SAD is winning this round;
not feeling like I'm going to
make it . . .
I know, I understand, I get it;
the low temps, the threatening
snow and perhaps above all,
the dark! I simply can't take it
all in. It threatens, envelops,
punishes and I am no longer
all present and accounted for.
I hurt, I'm shaky, I can't even
really see properly. It is ever
so frightening to be so out of
it, that grandiose IT . . . naught
is recognizable. The tears come
unbidden, solve nothing and I
don't want to be here anymore.
Ever so glad that hope springs
eternal, that tiny little gleam in
my present dark! Methinks my
fireplace is calling my name.
May actually save the day . . .
one can only hope . . .
- - -
Seasonal Affective Disorder,
A mood disorder characterized by
severe depression that occurs at
the same time every year. SAD
symptoms include depression,
fatigue and social withdrawal.
Treatment includes phototherapy,
talk therapy and medications.