Oct 31, 2023

10/31/2023 - Day 31 October Fest!

Samhain has finally arrived!
That might just be Halloween
to you. Seems I've waited all
year for it to arrive as it's my
favest of all holidays.

Looking back, we lived way
out in the country and were
not allowed to Trick or Treat.
I get it, absolutely. We got to
dress up and T or T our own
home.  I just love the Trunk
parties parents have invented
for their children's safety.

I had my first T or T's late
afternoon yesterday. So fun!
Methinks we're going to have
some adults knocking on the
door later this afternoon. Fun!

Not to forget, in my own 
familial realm, today is 
Day of the Dead. We honor,
celebrate, raise a glass or two
to our fams and friends who
have passed . . .

May they long be remembered!

Oct 30, 2023

10/30/2023 - Day 30 October Fest!

Grrrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+
7:00 a.m. TWO DEGREES . . .

This is winter? Hell no! This
is October and it's supposed
to be autumn! Okay, enough
bitchin' already . . .

. . . Tryin' to be positive here,
let me think . . .

Oct 28, 2023

10/29/2023 - Day 29 October Fest!

1:00 a.m. No can do sleep; been 
snowing all day and all night. 
Methinks we have about six 
inches so far.

Pray for me; not sure I'm going
to make it. Alas, 'tis SAD time

 - - -

7:00 a.m. Still snowing, 27 
hours now. My guy just went
out to check; he says we've 
got about 10 inches. I swear, 
moving back to Mexico!

 - - -

11:11 a.m. Still snowing . . .
fairly large flakes and coming
on down. I'm going to have
some ice cream and pretend
it's summer. At least I think
that's what Pat was recom-

 - - -

1:00 p.m. The snow is taking
a break and the Sun is coming
out. I might just make it yet!

10/28/2023 - Day 28 October Fest!

Today is a gift of October gifts . . .

A full Blood Moon, a lunar 
eclipse, as well as a congregation 
of friends for FAC . . . Wow! Just 
W O W !!!

Now, on the negative side, woke 
up a snow covered yard . . . only 
about half an inch, but still . . .

Rumor has it we're supposed to 
get about 8". I simply don't hold 
with snow in October. Seems, 
nobody asked me!

I'm not quite as mad as I sound,
but the s-word does turn me into
a serious loony tune . . . double
entendre intended!

I've even decided that I won't be
saying shit any more. I'm just
going to say SNOW! Far worse
than the s-word and a whole lot
more expressive as to how I feel.


Oct 27, 2023

10/27/2023 - Day 27 October Fest!

"A free spirit is someone who
believes in who they are and 
who does not need the approval 
of any one." American Hippie

Ran into this quote early a.m.
Reminds me of my daughter-
in-law who is coming to brunch

She is definitely her own person,
goes her own way, doesn't seem
to need approval. Love this . . .
just who I want to be when I grow

Strange how we grow up, always
needing acceptance from others. 
We spend our entire lives trying 
to get to a place where we need 
approval from no one. I'm not 
even sure we realize we're doing
this . . . all part of personal growth.

Know this, daughter of another 
mother, you are an example to us
all. Keep it up; we need you!

Oct 26, 2023

10/26/2023 - Day 26 October Fest!

"We are a momentary spark 
of light existing between two 
endless pillars of darkness. 
Make the most of it." ~db

Read this a few moments ago
and it really hit me. Part of
that might have to do with me
dealing with SAD. Still, the
truth of it really hit me. And
yes, I get that the author may
have had something else in

We live in a dark world, in
dark times, in the dark where
monsters lurk. This simply is;
has naught to do with moi!

War, poverty, violence, rape,
incest, loss of hearth and 
home . . .

So these momentary sparks 
of light are beyond priceless!
Love, family, friendship, full 
bellies, place to lay our heads . . .
I repeat, beyond PRICELESS!

Today, I celebrate with just such
a friend.  He's been in my life
ever since I came to the US. A
lovely chap; sweet, intelligent,
caring . . . just plain lovely!

God, I have ever so much to be
thankful for!!!

Oct 25, 2023

10/25/2023 - Day 25 October Fest!

