Mar 18, 2023


"What a difference a day 
makes." ~Dinah Washington

Dinah said that and I said, 
"Oh what a day!" Woke up 
to nine degrees, frozen pipes, 
a plugged toilet and . . . as it 
was the maid's day off, no 
breakfast in bed. And, if you
believe that bit about the maid,
I have a property in Manhattan
I'd like to sell you . . .

So, adopting a very positive
attitude, off we go to Toys 'R Us
to buy a new toilet. All's well
and then we arrive back home
with cargo in tow. 

I step out of the pickup and 
go splat, all 180 lbs of moi. 
Face first, the pain so dear that 
not even God could've moved 
me. I just lay there, more dead 
than alive. Hope that's not too 
unduly dramatic for you.

My guy hauled me up and in, 
shoved a handful of pain pills
in me, gave me a heating pad
and sent me to bed. The pain,
rather worse than birthing a
child or two, made me glad I
didn't have to install the toilet.

My daughter woke me with a
sweet check up phone call and
right back to sleep I went. 

Sooooo, if you're feeling bored
of late, come on over and I'll
push you down the stairs. You
can feel sorry for yourself like
I do, catch up on your sleep
and tell you story over and 

Oh the joys of olde age . . .

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