"Live in each season as
it passes; breathe the air,
drink the drink, taste the
fruit, resign yourself to
the influence of the earth."
~Henry David Thoreau
Sooooo needed to hear
this today!
Alas, all my friends get
that I complain non-stop
about winter. I'm actually
coming to the place where
I get that having SAD is
no excuse. And, we're all
tired of hearing it anyway!
I'm coming to realize that
having to experience the
cold, snow, winter is far
better than its alternative.
And, as I have no intention
of dying anytime soon, I
best be getting on with the
acceptance of the season!
Here are my apologies,
good intentions and feel
free to slap me if I start
in with my usual winter
complaints . . . or
You could just ask me if
I've taken my meds?! Ha!
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