Jan 30, 2022


I find myself enamored with the
concept of forgiveness, no matter
the sin or crime perpetuated against 

I have read of this belief rather often
in the writings of Eastern faiths such
as Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism.

I suppose holding grudges, planning
revenge, celebrating animosity over
love, are contretemps of forgiveness
and letting go.

I imagine we all forgive those small 
offenses on a daily basis. But, it's the 
bigger ones we find hard to forgive.
An affair with a beloved spouse, the
theft of a hard earned savings, the
kidnapping of a precious child . . .

Who is truly big enough to let go of
the horrendous feelings brought on
by these grandiose betrayals? I can't
say whether it's an Eastern/Western
thing . . . or if it's a question of one's
beliefs. Perhaps, most of us do not
possess a heart big enough to look
beyond the horror of that perpetuated

All I know is, I want to grow, to have
a heart so magnanimous that I can
then learn true forgiveness.

Pray, this be granted me . . .

Jan 29, 2022


"Kindness is that illness best 
spread widely." ~ldj

I know, I know . . . it's been 
a couple of very dreary years, 
thanks to the plague and its 
cohorts in crime. But, some
how kindness may abound 
as a counter attack!

Everywhere you look, there are
stories of people of all ages 
indulging their sweeter, more
decent sides!

I love these stories of young men
stopping traffic to help oldsters
cross busy streets! Then, there's
these tales told out of school of
policemen taking groceries to
impoverished families.

One of my faves . . . a motorcycle
gang taking a little kid to school,
showing their support because he
was being bullied!!!

I can't help but hope that this
kindness disease be contagious 
at the supreme level!!! And . . .
this includes you and me . . . us!

I'm making a pact with myself.
I'm going to find ways to include
several kindnesses a day in my
rather quiet life. As I'm about a
hundred years old, mine will be
along the lines of sending notes,
cards and letters in the mail.

Methinks kindness may win 
the battle yet . . .

Jan 28, 2022


"I just called to say I love you.
I just called to say how much I care.
I mean it from the bottom of my heart."
~Stevie Wonder

I love you . . . a priceless phrase that's 
either overly used or not enough. We
all recognize that there are those who
are not comfortable even saying the
words. It's taken me a long time to
understand this on some level . . .
Methinks a good look-see is in order. 

My guy, who's only said the magic 
words maybe three times in 22 years, 
goes out at o' dark thirty and shovels 
the snow and cleans the car; both 
massive tasks. He brings me water in 
bed when I don't feel like getting up. 
He builds a fire when I'm at the end 
of my SAD rope. He brings everything 
I need when I'm having Diverticulosis
attacks. I sooooo need to remember
these things when he pisses me off!

I watch people in the grocery store,
consulting each other, handling the
kids, and the occasional fond slap
on the butt. Neighbor of mine often
offers to shovel my walk and/or 
bring me much needed groceries.

Bottom line, if we watch closely,
we'll see I love yous everywhere
we look. It's all in the translation!

here let me get that
may i help you cross the street
sending you a note

Jan 27, 2022


I have to chuckle . . . We were on our
way out this early morn to get some
much needed things as it wasn't 
supposed to start snowing until noon.

We had put our whatsits by the door
so as not to forget. In the little time 
it took to move them aside, it was
already snowing hard; huge flakes!

Luckily, we were smart enough to
change our minds and get our asses
back inside. Can't help but wonder
just how much we're going to get!
We already have 18" on our picnic
tables . . . go figure!

Sooooo, I'm going to delve into my
positive thinking emergency stash
and just deal with it. At least it's at
11 degrees today whereas it got to
two below yesterday.

Methinks we're not bloody likely
to have water issues anytime soon!

Pray forgive me, I'm going back
to bed and hide under the covers . . .

Jan 26, 2022


Walking down memory lane of late . . .

One of the things I've been thinking
about is my television journey. Being
somewhere around 100 years old, I
still remember as a child growing up
in a small town, a one TV channel 

My parents chose not to indulge in 
this fad, new to our town. I thought it 
might have something to do with their 
beliefs as they were quite religious. 
Although, maybe it had to do with our 
somewhat impoverished station in life.
Bottom line, I didn't get my first TV
until I'd been married ten years.

