Oct 13, 2024


Thirteen glorious days of
celebration so far . . . and
at 75, I'm more than a tad
worn out! Oh, but what 
fun it has been!

Sooooo, today I'm going
to enjoy a b-day present 
I received, an absolutely
delicious book. Can not
wait to get into it.

Actually, I may be in a bit
of a mood as I read all nite
last night. Methinks I feel 
a nap coming on at some
point today.

Right now, I find myself 
overwhelmed with a great
deal of gratitude . . . 75?!
Wow! Just WOW!!!

Add in the visits, outings,
fun mail, cards, and these
feelings of thankfulness
are quite understandable.

My heart just feels all tingly!

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