Mar 8, 2025


"A simple life filled with
freedom is what truly
fulfills me."
The Homestead Movement

Been talking 'bout this for a
while now. Mostly in regards
to being an ole retired gal.

Still, 'tis what I've ever longed
for and now have been gifted.
So hope the powers at be give
me a few more years to enjoy
exactly this.

Add in a little naughty and
you've got pure paradise!
Think outside the box here . . .

Champagne brunches, a
mystery marathon, fun meals 
in bed, sitting by the fire w/
friends for FAC, an all night

Doesn't get any better than
this . . .

Mar 7, 2025


"The best thing about getting
older is becoming clear on
what does and doesn't matter."
~Anita Opper, Zen to Zany

If ever there were a truth,
this is it!

When I was a young wife,
mother and teacher, I had to
dance at the speed of sound
just to keep up. Methinks I
did so with one hand on my

Now, however, Mr. Time has
slowed me down and I find
myself ever a pondering.
Naught wrong with this, I 
just didn't have time before.

Then, it was about beauty.
Now, 'tis more about comfort.
Then, I read for professional
reasons. Today, I read for
pleasure. Then, I prepared
three truly fab meals a day.
Now, I eat whatever I want,
whenever I want. Ice cream
for breakfast is ever a fave!

Now that I'm a 100 years old,
I do wish we could mix up
the two!!!

Why does wisdom have to 
come so late?

Mar 6, 2025


Not exactly certain why, 
but my little bro Sammy
has been on my mind of
late. I think of him by day 
and dream of him by night.

Only a few months apart,
we grew up playing, as 
well as all else together.

I've shared before that he
was diagnosed with Von
Recklinghausen disease
just before turning three.
So, in many ways, our
childhood together was 
a gift. 

Either Russel's mom or
Bonnie's mom would drop
me off after school. The
bus would then drop off 
Sammy and then my time 
to care for him until our
parents came home would

Several activities would
keep us busy. I would read
to him from a fave book.
We'd take a walk around
the neighborhood . . . often
stopping in to say hi to our

Ever and always, supper
together as a family. After
dishes, we'd read together
and have family prayers.

I've shared so much of this
before. I haven't forgotten;
it's just that he's been so on
my mind. 

Can't help but wonder why . . .

Mar 5, 2025


Wondering if winding down
into my now olde might bring 
about a rewind into yesteryear.

Dreaming, thinking, rethinking . . .
. . . hopefully not living in the
past, simply visiting!

Precious memories, mistakes
made, happenings I will ever

I have lived; make no mistake.
Now, what I'm hoping is that
in my last run at what time is 
left, I don't go down existing
rather than living.

Then . . . parenting, teaching,
traveling, partying, playing.

Now . . . reading, writing,
puzzles ahoy, spending time
w/my guy.

It's all good, both the now and
then. But, assessing, I'd say yes,
I am living not just existing. 
Still, it's a 75 year old pace 
rather than a 35 year old dance.

Might just be why the gods 
gifted us both memory and 
imagination . . .

Mar 4, 2025


On the sidelines, awaiting 
my SAD meds, I watched 
that infamous parade of 
old tired souls walking by.

Some with canes, others in 
wheelchairs, a few slowly
advancing step by step.

Looking at these amazing
oldsters in the stances old
age brings to the table, I 
could sense the attitudes 
at play. The pretty young 
girls within, flirting a bit. 
Handsome lads responding 
in kind.

My heart hurt for their worn
out strides, their hurting limbs
and whatever medical probs
brought them to this table
in particular.

'Twas strange that I wasn't
necessarily feeling sorrow,
rather awe. Life! What an
amazing vehicle life is.

I glanced down at my hands, 
for whatever reason . . .  and 
there I saw my own wrinkled 
paws, with the odd age spot.
I was taken aback as I looked
up at my oldsters in parade
and then again at my hands.

It hit me then, I'm one of them,
aren't I?! I'm older than I am
younger, right?! 

Ever so glad I've had a most
wondrous life. Sooooo needs 
me some humungous words 
just to describe how I feel.

Let's see . . .  astronomical . . .

 . . . glorious, wondrous, 
incredible, amazing, beyond 
the pale!!!

Mar 3, 2025


March energy:

Let go of perfection
Give people kindness
Focus on small daily wins
Be your most genuine self
Stop doubting your progress

~Yung Pueblo

Such wisdom for one so 

The days elongate. Daylight
softens the cold and snow 
wisdom comforts.

Methinks I may actually make
it this time. Alas, 'tis to snow
again this evening. Yes I know,
we need the moisture!

