What is it about three . . . number
three, the third time, the third day . . .
pure magic! I am sooooo into the
three! Color me three. . . ed!
Today, I awaken with hope, I've
needed it for such a long, long time.
Not to mean, I've been hopeless all
the while. There are just those days
that I am so overwhelmed, me thinks
there is no way I can go on from here!
Learning to cope is an amazing skill;
so not given to all . . . alas, I am one
of those who have always doubted,
if now downright dismissed my ability,
or lack thereof, to cope. I pray, let it be . . .
Here's to learning how to let it be . . .
how to cope, although bloody unlikely . . .
Pray the gods help me . . .
mother pray teach me
learning to let it all be
how do i let go