I'd be the first to admit it . . .
I love celebrating my b-day.

Strangest thing though, I'm
actually running out of energy.
Never thought it would happen.

Alas, I fell yesterday. We were
buying water and I walked off
an 8" curb w/o seeing it. The
tough part is that I fell on my
left knee and right hip, same
two places I hit 8 months ago.

I know! I know! Only moi . . .

Praise God, I must have had a 
moment of wisdom . . . I didn't 
schedule anything for today. 
Not sure whether I'm going to
sleep all day, or dream up 
something to do once I wake 
up . . . that is, if I can walk!

Guess I'll just have to wait
and see . . .

Oct 24, 2023

10/24/2023 - Day 24 October Fest!

I've so enjoyed doing something
daily to celebrate my favest of 
all months . . . October! 

Be that as it may, methinks I'm 
on the verge of total exhaustion. 
Only a half a doz more days to 
go . . .

Today, my guy and I are ventur-
ing forth to see my b-day twin's 
new home. So exciting! 

She's a phenomenal chef and 
all she makes is phenomenally 

Alas, I'm thinking November 
is going to be all about dieting 
just as October was all about 


Oct 23, 2023

10/23/2023 - Day 23 October Fest!

Today, I treat myself to my 
own special birthday gift . . .

Taking a Libra b-day picnic
to my mentor, teacher, friend.
We enjoy doing this from time
to time. We arrive w/basket in
hand and after hugs all 'round,
she asks my guy to choose a
bottle of red.

She's been an amazing gift to
me in my life. We met when I
returned to CO after 20 years
in Mexico. Both of us teachers,
both having lived abroad, ever
so much in common . . . ours
was an instant hit.

I may as well confess, 'twas
shero worship for me from 
the very start. The woman 
is so knowledgable, rather a
been there, done that kind of 
gal. Bottom line, obviously
believing in LIVING rather 
than simply EXISTING.

Thus today, I gift myself time
with the most amazing woman
I've ever met . . .

 . . . That little girl in me wants 
to be just like her she grows up!

Happy birthday sweet mentor
of mine!

Oct 22, 2023

10/22/2023 - Day 22 October Fest!

A SOPES report . . .

We ate; we drank; we made
merry . . . and praise the Lord,
on the morrow, we didn't die!

Still, now I know what heaven
looks like! Friends, margs, and
sopes . . .

Sopes are little homemade masa
cups, deep fried and filled with

I would say rather impossible to
describe. I recommend . . .


If you don't wish to pay the piper
and make them, suss out a Mexican
restaurant that makes them.


Oct 21, 2023

10/21/2023 - Day 21 October Fest!

A fun day begins with plans,
continues with expectations,
followed by the even itself,
and ends with those memories

Today our, d) all of the above;
neighbors, students, teachers,
fellow imbibers, will arrive to
try SOPES on for size.

Sopes is a fab Mexican dish
that I don't make very often
as it is quite involved. Don't
call me old, just call me lazy!

Find my mouth watering even
as we speak. They damn well
better turn out or I may have
to break down and have a
temper tantrum like my better

Wish me luck!

Oct 20, 2023

10/20/2023 - Day 20 October Fest!

Today awaits and I feel the
excitement rising from within.

I sit here this early morn, by
candlelight, awaiting my two
favest. The anticipation is 
almost too much to bear.

We will eat, drink, be merry
and tell tales out of school.
I can just feel the excitement
coming on.

We will be having class as
well. Teach insists on making
us behave, mind our manners
and learn a thing or two.

Then, we get to hit the town
for a bit. Treasures ahoy, here
I come . . .

 . . . never forgetting that I 
have two of the greatest
treasures right next to me.

Oct 19, 2023

10/19/2023 - Day 19 October Fest!

I suppose the days of yesterday
and today mark the difference
'twixt and 'tween 73 and 74 . . .

Or, would that be 174?!

Today, I rest from the festivities
of 18 consec days . . . but tonight
I shall resume celebrating w/my
bestie. Can hardly wait!

I so love birthdays; the gift of yet
another year when once they had
been threatened.

I pray to be blest with a year of
that acquisition of wisdom I have
yet to find . . .

 . . . I so need it!