I have shared this before. However, 
I find it interesting that as an adult, 
I still have no interest in television.
Oh, but the machine serves me well,
nonetheless . . .

We have one that shows all the angles
of the surrounding property as part of
a fine security system. We have another
on which we view fun DVD movies, 
even without annoying commercials!

Obviously, the television as an instrument 
of entertainment, has great value. But,
give me the whole VCR thing, rather than 
a TV, and I'm a happy camper!

I'm beginning to see that I am indeed
somewhere around a 100 years old . . .

Jan 25, 2022


'Tis o' dark thirty and snowing!
Setting aside my SAD issues; 
simply going to try to let it be . . .

Sooooo, feeling somewhat down
and overwhelmed, I open my FB
crutch. What should meet my eye
but the four cousins in picture!
Mira, Ryan, Rustie and mi hija
Linda. My down turned up in 
the blinking of an eye! 

Methinks there is precious little
in this world of ours like the joy
of family . . . and they all turned
out fab!!! All fine, fabulous,
phenomenal young people!!!
My heart gladdens in gratitude.

Funny how different things can
brighten or darken our day!
Feeling down; an unexpected 
kiss, call, card, letter e-mail.

Alas, excitement can also be 
dampened with a bill from the
IRS, (as in my mail this a.m.).
Then, there's losing internet
last night so I couldn't read
notes from fam and friends.

I should simply be glad that
none of the above are any big
deal. Why is it then, that we
focus on the disappointments
rather than the sweet nothings
the universe whispers in our 

Time to revisit my New Year's
Resolutions! Get a grip, woman!

glad better than sad
joy over disappointment
happiness reigning 

Jan 24, 2022


Yesterday, I was told that I had
offended a dear friend by sending 
a short, somewhat flippant reply 
in a group e-mail. An action that
is beyond heartbreak . . . and I
simply cannot forgive myself!

Surely, I'm not seeking perfection
in my old age, although I've been
told that I do indeed have this bent.
But, it hurts down deep in my soul 
that at 72 I'm still not getting it right.

You'd think at my age, adding in my
intentions, I'd be doing a better job
of it by now. God in heaven, I am
wracked with grief by the entire

I hark back to those old adages,
"Think before you speak!" . . . 
and a newer one, "Words have
power to heal. Words have power
to kill." ~Anna Maledon 

Here's hoping I've learned a very
important lesson here . . .

my thoughts words and tears
so many lessons to learn
pray pay attention

Jan 23, 2022


Been thinking about this retirement 
business of late; it's been ten years 
now. The first four years don't count 
as I was preparing to receive mom
and she stayed with me for the next 
three and a half.

Just to make sure life didn't become
too boring, I fainted and cracked my
skull open. Given only two months
to live, we moved to my little, 130
year old cabin, ready to face the end.

Now, four years later and winning 
my own bet against the docs, I'm
finally seeing my retirement as a 
true reality. Can't help but wonder?!
'Tis a new year, ergo, a new life.
What interesting secrets await me 
ready to be delved into?!

'Twould love to win the lotto, but
I've heard a nasty rumor that you
have to buy a ticket. Good thing
I so enjoy life in my sweet little
ole cabin! So, what's up so far?

Truly love my life! Who knew?!
It's a little of everything salad
kind of life. The odd trip to town,
eating out once in a while, fab
movies, great books, ice cream
for breakfast and no cooking if
I don't feel like it! Wow!

Best of all . . . my guy enjoys
our life together just as it is. 
Now, all I need  is for Summer 
to come so my family and friends 
can come to visit . . .

me thinks life tis grand
a little of this and that 
lets go out and play

Jan 22, 2022


"People usually consider walking on water
or in thin air a miracle. But, I think the real
miracle is not to walk either on water or in
thin air, but to walk on earth. Everyday, we
are engaged in a miracle which we don't
even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds,
green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a
child, our own two eyes. All is a miracle."
~Thich Nhat Hanh

Me thinks Thich Nhat Hanh was one of 
the wisest men to ever walk the earth. 
How fortunate we are that he chose to 
serve, that we might be allotted his 

I understand, there are many with the gift
of wisdom. We are fortunate to find bits
and pieces everywhere we look. Still, his
words resonate with me. They comforted
me when I lost my father, my marriage, as
well as unimagined heartache that I won't
share here.

