Feb 11, 2025


"Be patient with me - I'm some-
where between losing my mind
and finding my soul." ~A Shea

I am in awe of this truth! I am
equally in awe of the patience
my friends show me hanging
on with all my Libra ups and

Methinks I need to interview
other Libras to see if they are
able to stay in balance. One 
of my Libra friends seems to 
have found that balance. The 
only thing I've ever seen rock 
her is grief. My heart so goes
out to her.

In thinking about A. Shea's bit
of wisdom, guess there's naught
wrong with losing a time to time
losing streak! Finding the soul,
that's an amazingly wondrous

My guess would be, everyone
is on this swing! All of us fight
daily for that gift of wholeness.
In fact, I've actually come to
believe it's a life long journey.

Being on the other end of the
life stick, I intend to spend my
days seeking this wholeness,
balance, if you will!

Here's to that daily fight . . .

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