Jan 28, 2025


"The path isn't a straight 
line . . . it's a spiral. You 
continually come back 
to things you thought you 
understood and see deeper 
truths." ~Barry H. Gillespie

This quote gives one a 
great deal to think about. 

Seems like I've believed in
the spiral approach forever 
and a day. Still, I had not
pondered it from this point
of view.

Indeed, we do revisit things
and thoughts almost on a
daily basis. I find myself
coming back to reminisce 
about certain happenings
and am often gifted with 
an unexpected aha moment.

The one thing I know is
personal growth is very
important to me. Alas, I 
am ashamed to say, when
it takes giving up certain
things, I'm not always so

Yes, I can give up smoking
and taking seconds, but not
my red two or thee times a
week. Ha!

If honesty is important, then
'tis even more so to one's self!

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