Oct 31, 2018

10/31/18 - Samhain

Yay; we woke up to snow at 4:00 this morning!
In days of yesteryear, it was expected that the
first true snow would happen on Halloween. Me
thinks I should buy a lotto ticket! Shoveling
awaits along with guests braving the snow. I
see a cozy fire and hot Irish coffee beckoning.
I look forward to enjoying the last of Samhain,
reminiscing about those I have loved, saying
last goodbyes. It's a bit of a conundrum, this
whole Halloween vs. Samhain. I tend to think
of Halloween as the fun side of the equation
and Samhain as the sacred. When in doubt,
do both, my grandmother used to say! And,
tonight, she is the one perhaps I'll honor the
most. I value so much the life she lived rather
than a life she could have preached. I can see
her now, gathering up all the day's scraps,
making a gravy and setting out the old cast
iron skillet for the local strays to come and eat.
She used to say that barnyard cats were an
important part of keeping the mice at bay. She
was a beautiful woman, often dressed in red,
radiating a magic all her own. As far as I could
tell, she never lost her mystique; she fascinates
me to this day. I want to be just like her when
I grow up!

of samhain i sing
saying goodbye as i sob
precious memories

Oct 30, 2018


What an amazing month October has been! I imagine
all of us have a favorite month, albeit our birth month
a special time of year, a certain beloved season. As I
promised myself, I would celebrate every single day
in October. And I freely admit; I am simply exhausted
from celebrating! I feel like I never want to see another
glass of wine, a dish made from an exciting recipe, yet
another special dessert. The best part though, has been
seeing people I love, reconnecting with some I had lost
in the move, spending precious moments with my man.
I can't help but wonder how I'll feel tomorrow . . . my
fave day of the year, Halloween. 'Tis goodbye to the
tenth month turning 69, and hello to the upcoming
dozen months in which, day by day, I'll becoming 70.
I never say it coming; I never say it happening.
Happy birthday to me . . .

too much too many
bidding my fave spell adieu
tis time to man up

Oct 29, 2018


Perhaps it is because I spent 20 years in Mexico,
but as Halloween approaches, I find myself thinking
in terms of Día de los Muertos and missing my
people. In our culture, or should I say, my adopted
culture, we believe the veil between the worlds
grows thinner as Samhain approaches and one can
sense the dead, visit with them, ask for their blessing.
You will find this happening all throughout Hispanic
cultures on October 31st, November 1st and 2nd.
Obviously, I am quite fascinated by culture per se,
the blending of old and new belief systems, the sharing
of such across borders and lands, the commonalities
and the differences. Catholicism plays a part as well;
some believing it may be even more cultural than
religious. I have such a myriad of feelings in this
waiting period. I want the cabin to be ready . . . neat
and clean, altars built, flowers (especially marigolds)
and pots all around, photos of my own dead framed
and placed, special foods prepared . . . and always
tears near the surface. With no warning, I see to
begin conversations and then stop myself, knowing
perhaps I should wait until the 31st. Having said that,
nothing stops me from readiness.

alone with my thoughts
i find myself missing you
longing so longing

Oct 28, 2018


As we approach our spiritual new year, I find
myself thinking about the things I would like
to change. Obviously, there's always going to
be the same-ole, same-ole that that one wants
to change. Lose weight, be more patient, not
get angry . . . but why can't we focus more
on the positive? What are those things I like
about myself that I want to keep and/or even
embrace?! Let me honor in myself that I am
a friendly person, that I genuinely like and
care about people, I give a good compliment
and I actually listen when someone is talking
to me. No, I think this year, I'm going to strive
for even more than dismissing the the 'don't
likes' and embracing the 'likes' . . . I'm going
to go all out and go for self-acceptance. I'm
69 years old, so when is this whole self-
acceptance thing going to happen if it doesn't
happen now?! Yes, I'm going to accept me as
I am, remembering of course, that there's
nothing wrong with a little salt and pepper
of self-improvement!

