Jan 24, 2025


Books! Did I say books?

So love me my books!
Praise the literary gods, 
I have a personal library 
of roughly 6,000. Used 
to have 7,000 but gave a
few away when moving.

I've been known to read 
a book and liking it, give
it a reread down the road.

Here's something I've 
never done before . . .

My daughter gifted me 
a fave book of hers for 
x-mas. I was delighted 
to finally read it a couple 
of days ago.

Finished it yesterday,
and promptly began a
reread last night . . . a
first for moi!

I just knew I'd reread 
it some point. Still, I
never dreamed it would
be on the same day.

I am at the author's feet,
make no mistake!

And mi hija, you have
phenom taste in books!

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