Feb 28, 2025


Today, we find ourselves at
the end of this month of love
and friendship . . . glorious!

I've so enjoyed the sharings
that go with February. Cards,
love letters, roses, phone calls,
heart shaped boxes of sweet 
chocolates, as well as the
spoken word.

Every year, I promise myself
that I'll continue the gestures
that February gifts us. Seems
I do send the odd card, notes,
e-mails for a while. Still, one
gets busy with living this life
and those small niceties often
get left behind.

Ay Dios mío, it only takes
five minutes to send an e-mail,
ten to prep a card. Why, oh
why, do I leave these precious
things behind?!

Think about it, when I pass,
no one is going to remember
the loads of wash I did or the
dishes I washed. Obviously,
these things merit doing. But,
this doesn't mean, I can't take
a few moments a day to do
some sweet thing for someone.

Some words of wisdom here.
Do so hope I'm listening!

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