so i have issues
am loving me anyway
going for the gold

Oct 27, 2018


We find ourselves in the midst of what my mother
used to call 'car troubles'. Car troubles, indeed! It's
funny how much of our lives, our activities, our plans,
all hinge on the functionality of our carriages, as it
were. We were to have had special guests from out
of town today, but come to find out, their car is
broken down. We are invited to a familial gathering
ourselves; alas, the pickup is broken down in a
completely different town. I grew up with my father
constantly working on cars and am lucky enough
that the man in my life is of the same ilk. Having
said that, it seems now-a-days, cars fun along the
lines of being so highly computerized that the ole
boys of yesteryear find their skills being called into
question. So here we sit, Cindy and me, vestidas
y alborotadas . . .  awaiting our carriages, perhaps
never to arrive.

what say you cindy
is your carriage a pumpkin
me thinks mine is not

Oct 26, 2018


Throwing out the baby with the bathwater is something
that I've been prone to do my entire life. Spent too much
on groceries last month, I'm not buying any this time.
Drank too much wine at the party, won't be going to
any parties anytime soon. Bought too many things at the
mall, won't step foot in one now. Ate too much ice cream,
it's banned from my freezer . . . and on and on and on!
The adult in me isn't quite sure whether to grimace or to
break into hysterics. The child in me says, "You mean I
can't have any more of that?" Being the most unbalanced
Libra I've ever known, I keep asking myself, "When, oh
when, are you going to man up and go for the balance
equation?! I don't know if it's something that escapes my
reach or if indeed it is something difficult to achieve. I'm
right at that point of deciding to try for balance in my
69th year or better yet, just accept me as I am. Anyone
up for an ice cream bash?

climbing on up here
walking my lifes balance beam
falling off most times

Oct 25, 2018


Awaking at 5:30 this morning. the moon shining
full into the living room, I was wowed beyond the
pale. I've always loved the moon and I find it
beautiful in any of its phases. But, those precious
three days: the day before, the day of, and the day
after its full moon phase, are stunning. I find myself
wanting to burst into song, grab a pen and write poetry,
take an early morning walk . . . and actually, there are
times when I simply weep. I know we live in harsh times.
I understand the negativity of the hate in this world.
I know we are often overwhelmed with the ugliness.
Perhaps, looking at Mother, the beauty she provides in
palates of earth and skies, would soothe our hearts.

lunar lady shines
her carriage now awaiting
dressing up the night

Oct 24, 2018


Of books, in all their unprecedented glory,
I sing. Oh my God, how I love them. I
give thanks for having my own library!
And at night, when I'm rather forced to
read in an electronic, night-lighted
implement, I cringe. The heft isn't the
same and certainly there is no rather
wondrous, magical scent of book to
stimulate the mind! No, I rather hate
those. I want a proper book to read! One
that I can throw, should the need arise.
A page that can be turned down to mark
the spot, words to be wondered over and
a dictionary at the ready. I want to be able
to underline my fave passages . . . to be
carefully copied hours later when daylight
graces the horizon. Yes, give me books
and I'll just throw away my whatever, I

oh give me a book
santa are you listening
to hell with the nook

Oct 23, 2018


What is it about over indulgence that so
attracts me? I see it in so many ways . . .
I don't like, I LOVE! I don't eat moderately;
I eat with utter abandon! I don't nurse a glass
of wine; give me enough time, I drink the entire
bottle! I don't read a chapter or two; NO, I
stay up the whole night and finish the book!
I notice that I don't even use periods much;
exclamation marks are ever so much more
satisfying!!! And, don't even get me started on
CAPITAL LETTERS! I can't help but wonder
if all of this doesn't have something to do with
my zest for life! Indeed, I pray it does!!!