Oct 18, 2023

10/18/2023 - Day 18 October Fest!

This day is turning out to be the 
best b-day ever . . .

I awoke to my guy bringing me
pancakes and strawberries in bed.
Next, he brought in a fun set of
movies, Pirates of the Caribbean,
that the kid in me muchly enjoys. 

He has plans for the afternoon in
front of the fireplace. I can hardly
wait to find out . . . but I'm going 
to enjoy each moment today as it 

Sooooo, 74 years ago today, or 
was it 174 . . . guess it depends 
on the day . . . that I was born on
the wrong day.

'Twas supposed to be born on
Halloween, but it obviously did
not happen . . . so I'll just have 
to soldier on enjoying the days 
'tween today and . . .

 . . . All Hallows Eve!

Oct 17, 2023

10/17/2023 - Day 17 October Fest!

Today is one of those equal opportunity
days, as I tend to think of them . . .

I get to spend two hours in the dentist
office at the a.m. and a similar amount
with my son and his wine at the p.m.

I know I'm not alone when I say I'm
scared ~!@#$%^&*()_+ of the dentist
office. It is what it is and if I'd always
brushed more faithfully, etc. I might
not have to go through this. I deserve
it and I need to man up and take the
consequences. Still, doesn't make it
any easier!

Me thinks, sitting on said dental throne, 
holding my breath, trying not to faint,
and/or cry, makes me some kind of
shero crossed over with idiot . . . go

Then, I get to come home to my kids
and supposedly some kind of treats
and drinks, which my mouth won't
be able to deal with. Just add in the
guilt already!

Still, don't they say, all's well that
ends well and any time I get to see
my babies is a good day!!!

Oct 16, 2023

10/16/2023 - Day 16 October Fest!

"Monday, Monday, can't trust that day
Monday, Monday, it just turns out that way
Oh Monday, Monday, won't go away
Monday, Monday, it's here to stay."
The Mamas & The Papas

Not sure why most of us grow up hating
Mondays. Must have something to do
with having enjoyed the weekend and
knowing we have to go back to reality
on Monday.

For either good, bad or indifferent . . .
retirement turns into a series of weekends,
yet those pesky Monday feelings remain.

I'm lucky as today I get to spend time
with a somewhat newer friend. We shared
an incredible loss this summer, which will
never, ever be let go. I still hope that she
and I will remain friends and stay in touch.

Sooooo birthmonth or not, here's to
learning to enjoy Mondays, one way or

Pray, have a happy Monday . . .

Oct 15, 2023

10/15/2023 - Day 15 October Fest!

"When man can't find a deep
sense of meaning, they distract
themselves with pleasure."
~Viktor Flankl, 1905 - 1917

If any author ever speaks to me,
it has to be Frankl. Such wisdom!

I would ask if he came by due 
to all he had been through in the
Holocaust. Indeed, is it sorrows,
rather joys, that bring us wisdom?

Alas, in looking at my own life,
I do find this to be true. 'Tis the
sad times that bring on reflection,

I'd never discount joy. Methinks,
joy is that salt, pepper and spice
that makes our learning plausible.

Having said that, we must never
lose ourselves, our sorrows and
our learning in a world of naught
but horseplay! 

We must, ever and always, seek
balance and pay close attention
to that which the Universe is
trying to teach us.

My half-way mark through my
favest month of the year, brings
me this bit of learning. Pray I
pay attention. Oft, I tend to get
distracted . . .

 - - -

Viktor Emil Frankl was an Austrian
psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor,
who founded logotherapy, a school
of psychotherapy that describes a
search for a life's meaning as the
central human motivational force.

Oct 14, 2023

10/14/2023 - Day 14 October Fest!

Today I celebrate my b-day 
with the Universe itself! I
am so wowed; it's both the
New Moon & Solar Eclipse.  

I pray to be gifted a view.
Alas, we're pretty clouded in
just now. Wouldn't you know
it, our first dusting last night!

Then, off to celebrate b-days
with our d) all of the above.

Ahhhhh, what a gift this Oct
has turned out to be. I may be
annoyed with the weather . . .
(I swear we went straight from
Summer to early Winter this
year! ~!@#$%^&*()_+) . . .