Thinking positive here!

 - - -

Diego Perez, Ecuadorian, 
is the poet and philosopher 
behind pen name Yung Pueblo, 
'young people'. Google Books

Mar 2, 2025


"I like people who get excited
about the change of seasons,
sounds of the ocean, watching
a sunset, the smell of rain and
starry nights." Brooke Hampton

Methinks Brooke is talking 
about our Mother Earth; she 
is so dear to all of us.

For moi, 'tis all about the 
heavens . . . 

 . . . Our Lunar Lady, first in 
my own heart, followed by 
sunsets and stars. Sooooo love 
me the heavens! They give me 
the courage to stay the distance.

I so love this time of month . . .
watching the moon grow from
its initial sliver to a glowing full.
I like to think of this as a time to
come to fruition in my own needs
and desires.

I feel so blest under the light of
moon in all of her stages . . .

Mar 1, 2025


Methinks part of this aging
gracefully business would 
be learning to laugh at your-
self. That may mean that 
I'd be in constant hysteria!

I was sitting in my comfy
chair by the fire when I
noticed what looked like 
a small glass vial. I didn't
recall it at all, so took a
good look-see.

The liquid was clear w/no
apparent scent. I put some
on my wrists and again, no
scent. Finally, I just simply
recapped it and put it back.

When our fellow FACers
arrived, I asked my buddy
if she knew what it was.

"Oh, of course. That's your
urine sample. You're to mail
it in as soon as possible."

Didn't say a word, just about
died from silent hysterics!
Guess if you can't laugh at
yourself, you'll never make
it through this whole aging

Feb 28, 2025


Today, we find ourselves at
the end of this month of love
and friendship . . . glorious!

I've so enjoyed the sharings
that go with February. Cards,
love letters, roses, phone calls,
heart shaped boxes of sweet 
chocolates, as well as the
spoken word.

Every year, I promise myself
that I'll continue the gestures
that February gifts us. Seems
I do send the odd card, notes,
e-mails for a while. Still, one
gets busy with living this life
and those small niceties often
get left behind.

Ay Dios mío, it only takes
five minutes to send an e-mail,
ten to prep a card. Why, oh
why, do I leave these precious
things behind?!

Think about it, when I pass,
no one is going to remember
the loads of wash I did or the
dishes I washed. Obviously,
these things merit doing. But,
this doesn't mean, I can't take
a few moments a day to do
some sweet thing for someone.

Some words of wisdom here.
Do so hope I'm listening!

Feb 27, 2025


Often wondered 'bout
the senses in Dreamland. 
Last night, got my answer.

Found ourselves in travel.
Something along the lines
of a family affair. My kids
wanted to take us to their
fave outdoor eating ground.

The place was rather like 
an open market. Tables and
chairs, live music, the odd

We filled a six person table
and food began to magically
appear. The sites and aromas, 
priceless! Somewhat orgasmic
if you don't mind me saying!

The waitresses were dressed
a la gypsy and were young
and beautiful. They kept
bringing serving dishes of
pure delish!

I remember this one dish . . .
thin, biscuit like, sliced open
and dripping in real butter.
There were marmalades of
different fruits to add. The
taste was unlike anything I'd
ever experienced.

The kids were up and down,
checking in with the musicians
and indicating new dishes to
be tried. Frankly, I don't know
where we were putting it all.
The ole tummy does eventually
fill to capacity!

Rather hated awaking if you
don't mind my saying. All that
joy, and not a single calorie!!!

Wow! Just W O W !!! . . . or
should I say YUM!

Feb 26, 2025


"I am a . . .
   tree hugging,
   flower sniffing,
   planet loving,
   dirt worshipper."
Wild Woman Sisterhood

In these my elder years,
methinks I do more in my
head than with my hands!
Still, the above describes 
moi. The author just forgot
to add aging hippie, ha!

As I look out over this vast 
blanket of white which is
now my back yard, again 
I find myself yearning for
summer. Alas, we don't get
much spring here.

Sooooo looking forward to
the next couple of days . . .
high temps and a mess of
melting snow!

Feb 25, 2025


"Stick with the people who 
pull the magic out of you 
and not the madness." 
Twisted Angel

Loved seeing this quote as
a fab reminder . . . we all 
have people such as these 
in our lives.

My children, all eight of 
them and their spouses . . . 
amazing people!

Friends and neighbors who
brighten our days, especially 
in winter.

And, even occasionally one 
runs into that special person
in a store or in the street.

