Jan 17, 2025


"When a woman has sister-
hood with other women, with-
out comparison or competition,
she gains the super power to
soar." ~Christine Arylo

Methinks the term lucky, does
not even cover how I feel  . . .

I have sisters, bottom line, at
the beginning and ending of
all comments. So no, lucky
doesn't really do it for moi!

What I do have, is a great
sense of gratitude. I know
there are those women who 
feel they have never really 
found sisters in their lives.

Who knows?! Is it luck? Is
it the power of attraction?
Is it simply meant to be?
Ordained somehow?!

Perhaps, it is not to be under-
stood. Maybe it just is. What
ever it is, I'm beyond grateful.

And, as one cannot pay back
those who love, pay it forward
comes to mind! Not sure what
that looks like, but I intend to
ponder until I suss it out.

Truly, what a gift love is . . .

Jan 16, 2025


Goodbyes are ever so hard . . .

I can remember my parents
coming to visit from time 
to time when we lived in
Olde Mexico.

So enjoyed their few visits,
but the goodbyes were the
hardest. I would stand there,
waving as they departed 
with tears streaming down
my face. And now, they are
gone forever.

I find the visits from my old
friends from my home town
absolutely wonderful. Alas,
they too, must depart in a
timely fashion. Maybe I no
longer shed tears, but I do
wish they could stay longer.

Our amazing friends down
the street see us often, but
they have lives of their own.
Work to do, errands to run,
gardening prep, and they
enjoy each other's company
which is phenomenal.

I'm always surprised when
they leave, just how much
I'm missing them already.

My thoughts are that this is
just as it should be. I have 
heard people say, "My God,
I thought they would never
leave." Such a sad dictamen!

Missing my kids as ever . . .
seems once a month visit
and once a week telephone
call just isn't enough. Glad
we love each other enough
to indeed miss!

Who knew?!

Jan 15, 2025


"Walk barefoot. Talk to the
moon, the trees, the rivers,
and the mighty mountains.
Find magic in everything."
Ancient Pagan roots

This truly speaks to me  . . .

Obviously, we can't walk
barefoot outside this time 
of year. I just put the trash
out at 5° this early morn
and methinks I have frost

Still, last night I had words
with the full moon, well
the day before, the day of
and the day after. Sooooo
love me the moon in all of
its stages.

We actually live by a small
running stream. The deer
and elk frequent it. I like to
go over, have a few words
from time to time. It runs
right by my garage/library.

The mountains, embedded
with evergreens, grace one
side of the property. A road,
and the stream, the other. 
On a side note, should be
charging passageway from
the cars passing by! Ha!

Still, 'tis indeed magick
everywhere; I'm in love
with every bit of this here
and now . . . although . . .
Winter has overstayed its

Jan 14, 2025


Yesterday, a friend of mine
came over to help me put 
the cabin in order after all 
the New Year celebrations.

She was in the living room 
whilst I was rearranging my
hobby center. Sitting on the
floor, tending to the bottom
shelf, I found a small box 
no longer needed. 

I simply tossed it through 
the door to be burned later. 
In a couple of moments, my 
friend came in and asked if 
I'd thrown the box at her as 
it had hit her in the head.

She had looked all around 
to see where it had come 
from, then it occurred to her 
that I had thrown it.

Must have been the moment,
but we had ourselves a good 
laugh . . . then, every little 
while, one of us would erupt 
in chuckles.

No biggie maybe, but in the
throes of winter, one must
find hilarity whenever and
wherever it comes out to 

Jan 13, 2025


"Being challenged in life is
inevitable; being defeated is
optional." ~Unknown

Fab quote I ran into this early
morn . . .

Indeed, we are challenged 
on a daily basis. I would say,
especially as I approach 100.
Alright, 75!

-Do I really have to cook today?
I did that sooooo many years
for fam and friends.

-I showered yesterday and it's
only 3°. Do I have to again?

-Need a few groceries. No, I
am def NOT going out in this

Nah . . . if 75 hasn't granted 
me my own way, then what's
the point already?! 

I'll have my own way; that's
showing 'em! Mr. Defeat best
get out of my sight!

Jan 12, 2025


"Give me a beautiful sunrise, a
a blanket, a warm cup of coffee,
a good book, and a weekend full
of nothing to do and just leave 
me be in my happy place. I'll be
fine." ~Samantha Gabardi

Methinks, it all boils down to 
the simplistic . . .

Recalling younger times when
I deemed entertainment and
travel to be the be all, end all.
And, at that time, it was. Really,
there is a time and place for all
our dreams and imaginings.

Having said that, so enjoying
the now of my life. I love the
rise and set of sun, the moon
shining in the window, that
fab book I'm reading, and a
quiet life all 'round!

