Mar 31, 2024


Naps have never been my forte
as they tend to steal the night's

Case in point, took one yesterday
and didn't awake until 3:30 this
early morn. Though my schedule
will be messed up forever and 
a day, just must remember I am 
retired and it really doesn't matter.

My guy's watching a movie at 
this ungodly hour and I'm on 
the friggin' computer . . . going 
to be interesting watching this 
day play out.

I'm thinking . . . maybe prep 
some good eats. Day for margs
perhaps. I'm in the middle of a
very intriguing book. This could
pan out to be a very decent day!

Nor should we forget it's Easter
morn. Many will be celebrating
with kith and kin. Perhaps a visit
to the local sanctuary.

Pray, may today bring each of 
us a great deal of happiness . . .

Mar 30, 2024


A few disjointed thoughts
running amok through what
passes for my brain . . .

Got up at 4:30 this early a.m.
My back aches, found myself
climbing the stairs slower than
usual, felt like ice cream for
breakfast but too lazy to go 
out to the shed to get it.

Ahhhhh, such is life.

On the good side of naughty,
although we're expecting snow,
it's bright and sunny outside, 
a lovely 33°. Ouch!

Reading a fab book; so good
in fact that when I looked the
author up on amazon, the first
book I wanted was $99.00 
Ohhhhh, just might be why 
God invented libraries; go 

Alas, methinks am aging at
the speed of sound! Perhaps,
a nap would be in order . . .

Mar 29, 2024


"Be kind to the trees. They
are busy saving the world." 

I find myself overwhelmed!

Let's see, we need the wood . . .
   -to build
   -to burn
   -to restore
   -x-mas to celebrate
   -for land availability

But yeah, let's save the trees!

I do get that some trees are
grown specifically for the 
above purposes. Yet, the 
thousands torn out because 
someone fancies a house in 
a given area rather breaks 
my heart!

Guess I just wish we could 
build in already cleared areas 
rather than clearing more and 

Yes, it's a conundrum. We have
needs and the majority of them
are legitimate. Maybe, I just wish
things could be different . . .

Sooooo wish we could save
the trees!

Mar 28, 2024


"Who looks outside, dreams.
Who looks inside, awakens."
~Carl Jung

I much appreciate Carl Jung.
I have read his work my entire
life. In fact, I was 12 when he
died and I was already reading
his work for a couple of years.

This quote reminds me how
important it is to have balance.
Were I not a Libra, there's be
no hope whatsoever. As is, I
rarely seem to find balance.

I think, 'dreams', left brain,
'awakens', right brain. I could
be wrong. Wonder what Jung 
would think of this idea.

Truly, it's important to have 
both. I actually find that dreams
give birth to awakening, which
in turn, brings action.

One way or another, 'tis some-
thing to think about . . .

 - - - 

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss
psychiatrist and psychoanalyst,
founder of analytical psychology. 
1875 - 1961

Mar 27, 2024


If it scares you, it's a sign you
need to do it." (Quotes 'nd Notes)

Let's see! I live in fear of weight
gain . . . bring on the chocolates,
donuts, ice cream, x-large pizza!

I'm afraid of exercising on my
street . . . bring on the above and 
don't forget movies 'n treats in bed.

I fear house cleaning and as I'm
respectful of my fears, I just lay
back hoping the elves get to work.

Always afraid I'll drink too much
at a party and embarrass myself
and my date . . . so I add ice to my
glass, thus diluting any chance of
the above! 

Living a life in fear is a tough job,
but somebody's got to do it!

Yeah, I get it . . . I do self-delude 
a lot!

Mar 26, 2024


"I have been many women in my
lifetime. I have been the protector 
and the provider. I have been the 
lover and the fighter, but the woman 
I value most, will always be the 
survivor." ~S.L. Heaton

Times, I'm The Three Faces of Eve
make no mistake!

Obviously, we have all served many
roles in our lives; the kid, student, 
spouse, parent, wage-earner, grand-
parent, and finally, the elderly . . .
facing exit time.

'Tis as it 'twas meant to be. Still, 
rather wish I had more time to play
more roles. Seems it's only been a
few moments I've been a Crone. 
I'm sooooo not ready to go yet!

