Oct 31, 2022

10/31/2022 - Samhain

October Saga - Day 31

'Tis a day for goodbyes . . .

Goodbye to October, adieu 
to the month's project, adios
to those daily celebrations . . .

My mind indicates a good
rest this first upcoming week.
And, I'm a damn sight happy
to see the back side of my
very daunting project. Much
as I have loved celebrating
as if I were a teenager, rest 
may be somewhat enticing.

Of course, this day brings
some befores, durings and
afters. I would like to get
beyond the befores as quickly
as possible as the durings are
quite enticing. My intention 
is to learn to make a proper 
Bloody Mary.

My d) all of the above, as I
often refer to her, grew up in
a pub. I'm not quite sure that
is where she learned to make
them. Swear, I've never tasted
their equal.

Speaking of swearing . . .
This might just be the place I
should swear to myself not to
overdo on their deliciousness.

We'll just have to wait and see
what the night brings. Trick or
treaters tend to give this dark,
mysterious cabin a bit of a wide 

Happy! HAPPY!!  H A P P Y !!!

Oct 30, 2022


October Saga - Day 30

I remember those feelings of
excitement with October right
around the corner . . . and now,
with my birth month ending in
a few hours, I'm feeling a kind
of loss.

Obviously, no one can stagnate
in a given time period, maybe 
that might be the real reason for 
celebrating 31 days instead of 
just the one.

On the morrow we bid adieu 
and the next day welcome. 
There is always an underlying
sense of expectation when
something new is occurring. 

What awaits us as we turn the
page on our calendars? B-days
perhaps? Thanksgiving and
getting together as families as
well as new weather patterns.

Still, I need to wrap my head 
around accepting the new. Live
rather than exist . . . ever and

Oct 29, 2022


October Saga - Day 29

Sooooo love me the 29th
for all kinds of reasons!

I like the number 9 for
starters. 'Tis three times 
my fave number, thus 
triple lucky!

It rather announces the
approaching end of the
month as well as a new
beginning. And, new 
beginnings can be quite

As it marks an ending,
it inspires all kinds of
yearning for the new! It
opens the path for dreams,
albeit daydreams or pipe

There is a part of me 
that hates to see the end 
of my birth month. On 
the other hand, I'm about
partied out, as it were.
Part of me is looking
forward to a restful Nov.

All's well that ends well, 

Oct 28, 2022


October Saga - Day 28

I heard a rumor that today
was going to be a nice day . . .

I woke up to 17 degrees and
snow on the ground?!

I'm going to go back to bed
and pout myself back to sleep!

Sooooo NOT kidding!!!

Oct 27, 2022


October Saga - Day 27

WARNING - bitch session
ahead . . .

I thought we had a deal ?!

My month, the month of
October, is NOT yet winter!
The deal was, I do October
and you do afters. After
Thanksgiving would be best.

But oh no, you just had to
come along and snow in early
hours today . . .

Grrrrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Okay, I'll stop moaning and
groaning now and  leave the
moans and groans to the . . .
ghosts, spirits and skeletons.

~!@#$%^&*()_+. Grrrrrrrrrrr

You seriously thought I would

Oct 26, 2022


October Saga - Day 26

"I think it will take people, true
patriots, on both sides of the aisle
to say, 'Enough of this nonsense,
we should work together for the
good of the people of the United
States'" ~Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, my SHERO,
what an amazing woman . . . in life
and from beyond the grave! If ever
there was someone with balls of
steel, it would be her. I want to be
just like her when I grow up!!!

It pains me to think of people in
general and women in particular
who don't vote. I recall those heroes
and sheroes who worked endlessly
to give us all the right to vote. And
yet, there are those who do not
bother. It's rather like we won the
battle, but lost the war!

So, let's get to it ladies . . . I voted

No photo description available.

Oct 24, 2022


October Saga - Night 25

And, on the third night . . .

The Dark Moon has passed
and the new sliver of light
from the New Moon awaits
our viewing.

