car
into the line of traffic. Wave 
in thanks to the driver that lets 
you in.

A longer table might just mean
being kind in a rather difficult 

Jun 14, 2023


"You'll heal. It just takes time."
(Quotes 'nd Notes)

When is this magic event finally 
supposed to occur?! I despair!
I'm nigh onto a hundred years 
old, work hard dealing with my 
negative aspects and still, there 
are issues! 

I'm going to make an effort to
switch sides here. Instead of 
nigh onto killing myself for 
personal growth, methinks seek-
ing self-acceptance just might 
be a more positive approach.

Thinking out loud here . . .
'tis time for a little inventory.
Does it really matter if I have 
three brews rather than one? 
Three slices of pizza instead 
of two? Weighing 180 whilst 
longing for 160?

I'm getting this feeling that 
continuously looking for the
perfect is not only just plain
wrong, it's a tad insane! 

What gives?!

God only knows how much
time I have left. Going to make
a promise to myself to LIVE!!!
Forget all this perfectionistic
bent that gets in my way!

Grrrrrrrrrrrr  ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Jun 13, 2023


Just a few years ago today . . .

 . . . my lovely x-wife Mary, 
brought our sweet Katie into 
this world. What a gift she 
has been to one and all.

Phenomenally gorgeous, both
inside and out, she has brought
joy to so many. It might just be
my imagination, but nothing
ever seems to dampen her spirits.

She shares with us, a good man
and two little darlings. Methinks
life doesn't get any better than

The thing that's most impressed
me about her is how she has
stepped up to the plate for her
dad now that he needs her. This
young woman is one hell of a
daughter, sister, wife, mother.
Wow! Just WOW!!!

Happiest of all happies Sweet
Katie . . . Pray Remember, 
it was my mom who always 
called you Sweet Katie. Bet she's 
having a look-see in on you today!

Love you ever so much . . . 
s-mom ld

Jun 12, 2023


"Change is scary, but so is staying
the same." ~Leo

Been reading all about the subject
of change. I know from personal
experience that change is difficult.
Still, it interests me immensely. 
I also get that it is necessary.

Today, our society embraces a 
philosophy centered on the self
Perhaps this is necessary in 
order to promote change within.

Some people have that special 
gift of self-acceptance. Others
are enthralled with the idea of
personal growth and change.

Certainly, personalities exist
on different levels, perhaps have 
no particular ideas regarding 
change. I find no criticism in 
either approach . . . 

 . . . but, let's do take a look at 
change . . .

I believe change indicates taking
a long, hard look at the self. Not
looking at the need for perfection
here. Looking instead at personal

For me,  I'm interested in being 
straight with my lover, family and 
friends. I don't wish to sell myself 
short. It matters for those who love
me, "What you see is what you get."

Change, personal growth, implies
certain things for me. What I have
for breakfast, like ice cream in bed,
doesn't matter. 

But, when I give someone my word, 
that needs to be my bond. Dress like 
the eccentric I am, but when I commit 
to an endeavor, follow thru is required.

That phrase, "I'll be there for you." is
a sacred promise, a word that should
never be broken.

I pray that be moi, ever and always . . .

Jun 11, 2023

06/11/2023 - Día del Niño

Día del Niño is a commemorative
date celebrated annually in honor
of children. In 1925, International
Children's Day was first proclaimed
in Geneva during World Conference
on Child Welfare. Wikipedia

One of the things I loved during 
my 20 year sojourn in Old Mexico, 
was Día del Niño. Although it is 
an international holiday, it is truly
celebrated in glorious spirit there.

One of the things I love about this
holiday is it serves as a reminder.
Methinks we don't often ponder our
own childhoods, recall those special
memories and glory in them, if you

Today gives us marv opportunities
to enthrall our children with tales 
told out of school, hold close those 
special remembrances, simply to
celebrate childhood.

Let's do today right! Dig out those
stories. Tell them! Fab chance to
share with our kids and theirs . . .

 . . . You might ever recall that you
were a kiddo once!

Feliz Día del Niño!!!

Jun 10, 2023


"When it doesn't feel right, go left."
~Albert Einstein

One of the things I enjoy about 
one of the greatest minds ever, is 
his quick wit and sense of humor!
Having said that, the above quote
is indeed good advice!

In our society today, the intellect
is probably admired above all else.
So. whatever happened to honoring
finely honed intuition as well? 

Perhaps those words,  finely honed,
is where the problem lies. None of
us pay enough attention to using it 
on a regular basis and our intuition
needs to be trained and keen!

The operative word here might be 
balance. Left brain, right brain . . . 
intellect, intuition. As a somewhat
unbalanced woman myself, I can
appreciate the importance of
Libra balance.

Rest, play, work. Experience, study,
sharing. Reading, writing, teaching.
'Tis all a part of seeking balance. 
This would include equalizing those
two words, intellect and intuition.
Pure magic!

Methinks 'tis well worth any effort!

Jun 9, 2023


"Do what is healing for your spirit.
And, without effort you will bring
the whole world healing in return."
~Alan Cohen

Interesting how we find those bits
and pieces of magic that heals our 
souls. The birth of a great grandson. 
An early morn sunrise, an amazing
sunset. Unexpected guests, a friend's

If you think of it . . . one could go
on and on. Magic and blessings
are everywhere you look. They 
come in everyday disguises. Part
of our everyday living, so oft times,
we don't give them much thought.

Giving it some thought here, might
be that training ourselves to be more
observant, as well as grateful, might
be the answer.

Today may have only just begun.
Having said that, I am seeing the 
magic and the healing that it brings.
Breakfast in bed, a fave show, my
guy next to me and a beautiful day.