Perhaps we'd all do well to seek wisdom 
daily, albeit in our individual holy books,
those precious words of our ancestors, any
place to be found. Doesn't the good book
say, "Out of the mouth of babes . . . "

One of the most important fountains of 
wisdom comes from those who have 
experienced life and all that it gifts us, that 
we might learn. All we have to do is listen; 
as long as we're willing to find it.

listen in silence
the universe speaks wisdom
can you hear can you

Jan 21, 2022


I'm one of those weird animals that
likes to do everything on time . . .

I can actually recall pulling up to 
the mailbox on the way home from 
school, writing the checks and sticking 
the bills bright back in the mailbox.
My teens had a special word that that
kind of behavior . . . ANAL!

I'm better now, I sometimes even wait
20 minutes before going back to the
box with the bills . . . but, Mr. Snow
has added to my patience incredibly.
Sometimes, I can wait out the snow
with the best of 'em!!! I even got a
late charge once.

Promise not to go on and on about the
snow just now; done enough of that.
But, there is an analogy here. We all
have our principles, whatever they may
be or however they may differ. Still,
it's interesting to note that extraneous
events can alter those personal principles
in a heartbeat. 

I never use obscenities! Right?! Just
watch me. I simply do NOT raise my
voice, ever! Sure you don't! I just had
a memory! Never, ever do I drink too
much . . . yahhhhhhh and I'm going to
win the lotto any time now.

Point is . . . sooooo need to put that
finger down. Better to remind ourselves
of our own foibles and stop pointing
the finger. And true, I'm not all bad;
still, methinks I'd sure be in trouble if I
accused anybody. Been there; done that!

not me never me
im so perfect by the way
get a bloody clue

Jan 20, 2022


Snowed all night, no accumulation
apparently, and 7 degrees even as
we speak . . .

Just saw a fab deck breakfast; looked
like fun. Methinks an electric blanket
might be in order. Isn't it interesting
to see how different people cope 
with Winter in different ways!

Of course, so many have to go to 
work, no matter what. My heart
goes out to them. Others, perhaps
those of us who are retired, choose
a lie in, breakfast in bed and a
couple of movies. 

Then, there's always sitting by the 
fire with a lovely cuppa Joe. Ahhhhh
Baileys . . . to add or not to add, that
is the question?! Guess I'll just have
to pass as I don't indulge in January.

Think I'll choose my own menu . . .
Perhaps stay-a-bed, read my novel
and pray that someone who claims
to love me might bring me that
cuppa Joe I've been hankering after!

I really should go check the mail;
alas, no can do . . .

its so cold up here
a hot toddy would be nice
please bring me blankets

Jan 19, 2022


It's o' dark thirty and  22 degrees;
methinks I'm in serious need of
some magic or is it magick or
maybe even magik?!

No matter . . . I love it all! I find
it interesting that spelling is used
to differentiate between different
types of all that is wondrous!

magic - the power of apparently
influencing the course of events 
by using mysterious forces.
magick - in Paganism, action or
effort undertaken to effect personal
transformation or external change.
magik - an alternative spelling used
by author D J Hinton and others. 

My guess would be that we all grew
up with the first. I can remember
small town magic shows at birthday
parties. In today's world magicians
have become incredibly sophisticated
with their sleight of hand. 

Magick or magik are simply different
spellings used to differentiate between
stage magic and actual phenomena,
albeit celestial or supernatural. There
is much to be learned about this. It
may be real or it may be a belief.

I'm going to be on the lookout today
'cuz I be needin' some of that stardust!

bring on the magic
let us magick up our lives
just share the magik

Jan 18, 2022


Morning of the day after . . .

It suddenly comes to me that we
would do well to make our New
Year's resolutions the day after
we have honored MLK and 
pondered the lives of our heroes.

This yearly pondering impels us 
to revisit just who we want to be 
when we grow up. I know this 
matters as it comes up in my life 
over and over again.

From Obama, we are reminded
that we are light years beyond
the Civil Rights Act of 1957. 
We must continue to grow, 
defend and accept.