Why is this important? For
those of you with romance
in your souls, have a thought
about this.

The New Moon, beginning
its journey to fulfillment 
suggests adding to whatever
you're about. Let's say you've
been making the effort to
meditate each day, but some-
times it just doesn't happen.

This is a time to thoughtfully
accomplish that which is truly
important to you, albeit spring
cleaning, making better meals
or making your bed each day.

Conversely, the day after the
full moon begins its journey
towards the new moon, 'tis
time to take away, get rid of
those troublesome things that
impede our personal growth.

Perhaps it's blowing off sacred
reading or worship. It might be
not taking time to rest properly.
Or, avoiding making that call
or writing a letter.

Here's wishing you well in your
new moons, albeit growth plus
or growth minus . . .


October Saga - Night 24

Methinks the skies are chiming
in . . . most wondrous October

Tonight, brings forth October's
New Moon. One of the things
I simply love about the NMs is
that they're not satisfied with
just the one night. As with all
things magickal, 'tis a trio of 
nights; the night before, the 
night of, and the night after.

The night before, you'll find
that our Lunar Lady is quite
shaded in dark with just the
thinest sliver of light. But,  
'tis the following night, the 
actual night of, that she hides 
her face. This is known as the
Dark Moon.

There is a certain romance
to our Lady's dark side. She
awaits her entrance, as it 
were. She's there, behind the
curtains of her own theater,
awaiting those signal notes . . .
it's time to appear.

Tomorrow night, the night
after, we shall truly see those
magickal glimmers of our
Lady stepping out, aglow w/
that sliver of light announcing
her soon arrival.

To be continued . . .

Oct 23, 2022


October Saga - Day 23

So love me those October
birthdays. It's so fun to get
together with others having
b-days in this delicious
month . . . 

Old neighbors, new friends,
loving besties and others . . .
Methinks 'tis most wondrous
to have an excuse to party.

Today, I am honored to spend 
time with my mentor. She is
one of the people I most admire.
I have learned ever so much
from her over the years . . . 
and now, she is quite elderly.

One of those things I wish to 
learn this year, is to take time 
with those I love. None of us
dare take for granted any of 
our tomorrows for they soon
may not be available to us.

People matter! People being
our children, our friends, our
neighbors, strangers. Pray let 
me love people and like things . . . 
never to mix up the two!

Oct 22, 2022

10/22 2022

October Saga - Day 22

Methinks my birthday 
gift today actually began
last night . . .

At 8:30, just about when
I was b-day shenanigans
dead, along came the most
humungous bear ever. He
walked all the way up the
path, enjoyed a good sniff
of the trashcan. Then, chose
to sit on top of it for a bit.

Somewhere 'twixt the day's
coffee and the bear phenom, 
I simply lay there and thunk
my way into today. And, as
ever, today is going to be a
lovely day as well.

One of my dearest and best
from Canada is coming to
see me today. So much to
catch up on. As you well
know, I'm ever so enamored
of telling tales out of school.
Bet there's going to be some
doozies today.

But, I'm winning . . . I have
bear stories and video to share.

happy happy moi
my bear has come to party
what did he bring me

Oct 21, 2022


October Saga - Day 21

Today . . . my birthday 
gift is a day with Alice 
in Wonderland and her 
cohort in crime!

Seems to me they have all
kinds of naughty planned
with plenty of calories to 
boot! Yikes!

When I'm queen of the
Universe, I'm going to
ensure birthday goodies
are calorie free. You prob
should be voting for me!

Wonder what kind of no 
good we'll be getting up 
to?! I do see cake and ice 
cream in my near future. 
Wonder if I can persuade 
them to do dessert first?!

All jest aside, there is no
gift in the universe that
can compare to friendship.
Sitting by the fire, spending 
time together, telling tales 
out of school . . . all fab!

Methinks popping a cork
is in order. Dare I say, I do
love me some champagne.

Oct 20, 2022


October Saga - Day 20

'Twas with glee I recalled
this early morn, two special
things await me today!