stingy has no place
not to exist but to live
live to the fullest

Oct 22, 2018


Of late, I've been imagining my life in a
kaleidoscope of photos and events. As
I flip through a catalogue of memories
long misplaced or forgotten, I find myself
harking back to a small rat pack that used
to follow me around as a child. They were
the virtual leftovers of my own animal
kingdom. Wags, a sweet mongrel of a dog,
led the pack. There was my white goose,
Quacker, a black hen and a turkey gobbler.
I swear they were never apart and followed
me everywhere. Must have brought smiles
to even the most dour. I can remember
being annoyed sometimes as they pranced
along beside or behind me. Friends who
witnessed my faithful few would chuckle
even as they shook their heads in disbelief.
I began to lose them around the age of 14.
I can remember crying with each subsequent
loss, yet being surprised at the grief I felt.
I have to smile, thinking about this most
unlikely tribe . . . wouldn't it be wondrous
if we humans could get along so well?!

my own faithful few
quite a parable of sorts

Oct 21, 2018


I have been absolutely intent on daily
celebrating my 69th for the entire month
of October. And now, two thirds through
the month, I find myself strangely exhausted,
almost wishing for the arrival of November.
It's been so much fun reconnecting with friends,
planning and executing different events, hoisting
a glass. But, after making merry for three weeks,
I'm actually longing for a hibernation period. I
can't help but wonder if I'll have any energy left
for November, much less finishing out the year.
Somewhere along the route of getting me to my
69th, I've heard a rumor about balance. I even
know that my sign, Libra, is represented with a
balance scale. Alas, I've come to the conclusion
that I must be the most unbalanced Libra I've
ever known. This shows itself in many ways,
but perhaps being high as a kite one day and in
the pit of despair the next, is the toughest. I keep
asking myself, "What's next? What will my 69th
year look like? How should I celebrate it? What
do I need to learn? What's worthy of investigation?"
And, like it or not, I believe these questions have
brought me to a decision . . . I'm going to look
into this balancing act, no matter what! God, I'm
exhausted just thinking about it!

on balancing me
how falling off the tightrope
just wheres the circus

Oct 20, 2018


I imagine our birthdays in the latter years
bring about a certain amount of thoughtful
rumination. My recurring questions range
from subtle differences such as, "Who do I
want to be when I grow up?" to "Who am
I going to be when I grow up?" My mother
used to say I had my life planned from the
cradle to the grave. I imagine on some level
she was absolutely right . . . but as time goes
on . . . life happens to you rather than you
happening to life. I have loved and enjoyed
my life . . . my children, teaching, living in
Mexico, building a home, moving into this
120 year old cabin. But, what joys and
sorrows can I carve out for myself in this last
go round, as it were? Like it or not, part of
that is defined by availability of funds and
frankly, Santa hasn't been putting much in
my x-mas stocking of late. I have the time,
but do I have the energy? My heart's in the
right place but me thinks I'd better be checking
out my gumption level. So, camping may turn
into a travel trailer, foreign climes may become
getting to know my own state and hiking the
trails might be better ending the evening on
a barstool trying out the local beers on for size.
I'll report in as soon as I find out!

where am i going
making fairytales come true
click heels dorothy

Oct 19, 2018


On the morning of the day after, I find myself
wondering if I'm the same person or if I've
changed since turning the magickal age of 69?!
I had such a glorious day, saw my fave people,
received many beautiful messages and fun cards.
And, hold your breath . . . I even drank appropriately!
Do I dare to think that at 69 I am finally growing up?!
So, where do I go from here? What do I want to do
with this special, wondrous, magickal year of 69?!
Since the magick begins with self, I would like to
make every effort to commit to personal growth.
There is obviously never any excuse to stop growing.
I long to continue studying and learning most of all.
Keeping a close eye on my soul, I wish to be particularly
accepting of each and every person in my life simply
as they are. No proselytizing, no preaching, no trying
to change anyone. I tend to believe that acceptance
is indeed the key to happiness and contentment. And,
were I to make one wish of the Universe, I would ask
only that I find enlightenment and that I have the
courage to follow wherever it leads me. I pray I may
leave this world a wiser and better person than I
entered it. Blessed be.