Bader Ginsburg and Lady Eleanor 
exemplified the strength, courage, 
values of womankind far and wide.

Nhat Hanh and Mother Teresa
have shown us the way to true
spirituality, its meaning and
the courage to live it. Carter
puts us all in our places with 
his daily giving even in his 90s. 

Methinks King and Kennedy
rightly invented the necessary 
courage needed for speaking out 
and they paid the ultimate price.

Behold, learn and live accordingly . . .

Jan 17, 2022


Santa's got naught on me . . .
I have my own list and I've
checked it thrice!

I started collecting heroes when
I was just a kid. Seems I simply
loved looking up to people. They
weren't necessarily known, but
I honored them in my own way.

Today, in honor of one of mine,
I share a few . . .

Barack Hussein Obama II is an
American politician, lawyer, and
author who served as the 44th 
president of the United States from
2009 to 2017. A member of the
Democratic Party, Obama was the
first African-American president
of the United States. 1961-

Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an
American lawyer and jurist who
served as an associate justice of the
Supreme Court of the United States
from 1993 until her death in 2020.
1933-2020 Wikipedia

Martin Luther King Jr. was an 
American Baptist minister and 
activist who became the most
visible spokesman and leader in the
American civil rights movement
from 1955 until his assassination
in 1968. 1929-1968 Wikipedia

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese
Thien Buddist monk, peace activist,
and founder of the Plum Village 
tradition, historically recognized as
the main inspiration for engaged
Buddhism. 1926- Wikipedia

James Earl Carter Jr. is an American
former politician who served as the
39th president of the United States
form 1977 to 1981. A member of the
Democratic Party, he previously served
as the 76th governor of Georgia from
1971 to 1975 and as a Georgia state
senator from 1963 to 1967. 1924-

Chester Otis Jennings, maker of fine
wines from his own vineyard and
stunning pieces from his alabaster mine
in Gateway, CO. Chester was born  in
Fort Morgan, CO on 21 July 1920 to
Samuel Chester Jennings and Elsie
Catherine Castner. Chester married
Esther May Veatch. They had two 
children; Linda Dale Jennings and
Samuel Dale Jennings. 1920-1992

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, often referred
to by his initials JFK, was an American
politician who served as the 35th president
of the United States from 1961 until his
assassination near the end of his third
year in office. 1917-1963 Wikipedia

Mother Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu, honoured
in the Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of
Calcutta, was an Albanian-Indian Roman 
Catholic nun and missionary. She was 
born in Skopje, then part of the Kosovo
Vilayet of the Ottoman Empire. 1910-1997

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was an American
political figure, diplomat, and activist. She
served as the first lady of the United States
from 1933 to 1945, during her husband
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's four
terms in office, making her the longest-
serving first lady of the United States.
1884-1962 Wikipedia

May our heroes and sheroes long live
in our hearts . . .

Jan 16, 2022


"Sunday mornings are made 
for coffee and relaxing!" 
grab your coffee

Amen sister! I LOVE my coffee. 
I make an effort to buy my beans 
from different parts of the world . . . 
'tis the only way I travel these days!

I can remember my teaching years . . .
always kept a fresh pot brewing in 
my classroom. I drank it all day long 
and there were teachers who would 
slip into my room for a cuppa as well. 
I fear I drank two pots a day, all by
meself . . . 16 cups, right?! And no
trouble sleeping either!

So what happens?! Loving me my
coffee and if I have a cup or two in
the morning, 'tis guaranteed I won't
sleep a wink. What the hell, anyway!
I have all these wondrous coffees
and I pay a high price if I indulge!

Every now and then, simply can't
resist. I peruse my library, get me 
a fab book and drink away. Praise
the universe my lover can sleep
with my light on.

Just finishing a delightful series 
by Paula Brackston so I'm going 
to go make a fresh pot and to hell
with an upcoming sleepless night.
'Twill be the full moon after all!

