Feb 3, 2025


"When the well is dry, we'll
know the worth of water."
~Benjamin Franklin

I'm almost scared to say it.
We have water!!!

Woke up in the early hours
and heard water. What a
sound! Lovely, lovely sound!

We've been without water 
for 15 days. You'd actually
have to experience this to
understand it completely.

Trips to the store to buy
drinking water. Neighbors 
bringing water for all the
whatevers. Praise the gods
we were able to shower at
my son's.

Alas, low temps next week,
so we may be starting all
over again. We're off today
to buy heaters for under the
floor and in the well. 

Seems every winter my guy 
tries different things to keep 
this from happening. Might
just come from living in a
145 year old cabin!

For now, I'm surrounded by
the ambrosia of water. Ever
so grateful . . .

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