And like Ms. Heaton, I do honor 
the survivor in me. The stranger in
a foreign land, the misunderstood,
the eccentric, those fears we do not
like to talk about . . . all survivors.

Actually though, if I be granted 
a tad more time, I'd willingly pay 
the price by remaining a survivor.

Survive that 4:30 a.m. ice cream,
umpteen years wearing only black,
reading a book a day; who needs
sleep anyway?! 

Yep! Survivor I am . . . and would
not have changed a thing, even 
were I able!

Mar 25, 2024


"I've hears so much malarkey
from so many nincompoops
that I have become totally
discombobulated." Zen to Zany

I do like plain language, straight
talk and "get to the point already"!

Still, as a Lang Arts teacher, I
find myself missing beautiful
words and stunning descriptions.

You know, anyone can say, 
"That's nice." But, what about; 
phenomenal, incredible, fantastic, 
glorious, to die for? There's naught 
complicated about any of these 
descriptors . . . simply wondrous 

"I love you" is sweet. We hear it
all the time. Still, seems to me, 
"I sooooo fucking adore you!" 
is a tad more delightful "Get your
glorious ass over here and give me
a kiss!" is yet another I quite like.

Good or sumptuous? Pretty or
stunning? Nice or phenomenal?
Sweet or touching? Love or adore?

Not even particularly special 
verbiage, but it's ever so lovely 
to sweeten the pot with some 
delectable vocab!

I bid you adieu; pray, do not tarry 
as I must lay eyes on you again 
soon. Your presence enhances mine 
and my soul blesses you for it . . .

Mar 24, 2024


Not sure if it's because my
guy showed me a segment 
honoring Rosa Parks, or the
most gorgeous full moon
ever or the nightmare I had
last night, but I seem to keep
tearing up.

I find I want to say something
and my voice is thick with
unshed emotion. 

What the hey?! Most nights, 
I dream of my own dead . . .
dad, mom, bro, friends. The
veil feels thin. Can't help but
wonder why?! Rather feels
as if I were on my way to join
the party.

Guess Mr. Life isn't required
to explain himself! My job is
to choose to live it or just exist.
So hoping I'll always choose 
life rather than to just sit in my
easy chair and watch life go by.

Sooooo in thinking about it,
Rosa Parks is my shero. The
moon is the love of my life.
And if the price I have to pay
for them is nightmares, so be it!

That's why God invented tears,

Mar 23, 2024


Feels a bit like a bowing out,
if you know what I mean, or
whatever . . .

Can barely cope right now,
for any kind of reason. Might
be winter, might be the dark,
and/or the two together. SAD?

So, I'm ducking out . . . going
back to yesteryear. Isn't that
what books and movies are
for anyway?!

Rather wish I'd learned to treat
my winter depression/anxiety
with Merlin books and movies
a long time ago! Oh well, I
suppose it's never too late!

Gotta go . . . Merlin awaits . . .

Mar 22, 2024


Been in another world of late . . .
watching Merlin. Wow!

''Twas one of my glorious 
husbands that turned me 
onto this amazing world of
magick. For whatever reason, 
I had never read, nor watched. 
I truly came to love it!

I like the attention to detail, the
veracity of the era, the caution
of lingo. Wow! Just WOW!!!

Created back in the day, 12th
century British pseudo-history,
'tis something we have enjoyed
forever and ever!

Not sure if it's the child within
or that Lang Arts teacher of
yesteryear that just loves tales
told out of school . . . but there
will never, ever be anything 
that can compare to the epics 
of yesteryear!

I bow to the imagination of the
epics. Thank the gods for one 
of the greatest gifts ever . . .

Mar 21, 2024


"I believe in kindness, also 
in mischief." ~Mary Oliver

Words to live by, make no
mistake. I have sinned on the 
side of being way too serious.

No, that's not quite right. I've
had plenty of laughs and loads
of fun in my life. It's just that
my nature leans towards the
ultra serious.

The kind of mischief I enjoy
getting into has something to
do with spending time with
my girlfriends. We can do that
whole, "eat, drink and be merry"
thing even better than the guys!