Feel free to send book recs!!!

feel spicy this morn
just gimme a cuppa joe
gonna read me book

Jan 15, 2022


"Candles have been used as a source of
light and to illuminate celebrations for
more than five thousand years, yet little 
is known about their origin. The earliest
use of candles is often attributed to the
ancient Egyptians who made rushlights
or torches by soaking the pithy core of
reeds in melted animal fat." NCA

I'm not even sure if anyone knows just
how much I love candles! 'Tis no wonder
I ended up in a 130 year old cabin with
candles ad nauseam (I keep hundreds in
stock) a perfect haven to end my days!

So, what is it about candles anyway?!
Methinks 'twas the first magic I ever
witnessed. I can remember, as a child,
being a bit down. My father would
light a little candle on my dresser and
tell me to watch it burn. Usually, I'd
fall asleep while watching its beauty.

Candles 'round the bath . . . pure magic!
In the kitchen whilst preparing that
special meal, add to the enchantment! 
"Candles on the table can make the 
most mundane meal a banquet." ~ldj 
A truth I believe and practice often. 

I understand that candles serve from
emergency light to warming the soul.
And, 'tis the last part that interests me
the most. I like to have candles around
me the entire year, but in the Winter,
it is essential.

I want candles in every room of the
house. "To see a candle's light, one
must take it into a dark place." 
~Ursula K. Le Guin I want to fall 
asleep to the light of a candle just 
as I did when I was a little girl. 

"This little light of mine . . . "

pray light a candle
so comforting in the dark
tis a saving grace

Jan 14, 2022


Methinks it all starts with this age 
old truth . . .

 . . . Each day is a new beginning! I
have to believe this. It's rather what
gives me that much needed courage
to face the day, to go on.

Three is my magic number; I wish to
employ it in this way. No more, no less.
I'm no longer certain if I will use the
same three for a day, a week or a year.
Still, I will begin with these . . .

1) Face the day. It matters not, albeit
with courage or fear and trembling.

2) Serve someone else. Write a note,
make a dish, call a friend.

3) Do one thing for yourself. Change
your clothes, take a shower, dab a tad
of scent on your skin. And remember,

"You are the most powerful tool in your
life. Use your energy, your intentions,
your actions, and your magic wisely."
Ancient Pagan Roots

'Tis my plan of action to cope with 
SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).
Pray, this will work . . . I will take 
it on faith!

get up sleepy head
sit by the fire for a bit
write a few postcards

Jan 13, 2022


"Make your alone time sacred. We need
our solitude. Embrace the stillness to 
connect with your inner world. Truly 
take time to feel and tune into your body.
Reflect on your choices and if they are
aligned with your purpose. Let your 
peace be your compass."
~Tara Isis Gerris

Indeed, I recognize words of wisdom
when I see them. I take them to heart.
Pray, I have the wherewithal to follow
suit! We all need times of solitude. I
would add that in today's world, it's
truly a luxury rather than a commodity.

Not really certain just when the world
became so wrapped up in the speed race
that many important things have been 
left out. Perhaps if we pondered why
solitude is so important, we'd make an
effort to create time for it.

I find solitude helps me suss out things
that I have been dithering on about. It
gives me an opportunity to reaffirm the
direction in which I wish to go as well
as grow. It redefines all that is important
to me. It is the kind of rest that allows 
me to return to my own real world with 
greater energy.

As we are only a couple of weeks into
the new year, methinks I'll revisit my
resolutions and put this one in first 

be still awhile rest 
pray listen to the silence
seek a renewal

Jan 12, 2022


I've always wanted to know . . .

 . . . Who will I be when I grow up? 
What am I going to do when I'm an 
adult? I finally have my answer . . . 
 . . . I am becoming!

When we were little kids, we simply
thought adulthood had it all; 'twas
the be all, end all of existence. As
adults, we are initiated into that time
old truth, it is what it is and it's never

Of course there are choices to be made,
some good and some bad. But, there
are also circumstances that threaten
those choices. How do I go live in 
Africa for a year when my mother is
dying? Oops, just got pregnant 6 years
before I had intended to. type of thing.

We are constantly touted the adages, I
have free will. I make my own choices.
I am responsible only to myself. Sooooo
NOT true! Life butts in; circumstances
change, money or lack there of, has 
quite a bit to say about it.

Yes! We are gifted this life. And, we'll
be able to claim some of it. But, whether
you are an others first kind of person,
or reality simply creeps in, there will 
be precious few things and times over 
which you have any say.