wishing on a star
where oh where to go from here
pray understanding

Oct 18, 2018

10/18/49 - 18 = 69

I think of all the witches I could have
wished to be when I grew up and me
thinks 'tis the kitchen witch who is the
most magickal. I can picture her now,
grinding a selection of her homegrown
herbs in her molcajete whilst cauldron
bubbles aromatic on her old cast iron
wood cook stove. She turns and slices
and dices on a slab of stump that has
served her for years as a cutting board.
I see the knife she is using, obviously
handmade. The handle is rough cut, yet
smoothed by years of use. The blade
itself is curiously blackened which makes
me realize it's certainly pre-stainless steel.
Her old teapot begins to rock, announcing
its readiness. She pours the steaming
liquid over carefully selected herbs, adds
a tad of honey and quietly sends it to a
neighbor suffering from a migraine. I see
a little boy, Tom Sawyer-esque, if you will.
He stumbles in, laughing all the while,
and gives her a brush of a hug. I can see
him sniffing, trying to suss out a treat
about to come out of the oven. She points
to the wash basin, indicating action. Wiping
his hands on his dusty pants, he sits at the
table, ready and waiting . . . as am I . . .

all play and no work
never wanting to grow up
who i have to be

Oct 17, 2018


I dreamt of a ring of keys. I see them hanging
'round the old woman's waist. Who is she? And,
why is she encumbered with so many keys? I
see her walking down a dark hallway and from
time to time, she stops and unlocks a door. I
am following at a bit of a distance, still I can
see her every move. I come upon an unlocked
door she left slightly ajar. Very quietly, I peek.
Within the room I see a misty scene There are
several children gathered around a smallish
tree, obviously decorated with homemade items.
It looks to be that they are eagerly reaching for
one specific item each. Strangely, the word happy
comes to mind. I slip back and continue down
the hallway. Again, I find another door and look
in. In this scene, I see a woman in what appears
to be a hospital bed. Sitting on the edge of the
bed is a very anxious young man quietly speaking
to a man in white, stethoscope in hand. Funnily
enough, I sense hope and cannot stop the tears
from rolling down my cheeks. Curious now, I
continue walking down this dim, silent hall. My
heart is full and I don't think I'm up for much
more, but I look in one last room. Here I find a
young man pouring over a stack of ragged books.
He has a pencil in his mouth, papers at the ready
and obviously a sense of arduous purpose. It
comes to me that he is seeking. I can't help but
wonder what he is searching for. What moves him?
What motivates him? I suddenly get it . . . here is
a person who wants to understand, needs to know,
he is seeking knowledge. And in that instant, a
flash of understanding comes to me. She is the
matron of the keys; she opens the doors . . .
happiness, hope, knowledge . . . and without a
doubt, other doors. It occurs to me that all I
need to do is enter . . . enter, accept and learn.
I pray I have the actual gumption to do so.

what is it i seek
will she open doors for me
courage pray enter

Oct 16, 2018


I had to run into Home Depot yesterday
to get materials as I had broken my bathroom
window. All around the store, it was rush, rush,
rush, but finally, I was able to leave. Then the
truth dawned . . . absolutely no idea where I
had parked the car. The parking lot is huge with
an amazing amount of cars. I searched and
searched not seeing the car anywhere. All of a
sudden, I heard a voice call out, "Jennings?"
I turned and saw one of my old students. He
was sitting outside having a smoke. We
exchanged pleasantries although I was unable
to hide just how distraught I was. He asked about
it and I explained that I couldn't locate my car.
He immediately offered to help. Systematically,
he walked the rows of parked cars and within
minutes found it. Interestingly enough, in my
rush to get in and out of the store, I hadn't even
locked it. Added to that, lying on the dashboard
was a bag much precious to me. Perhaps it wasn't
worth hundreds but it may as well have been, as
far as I was concerned. With gratitude and much
emotion, I bid my old student adieu, thanking him
for finding my car . . . and then it hit me . . . there
are good people in this world. Everyone I asked
had helped me in the store. Yes, I know it's their
job. On top of that, my old student helped me find
my car which I hadn't even locked and my precious
bag was intact. Yes, GOOD PEOPLE! I fear we
tend to forget that. I pray I always be one of them.
still good in this world
something to be remembered
pray i be worthy

