Feb 28, 2018


What an amazing day . . . my son
moving into my home of many years
and me moving out. He was able to
do in one day that which will take
me several months. Does that mean
acquisition comes with age? I suppose
that is one of life's great truths. Obviously,
circumstances will help me overcome
such stuff and nonsense.

not such a good thing
aging and acquisition
one of lifes great truths

Feb 27, 2018


I had forgotten the whole drama of moving . . .
aside from the incredible amount of time and
work involved, there is that whole re-finding
your lost self in the hidden debris of your life.
Memories keep surfacing as items are found
and recovered, sometimes pleasant and others
not. The courage to return to the scene of the
crime, day after day, is quite unnerving.

a journey unknown
so did not know i was lost
refinding myself

Feb 26, 2018


In the midst of moving and feeling
properly overwhelmed, as my son
is moving in on the morrow, I am
finding bits and pieces of me as
well as my life, that I had forgotten.
It's scary, sad, interesting, unnerving
and overwhelming. Rather leaves
me with the question, "Who am I
going to be when I grow up?" I pray
I make the answer worthy.

where to go from here
a question for the ages
so longing to know

Feb 25, 2018


Moving . . . finding space, getting
rid of, giving away, throwing away,
deadlines . . . the most stressful of
all que haceres.

my reality
after talking to children
alls right with the world

Feb 24, 2018


I'm so tired of living with anxiety.
I swear, I'm on the verge of accepting
medication, which I'd much rather not.
I've lived my whole life in glorious
experiences, only to come to this?!

am trembling inside
so need to be comforted
will i ever heal

Feb 23, 2018


It's rather amazing to me how badly
I wished to die of late and now I
don't even want to go out in the snow
for fear of an accident. 'Tis a conundrum
of the highest order. I suppose it
could be termed personal growth . . .
 . . . not certain.

fear is a strange thng
we live in perilous times
where is my courage

Feb 22, 2018


Did you know today is National
Margarita Day? After 20 years in
Mexico, I always find it interesting
how much the US identifies with
Mexico's marg. It is indeed, a
favorite drink no matter where you
go . . . and varies not much in the
taste department. Nevertheless, I
do feel compelled to celebrate the
day and have my own sweet taste.

jimmy buffett tells the tale
mexico and margs

Feb 21, 2018


One month to spring and I can
hardly wait. Here we are at the
end of February and my brain
is beginning to switch into
wishing for spring mode. Alas,
woke up to 6 or 8 inches (snow),
the usual male/female dissension.

heart is so heavy
my soul cold beyond recoup
dreaming of summer

Feb 20, 2018


As I look out the window and see
what looks to be about half a foot
of snow or more, I am reminded
of the old Biblical adage, 'your
sins shall be as white as snow'.
Having been in and out of the
cabin for six years, I know what
lies underneath (pun intended).
It's give me some unwanted
food for thought.

am looking looking
know looks can be deceiving
underneath it all

Feb 19, 2018


Yesterday at a very special gathering,
I was blest with the opportunity to watch
friendship in action. Each person present
was so entirely different from the others.
Their personalities, belief systems, tastes,
proclivities . . . all distinct, all different.
Yet, each was able to come to the table
from their own direction and give, share,
enjoy and rejoice in each other. I was
moved to tears and wowed beyond the

a window in time
friendships beautifully unique
a gift from the gods

Feb 18, 2018


Oh what wealth I possess in my
friends. Do we actually forget
that from time to time? In the
back and forth missives of
yesterday, I was reminded of
this. Pray I never take any of
you for granted. I do give thanks
for you daily.

your praises i sing
beauty within and without
gifts from the goddess

Feb 17, 2018


I was just getting used to
spring around the corner,
as it were. It snowed hard
for hours and now we have
a couple more days of white
coming up. I am so ready for
Winter to be over . . . my bad!

winter wonder land
you are no longer welcome
get thee behind me

Feb 16, 2018


I'm so excited as Alice is here and
Jo is coming to teach us. I think it
will be our last class before Alice
takes on a tour of our next book.
How I love the reading and discussing!

high expectations
a day of learning awaits
tis beyond the pale

Feb 15, 2018


Today is our day! Russel and I are
Valentine-ing, as it were. We look
forward to esoteric shops, rock shops
eating out at our favorite restaurant,
(not to forget the traditional margaritas).
We're both pretty pleased with ourselves.