. . . but, never with my favest 
of all b-day months!

Oct 13, 2023

10/13/2023 - Day 13 October Fest!

"Friday the 13th is considered
an unlucky day in Western 
superstition. It occurs at least
once aa year, but can occur up
to three times in the same year."

Ever and always have I loved 
the magick of Friday the 13th! 

I can remember back in grade
school, how we used to play
jokes on each other on this
supposedly fearful day. We
thought it hilarious!

I also recall dressing in black
at college and partying, of
course! A whole different ball
game! Maybe even more fun!

In my world today, I find it
more of a spiritual day, a day 
of reflection and quiet joy. I'm
particularly pleased this year
it graces my birth month.

Enjoy your Friday the 13th in
which ever way you get a kick
out of . . . 

Happy! Happy!

magic – act of staged illusion
magick – movement of natural
energies to create needed change

Oct 12, 2023

10/12/2023 - Day 12 October Fest!

 Happy b-day to moi . . .

Yesterday, my girlfriend 
asked me if I wanted to 
go on a ride to see the elk. 
I actually said to her that 
they came from time to 
time to visit the yard and 
that I enjoyed them muchly!

When it was time for her
to go, I headed up for my
daily! Methinks it comes 
w/the whole aging process.

Upon awaking, I saw that
the yard was full of elk.
There was a male w/6 or
7 tines; my guy says 6, 
I thought 7.

There was a young buck
with no tines at all, as well
as a mama and a baby. We
watched them nigh onto
kingdom come. I could
hardly let go.

Such magnificence, such
beauty. Simply blows one

What a blessing! Best b-day
present, E V E R !!!

Oct 11, 2023

10/11/2023 - Day 11 October Fest!

Today is lookin' fab! A long
time neighbor, co-worker, 
and friend is coming for an
October b-day visit.

As I'm not allowed to drive
due to those pesky attacks
of mine, she's insisting on
sneaking me away to shops 
and other naughties!

Not one to leave my shanty
for almost any reason, 'twill
be interesting to see what 
she can talk me into.

October reminds me of so
many gifts Mother lays at
our feet; family and friends,
hearth and home, health and

I am overwhelmed . . .
I am undone!

Oct 10, 2023

10/10/2023 - Day 10 October Fest!

I forgot something when I
asked the deities for special
celebs each day of my birth
month. I should have used
the word fun!

I spent my entire weekend 
w/the worst toothache known
to mankind! Never had one
before so maybe I have no
real comparison. All I know
is, I prefer childbirth.

Yesterday was a holiday so
I went in today. Not pretty
and going to have to go in
three times to get fixed.

For now, I do know I haven't
sinned enough for this pain.
Rather makes me think I need
to get on with some serious

Please send me your ideas at 
the bottom of this missive!

Oct 9, 2023

10/09/2023 - Day 9 October Fest!

So enjoy other October sisters
celebrating their days . . .

Today, I get to spend a couple
of hours with one of these. I
call her my d) all of the above;
neighbor, student, teacher, fun,
drinks mate . . . anything else 
I can think of.

I see the vardo awaiting . . . 
my guy is dealing with the
heat for us. He is the treasure 
of my life, and he built this
wondrous gypsy wagon for me.
Frankly, wish we spent more
time out there!

Happiest of all b-days to both
of us . . . let's drink up and say,


Oct 8, 2023

10/08/2023 - Day 8 October Fest!

Sooooo unfair!!! 'Tis my b-day
month after all . . .

Woke up with a gynormous tooth
ache. I've never had a tooth ache
in my entire life . . . at least that 
I can recall. What the hey?!

And, to think I was going to have
ice cream for breakfast! So pray 
this doesn't mean things don't bode
well for the day!

My guy is having his own special
day . . . steak for breakfast and
hours of long awaited football. 

Rather thought this meant hours
of good reads for moi!!! And, not
to forget the ice cream. 

I may have to break down and just
see what happens; perhaps there's
a surprise or two round the corner!

 - - -

p.s. Bet your damn boots I'm having
ice cream for breakfast! It's 33.3
degrees, my fave number THREE
times over! And, the cold is even
soothing to my toothache. Go figure!