Oct 15, 2018


I fell back asleep early this morning and dreamt
of my mother. I found myself in her house with
my two older children. It seems she had invited
a few old dears to brunch and was anxiously
trying to get ready to receive them. Obviously,
we immediately began to chip in. My son grabbed
the vacuum and my daughter arranged furniture
in a more practical and attractive manner. I set
about getting everything ready to make waffles
which I haven't made in years. It was rather nice
to see my mom up, walking about, making plans.
I got a kick out of seeing the three invited oldsters
tarry up the walk. One old dame even chose to
lie down on the couch once she was in. I'm trying
hard to understand the dream, the meaning, the
whys and wherefores of it. Perhaps mom simply
wanted to reconnect somehow. I could postulate
that she was checking up on me in her own way.
Whatever the reasons, it was nice to see her in
such a good place.

dear lady in pink
why the invite this morning
rather caught me out

Oct 14, 2018


I've been known to say that I'm the most
unbalanced Libra in the entire universe. I
see this played out in my life over and over.
We Libras are supposed to be all about
balance; can't imagine what happened to me.
A sleepless night or two, to be followed by
a sleep much like death the next. Drink too
much one time, drink not at all soon after.
Spendthrift one day and frugal the following.
The same seems to hold true in the emotional
rollercoaster I ride as well. High as a kite one
day and depths of despair not long after. I
ponder this . . . Is this simply part of who I
am and not particularly to be worried about?
Or, is this a deep-seeded flaw that needs to
be eradicated? Then I ponder . . . pull up the
unwanted weed and destroy the sweet flower
all in one fell swoop. Always and ever two
sides, aren't there?!

teeter totter swing
up and down and all around
builder level please

Oct 13, 2018


Tana French reminds us in her novel, The Likeness,
that we can have anything we want as long as we
accept that there is a price and it will have to be
paid. I can't help but wonder if there's a snowball's
chance in hell I can actually learn that lesson BEFORE
my birthday next week. I imagine it's not bloody likely
but I would like to think it's possible. I love life!
I enjoy people! I revel in all things forbidden and
I have to learn my lessons over and over. But, does
it count as learning if overindulgence happens again
and again and you have to pay the price each time?
I believe I can actually count on one hand the times
I've been able to say, "Oh my God, I got away with
it this time!" And, it's not that I need to join the forces
of the straight and narrow, it's just that I would like
to take myself in hand and learn to behave . . . although
I can't help but wonder if that wouldn't take all the fun
out of like?! Nan, me thinks I'll take my chances!

you better watch out
you better be good not bad
santa claus says so

~Linda-Dale Jennings

"Take what you want and pay for it, says God"
~Tana French

Oct 12, 2018


Catching up with my oldies and besties may
be the very best part of October. Yes, I love
my b-day and Halloween, but there is something
so magical about seeing once again the much
loved people in my life. Obviously, we can't spend,
nor were we meant to, all our time socializing.
I think the word I'm seeking is balance. It all
matters, right down to cleaning the house and
paying the bills! OUCH! Still, connecting with
family and special friends must be the after
dinner dessert of life. Right this moment, in
my October, I feel such gratitude for these
gifts . . . the gifts of unique, glorious, wondrous,
incredible people . . . I bow to the Universe.

phenomenal peeps
most wondrous souls seeking mine
blest beyond measure

Oct 11, 2018


As a child, I used to play what my mom called,
Dress Up Lady. My mother and grandmothers
would gift me their old jewelry, old purses and
old party dresses . . . and not to forget their old
high heels, the higher the better. I had a special
chest for all the paraphernalia. I loved it all, from
the chest that held the heels to the last piece of
jewelry. Once in a while, I would put together an
outfit that would even make my dad chuckle and
then he would take a photograph. Today it's me
who has the chuckle when I look at them. Of late,
the retired me who lives in a 120 year old cabin
and dresses in outfits I think should be referred
to as fatigues, has a rare Dress Up Lady occasion.
I choose a special garment, add in nice shoes and
fun jewelry, and find myself right back to my five
year old self playing the game. I have to wonder
what special outfit my own daughters will choose
for me when I have to play Dress Up Lady for the
angels in the wild blue yonder.