Think hard; choose wisely! And always
remember, you are becoming . . .

my little me said
i want to be a grown up
so not what i thought

Jan 10, 2022

01/11/2022 - Element of Spirit

I love, honor and enjoy our most
wondrous elements; Mother Earth
with her gifts of Air, Fire and Water.
But, my favorite will always have
to be the Element of Spirit . . .

I see the Spirit in our souls, the joy
it brings, the thought of our longings
without it. Must revisit, somehow,
just what Spirt brings to the table.

As Spirit resides within, I can't help
but believe this is a visit directly on
the Soul. Our inner child may long
for play, but the adult Soul directs
us towards work. So, what kind of
work might that be?!

Methinks Soul encourages us to
stay on the path of right. He wishes
to see us doing the best we can for
ourselves as well as serving others.
Think of the sense of contentment
to be found in being friendly with 
the neighbors, going the extra mile,
sharing that bit of food.

But, Soul speaks to us . . . What 
do you believe? Do you walk that
path to which you are called? Are 
you honest in what you give and
accept? Soul doesn't ask us to bow
down to abuse . . . He moves us 
to live according to the code each
of us has created in our own lives.

Let us each embrace the courage
needed to live our lives as our 
souls have ordained . . .

hear that still small voice
ponder what is right for me
answering the call

01/10/2022 - Element of Air

I always think about how we can't
live without air . . . and then of 
course, it occurs that we really can't
live without any of the elements!

Air truly moves, pun intended, and
I've always enjoyed a bit of a breeze,
even a little wind. And, just like any
thing else, great amounts of wind 
kill, wreck, and maim.

There are many health benefits to
having fresh air about us. The docs
tell us that it improves blood pressure,
the digestive system, heart rate, lungs
and the immune system. That's all
well and good, but I'm not very 
savvy about any of those.

On my end of the stick though, I've 
been reading, as well as experiencing, 
that fresh air gives you energy, makes 
you feel happier and sharpens your
mind. And this is what the element
of air is all about for me.

Air is a gift that we have had nothing
to do with. But, we've all fallen into
the trap of not caring for it the way
we should. It's easy to blame the big
factories, the airplanes, trucks and
cars for the air pollution we have. 

Still, are we careful about the kind
of car we buy, how we use them? 
What about how we heat our homes?
I'll be the first to admit that I'm all
about the questions and don't hold
the answers. But, I do know that the
answers always involve each of us
doing our bit right where we are.

open the windows
so needing me some fresh air 
love me that sweet scent

Jan 8, 2022

01/09/2022 - Element of Earth

Perhaps one shouldn't play favorites 
with the elements . . . and truly, they
are all my faves. Having said that,
I bow to Mother Earth!

She gives us our home in which to
live. I am enamored of the mountains
and their beautiful lakes and streams.
Not to forget those wondrous trees
that turn all colors throughout the 
year. Sooooo love me the Evergreens 

The night sky calls to me . . . New
Moon, Full Moon, cloudy or clear,
starlit or dark . . . it's beyond glory
of any kind, redefines beauty in any
way, shape or form.

And to think, we can now travel the
world, wide and far, seeing Mother
Earth in all of those incredible spaces 
available to us. 

There are actually places that appeal
to each of us. Some are called to the
sea, others to the alps . . . There are
those who live near the ocean, those
who love the mountains . . . even 
those who quite like the plains!

So today, I honor our mother. Pray,
we learn to preserve her! We must
pick up after ourselves, use products
that compost in her earth, learn to
use and reuse, rather than throwing
hundreds of plastics away!

Let us join hands in preserving her!

loving you mother
so making an effort here
pray teach me your ways

01/08/2022 - Element of Water

As I honor the five elements of
Mother Earth, many have asked
me about the Element of Water.
Let's ponder a moment the most 
wondrous things this element 
brings to the table.

Speaking of table, we always 
have that sweet glass of water 
to drink with our meals. Through
out the day, we reach for those
plastic water bottles (I have issue
with those.). At night, it resides 
on the lamp table beside us . . .
saying nought about the lovely
shower that awaits upon waking.