Oct 7, 2023

10/07/2023 - Day 7 October Fest!

Most fun b-day E V E R !!!

My guy nudged me in the 
middle of the night and
whispered, "Happy birthday,
midnight margs coming up!"

I just wanted to turn over
and sleep some more, but I
got into it.

We went downstairs, made
the margs and brought the
trappings up to the bedroom.

He put on a movie, served
the margaritas and we were
in business. So fun. 

We only had a couple, over
loads of ice. Probably not
even a complete drink. But,
it was the thought, unusual
and endearing.

I'll never forget . . .

Oct 6, 2023

10/06/2023 - Day 6 October Fest!

Today has started out on a
phenomenal level . . .

At least, I waited until dawn, 
and then . . .

A very special birthday ice
cream awaited me in the
garage freezer.

Back to bed to eat a glorious
raspberry and dark choco bits
ice cream.

If the rest of the day goes any-
thing like that delish dish of
pure ambrosia . . .

Ahhhhh 'tis ever sooooo grand
to be alive!

Oct 5, 2023

10/05/2023 - Day 5 October Fest!

Only Day 5 and I've already
had sooooo much fun. I just
love reconnecting with fam
and friends.

I get to spend today with 
my first friend I made when 
I returned to the US. Taught
together many a moon and 
have been friends for eons.

In my love of October, I'd
have to say that the true gift 
it offers, would be the people
that come into our lives. I am
ever so fortunate!

"I will cut adrift - I will sit on
pavements and drink coffee -
I will dream; I will take my
mind out of its iron cage and 
let it swim - this fine October."
~Virginia Woolf

Oct 4, 2023

10/04/2023 - Day 4 October Fest!

Today in waiting . . .

This trio of besties get
together a couple of special
times a year. One would be 
to celebrate our mutual love
of Lady Hékate. The other,
to make Chartreuse. 

I could fill this space with
volumes of stories. My fave
scientist gifted me these 
friendships rather inadvert-
ently lo these many moons

So lovely to find these like
minds awaiting friendship.
And, today's gift would be
a reminder of the value to
be found in these special
people the universe has
arranged for us to meet.

I raise my glass . . .

(Bet H & W come over
for an October FAC this

Oct 3, 2023

10/03/2023 - Day 3 October Fest!

My guy has already brought 
me breakfast in bed. Have to 
see what the rest of the day 

So love me some surprises 
and he just served me black 
walnut ice cream. Yum . . .

Now, he's put on my fave
show and invited me to an
ld movie fest . . .

 . . . with, I might add, my
favest of all faves, Cheetos.
God, I sooooo love Cheetos
and only allow myself this
treat once in a while.

Happy birthday to moi . . .

 - - -

I will cut adrift
I will sit on pavements 
   and drink coffee
I will dream
I will take my mind out of its
   iron cage and let it swim
this fine October.
~Virginia Woolf

Oct 2, 2023

10/02/2023 - Day 2 October Fest!

And, it has already been a 
wondrous day!

Daughter wed! Fam seen and 
enjoyed! Safe travels both 
directions! Deer in the yard to 
welcome us home! Mama and 
baby are currently sacked out 
by the vardo. Too sweet for 

Today our drive surrounded us 
with the most vivid fall colors; 
a kind of heaven if you will. 
Such beauty. It's good to be 
reminded the colder weather 
brings its own gifts.

We're still watching the deer
'twixt and 'tween tasks to be
accomplished. What a blessing
and a rather glorious b-day 

Oct 1, 2023

10/01/2023 - Day 1 October Fest!

Today! TODAY!! T O D A Y !!!
begins my wondrous month of
October . . . 

I love October so much that I
have to find ways of celebrating
each and every day! All stems
from being born on the wrong

My parents met on Halloween,
married a year later on Halloween
and planned for me to be born
the following Halloween. Alas . . .

I was born early so to console 
myself, I celebrate every day of
the month. 

Starting today, we had a delish
post-wedding brunch with my
daughter and her new hubby!
Twas glorious!

Can hardly wait to see what
each day will gift. 

Yayyyyy OCTOBER!!!