I get to have class today with
my fave student teacher. What
does it say about me that she
is now retired?! Methinks that
102 is chasing after me again.
Still, I love that we can still
learn together!

My bestie from far, far away
comes this evening. I can see
it now . . . a warm fire, a bit
of red and catching up on our
October happenings. 

One of the things I so enjoy
in my elder years is the gift
of friendship. Of course, I've
ever and always valued it in
so many ways. Still, growing
older we lose some things.

Health issues confront us. We
move into smaller homes. Our
children have proper lives of
their own and living on retire-
ment can be somewhat difficult.

But, that priceless gift of friend-
ship ever sustains and enlightens.
And, I would have to say, being
friends with my adult children is
absolutely the greatest gift of all.

Oct 19, 2022


October Saga - Day 19

Early a.m. my fave time of 
day . . . all awaits and I am 
here, ready and willing, to 
find out what gifts will be
brought to the table.

Today, another incredible
adventure awaits. Friends
intend to kidnap us and 
'tis my understanding they 
will arrive with surprises 
under their belts.

Methinks this abduction 
smacks of breweries, pubs
and metaphysical stores.
Obviously, hints have been
dropped and my mind is a
fast learner.

Now, I need to lay hands 
on some shekels. Where
might some of those be 
hiding?! Oh right, I spent
those last night on another

And here I was thinking 
that fab old age of 73 was
going to bring the gift of
wisdom . . .

Oct 18, 2022


 October Saga - Day 18

Today is the day . . . 

I'm ever and always about
halfway between dead
pleased and really damn
annoyed on today's date!!!

My parents met on Halloween.
They married a year later on
Halloween. I was supposed to
be born on the following
Halloween . . . but NO . . . I
had to arrive nigh onto two
weeks early. Seems I've been
arriving early ever since.

Still this whole ridiculous bit
of showing up early has led
to me celebrating the entire
month of October, so it's not
all bad!

My son customarily shows
up on my actual day, puts 
on his chef hat and creates
pure joy in my little kitchen.
I can hardly wait to see what
surprises he has under his
hat for this year. 

I do know I'm going to be 
dieting the entire month of 
November! Well, maybe not
on TG; I'll just have to see.

So, raise your glasses to
happy happy! Ever so glad
I've made it to 73, I mean
a hundred and three . . .

Oct 16, 2022


October Saga - Day 17

Can hardly wait to see what
today has in store for moi!  

A dear friend and her son 
will be taking us to a brewery
in a nearby town. Such fun . . .

Frankly, love these adventures!
I find that as we grow older, 
there are less and less of them.
'Tis to be expected, but I'm well
pleased when one comes our

This particular adventure is not
about drinking, but rather about
tasting. Sometimes we fall into
that trap of everything from far
away tastes better. We tend to
forget that local anythings also
have wonders to share.

So love me some dark beers,
though I also side w/Mexican
cerveza in honor of my 20 years
there. Sooooo looking forward
to this proper look-see. Can't
help but wonder if there's a book 
report due in the near future?!

Makes me think though . . . 
a compare and contrast might
be ever so much better than a
book report! Let's see, where
else could I go for a taste test?!
Maybe there's another pub near
by. Or, maybe I shouldn't get
carried away already . . .


October Saga - Day 16

Another fab day awaits! 

Can't help but wonder if 
it wouldn't be a good idea 
to treat every day with the 
same joy and expectation 
as we do our birthdays?! 
Must ponder . . .

Today, one of my bestest
dearests is coming from 
New Mexico to celebrate 
b-days and drumming. 
We are ever so fortunate 
to have a beloved Shaman 
in our neighborhood. I so 
honor her ceremonies, an
amazing experience.

As I'm roughly a hundred 
years old, I've collected 
several native drums and 
other such instruments . . . 
perfect for meditational

Sooooo looking forward to
today's gifts of friendship
and sharings . . .

Oct 15, 2022


October Saga - Day 15

Alas, today marks half of
my favest month gone . . .