make the best of it
our world may not understand
friends over lovers

Feb 14, 2018


This magical morning, we decide to
celebrate on the morrow as our fave
restaurant will be less crowded.
Today, a day of love and friendship,
I am remembering those I have
loved so well in my life.

celebrating love
friendships ever remembered
queens and kings of hearts

Feb 13, 2018


All my life I have been enamored with
Valentine's Day. But in Mexico, it is
called, Día de la Amistad, friendship
rather than a day for lovers. So, I'm
thinking of you, you who have been
there for me in the hardest time of
my life.

tis the day before
a day of expectation
better than christmas

Feb 12, 2018


'Tis still frozen and snowy although Russel
did the walks, thankfully! Everything is so
beautiful when it's covered in white and
let's not forget the wondrous excuse not
to work outside. I'm working on putting
away the last load we brought while Russel
is sheetrocking the garage. I fear there
are only so many places you can accomodate
a quart in a pint container.

end of winter snows
beauty surpasses comfort
so longing for spring

Feb 11, 2018


Yesterday was a cold, snowy day,
so I was hoping for a return of the
sun and some warmth today. Alas,
doesn't seem to be happening. I'm
so done with winter, body and soul.

pray shine mister sun
warm the cockles of my soul
frozen through and through

Feb 10, 2018


As the days go by and our new life
becomes more and more prevalent,
the reality of what I have done, what
I have created, sets in. It's a whole
new way of experiencing fear.

what was i thinking
leaving life as i knew it
a new adventure

Feb 9, 2018


My new library will be sporting
heat today. Lady Hekate and I will
be having a sit down on a beautiful
old red couch soon.

dying on the vine
oh pray come soon mister sun
me needs some light now

Feb 8, 2018


Today, Sears is delivering my new fridge
and washer/dryer combo. One tends to
forget how the other half lives when trying
to learn the whole 1889 cabin adventure.
Don't know if I'll be able to handle such

in and out of love
never mind subject matter
tis life at its best

Feb 7, 2018


I think our general attitude towards JOY
is ORGASMIC . . . all that work, pleasurable
or not, and our JOY lasts about eight seconds.
It's a good analogy and me thinks we need to
re-look at this. JOYFUL PROCESS is just as
important as JOYFUL PRODUCT!!! 'Tis a
path to be chosen! Are you listening, Linda-Dale?

sometimes i wonder
do we fear to be happy
i choose joy today

Feb 6, 2018


Strange, strange night. I woke up without my
usual hyper awareness and no recollection of
the night. I have a sense of lost, unknown time
and it makes me feel rather shaky. Maybe finally
being able to have an uninterrupted sleep will
turn out to be healing. No alcohol in five days,
no sedatives of any kind; I remain suspicious.

am i now dreaming
my wizard of oz awaits
i want to go home

Feb 5, 2018


As we move from Lady Hekate's darkness
into Lady Brighid's light, I can't help but
believe it's all connected. I feel the healing
process beginning. I needed to the dark
to think, assess, comprehend and now I need
the light to heal, understand and grow.
Amazing blessings! Blessed be!

out of the darkness
and into light eternal
my healing at last

Feb 4, 2018


A great day awaits as my son
is coming to brunch. 'Tis an
amazing thing to enjoy one's
children as adults. It's a kind
of magic that has no comparison
 . . . I am ever so fortunate!

wheres my little chap
all grown up a proper man
miss my baby boy

Feb 3, 2018


It's been a bit of a hoot to read
through the Imbolc/Groundhog
Day/Goddess Callieach myths.
Makes me rather wish they had
been more prevalent in my own
childhood household.

ladies night and day
our hekate and brighid
save us from groundhog

Feb 2, 2018


Imbolc is also the day the Cailleach gathers
her firewood for the rest of winter. Legend
has it that if she intends to make the winter
last a good while longer, she will make sure
the weather on Imbolc is bright and sunny,
so she can gather plenty of firewood to keep
herself warm in the coming months. As a
result, people are generally relieved if it is a
day of foul weather, as it means the Cailleach
is asleep, she will soon run out of firewood.
~The Crone's Grove

winter exhausted
pray go home mi lady
lady cailleach

Feb 1, 2018


Coming home from having celebrated our
Lady Hekate passing the torch to Lady Brighid,
I find myself overcome with the joy of the love
the occasion, the sharing, the being . . . and I so
love the return of the light! Blessed be!

from the dark to light
from hekate to brighid
joy in the morning