Feb 6, 2023


"Embrace uncertainty. Some of the
most beautiful chapters in our lives
won't have a title until much later."
the idealist

Being a Libra w/the most imbalanced
scales ever, I suppose I qualify for the
above quoted loathing of uncertainty.

As a tiny child, I liked, nay needed,
placement perfection. I can remember
friends over and me saying, "I think
you'd be more comfortable on this
chair rather than the bed." Heaven
forbid they should have wrinkled my
carefully made bed.

Obviously, I am who I am, but I've
fought my entire adult life to be more
open, more accepting, thus reducing
those pesky Libra qualities to a more
reasonable acceptance level.

Hey, I only wash the dishes once a day,
whereas I used to wash them as they
dirtied! Go figure! I also straighten the
bed rather than fastidiously making it
16 times a day. I'm slowly improving.

So, let's not mention I sweep under 
the table after every eating episode.
Nor, should we look too closely at 
me going down the stairs in the
middle of the night to put one solo
dirty dish in the sink.

Trust me, I'm working on it and the
above quote is a decent reminder. 
Think I'm going to leave ashes in
front of the fireplace untended for
a few days. Not sure I'll be able to
though . . .

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