In thinking about it, it occurs
to me that it's all about time 
and place. We all do those age
appropriate things in each of
our lives. Thus it occurs to me
that living quietly at this time 
of my life is as it should be.

Still, I celebrate those who 
travel, party, hike, gad about,
and visit fam and friends.

I sooooo enjoy visits. They
sustain me and I am grateful
for every moment.

No matter the age, those joys
that sustain us, happy motoring
to one and all!

Jan 11, 2025


"You can't control every-
thing. Sometimes you just 
need to relax and have faith 
that things will work out. 
Let go a little and just let life 
happen." ~Kody Keplinger

Methinks control is indeed 
an issue here.

Don't know if it's because
I'm a Libra or if I was born
that way. Maybe, 'tis the
teacher in me. One must
control the classroom after

I wouldn't say, I'm that post
Ph.D. level of control, but 
I do tend to take care of 

Still, as I approach the elder
years, I feel I need to let go,
let be. Not as easy as it would

So here's moi, backing off,
backing up and not trying to
take care of business anymore.

Eat all you want. Drink all you
want. Drive too fast. Don't read.
It's all good!

But, just letting all know, if
anyone even tries to hurt any 
of mine, they'll see what control
really looks like!!!

Jan 10, 2025


"I love. I live. I keep trying.
I fail. I hurt. But then, I dig
deep, I fight back . . . I rise
again. Always. ~Ravenwolf

Although I much enjoy her,
'tis as though I wrote these
words myself!

Isn't the winter doldrums
I struggle to get through,
but SAD. So, these words
apply . . .

There are moments, days
in fact, where I don't think
I'm going to make it . . .
and then, somewhere I find
the courage to buckle up
and do the ride whether I
enjoy it or not.

Love seeing people out and
about in this weather. May
be they're off to spend the
weekend skiing. Perhaps a
long walk around the lake.
Indeed, there are people who
find winter is their fave time.

So, I'll look out at the frosting
Mother Earth has decorated
with. I'll celebrate that I'm still
here to be a tad disconcerted
and await my turn for summer
eternal . . .

Jan 9, 2025


"I say, don't skip dessert, 
go barefoot, nap often, 
curse when necessary, laugh 
a lot, be generous, be kind, 
and always choose love."
~Anita Opper, Zen to Zany

This bit of hippie wisdom
hit me hard this early morn.

Seems to me we all live on 
a somewhat floating scale 
of what we consider to be
naughty rather than nice. 
Left overs from Santa, I

We allow ourselves to sin at
a fine restaurant and rather
than celebrating the delight,
we carp all the next day 
about falling off our diets.

"I shouldn't have stayed up
so late! Shouldn't have had
that drink! Shouldn't have
had seconds!"

God in heaven, we live in 
a world of shouldn'ts! We 
bind ourselves in laments,
regrets and admonitions!

Methinks 'tis high time to
live rather than exist and
lose the guilt already!

Are you listening ld?

Jan 8, 2025


"I've decided my 2025
will start on February 
1st. January is a free 
trial month." Unknown

My colleague, Barb Martin
shared this bit of wisdom
last night. I had the best
laugh I've had this new year.
Surely, she'll forgive me for
sharing it yet again!

January actually is rather a
place in time as far as I'm
concerned. Let's see . . .

Jan 1 - New Year's Day
Jan 4 - World Braille Day
Jan 6 - Los Santos Reyes
Jan 7 - My Son's b-day
Jan 8 - Hecate, Divine Midwife
Jan 13 - Full Wolf Moon
Jan 20 - Martin Luther King
Jan 25 - Seven planets line up
Jan 29 - Lunar New Year
Jan 31 - Hecate's Feast Day

Now, do tell me just how
January fits in with the rest
of the year?! Methinks not!
A third of the month spent
in holidays; go figure!

I do find celebrating January's
feast days helps me cope with
winter. So I say upward and

You want to celebrate? Bring
a beer and come on over . . .
I don't have any in the house
to offer you as I have this no 
drinks allowed in January thing
going on . . .


Jan 7, 2025


Oh what a glorious day . . .
for a couple of reasons!

Fresh snow makes every-
thing look so bright and 
clean. And at 22°, it's 'bout
twice as warm as yesterday!

But the absolute best, 'tis . . .
today, umpteen years ago,
I gave birth to my first child.
A beautiful son, perfect in
every way!

Fab personality, an artist so
wondrous it rather makes me
tremble, married to the best
woman in kingdom come, an
incredible brother, and the son
of my heart, of my soul and of
my womb.

So lucky, I get to spend time 
with him today. My entire soul
is in celebration mode!

Should you wish to see some 
of his work . . .


Just call me, proud mama!!!

Jan 6, 2025

01/06/2025, Greetings ahoy

One of the things that tickles
me is watching people greet
each other.