So, in friendly retaliation, I'm going
to write letters and send cards today.
Maybe this will bring a bit of healing
to someone . . .

Jun 8, 2023


"Sometimes the greatest adventure
is simply a conversation." 

This is one of my fave things in 
my entire lifetime! Still, I would 
have to admit that as I've become 
something of an elder I appreciate 
and enjoy special conversations 
above and beyond many other 

It's ever so interesting to find out, 
to hear what others feel and have 
to say. We all come from different
walks of life, experienced different
things. And, this is what gives us
each a different perspective, more
stories to tell.

How I love these stories! Telling 
them, hearing them! I believe 
storytelling, conversations, are
the foundation of society.

Methinks we all need to commit 
to conversing, to telling tales out 
of school. 

Let's talk . . .

Jun 7, 2023


"May I live this day
Compassionate of heart,
Clear in word,
Gracious in awareness,
Courageous in thought,
Generous in love."
~John O'Donohue

This is truly who I wish 
to be when I grow up!

John O'Donohue was an 
Irish poet, author, priest, 
and Hegelian philosopher. 
He was a native Irish 
speaker, and as an author, 
he is best known for 
popularising Celtic 
spirituality. 1956 - 2008 

Jun 6, 2023


"Rest, nature, books, music,
such is my idea of happiness."
~Leo Tolstoy

I'd add in tad of red, otherwise
methinks Tolstoy had the right

Patently, the world in its entirety 
seeks happiness in one way or
another. Mere survival may keep
that infamous h-word at bay for
some. For others, they hold the 
key in their hands and don't even
realize it.

I'm coming to the conclusion
that happiness lies in contentment,
the satisfaction of a job well done,
the enjoyment of small details.

Our literary greats have written
re the subject ad nauseam  . . . 
We hear the words, we get what
they mean, we can even repeat

But . . . do we really? It's almost
as if we're listening, repeating, 
but not internalizing. Can't help
but wonder if this is what aging
is all about. Finally, finally, we
get it . . . 

 . . . but how to share it?!

 - - -

Count Lev Tolstoy was a Russian
writer who is regarded as one of
the greatest authors of all time. 
He received nominations for the 
Nobel Literature Prize 1902 - 1906
and for the Nobel Peace Prize 1901,
1902, 1909. 1828 - 1910. Wikipedia

Jun 5, 2023


"Monday morning coming down."
~Kris Kristofferson

I've ever and always thought Kris
meant Monday instead of Sunday!
I may be retired, but Monday is 
still that catch up, catch all day . . .

Another thing, I find I'm always
hung over on Mondays and it has
nought at all to do with alcohol.

Everything seems to be weekend
pending . . . dishes, food, sheets, 
curtains, you name it! Methinks
there are plenty of good reasons 
why Monday is not the favest day 
of the week!

Sooooo . . . I must be excused.
That weekend accumulation of
all things despised awaits. Let's
see, what shall I do first? Dishes
maybe? Hang the curtains?

Nah . . . I'm going back to bed!

Jun 4, 2023


"The day I decided that my life
was magical, there was suddenly
magic all around me. 
~Marabeth Quin

Death, sorrow, illness, hatred
abound . . . so why is it that we
don't immediately recognize
the lovely, beautiful, amazing
when gifted our way?!

I witnessed a child picking up
something dropped in Safeway,
running up the isle to hand it to
an elderly man.

A tad humorous, but I get a kick
out of drivers flashing lights to
warn of a policeman clocking

My guy always asks, when going
down the stairs, "Can I get you

Kindness, decency, beauty, magic,
if you will, also abound . . . let's
lift our eyes, alter our focus, and
see that magic gifted us!

It's here! Magic is right here! Let's
enjoy it and contribute to it!

Jun 3, 2023


"What a year this week has been." 
Soul Vibes

Indeed there are days, weeks,
months, years, just so! It's not
that they're necessarily bad, just
intense. I'm coming to understand
not packing the jar too full, makes
for a better salsa!

I'm trying to learn . . . promise, 
cross my heart! Seems to me, not
packing too much into any given
day might be the way to go.

Methinks serenity, peace, calm 
and quiet, may be that for which 
my heart yearns. We all need to 
slow down. Perhaps, a lesson I've
been loathe to learn!

Funny how we all keep learning,
even in our dotage . . .

 . . . can't help but wonder if that
applies to the likes of moi!

Jun 2, 2023


"You need chaos in your soul
to give birth to a dancing star."
~Friedrich Nietzsche

Ever and always, I have been
a bit chaotic. Okay, more than
a bit! Sooooo did NOT feel 
good about it, but Nietzsche
helped me accept this about 

Knowing Nietzsche, I never 
expected him to have written
these sweet, simple lines. Still,
methinks I should repeat them
to myself each and every morn.

Chaos, here I come! Nietzsche
has made me feel alright about
it and it tends to lighten the 

 - - -

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
was a German philosopher, 
prose poet, cultural critic,
philologist, and composer
whose work has exerted a
profound influence on
contemporary philosophy. 
1844 -1900 Wikipedia

Jun 1, 2023


So love me the arrival of 
the first day of anything . . . 
but  the first day of June is 
the bestest!!!

To moi, it says, "Colorado 
may finally get a tad of 
Spring after all." Although 
Dara Bitler says in one of 
her articles, "Welcome to 
June, where it snows in 
Colorado." It did rain through
out the night last night, and 
I'll admit, moisture is always 

It has been pointed out that 
we talk about the weather 
when we have nothing else 
to say, Rather heartbreaking, 
isn't it . . .

p.s. For those of you following
those crazy ld follies, I may just
have my first marg today after 
my usual 30-day May fast . . . 
or maybe tomorrow.