Turning the tables now, 'tis
the right idea for moi to be
one of those special people!

I'm working on bringing a
smile here and there. 
Brightening someone's day.
Making all things better!

A goal well worth pursuing!

Feb 24, 2025


I was asked a few days ago
about altars by an interested

Obviously, she was looking
at one of mine as I have them
all over my home.

Altars are three dimensional 
prayer, as it were. They do not
replace other types of prayer,
but rather add to them.

Should you wish to build one,
choose the top of a dresser or
a small table. Dust it thoroughly.
I like to use a small table cloth
or special doilies. 

There you will place precious
photos, mementoes, and candles.
I like to place female items on
the left and male items on the

Candles are important to an altar.
Tea light candles often work best
as they can be left lit safely and
they burn out after a while. I 
always make sure my tea lights
are in a candle holder for added

I like to stand by my altars through
out the day. I add my thoughts and

If you look around your home, 
I bet you will see several altars.
Perhaps mementos, photos, etc.

For moi, I just love three-d

Feb 23, 2025


"I choose Love.

I choose inclusion. I choose
empathy. Compassion. Equality.
Dignity. Diversity. I choose
community. Kindness. Integrity.
Honesty. Respect. I choose 
justice. I choose facts. peace. 
The planet. I choose humanity.

I choose love." ~Unknown

It's all about choices, isn't it!
I've come to believe we don't
realize this enough.

My special three in addition to
the above . . .

-I choose living over existing.
-I choose happy over sad.
-I choose love . . .

Methinks needs be to pay 
attention here!!!

Feb 22, 2025


"I am homesick for a place 
I am not sure even exists. 
One where my heart is full. 
My body loved. And my soul
understood." ~Melissa Cox

This sentiment resonates . . .

I have my place; my cabin!
My heart is full of love for
my family and friends. And,
there are a precious few who
get me.

So, the sentiment, what it
makes me feel, has to do w/2'
plus of snow outside my door.
No fault to be assigned, it just
brings on SAD like naught else.

The good thing is, a friend is
coming to brunch this early

On a side note, when one is a 
hundred years old, the bod is 
going to be an issue, so feel
free to send me a new one . . .

Feb 21, 2025


"When I grow up, I want to 
be that old lady with white 
hair, who lives in the corner 
of the countryside, surrounded 
by mountains and rivers and 
all the animals . . . who makes 
her own remedies, and her 
cabin is surrounded by plants, 
wind chimes and all sorts of 
weird and funky ornaments."
~Wild Woman Sisterhood

Sooooo can not believe WWS
is talking about moi . . .

Looks like all my dreams have 
come true!!!

Feb 20, 2025


"When women come together
with a collective intention to
heal, magic happens."

So love this statement!

Like to think that me and mine
are simply this kind of circle.

   Don't belittle . . . heal!
   Don't craze . . . heal!
   Don't envy . . . heal!
   Don't gossip . . . heal!
   Don't laze . . . heal!

I know it's a tall order. I always
try to remember it's not striving
for perfection, it's striving for
growth. And, personal growth
is of paramount importance; 
make no mistake.

One of the things about a circle
of women is we remind each
other of . . . our paths, different
though they may be. Our growth,
albeit ever so slow. Our strengths.

Alas, 'tis easy to get bogged down
or even critical of our own process.
Hence, the importance of sisters.
They are able to see the whole
picture and can remind you . . .

   -where you were
   -where you are
   -where you're going

Women R O C K !!! But, so do
men. I strongly dislike putting 
the other sex down. 'Twas done
to us for many a year. We should
not go down that rocky road!

Let's all grow together!

Feb 18, 2025


"Magick of the ancients
still sleeps in our cells and 
in our souls." ~Unknown

I read a quote such as this
and an incredible longing
for for my ancestors is
awakened in me!

I am beyond grateful that
I knew both of my grand-
mothers and one of my

My mom's mother, Mary,
was the epitome of the old
fashioned grandmother.
Sweet, white haired, 
apron clad, storyteller, 
elderly. Such a comfort in
times of trouble!

My dad's mom, Elsie, on
the other hand, was modern,
dressed to the nines, jewelry,
makeup, purse and hat. She
was both fun and interesting.
And she had those magickal
vibes from which I proudly

Dad's father was a gorgeous
old dude. Full head of white
hair, smoker w/that delish
smoker's voice, fab chuckle
and a happy nature.

Can't think of a more perfect
line up in the ancestor realm. 
I enjoyed stories about their
parents; would have so loved
knowing my great grands.

