Oct 17, 2024


"The richest people in the world
are those who have learned to
appreciate simple things in life."
~Samuel Bizimana

This spoke to me . . .

For me, 'tis proof that I've at 
last arrived! I love my age, my
understanding of life and its
various happenings . . . and I
love all sweet, simple things 
in life.

Methinks my only sorrow . . .
it takes nigh onto a lifetime
to reach this point. I finally
get it. Why, oh why can't we
understand this bit of wisdom
at a younger age?!

This month, glorious October,
has brought this home to me
over and over. Coffee with a
friend, an unexpected card,
a telephone greeting, the odd
e-mail. All are simple and all
have brought me joy!

I ask myself, "What simple
things could I gift to others?
That unexpected compliment
in the grocery store, dropping
a post card in the mail, taking
the time to write a proper letter.

Since turning 75 has been so
special for me, I'm going to
dedicate this year to gifting 
the simple. One small thing
a day . . . and I bet this will
benefit me even more than
any recipient!

Need to give this some thought!

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