Think sweet streams, lakes . . .
both natural and man-made. Seas
and oceans the world over. Rain,
sleet and snow. Water, water
everywhere . . .

Brings back a memory of girl
scout days. When camping,
we'd fill our canteens in the
nearby stream and add a tiny
white pill to our canteens for
safe drinking. Yikes!

We all know we couldn't live,
survive, without this glorious
element of water. Methinks 'tis
time to stop taking it for granted
and give proper thanks for this
amazing element.

Ever so happy it's going to snow
this afternoon!

pray give me a drink
ever loving my water
a most wondrous gift

Jan 7, 2022


Today marks one of the single most
important days of my life, the day
I became a mother for the first time . . . 

Having married so young, we chose
to wait to have children. There was
college to finish, teaching positions
to acquire, a home to sort out . . .
then and only then, our first child.

We did all the things young parents
do . . . painting the room, decorating
the walls, putting the crib together
and filling the playpen with an over
load of toys.

Me thinks my sweet child was so
comfortable and cosseted, he was
never going to face the light of day!
But finally, two weeks beyond that
calendar due date, he decided to
join our little family.

I can still recall those young adult
emotions; joy, fear, elation, fear,
excitement, fear . . . obviously, 
fear raised its head fairly regularly.
It makes sense though, this is real
and there is no prior knowledge
or experience to help.

We did it . . .  all of us together! 
Today I salute this phenomenal
man, and honor the amazing artist 
that he is. I am ever grateful for 
his life and the joy he has brought
to mine.

my life so enriched
bowing to the universe
so grateful for joy

Jan 6, 2022

01/06/2022 - Epiphany

El Día de los Santos Reyes siempre 
ha sido muy especial para mí. 
Marca el fin de la época navideña 
del Cristianismo. Una curiosidad del 
seis de enero es que la mayoría de la 
gente utilizan este día para despedirse 
del árbol de navidad y las decoraciones 

Y, me encanta todo esto, muy sin
embargo, lo que me puede mucho, 
es que me hace extrañar aún más  
a mi querido México. Ojalá nunca 
me hubiera salido de mi bella casita. 
La familia, las amistades, la uni  
y los compañeros del trabajo . . .  
a todos los extraño tanto.

Pero ya, ni modelos Sánchez, como
decíamos en el ayer. La vida dio
otro turno y aquí nos encontramos.

Así que, hemos de bajar nuestros
árboles y guardar los adornos. 
Contemos historias a los nenes de
los santos reyes para que sueñan
con los angelitos . . . y despidamos
a los días festivos hasta el diciembre

Feliz Día de los Reyes Magos!

oro y plata
magos tan excéntricos 
dones para dios

Jan 5, 2022

01/05/2022 - Element of Fire

Me thinks all of us have the element
of fire on our minds of late . . .

We sat near our Christmas trees, much
enjoying the fire in the background. 
So lends itself for the homey feel of 
the holiday. Candles burning brightly 
on the festive table full of luxurious, 
celebratory foods and delicacies. 

So many today practice meditation 
of different varieties. One thing these
practices have in common . . . candles.
There is something about staring into
the flickering flame of a candle that
somehow contains the answers to all

And oh, the memories invoked as we
sit around those summer campfires
telling tales out of school. Add in hot
dogs and marshmallows, maybe a
beer or two, and you have the stuff
dreams are made of.

Then comes the devastation of fire
in its destructive mode. The complete 
eradication of a town, severe damage 
to others, the loss of homes, and people's 
entire lives and memories as they knew 

Thousands of acres of forests lost to
the ever hungry forest fire devouring 
everything in sight. Such sorrow!
Such absolute desolation . . .

Pray, we all do everything in our 
power to keep our homes, our towns, 
our forests safe! 'Tis a matter of
vast consequence . . .

light a few candles
come sit by the fire with me 
joy or havoc reigns

Jan 4, 2022


Find myself taking a walk down
memory lane . . .

I see that cute little miss, all of two,
playing with her goats, knocked 
down and getting back up. Such

School girl, all dressed up and ready
to learn . . . loving every minute of it.
To this day, I have nothing but the
fondest memories of school . . . 