And now, it occurs to me that
I am both a grandmother and
a great grandmother. So pray, 
I'm given time and place to 
interact and leave memories.
I do love them all so!

Were I to leave them a gran's
message, I would have to gift
three . . .

a) Be yourself always!
b) Be accountable!!
c) Love!!!

Methinks I'll have to take a 
good look at these for moi!


"Take me to:
Thick Forests
Cobblestone Streets
Antique Stores
Old Cemeteries
Small Pubs
Sleepy Seaside Towns"
~The Pagan Collective

Love it when I run into my
kind of people, my kind of
thoughts, my kind of doings!

Alas, now that I'm nigh onto
a hundred years old, I don't
do nearly as many of my 
dream list kinds of things as
I used to. 

But, I'm still up for antique 
stores and small pubs. I find 
they just go together! Need 
to put my feet up and enjoy
an ice cold frothy beer after 
those perfect finds, right?!

And just so you know, I still
keep a list and check it twice,
a la Santa. Things I will enjoy
'til the bitter end! 

I damn well better exit with 
a cold one in my hand!!!

Feb 17, 2025


"Small steps create massive
outcomes. Stay committed,
believe in the journey, and
watch it all come together."
~empaths and old souls

SAD winter days hit me 
with incredible depression. 
And then, I run into a quote,
like the above,  that soothes 
my soul!

Indeed, we are all lucky to
have sunny days off and on
during this cold, snowy time.
Might just have something 
to do with living in Colorado!

Friends and family remind 
me to get out in the sun . . . 
I must confess, 'tis two trips
a day; taking the outgoing
mail and bringing in the
incoming! Ha!

Ever so pleased many enjoy
skiing, sledding, ice skating.
I like to sit by the fire and
read about it. 

Methinks I get cold just 
thinking about winter.

You get out there and enjoy!
And, I'll try not to bitch, 
moan and groan too much!

Feb 16, 2025


"It is no bad thing to celebrate
a simple life." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Tolkien inspired me with his
words this early morn. I find 
I often need him!

After a night of teacher dreams,
as I like to call them, I awoke to
many a thought, much thinking.

I give thanks for ending up for
my final years in this tiny, tiny
145 year old cabin. 'Tis filled
with many a memory and I'm
sure, many ghosts.

Obviously, my guy and I are
indeed living that simple life
Tolkien talks about. We both
love it . . . that is until we've
no water in winter, lose elec,
and have to stay upstairs due
to the cold.

No, really, we cope just fine.
Ever so glad the grocers sell 
water these days.

Thank you dear Tolkien for 
the reminder of just how 
wondrous our life is!

 - - -

J.R.R. Tolkien was an English
writer and Oxford professor. 
He authored fantasy works and
helped shape modern fantasy
literature. 1892 - 1973 

Feb 15, 2025


I'm still wallowing!  What 
a glorious Valentine's Day

It all began . . .

My dear, sweet man awoke
me at o' dark thirty and made
me go downstairs and look
at the moon!

No, I didn't want to get up!
But, omg . . . a full moon, a
tad of yellow and situated in
dead center of a small, wispy
cloud. Methinks 'tis the most
amazing Valentine I've ever

He ordered me back in bed;
proceeded to open a bottle of
chilled champagne. A sweet
toast followed. I could do an
o' dark thirty like this on a
regular basis!

A couple of hours later . . . he
brought me my buttermilk and
a fresh blueberry cupcake. Fab
breakfast! Around noon, he
brought cheeses and three kinds
of crackers. Such fun!

All the while, we're watching
fun mysteries and just enjoying
a day abed!

Alas, he began to fade in the
early evening, thanked me for
the day and promptly went to 

The day, not yet done for me,
gave me a final gift. I had 200
pages to go on my current book.
Finished it, closed the covers, at
exactly 12:00 midnight. Wow!

amor entre nos . . .

Feb 14, 2025

02/14/2025 - Valentine's Day

Considering the history of the
day, I'm ever so glad it's been
reinvented with love! Every-
where you look, you see cards 
and candy, hearts galore!

My guy and I were recalling
Valentine's Day in our child-
hood classrooms. We spent a
bit of time making a card for
our parents and sibs.

If we brought valentines, we
had to bring one for everyone
in the classroom. Our teacher
also gave one to each of us.
And of course, the tiny, little
hearts with words on them
were everywhere!

To this day, I love sending
cards. I like to make them
myself, much like I did back
in the day.

Happy Valentine's Day to you.
Let's do enjoy the day!

Feb 13, 2025


Alas, 'tis o'dark thirty and the
gift of rest has yet been given
moi . . . 