Now that I think about it, might
have to do with that whole Libra
thing . . . serious on one side and
mischief on the other!

Let's remember that how we treat
people has to do with a reflection
of oneself, not others!

Kindness . . . every time, all
the time, no exceptions . . .
never, ever! 
 - - -

Mary Oliver, beloved poet and
bard of the natural world, died
on January 17, 2019 at home in
Hobe Sound, Fla. She was 83.

Mar 20, 2024


"There are thousands of worlds
in all of us. Gorgeous, terrible,
wild, contradictory, imaginative
fascinating worlds. To know 
someone deeply is to know a
universe contained in skin."
~Victoria Erickson

One of the things I enjoy about
knowing a friend throughout a
lifetime of changes, is that whole
getting to know their universe,
as it were. And I would admit, 
it's been quite interesting seeing 
my own changes.

So it comes to me, maybe we
should talk to our children about
this in their growing up years.
They might find it intriguing. 
Kids have such fine imaginations.
I think they might get a kick out
of knowing what they were going 
to experience throughout their

There garnered me a couple of
additional thoughts. Might even
be fun for us to take a look-see
at the different lives we ourselves
have led.

And, a good thing to whisper 
to our children . . . 

"You can choose and create just
whoever you wish to be . . .

Go for it!"

Mar 19, 2024


"Doing nothing is very hard 
to do . . . you never know when 
you're finished." ~Leslie Nielsen

Rather thought that retirement
might look something like this.

I dreamed of doing nothing for
a while! But first, I cared for my
mom for three and a half years.

Then, I spent months moving in
my tiny, tiny log cabin. You can't
even begin to imagine what it's
like to get rid of sixty some years
of possessions.

Being one of those learned later
types, rather wish I'd traveled
more and collected less.

Sooooo here we are, 'bout six
years now, still haven't learned
the doing nothing lesson.

Still, I'm starting by staying abed,
watching fave movies, eating ice
cream and being as naughty as I
possibly can . . .

Mar 18, 2024


I find myself wowed beyond the

Our friend and neighbor, along
with his little girl, came slowly
up the walk, digging into nigh
onto four feet of snow every
step of the way!

They came carrying a sweet 
bag of treats. Might be because 
I bitch about winter until we're
all nauseated. But bottom line,
they came . . .

My guy received the package
so they wouldn't have to try 
and come up any further. He
was happy to bring it up to me,
thought it might just help with
my winter sorrows.

I'll confess, I let out a little
scream when I looked into the

There was a sweet plant right
on top. Then milk and eggs.
For fun, candy and cookies
along with strawberries and . . .

. . . a thank you note from our
little gal. Are you kidding me?
The thank you note should have
been from me to her!

You know, we tend to forget
there are people in the world
such as this family. I count
myself ever so lucky to have
phenomenal friends. Each
different, with their own gifts
and that is as it should be.

Still, this particular event in 
my life brought tears and joy
along with a reminder . . .

There are still phenomenal 
people in this world and I may
be the luckiest friend ever!!!

Mar 17, 2024

03/17/2024 - Dr. Martin G. Lockley

Today on his 74th birthday, we  
bid adieu to Dr. Martin G. Lockley;
father, friend, spouse, erudite . . .

I will ever remember him with his 
quixotic grin, enigmatic statements,
his incredible need to educate. What 
a fab combo . . .

One and all will be remembering
Martin for his prowess as a scientist.
Number one authority in the world
on dinosaur footprints, author of nigh
onto 40 scientific books translated 
into18 plus languages, hundreds of 
professional papers . . .

But, I shall remember him as an
intriguing helpmate, a teller of tales
out of school, amazing correspondent,
a fine friend . . .

Marty, I so hope you're off somewhere
celebrating your b-day with live dinos
and raising a warm Guinness to that
sweet grin of yours . . .

You are ever and always missed and
well loved . . .

Mar 16, 2024


So enjoy Sacred Water prep. 

On both New Moon and Full
Moon, just after sunset, I like
to place a couple of gallons of
well water under the open sky.