Methinks 'tis an excuse to
party harder! Mid morn,
we shall be having brunch
dedicated to the arts.

I am so excited! My friend,
the first friend I made when
coming to the states lo these
many years ago, is the artist
in question.

She will be showing her art
in my cabin; I'm hosting this 
brunch in her honor. I love
how celebratory moments
present themselves!

I can hardly wait to see how
this day spawns its stunning
rays of beauty.

lovely days ahead
experiences ahoy
long live october

Oct 13, 2022


October Saga - Day 14

Today is soon beginning
and I can hardly wait! I'm
so excited I could spit!
Pray forgive the raunchy, 
'tis my favest expression
of all time!

Decorated our living space 
with skulls and pumpkins,
oranges, greens and browns.
Candles and fireplace soon
to be lit . . . and voilá, 'tis
nigh onto All Hallows Eve.

My head crammed w/ideas,
the kitchen stacked w/foods,
stove and preps await . . . 
Birthday gals all excited,
lovers waiting to please.
Champaña flutes aloft, and
suddenly magick abounds!

I find I am well pleased to
be celebrating for several 
days. There is simply no
way to fit All Hallows' Eve,
All Saints' Eve, Samhain or
Halloween all in one night!

hallows eve or halloween
may your ancestors abide
blessings upon you


October Saga - Day 13

My gift today is coming 
down the mountain . . .

Can hardly wait! That plague
has so interrupted our ability
to keep in touch with our fam
and friends! So enjoying the
reconnects . . .

We all stay in touch via
different means. This way 
when a couple of us are able
to get together, we can both
share updates and news . . .

I actually want to know what
the weather's like up on the
mountain top. I look forward
to sharing tales out of school
about our Chartreuse making.
How are our pets surviving
the weather changes?

What are you about these days
for your own personal growth?
I'm practicing a couple of dif
meditations and quite liking
them. My guy is building me
a special outdoor meditation
area even as we speak. I so
look forward to using it . . . 
Do come and see!

Everyone is so busy and that
is as it should be. Still, I honor
those who make that incredible
effort to stay in touch, go the
extra mile. 

That's sooooo who I wish to 
be when I grow up . . .

Oct 12, 2022


 October Saga - Day 12

Today, I think I'm getting my
b-day present . . .

I have a small meditation area
in the back yard. It has been
my dream for a long time to
to have it fenced off from my
guy's work space. Methinks
today's the day!

It's quite a small space made 
up of log seats, candle holders,
beautiful stones and a sweet
bush of unknown name. This
nook and cranny simply has
meditation written all over it.

We westerners do not, maybe
cannot, meditate in the manner
of the Asian culture with much
success. Still, I find that it can
be accomplished in a number
of ways. Sitting quietly in the
out of doors is most wondrous.
I enjoy sitting alone in front
of my fireplace.

One of the things that helps me
is to go to special spaces over
and over. I think it's important
to use these spaces only for
meditation. I don't necessarily
picnic where I pray.

So, here's hoping for a lovely
little birthday fence that will
enhance it all . . .

Oct 11, 2022


October Saga - Day 11

A good omen for today . . .

A beautiful fox woke us up
in the hours of early morn. 
Methinks foxes almost look 
shifty the way they move so 
swiftly and are constantly 
on alert. Maybe there's an
omen in there somewhere!

October weather is coming
down, and I mean down.
We've awoken to below 
freezing for three days now. 
So wish we'd be able to sit 
outside for the Halloween 
festivities, but I don't see it

New Mexico is coming to 
me today. This afternoon a
long time friend is driving
up. It will be wonderful to
both see her and catch up.

The child in me wishes I
could live in October year
'round. Still, I am sooooo
enjoying my month and
damn if it isn't a third gone

Here's hoping you do some-
thing very Octoberesque 
today . . . enjoy!

Oct 10, 2022


October Saga - Day 10

Can't help but find it
interesting that even after
ten years of retirement I
still find weekends and
holidays rather enticing! 