I lay here, watching the temps
slip down and down. 0.1° No!
Scary, and most likely frozen 
pipes. Oh well, 'tis Mr. Winter's 
time after all!

Mind journeys down memory
lane; so wish it wouldn't! Bad
times and good, naughty and
nice, yet Santa never comes.

When sleep finally shows its
hand, I am assailed with yet
another kind of dark. So hate
me the mares of the night.

Finally awakening a couple
of hours later, I find myself
exhausted and half broken.

Then my guy wishes me a 
happy day and asks if I'd like
pancakes in bed on the morrow
to celebrate Valentine's Day.

That would be the light of day 
peeking its heart up after such 
a difficult night . . .

 . . . blessed be!

Feb 12, 2025


Sitting here at o' dark 30 and 2° . . .

Methinks 'tis time to go back!
Back to an amazing childhood

We lived in the Orchard Mesa
area in a tiny home, but home
it 'twas! My folks were canners
and with such a tiny home, it
was decided we best have a
root celler. 

I kept asking my dad what he
was doing; suggested I sit on
the backdoor steps and watch
the surprise coming to fruition.

As I watched intently, he dug
out a space in the back yard
about 9' x 9' and about 5' deep.
He then tamped the earth until
satisfied. Next, he built shelves
on either side of the hole with
a path down the middle. Both
sets of shelves stuck out above
the ground.

He then built a set of rounded
dome like rafters attached to 
the shelves. Once done to his
satisfaction, he then threw a
stiff canvas over the lot. This
he tacked down on the rafters.

I saw him mixing some of the
earth with water. He began
smoothing the mud over the
canvas 'til completely covered.
Then he simply shoveled the
rest of the dug out earth over
the entire mound.

Dad came and sat beside me 
as we ate sandwiches mom
prepared. He asked me what
I thought? I didn't really know.
If I'd known the word space
ship, bet that's what I would
have answered.

After sandwiches, he said to
hold tight, just one more thing
to do. He slit open the canvas
where apparently there was to
be a door. Then he cut out that
specific space.

He hammered some boards
on the ground for a bit and 
then hoisted up his creation.
Now I could see it was a door.
He attached the hinges, shut
the door and suddenly . . .
we had a root celler.

He and mom began carrying
out boxes and boxes of jars
filled with summer fruits for
the winter. 'Twas then my dad
carried me over to see the
surprise, as he called it. 

I knelt at the door and looked
in. Even now I can remember
the beauty. All those shining
jars of fruit in all their glory.

I promptly burst into tears.
I didn't understand why. It
was a long day watching
this miracle appear in front
of my eyes. I now think I
was ever so moved by the
entire experience . . .

Feb 11, 2025


"Be patient with me - I'm some-
where between losing my mind
and finding my soul." ~A Shea

I am in awe of this truth! I am
equally in awe of the patience
my friends show me hanging
on with all my Libra ups and

Methinks I need to interview
other Libras to see if they are
able to stay in balance. One 
of my Libra friends seems to 
have found that balance. The 
only thing I've ever seen rock 
her is grief. My heart so goes
out to her.

In thinking about A. Shea's bit
of wisdom, guess there's naught
wrong with losing a time to time
losing streak! Finding the soul,
that's an amazingly wondrous

My guess would be, everyone
is on this swing! All of us fight
daily for that gift of wholeness.
In fact, I've actually come to
believe it's a life long journey.

Being on the other end of the
life stick, I intend to spend my
days seeking this wholeness,
balance, if you will!

Here's to that daily fight . . .

Feb 10, 2025


"What do we live for, if not
to make life less difficult for
each other?" ~George Eliot

I get that we live in troubled
times. There's a lot of 'not so
pretty' out there. Still, I find
much beauty in friendship.

I'm not allowed to drive due
to petit mal seizures that assail
me. So, friends come to me.
No small feat as we live nigh
onto kingdom come!

There are flowers on my table,
cards in the mailbox, well-
wishing e-mails, and just drop

Friends say they're on the way
to market and can they bring
anything. Bless their hearts! I
always say, "Bring yourselves
and we'll share a few."

Indeed, I am with George Eliot
on this one. Still people in this
world making it a beautiful
place to be. Sooooo love them!

Feb 9, 2025


"The world around you
is only beautiful when 
you are at peace with
the world within you."

Sooooo need to remember 
this bit of wisdom ever and 

Often find myself wondering
about that inner world. With 
the way I go on and on about
life and all the etceteras, 'tis 
a wonder it doesn't rebel and 
blow up all over creation!

