January, at its end; we bid adieu.
I imagine all of us tend to think
of January as new beginnings. We
promise ourselves better behavior,
new ideas, exercise and weight loss.
Don't know about you, but my
promises tend to last about three
days. On the good side of things,
I'm always faithful to my January
abstinence. Now, ask me about
eating right!
At o' dark thirty this a.m. I got
to thinking about resolutions in
general and mine in particular.
It occurred to be that if I had
only made three rather than an
entire 10 commandments, there
might be a better chance of
The other thing that came to mind
was following them throughout
the year rather than just January.
I think I'll post my three where I
see them every day. And, as we
tend to gloss over the things that
stay in one place, maybe I'll even
move them around.
A bit of magick . . . year 2023,
I am 73 and I have 3 resolves.
Three is my number and this
year, I'm going to make a better
effort all year long. As my friend
David used to say . . .
"Lord willing and the Devil doesn't