Methinks 'tis why I became a teacher,
a bit of pay back! Sooooo loved my
40 plus years of teaching. There is,
and was, nothing like it in the whole

Living in Mexico those 20 years . . .
Bearing my children, most wondrous
miracle  e v e r !!! I have been so

Under a bit of pressure, I'd have to
admit that aging, becoming a crone,
finally acquiring a tad of insight,
has been a very interesting journey.

Here's hoping for a bit more time
and praying for wisdom before the
end . . .

Lady in Waiting

Lady in waiting
Just turned three
Playing "let's pretend"
With that invisible friend.

Lady in waiting
All of seven
Flying feet of gypsy queen
Dancing with the wind.

Lady in waiting
Sweet sixteen
Princess in a castle tower
Carriage standing by.

Lady in waiting
Just nineteen
Here comes your dashing prince
To crown you his queen.

Lady in waiting
Games all done
Ruined castle ravaged
Your men gone to war.

Lady in waiting
Are you still there?
Are you still waiting?
Still waiting? Still waiting!

~linda-dale jennings

Jan 3, 2022


These snowy days find me hunkered down
with a Paula Brackston series. So loving
it . . . might add that the joy of reading is
one of the greatest gifts I've ever received.

Of course, I learned to read properly in
1st grade, but I had already taught myself
the basics. I'm ever so grateful that my
family read every evening . . . what a 
way to be enticed into a world of magic!

I'm fairly certain that this led to becoming
a Lang Arts teacher . . . 40 plus years. I
rather love the way I taught reading. In
today's world, there are so many ways to
do so.

Think; newspapers and funny pages, 
children's shows with the lines written 
at the bottom of the screen, sophisticated
comics, e-books, Kindles, Nooks, audio 
books . . . no end to the manner in which 
reading is delivered to the doorstep of 
our hearts!

The one thing I truly prize about winter
is that precious seduction into quiet time
by the fire with book in hand. What a gift!

"Shall I cook, clean, or do the grocery
shopping? Okay, reading it is."
Crazy Book Lady

lend me some magic
mongst the pages of unknown
never never land

Jan 2, 2022


"Just a reminder that you don't have to 
make resolutions. Or huge decisions. Or 
big proclamations. You can just set some 
sweet intentions and take each day as it 
comes." ~Victoria Erickson

Day two of our brand new year. Imagine
most of us are probably recouping from 
New Year's Eve. Next job, taking a look-
see into our well thought out resolutions.

I'll be the first to admit that my list rather
looks like the Ten Commandments. Comes
to me that if I'm to succeed at all, ten needs
to be reduced to about three! After some
thought, these might work:

    1) Be true to myself ~Shakespeare
    2) Honor others ~4th Commandment
    3) Seek good health ~my dad
Methinks I loved school - number 1. Had
a good upbringing - number 2. And dad -
love of my life. Strikes me that I'm one
lucky gal!

Guess the most important resolution might
be to lay hands on some stick-to-itiveness.
I'm generally pretty good with resolutions
for about three or four days. But, this year
I want to make it. Know I'll be a better
person for it. Wish me some luck . . . 
or maybe what I need is a good kick in the
seat of my pants!

given a new start
making promises to me
so wishing me well

Jan 1, 2022

01/01/2022 - New Years Day

We begin the new year assailed by despair.
Boulder and Lewisville, severely affected, 
and Superior entirely eradicated . . .
'Tis beyond belief; beyond sorrow!

How do we welcome in the new year, 
counting on it being better than the last 
two, and all around, towns are burning 
down? I look at my own emotions; fear, 
dismay, abhorrence . . . I ask myself, 
how do the people feel watching their 
homes burn down, their animals die, 
as they are evacuating from a life they 
never thought to leave?! 

I beg of my inner soul, "Don't buy into
that negativity! Look for the positive!
You can do this!" And, that little girl
inside me is so afraid of never being
able to smile again.  And this is me!
What about the people who actually
lost everything?

Grow up woman! Figurer out a way
to help . . . any kind of help!  Maybe
prayers would make a difference.
Not sure though, seems to me like 
Mother Earth is on a rampage! 
Been there; done that!

filled with much sorrow
methinks theres no recourse none
think think im thinking