At the back of my mind, I'm
struggling . . . 

'Remember your values, stay 
on the path, choose right over 
comfortable, be calm, hang in

The list goes on . . .

So pray I have enough time 
to learn my lessons well!!!

Feb 8, 2025


"The only response to the chaos
of these times is to show up
with more light." #SpiritJunkie

Have to admit it . . . I have felt
the chaos, blamed it on winter.
Hardly fair to winter, is it!

Sooooo love the idea of seeking
the light! And, I do sometimes 
forget that light is indeed every-
where. It's all down to looking!

-a mom helping her little one
cross the street
-the neighbor waving a hello
although we've never spoken
-friends coming over for a few
-son welcoming us to bathe and
wash clothes when water is out.
-Sunday calls from my daughter

There have to be dozens more
if I'd only look to actually see!
I'm ever so guilty of head down,
eyes blind during winter. Yet, I
look out at this fresh blanket of
snow, see its cleansing beauty.

I am determined to see the light.
May mean lighting a candle or a
few in my own dark . . . so be it!

Feb 7, 2025


"Some days I am goddess.
Some days I am wild child,
Some days I am a fragile mess,
Most days I am a bit of all three.
But every day, I am here, trying."
~s.c lourie

Doubt very much if I would 
measure up for the goddess
portion of Lourie's poem, but
I find her words most inspiring.

Methinks we tend to forget
being cognizant and working
towards a goal counts for
something. Indeed they do;
they matter!

Sooooo, here's to our days of
seeking growth, trying our
hardest . . .

 - - -

S.C. Lourie is a poet, writer, 
artist, and journaling coach.
She is known for her work on
Butterflies and Pebbles and 
her book Goddess Women
Butterfly Human. Wikipedia

Feb 6, 2025


"There is something inspiring
about those who don't want to
cause harm, who treat others
with gentleness, and who are
always expanding their 
perspective." ~Yung Pueblo

Just who I want to be when I
grow up . . .

Feb 5, 2025


"The moment you let go 
is the moment everything 
aligns." ~The Universe

Good sound sentiment and

I began hearing about this
letting go business when 
I was in college. It felt a 
bit faddish, to tell the truth. 
Still, I believe it as become
something to strive for. It's
serious! It matters!

Alas, I don't seem to be one
very good at this letting go
business. Not that I harbor
or hang on! Don't even think
about this unless something
reminds me.

Not sure if this has to do with
my nature, my birth sign, the
way I was reared, or just what.

I'm never unkind, just wary.
Rather like that old adage, 'Do 
me once and it's your fault. Do
me twice and it's mine." or
some such.

Lots to think about and I am
trying . . .

Feb 4, 2025


"Some hearts are suns
in graying skies
that rise
to warm the world."
~A. Shea

Somewhere 'twixt and
'tween hard winter days
and the loss of water for
over two weeks, I have
been much moved by
those family and friends
lending a helping hand.

I know it's easy to get
lost in the negativity of
whatever issue we each
have to deal with. So 
hope to rise above that
and spend more time in
all the good that came

People lead such busy
lives! I haven't been
retired long enough to
have forgotten all the
rushing, doing, trying 
to keep up.

Hence my gratitude to
those who stepped out 
of their own busy box to
do for us and our needs.

May I never forget those
bright lights in my own 
dark nights!

So hope I can take my
turn by helping someone

Feb 3, 2025


"When the well is dry, we'll
know the worth of water."
~Benjamin Franklin

I'm almost scared to say it.
We have water!!!

Woke up in the early hours
and heard water. What a
sound! Lovely, lovely sound!

We've been without water 
for 15 days. You'd actually
have to experience this to
understand it completely.

Trips to the store to buy
drinking water. Neighbors 
bringing water for all the
whatevers. Praise the gods
we were able to shower at
my son's.

Alas, low temps next week,
so we may be starting all
over again. We're off today
to buy heaters for under the
floor and in the well. 

Seems every winter my guy 
tries different things to keep 
this from happening. Might
just come from living in a
145 year old cabin!

For now, I'm surrounded by
the ambrosia of water. Ever
so grateful . . .

Feb 2, 2025

02/02/25 - Imbolc

"We celebrate the returning
of light, the hope of spring
coming back, life beginning
to stir once more within the
cold earth below. Imbolc,
a fire festival, is a welcome
reminder that this dark and
cold time will not last and
it will soon break." ~Ara

Sooooo love me my Imbolc! 
A halfway point 'twixt and 
'tween winter and spring. A
reminder that the dark time
is truly coming to an end.

