Today is the day the new
year starts for me. It has
always been thus. New
Year's Day, our anniversary,
is rather a stand alone, a
separate holiday, if you will.
I awoke at o' dark thirty this
early morn, thinking already
about this new year, 2025.
Will I grow? Accomplish?
Can I stay positive with all
the political happenings,
worldwide hunger, wars and
For me, it's not about New
Year's Resolutions. It's more
about paying attention to
business and striving for
personal growth.
Add in living rather than
existing, having enough fun
to make the whole thing
worthwhile and you have
my entire razón de vivir!
I always choose not to drink
in January. Now, let's see if
I can eat right. That's a lot
harder. Guess there will be
no ice cream for breakfast
this month!
Happiest of all happies to
one and all . . .
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