how pretty you look
whats the occasion missy
tea with the angels

Oct 10, 2018


I find myself reveling in October.
What is it about October that makes
it so special? Obviously, the fact that
it's my birth month, soon followed by
the most fun holiday of the year might
have something to do with it. It's been
warm enough that not even a sweater
is needed, yet yesterday and today, we
woke up to a skift of snow. Everywhere
you look, there's vestiges of Halloween.
I find that little kid excitement building.
I want baby pumpkins, funny gourds and
yellow flowers on the table. I need flickering
candles and hot coffee with a little something
in it as I sit by the fire. October is the epitome
of magic! October ROCKS!!!

witchy days are here
gusty winds bring phantom ghosts
come and play with me.

Oct 9, 2018


What is it about us that we require such definition?
It's in every corner of our beings . . . Children or
empty nest? Christian or Pagan? College or high
school educated? Democrat or Republican? Gay
or straight? Introvert or extrovert? Married or
single? Old or young? Rich or poor? When we
fall into conversation, we often find ourselves
defining the corners of our minds with the above
checklist. I have to wonder if it wouldn't be more
interesting if we talked about other subjects.
Isn't it amazing what some of the African tribes
are doing to enhance water conservation? Have
you seen what other countries are doing with
plastic water bottles? Isn't it interesting how some
of the trends in education today are changing
drastically from when we were in school? Does
it really matter how much you weigh? Can it
truly be of importance which sale you last
attended? I want to know YOU! I want to
understand what makes you tick. I really don't
care if you're properly married or just living

by definition
all the p's and q's sorted
so who am i now

Oct 8, 2018


It is October and as Halloween is soon upon us,
I have a question. Do you ever talk to the dead?
I never really thought of it before . . . my father
is someone I could always talk to and although
he passed, lo these many years ago, I still talk
to him. I greet my mother and brother, from time
to time, but don't really talk to them, per se. No,
it's my father to whom I chat, telling him my woes,
my sorrows and fears. I hadn't given much thought
to the normalcy, or lack thereof, of such an action
until a few days ago. The subject of Halloween and
the ensuing talk of decor, parties and the inevitable
dead came up. I said something about telling my
father about a certain happening we were talking
about, and I fear I rather startled the gal I was
visiting with. So, before I take myself off to the loony
bin, just thought I'd ask if anyone else indulges in
these chats of a rather different nature!

chatting with my dad
whether here there or beyond
makes it all better

Oct 7, 2018


Funny thing about solitude . . . as I shared earlier,
I enjoyed some much needed solitude on Friday,
simply reveled in it yesterday, but now I'm ready
for hearth and home. Having said that, I've been
blest with yet another day and I find that I'm not
needing it nor wanting it. I have to laugh at myself.
Here I was thinking how wonderful a three-day
weekend would be, and yet, I'm finding day three
a bit much. Is it that by the very nature of the beast
we're never satisfied? Or, is it simply that truly only
a short get-away was needed? Maybe, it's like our
meals . . . we enjoy a proper dinner of various and
sundry, but only have a small dessert afterwards.
I doubt very much that any of us would care for just
a couple of bites of steak followed by an entire cake
for ourselves. My grandmother used to say, "Plenty
of salt followed by just a tad of sugar." Perhaps that's
the way of life as well.

azúcar y sal de más

Oct 6, 2018


What is it about solitude that is so
absolutely delicious? I've never quite
understood it, only know it's worth
just about any price. I love people!
I adore my family. I have a relationship
I much value, so why the need for
solitude? I suppose part of it is
psychological as it happens so seldom.
Wouldn't we all agree that, that which is
rare is often cherished? I need do nothing
spectacular when alone. I enjoy sitting
in front of the fireplace with a cup of tea.
And, if it's later in the day, a glass or two
of wine doesn't come amiss. A fire seems
to purport a need for silence, quiet time,
thought and contemplation. I find that I am
enmeshed in a glow of contentment after
a session of solitude with my fireplace. It's
almost as if I can face anything thrown at
me . . . I have been give the power! And no,
it doesn't have to be a fireplace; candles are
the most magical implements in the entire
world . . . simply can't live without them.