No, I am not putting down
the dark time. I've come to
understand that it's a very
necessary interlude of rest.

Still . . .

I'm about half convinced 
that the sun peeks out a tad
earlier, that the day lasts a
bit longer.

For me, Imbolc signifies
Lady Brighid brings back
the light . . . most glorious
of gifts; make no mistake!

Happy Imbolc!

Feb 1, 2025

02/01/25 - Imbolc Eve, Brigid, Faughart - Feb 1, 525 AD

Today, we celebrate Brigid,
albeit goddess or saint.

The below quotes will help
to put you in the picture . . .

"Brigid, a pagan goddess
from pre-Christian Ireland
was associated with poetry,
healing, and fire." Wikipedia

"St. Brigid is the patroness
saint of Ireland. She was 
the abbess who founded the 
abbey of Kildare." Wikipedia

"In 1969, Brigid was one of
93 saints removed from the
universal calendar; her feast
day was officially revoked."

What an amazing path she
walked. Particularly loved
in the Americas. today, we
honor her, albeit Pagan or

Bless our beloved mother.
Celebrate her today, on the
morrow, each and every 

Jan 31, 2025


"Walk barefoot. Talk to the
moon, and the trees, and the
rivers and streams and the 
mighty mountains. Find the 
magic in every little and big
thing." We Are Mother Earth

So love this . . . 

I miss hiking! I know there
are people my age who still
do so. Alas, I am not one of

Still, I have my eyes, a most
magickal transport; make no
mistake. And I do talk to the
moon! Hope that counts for

What might I actually say to
our lunar lady? I always tell
her how beautiful she is! If
I am sad, I tell her my woes.
Happy? I share my delights
with her.

So lucky to live nigh into the
forest. Sometimes I feel I can't
get my head back far enough
to see how tall they are. Such

I only talk to the trees in my
thoughts. Their beauty stuns
me into silence. I do know I
am lucky to live in the mighty

Bless Mother Nature and bless
her again! I kneel at her feet . . .

Jan 30, 2025


A dozen plus days now 
without water; rather 
feels like more!

We're so lucky that we 
can buy drinking water 
just a few miles away. 
Washing dishes, flushing, 
a daily wash of the bod, 
all to be contended with.

Methinks 'tisn't 'til one 
is without water for a 
few days that its true 
worth and usage are 

Just think about it . . .

I have chosen to end my
days in this wondrous 145
year old cabin. However
it comes with its issues.

At my age, being retired
and my own personality,
doing alright. Never to
forget the help of friends
bringing water by and
sending commiserations. 

Sooooo, come on by, 
do bring water . . . here's 
hoping someone will turn 
it into wine! Ha!

Jan 29, 2025


"A seed neither fears light nor
darkness, but uses both to grow."
~Matshona Dhliwayo

Good one! One I need to recall
on a daily basis . . .

Strange! All have dark days,
dark times. Yet, looking back, 
I sometimes feel they weren't 
as bad as I thought and others, 
I fear they were much worse.

One thing I know for sure, 
dark days were bad enough 
that I'd do almost anything 
to avoid a reoccurrence!

In thinking about it, I can't
even imagine where one gets
the strength to face those dark

I know some get it through
beliefs. Others from within.
I believe I get mine from my
own father. Strongest man I
ever knew, my hero, my guide.

Whatever our source, I wish us
all strength and courage for the
difficult days that assail us from
time to time.

Jan 28, 2025


"The path isn't a straight 
line . . . it's a spiral. You 
continually come back 
to things you thought you 
understood and see deeper 
truths." ~Barry H. Gillespie

This quote gives one a 
great deal to think about. 

Seems like I've believed in
the spiral approach forever 
and a day. Still, I had not
pondered it from this point
of view.

Indeed, we do revisit things
and thoughts almost on a
daily basis. I find myself
coming back to reminisce 
about certain happenings
and am often gifted with 
an unexpected aha moment.

The one thing I know is
personal growth is very
important to me. Alas, I 
am ashamed to say, when
it takes giving up certain
things, I'm not always so

Yes, I can give up smoking
and taking seconds, but not
my red two or thee times a
week. Ha!

If honesty is important, then
'tis even more so to one's self!

Jan 27, 2025


"Live in each season as 
it passes; breathe the air,
drink the drink, taste the
fruit, resign yourself to
the influence of the earth."
~Henry David Thoreau

Sooooo needed to hear 
this today!

Alas, all my friends get
that I complain non-stop
about winter. I'm actually
coming to the place where
I get that having SAD is
no excuse. And, we're all
tired of hearing it anyway!