Then, just before daybreak, I
harvest the water, attach the
date and type. I use Full Moon
Water as celebratory drinks
for things overcome and New
Moon Water for those I'm
working on.

Rain water is harder to collect,
but can be done at any time it's
raining. I find that several large 
open bowls allows me to gather
a cup or two. I use it sparingly.
I call it, Tears from Heaven, and
have a shot when I'm really down.
Feels like the celestials are crying
with me.

I do the same with Storm Water
for when I'm unduly angry and
can barely cope due to such

Snow Water is one of my absolute
faves. I only collect snow when it
is over three feet deep. My sense is
that less snow may be quite soiled
as its job is to clean the atmosphere.

I scoop the upper level of snow into
every pot and pan I own. Tupperware
bowls as well. The following morn,
the snow will have melted. I house it
in jars and label it by name and date.

I like to drink Snow Water when my
soul feels frozen with pain. Whilst I'm
having a few sips, I ponder, and/or
meditate and try to suss out what is
bothering me.

Sun Water is placed outside in the
rising morn and allowed to bask in
all the glory until just before sunset.
I enjoy the odd glass when I am
overwhelmed with SAD during the

Give it a think and perhaps you'll
prep a bit of Snow Water for yourself
today . . .

Mar 15, 2024


Oh my God; 'tis beyond belief!

We awoke to just over four feet 
of snow this early morn. Most 
enchanting . . .

I find I'm looking forward to 
watching the evaporation of 
this immense snow. 

Will it stay a while? Last? I
can envision the basement full
of water, the paths a muddy.
Danger awaits.

I pray we will all benefit from
the moisture without coming 
to harm.

May we don extra care . . .

Mar 14, 2024


Confession time . . .

I hate cold! I loathe snow!!
I abhor winter!!!

Now that I've confessed, do I
feel better? Cleansed somehow?
Not bloody likely!

The funny part of this is, when
waking up to over two feet of
snow, those usual emotions are
somehow lost under wows . . .

Wow! WOW!! W O W !!!

Did our errands yesterday. The
trash man, recycle lady, mailman
all came. Sooooo not leaving my
bed 'cept for maybe a marg refill.

Here's to you!! Stay home; stay
abed; be safe; enjoy!

Mar 13, 2024


"My heart is a morning star
A light refusing to fade
A power defying the dark"
~A. Shea

On these dark days of winter 
I seek light wherever I can 
find it.

I find it encouraging . . . the 
days are elongating, bringing 
more light to the table, as it 

Actually, methinks the dark,
and all its accompanying 
effects, is enhanced by the 
cold that surrounds it . . .

 . . . My feelings for the dark in 
winter are completely different
from my feelings for the dark 
in summer.

It occurs to me, I need to find
a way to live w/the dark . . .
the dark in winter, the dark

'Tis the dark within methinks
I need to conquer. 

Bears pondering . . .

Mar 12, 2024


Why is it that people shout, scream
and holler? I sooooo don't get it!

We all have a voice, certain amount
of intelligence and reason. So, why
the hell don't we use them?!

I understand disagreements. I get we
are all on different pages. I know we
there is a tendency for us to want one
and all to agree with us.

But when not, what I don't understand
is, why don't we simply talk to each
other? What's w/the shouting matches?

Is it that we want, some how need to 
hurt each other because we ourselves 
hurt inside?

I could soooo become a hermit!

Mar 11, 2024


"Want to was away your troubles?
Take a bath with wine and bubbles."
~Anita Opper, Zen to Zany

Saw this bit of fun this early a.m. 
Love it! One of the things I've 
missed . . . long, leisurely, hot 
baths! Add in the red; methinks
pure heaven!

Living in a 145 year old cabin,
there are many joys as well as the
odd sacrifice. One of them would
be not being able to take a bath.

We are so close to water than our
well is only about eight feet deep.
Obviously, that isn't deep enough
to cleanse the water.

Our water serves us well and we
use it for everything except for
drinking, cooking, etc. Still, you
can appreciate taking a bath in
slightly mired, tepid water doesn't

Got to thinking . . . some people
rent a hotel room to sleep. I may
just rent one to take a bath.

Don't even think for a moment
that I'd forget the red!!!