solitude for hire
my soul whispers its demand
cheap at any price

Oct 5, 2018


I found myself in a situation yesterday where I was
forced to go into a large store. Obviously, 'twas need
and circumstances, not someone at the other end of
unfriendly persuasion. I'm trying to think back . . .
did I ever like to shop? I think I most probably did.
Especially in Mexico with its open-air markets, small
shops and interesting vendors. But, I find myself simply
overwhelmed with claustrophobia in the grandiose stores
of today. I understand that we sometimes need them,
the one-a-month grocery buy, bits and pieces for this
project or that. But, per se, I find them difficult to frequent.
One feels all this energy in full surround sound. The sobs
and cries of unhappy children, young women in a rust to
purchase and be off, families counting out their shekels
to see if they have enough to pay for what they need to
buy, and those in that boring game of buy today only to
return on the morrow. There are times when I find myself
weeping inexplicably, which then worries everyone around
me. I just found out that there are a couple of companies
that deliver . . . I may have to avail myself of that service.

why are you weeping
do you have enough money
get me out of here

Oct 4, 2018


This morning, I find myself all aquiver, as my grandmother
used to say. I get to see my dear, dear friend once again.
We taught together, some 20 years, in the same district and
high school, when I returned to the U.S. Now, five or six
years later, living in different states, leading different lives,
I find myself asking those eternal little girl, middle-school
questions . . . Are we still really friends? Will we have things
to talk about? Will it be uncomfortable? Will my heart be
broken once again when she leaves? Rather makes one wonder
if we ever actually grow up? And, on a higher note, I give
thanks to the gods that I have been gifted friendships such as
these. Far better to have had the friendships, lost them through
geographical changes and evolution, than to never have had
them at all. I realize that many have never even shared the gift,
a true loss indeed.

great loves of our lives
friendship a true gift of time

Oct 3, 2018


Being the most unbalanced Libra I've ever
known, I keep thinking the little kid in me
lives permanently on a teeter-totter! October
rather lends itself to the image, doesn't it?
Vestiges of Summer, but Autumn's crowding
in. A much needed fire in the afternoon means
it's too hot to sleep at night. I find myself
longing for celebration but a bit on the lazy
side for doing anything about it. Me thinks
I need to win the lotto and have a chauffeur,
go figure!

tis unknown longings
autumn is a mix and match
a whirlwind at best

Oct 2, 2018


I've been pondering October and that she means to us.
Miss October dresses herself in her Halloween best, sales
forth with her own hijinks, scare tactics and amusements.
It's a good day when we can get a kick out of her parade of
costumes, trick or treats and shenanigans. I actually find
it nigh onto impossible to walk around a corner without
being scared Mr. Goblin isn't going to jump out and startle
me to death. Still, the little kid in me just loves planning
my own get-ups, parties, get-togethers and even treats.
Forget the tricks! Okay, mostly forget the tricks! I could
tell stories . . . So, what to do between the first and last
days of October? I think I'll begin by perusing the second
hand shops and seeing just what I can put together this
year. Who knows, a witch may be required at any moment.

who to be this year
my own witch awaits within
real or just pretend

Oct 1, 2018


Finally! I thought October would never come!
Have you ever noticed how close to a gestation
period it is before Miss 10 arrives? God! Always
late to the party . . . Sooo, what do we need to know
about her? Yeah, she's a 10! She's part of the Autumn
Squad. She always invites that witch Miss Halloween
to any number of celebrations. She does have a lot of
friends . . . I think they're called something along the
lines of Chilling, Creepy, Eerie, Scary, Spooky. Some
of them are even double-barreled . . .  Blood-Curdling,
Hair-Raising, Spine-Chilling . . . treat them with respect!
Guess I'll just have to wait and see what kind of shenanigans
she pulls this year . . . I always have to wonder if I'm even
invited! Doesn't matter, I know how to gatecrash with the
best of 'em . . .

yay miss october
you're welcome to party
halloween awaits