Men, especially wondrous!
They do this kind of one arm
hug, slap each other's backs
and call each other names.
Just love it!

Women do a light embrace
and cheek air kisses. Not 
nearly as exuberant as men,
but still sweet.

Children run towards each
other, hug and express their
excitement in all sorts of

Close acquaintances and
colleagues shake hands and
sometimes pat each other's

Lesser acquaintances nod
and perhaps engages in 
short hellos, how're you

At least we're not like dogs
that do the whole sniff and
lick routine! Ha!

Jan 5, 2025

01/05/2025, Ángeles

Hoy, siendo el cumple de mi
comadre en México, me doy
cuenta cuanto extraño a mi 
vida ahí . . .

Mi casa, construida por mi
padre. Mi amiga y vecina.
La universidad y mi trabajo 
en enseñanza. Mis hijitos
siendo chiquitos a la vez.

Sé que si hubiera quedado,
mi vida sería muy diferente.
Pero, claro que entiendo que
no me quedé y así es lo que

Lo que sí poseo, memorias!
No hay nada que me las
puede quitar.

Subiéndome en un globo con
mi hijo. Bendiciendo mi casa
nueva. Los triunfos con mis
alumnos. Fiestas Mexicanas.
Sobre todo, el nacimiento de
mis hijos.

Se me ocurre que la vida es
un gran rompecabezas. Se
necesita tiempo para lograrla.
Aveces se pierde una pieza o
dos. Es difícil ver su contenido
casi hasta el final.

Aún que la vejez me azorrilla,
sé que me queda mucho por
cumplir. Espero en Dios que
me sea dado el tiempo y la
gracia para terminar lo que se
espera de mí.

Bendiciones y felicidad . . .

Jan 4, 2025

01/04/2025, World Braille Day

Today will ever and always
remind me of my brother.

As a young blind boy, his
world opened up when he
learned braille. 

I can remember lights out
in our home. We all honored
said rule. But, my little bro
would simply pull out one
of his braille books and read
until he got sleepy. Amazing!

Frankly, aside from a loving
family, three things truly
opened up his life. Braille,
his seeing-eye dogs and CO
State School for the Deaf and

I salute the three, celebrate
them and honor my little
brother . . .

 . . . Sammy!

Jan 3, 2025


"Until further notice -
celebrate everything!"
~Goddess Love

Saw this bit of brilliance
this early morn . . . may
seem a tad silly, but 'twixt
aging and 'tween, there's a
big bad world out there, I
like it!

'Tis repetitive, I know, but
there is so much sorrow in
our lives . . . loss of family
and friends, payments of all
kinds ill afforded, 

So I'm going to take this tiny
little ditty as a mandate from
the gods! I'm going to do my
own hide and seek and find
something special in each day
to celebrate!

I am fine with little or big . . .

Still have some buttermilk in
the fridge! Yay! Ran out of oil,
but I have butter! No beer; no
prob! It's dry January after all!

I am beyond grateful that our
children are safe and well. I
celebrate the friendships we
are given. Hearth and home!

Indeed, let's celebrate!!!

Jan 2, 2025

01/02/2025, New Year Musings

Today is the day the new 
year starts for me. It has 
always been thus. New 
Year's Day, our anniversary,
is rather a stand alone, a 
separate holiday, if you will.

I awoke at o' dark thirty this
early morn, thinking already
about this new year, 2025.

Will I grow? Accomplish? 
Can I stay positive with all 
the political happenings, 
worldwide hunger, wars and 

For me, it's not about New
Year's Resolutions. It's more
about paying attention to
business and striving for
personal growth. 

Add in living rather than 
existing, having enough fun 
to make the whole thing 
worthwhile and you have 
my entire razón de vivir!

I always choose not to drink
in January. Now, let's see if
I can eat right. That's a lot
harder. Guess there will be
no ice cream for breakfast
this month!

Happiest of all happies to
one and all . . .

Jan 1, 2025

01/01/2025 - New Year's Day

"Every year you make a
resolution to change yourself.
This year, make a resolution
to be yourself." ~Unknown

I so like to think that I am
myself; sometimes, retrained, 
other times, over zealous!

I have found, on a good day,
I am capable of sitting back
and listening. Others, I jump
right in, share my thoughts.

Can't help but wonder if it's
an ego thing. Maybe 'tis the
need to be heard.

On the other hand, as the
most imbalanced Libra I
have ever known, this may
be at the base of the whole

As it's New Year's Day, I'm
granting myself three wishes.

-May I find the courage to
accept myself as I am and
still strive to grow.

-Happy 25th anniversary to
my guy and moi! We've made
a good, long time!

-Happy New Year to one and
all. May this be the happiest
year of your lives.