Mar 10, 2024


"I like people who get excited
about the change of seasons,
watching a sunset, the smell 
of rain and and starry nights."
~Brooke Hampton

Saw this quote early this a.m.
and immediately thought, "my
kindred spirits!" 

It takes all kinds of people to
make the world go 'round . . .
those who love to shop, others
who clean incessantly, the
loners, people pleasers.

For me, I'm all about Mother
Nature and those who adore

I'd have to confess, the only
walking in the snow that I do
would be to the mailbox and
back. Still . . .

My fave is to sit quietly by
the fire and watch the snow
coming down. I have friends
who are right out there in it
and others who run and hide.

For moi . . . it's all about
watching from afar.

Mar 9, 2024


Awaking today to 15° and about
5" snow, I am ever so glad I get
to spend the day at home . . . 
no errands to run, no place to go 
and a warm bed and good book 
calling my name.

I am much enjoying my elder 
years, never having expected to
arrive. So love hearth and home,
quiet joys and simple moments.

I rather wish I had known these
long awaited moments were to
be expected. 

I'm ever so grateful . . .

"Call me an old soul, but I find
peace in thunderstorms, the 
moon, starry nights, sunsets, the 
smell of rain, warm hugs, late 
night drives, deep conversations, 
old books, music and people who
feel like home." conscious reminder

Mar 8, 2024

03/08/2024 - International Woman's Day

Been thinking 'bout snow and
fair weather friends . . .

I'm actually one of those people
who never, ever goes out in the
snow. Rather makes me think 
I need to be more patient if no 
one stops by!

We're here, sitting by the fire,
having the odd tad of wine and
watching it snow. And no, I
wouldn't want any of my friends
to be out in this! It may not be 
a blizzard, but it's been snowing
for two days!

Is this Santa in December? New
Year's in January? Valentine's 
Day in February? Hell no!!! This
is MARCH. Someone up there
forgot that March means Spring!

Can't help it; so wish the seasons
would stick to their allotted time!
Maybe I should move to Phoenix?

Ouch, I forgot! My kids live here.

Say no more . . .

 - - -

"International Woman's Day . . .
celebrated annually on March 8 
as a focal point in the women's
rights movement, gives focus to
issues such as gender equality,
reproductive rights and violence
and abuse against women."

Mar 7, 2024


"Nature is not matter only. 
She is also spirit." ~Carl Jung

You know I'm all about Mother
Nature. Still, I would never have
suspected this quote from Carl
Jung. Love it!

My own love affair with Mother
Nature began when I was about
three years old. From walks and
hikes, camping and survival
training, I simply loved her.

Now that I'm about a hundred
years old, I especially appreciate
programs such as provided by
National Geographic, David
Attenborough, PBS, etc.

I still get to enjoy our Mother
without ending my days a walkin' . . .

Still, the thing I quite love about
this quote is the mention of spirit.
I hadn't thought about it in just
this way.

Thinking about it, my spiritual
affinity lies with nature. There-
fore, the quote makes perfect 

Ever so pleased I ran into it this 
early a.m.

 - - -

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss
psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
who founded analytical psychology.
He was a prolific author, illustrator,
and correspondent, a complex and
controversial character. 1875 - 1961

Mar 6, 2024


"Working hard for something 
we don't care about is called 
stress; working hard for some-
thing we love is called passion."
~Simon Sinek

Not sure whether to laugh or 
cry over this bit of truth . . .

I started babysitting and house
cleaning at 11 and retired at 62
to care for my mom in house
for three and a half years. I bet
all your stories are similar.

So, a decade later, I no longer
hike or take long walks. Trash
and mailbox does it for me.

I do know retired friends who
engage in a great deal of out-
door activities, so it must be
just moi!

Were it up to me to shoot a 
tad of elder wisdom your way,
I'd say those same infamous
words we've all heard so often.

Do it now! Now being the
operative word. I may even
make the effort to add in the
odd thing or two to my own
life . . .

 . . . although I'm quite content
as is! 