Indigenous Peoples's Day!
I like the name ever so much
better than the name I grew
up with . . . Columbus Day.
I get that much reparation
needs to happen, but am ever 
so glad that at least some is

I'm going to celebrate with 
a Mexican dish named mole.
It is customarily made in Olde
Mexico. The further south you
go, the more interesting and
authentic. I love mole and
particularly mole from the
border between Mexico and

My children's father has such
an amazing family. I love the
story where three of his aunts
kidnapped me at the beginning
of my twenty years in Mexico
and taught me to make mole.

Before embarking on the three-
day venture, I had to promise 
never to share the recipe with
anyone other than my kids.
Making mole over the past
umpteen years has brought me
great joy to both my cultural 
soul and my palate. I would
confess I quite enjoy serving
it to guests as well.

Thus, my b-day gift to myself
today, the arrival of a long
time friend with birthday cake
in hand. In turn, I'll serve her 
my mole. Such fun!

Oct 9, 2022


October Saga - Day 9

So excited . . . my treat
for today is to see an
old friend I haven't laid
eyes on for a long while.

I've come to believe that
b-days are most likely my
fave holidays ever!!! And,
it's NOT about everything 
all about me

Methinks 'tis a conscious 
recognition that life still 
has much to offer. To honor
the ending of an old year 
and the start of a new one 
is a great way to affirm life.

Today, when my old friend
comes to visit, I will honor
both her youth and my age.
She has come far and I have
come farther . . . a reminder
to look back and celebrate
our wondrous memories; to 
look forward awaiting those
new memories yet to be

Let's raise our early morning
coffee mugs to that new yet
to come!

Oct 7, 2022


October Saga - Day 8

One of the things I get  
a right down kick out of 
during the 10th month of 
the year is other birthdays.

Seems I can barely go thru
a few days and one of my
friends has an October
birthday. Alas poor us, we
just have to break down
and celebrate.

Love seeing how we each  
celebrate differently. One
enjoys a familial gathering.
Another loves a party. Yet
another likes the restaurant
venue. I have one friend
who prizes celebrating on
her own. Never quite got
that one.

Where I differ is I insist 
on a daily celebration of
one kind or another the
entire month. Can't help
but wonder if it's a Libra

So today, it will be all
about celebrating by the
light of the moon and
other twinklings . . .
such fun!


 October Saga - Day 7

I always make the effort
to be joyous during the
month of October . . .

However, on this the 7th.
day of my celebratory mo,
I find myself working on
cards. But, my computer
seems to have other ideas.

Methinks my electronics
are of the capricious variety
and frankly, they're driving
me nuts! If I'm not careful,
I'm going to go back to the
days of yesteryear and use
carbon paper and mimio

Here's hoping my guardian
angel, if he or she does indeed
exist, will stop by sometime 
soon and illuminate me. If not,
there may be no holiday cards
this year!!!

Grrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Oct 6, 2022


October Saga - Day 6

Sooooo looking forward 
to today . . .

One of my all time besties 
is coming over for a fire,  
drinks and dinner today.
Can hardly wait!

I get that we're all busy as
hellacious beavers in our 
neck of the woods and that 
it's somewhat difficult to 
stay in touch. 

Most wondrous are those 
who make that extra effort
to make it even possible.
Been giving some thought
to all the ways this can be.

Obviously, there are those
much coveted visits. Still,
modern day life doesn't
always permit . . . Phoning,
texting, the odd post card, 
even proper letters are fab
for fomenting friendship.

Methinks we all need to
adopt and use whatever
methods we can come up
w/to stay in that precious
circle of friendship!

Oct 5, 2022


October Saga - Day 5

How to be a Moon Child
   *Never stop exploring.
   *Follow the moon.
   *Stay wild.
   *Walk barefoot.
   *Listen to the wind.
   *Always be yourself.
   *Say yes to new adventures.
   *Be brave. Be Kind. Be curious.
Moon Lovers

I find it both interesting and rather
strange that even as I suffer SAD,
Seasonal Affective Disorder, 'tis 
the moon I follow rather than the 

Both magickal, still 'tis the moon
that calls to me. Perhaps it's that
mystical component of our Lunar
Lady that does it for me.

