"When women come together
with a collective intention to
heal, magic happens."
So love this statement!
Like to think that me and mine
are simply this kind of circle.
Don't belittle . . . heal!
Don't craze . . . heal!
Don't envy . . . heal!
Don't gossip . . . heal!
Don't laze . . . heal!
I know it's a tall order. I always
try to remember it's not striving
for perfection, it's striving for
growth. And, personal growth
is of paramount importance;
make no mistake.
One of the things about a circle
of women is we remind each
other of . . . our paths, different
though they may be. Our growth,
albeit ever so slow. Our strengths.
Alas, 'tis easy to get bogged down
or even critical of our own process.
Hence, the importance of sisters.
They are able to see the whole
picture and can remind you . . .
-where you were
-where you are
-where you're going
Women R O C K !!! But, so do
men. I strongly dislike putting
the other sex down. 'Twas done
to us for many a year. We should
not go down that rocky road!
Let's all grow together!
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