 - - -

"Simon Oliver Sinek, English-born
American author and inspirational
speaker on business leadership. His
books include start with why and
The Infinite Game. 1973." Wikipedia

Mar 5, 2024


"Fear is a natural reaction to moving
closer to the truth." ~Pema Chodron

Methinks we all struggle with fear 
on some level or other . . .

Speaking of levels . . . fear of missing
the bus would never be the same as
the fear of losing a child.

Maybe an important step would be 
to simply recognize we all fear! 
Then, suss out one's own fears, look
at what could be handled at this point
in time and make a plan!

I know and accept that I have fears
I cannot face just now. But surely,
there might be one I could manage.

I don't like to stay at home alone,
especially at night. So, a couple of
times a month, I make a point of
making this happen.

I get a great deal of cleaning done;
make no mistake. Bottom line, I'm
still antsy, fearful, anxiety ridden,
but I'm doing it!!! 

Surely that counts for something 
in the grand scheme of things. 
Negative feelings still in place, 
but an effort is being made! 

I vote for moi . . .

Mar 4, 2024


I do love me some leftovers!
Funny, some people won't even
touch them. Each to his own, I

Sometimes, this might mean not
cooking the next day, just heating
up. Times when it turns into an
entirely new dish!

Bit like life, don't you think?!
I have friendships left over from
high school. Maybe we aren't as
close now as we were then, but
memories so warm my heart!

I have leftover teenagers in my
memory and my heart from 40
years of teaching. Rather kills me 
that some of these kids that I hold 
so dear are now grandparents.

Leftover children, the memories
in my heart, always surprises me
when I look at these 40 year olds.
Aren't they still supposed to be

Bottom line, leftovers . . . I love
them! Nought wrong with them
and the memories they bring to
heart and mind . . .

Mar 3, 2024


"Dreams don't have expiration
dates- keep going." ~Unknown

Been peeking at this pearl of
wisdom for a bit now . . .

My question might have some-
thing to do with being about a
hundred years old. Not that one
stops growing, per se, but really,
does one really grow and/or
advance in such elder years?

I do think one who gives a damn
keeps trying no matter what! Still,
methinks perfection ever remains 
just around the corner.

Might be in one's best interest to
choose points of growth carefully.
Frankly, one of the allurements to
go on living would be the striving

So, here I come . . . sure hope the
Universe gives me several more
years to prove myself!

By the way, how do you blackmail
the universe into letting you stay 
around a while longer?!

Feel free to send advice, clues,
ideas . . .

Mar 2, 2024


"I am realistic. I expect miracles."
~Wayne Dyer

In my dotage, I find myself some-
where 'twixt and 'tween hoping 
and believing.

We all need miracles and I believe
'tis the hoping and believing that
gets us through until they actually
happen. If you think about it, every-
thing, and yes, I mean everything, 
is a miracle . . .

 . . . Awaking to another day. 
Breathing freely, albeit though 
what might be fetid air. Enjoying 
our children and friends. Going to 
bed without any fear of not awaking.

And, we have the balls to say we 
don't believe in miracles?! Who 
the hell do we think we are?!

Maybe what we need is to take 
another look at the definition of 
miracle. We all grew up on fairy 
tales, didn't we?! Perhaps we 
should have paid more attention 
to the Grimm brothers rather than
the tales themselves.

For what I find is, our current day
understanding of miracles is pretty 

You may think winning the lotto is
a miracle. But, there is no amount
of lotto that beats a hug from your 
son, a coquettish smile from your
daughter, your father surviving a
car crash, eating and sleeping well
every day.

Methinks our job now is to have a
very serious look at this precious
word we bandy about so easily!

Mar 1, 2024


Sooooo, what's with this 
dreaming with death every
night? I've mentioned this
before, but I weary of it.

Last night, 'twas my mom
and dad, my little bro Sammy
and my best friend Doug.

We actually drove to our old
home town to see them and 
say goodbye.

My mom was making peanut
butter cookies and she needed 
me to tend them.

Amazing to see everyone 
although they appeared to be
quite ill. At some point, my
brother and I went to see the
neighbors across the street.

It was there that we found out
all these people had AIDS. No
idea what that was about.

I am a bit weirded out and do
hope all the dreams do not
presage my own passing.