She brings light and hope as well
as mystery on otherwise the darkest 
of nights. I actually find that seeking
her in the middle of long, sleepless
nights, helps me to cope.

Lady Luna is perennial, physically
and esoterically. I can attest to the
fact, both sides of this conundrum
call to us. She plays her roles for
our child within as well as our more
romantic side.

Obviously, we could not live without
her more important scientific contribs,
but currently, 'tis her comforting arms
reaching out during my disquieting
eves that call to me.

'Tis on bended knee that I worship at
the feet of our Lunar Lady . . .

Oct 4, 2022


October Saga - Day 4

My thoughts today wend
their way somewhere along 
the lines of holiday shopping.
I say holiday as these days so
many of us celebrate different

Last night I was working on
my Christmas cards, to coin 
a phrase. Some were proper
x-mas cards with religious
overtones. Others were simply
holiday greetings. Then there
were Yule cards and even a 
few celebrating Kwanzaa.

Seems gone are the days of
simply, "We three kings of
orient are." Thus I've been 
pondering . . . Some celebrate
Christmas in December, others
Christmas in July, then why 
not Yule in October?!

I've had such fun these last 
three days giving out my x-
mas presents in October. So, 
it occurred to me, why not go
ahead and send out my holiday
cards in October as well?!

Hell, some think inside the box,
others outside the box and in 
my case, methinks I don't even 
have a box! So, just think happy,
happy with whatever you want
to celebrate . . .

Oct 3, 2022


October Saga - Day 3

Today, my dearest and bestest  
is coming to celebrate a day in
October with me. How fun is

The first part, of course, will 
be the catching up as it's been 
a while. The sharing of news,
old and new? Might there be 
the odd glass of something 
celebratory involved? A trip
to a fun place of treasures? I
can hardly wait!

I ponder a bit just how I enjoy
celebrating this pivotal month
in my life and it occurs to me
that this is how we should be
celebrating life in general.

Every single day we awaken
is a miracle in itself. Shouldn't
we be celebrating, doing that
something special, enjoying
life every way possible? Bears
thinking about, doesn't it?

Today, I'll be celebrating 
October's Autumn beauty, 
the glory of friendship, the 
miracle of simply being alive
for 73 years. Fortunate doesn't
even begin to cover all of this.

Pray I remember these, each
and every day. Life is to be
celebrated, not just endured.
Still learning my lessons . . .

Oct 2, 2022


October Saga - Day 2

Oh my God . . . yesterday with
my girls was absolutely glorious!
And to think we still get to have
breakfast together today!

Much as I love summer, my fave
season, October stands tall above
the rest. B-days are fun of course,
but I celebrate Halloween the entire
month. I even decorate the cabin on
the 30th at midnight.

So my dear, dear naughties, I even
keep an October calendar to remind
myself to do something daily. Get
your asses in gear and come on over
for some delish margs and a bit of
Halloween evil!!!

Oct 1, 2022


 October Saga - Day 1

Seems I've waited the space of
nine for my favest month of the
year to arrive. My mom must of
felt similarly whilst awaiting my
birth; poor ole dame!

My last party was when I turned
65. Now, I rather enjoy smaller
day to day joys in the entirety of
the month! Sooooo love me the
tenth month!!! Let no day go un-
celebrated . . .

This month I get to catch up with
special friends, have glorious chats, 
visit the odd cafes, eat fun foods, 
and anything else that comes to
mind! God, I love b-days!

I am so excited today as all my
daughters are coming to brunch.
There is something so rare about
having all my adult gals sitting 
round the table with me. Glorious!

Going to be so much fun seeing
what this month brings to me.
Some things carefully planned,
others complete surprises! I'll
probably report out from time to
time. The anticipation alone is
killing me . . .

so much fun awaits
happiest celebrations
sooner the better