Jan 23, 2025


Nigh onto sans paroles . . .

My hometown bestie came
last night. Can't even believe
traveling in this weather . . .
much less doing the passes!

We usually sit in front of the
fire, have a glass or two each
of our fave wines.

This time, we sat each on the
ends of the bed and caught up.
She had her glass or two and 
I brought up her dinner.

'Twas a ghastly 50° downstairs
and a lovely 74° upstairs. Easy
to see why we stayed up rather
than down . . . and talked the 
night away.

We were a heatwave of 3° 
when she left this early morn. 
Can't believe this weather. And, 
this makes 5 days with frozen 
pipes and no water. 

Praise one and all that we can 
now buy water at the health 
food store!

Hey! No complaints from the
cheering section if you have 
both heat and water! Having
said that, we indeed love living
in our 145 year old cabin. 

Obviously, not for one and all . . .

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