I'm coming to realize that
having to experience the
cold, snow, winter is far
better than its alternative.
And, as I have no intention
of dying anytime soon, I
best be getting on with the
acceptance of the season!

Here are my apologies, 
good intentions and feel
free to slap me if I start 
in with my usual winter
complaints . . . or

You could just ask me if
I've taken my meds?! Ha!

Jan 26, 2025


Methinks this must be 
something of a place in 

Snowed all night. Got to
5° and I slept 14 hours
straight. Go figure!

There are times when I 
think I'm actually living
in a fairytale . . .

Tiny, tiny cabin right 
between the woods and 
a byway. Crazy weather, 
snow that won't melt and
brave friends that come

Actually, this might not
have worked during my
teaching years, but I sure
am enjoying it now! Each
day seems to bring on
something different.

And, as I'm not allowed 
to drive due to Petit Mal 
Seizures, seems to me I
ended up in the perfect

Bless all of you who are
able to come 'round and
do so . . .

Jan 24, 2025


Books! Did I say books?

So love me my books!
Praise the literary gods, 
I have a personal library 
of roughly 6,000. Used 
to have 7,000 but gave a
few away when moving.

I've been known to read 
a book and liking it, give
it a reread down the road.

Here's something I've 
never done before . . .

My daughter gifted me 
a fave book of hers for 
x-mas. I was delighted 
to finally read it a couple 
of days ago.

Finished it yesterday,
and promptly began a
reread last night . . . a
first for moi!

I just knew I'd reread 
it some point. Still, I
never dreamed it would
be on the same day.

I am at the author's feet,
make no mistake!

And mi hija, you have
phenom taste in books!


"In a world that wants women
to whisper, I choose to yell."
~Sisterhood connecting as one

Sans paroles . . .


Jan 23, 2025


Nigh onto sans paroles . . .

My hometown bestie came
last night. Can't even believe
traveling in this weather . . .
much less doing the passes!

We usually sit in front of the
fire, have a glass or two each
of our fave wines.

This time, we sat each on the
ends of the bed and caught up.
She had her glass or two and 
I brought up her dinner.

'Twas a ghastly 50° downstairs
and a lovely 74° upstairs. Easy
to see why we stayed up rather
than down . . . and talked the 
night away.

We were a heatwave of 3° 
when she left this early morn. 
Can't believe this weather. And, 
this makes 5 days with frozen 
pipes and no water. 

Praise one and all that we can 
now buy water at the health 
food store!

Hey! No complaints from the
cheering section if you have 
both heat and water! Having
said that, we indeed love living
in our 145 year old cabin. 

Obviously, not for one and all . . .

Jan 22, 2025


"It is a blessing and a curse
to feel everything so deeply."

Many times, I've lamented
the so called gift of empathy.

I should back up and say . . .
yes, it is a gift. A wonder 
in the classroom, a way 
to help little children and 
loved ones.

Still, an empath tends to 
be in emotional pain most 
of the time. I understand 
this can lead to withdrawal, 
perhaps even food or alcohol 

How can the empath heal?

Alone time helps a great deal.
Meditation is essential, make
no mistake. Spending time 
with one or two loved ones, 
rather than a people loaded 
party, can be quite healing.

There are empaths who help
others. They few who have 
learned how to turn off those 
pesky residual feelings that 
are so painful.

Alas, ever in emotional pain 
is a high price to pay for this 
quasi gift . . .

Jan 21, 2025


Strange, strange happenings . . .

Last night, we got to 6 below 
0. All of a sudden, the temp 
began to rise. Got to 6 above 
0 and then started to snow. 

We live in a phenomenal 
world; make no mistake. 
But this, the above, is like 
naught I've ever witnessed 

We find ourselves upstairs 
as it's warmer up here. No 
water, obviously, due to the 
frozen pipes. Going to melt 
some snow for flushing. 

I said strange happenings,
maybe I should have said,
interesting times. Looking
forward to some higher 
temps and return of water.

Gods bless H2O!

Jan 20, 2025


What a day . . . oh, what 
a day!!! Methinks 'tis a
salad day!

*Celebrating one of the 
most amazing men ever,
Dr. Martin Luther King. 
*Also heard there's to 
be an inauguration.

*On our end of the stick, 
due to weather well below 
0°, all our pipes are frozen. 
Thank the gods for Wet 

*Downstairs is freezing. 
Upstairs is 72° . . . . guess
where I'm staying!

*Yet another amazement,
it snowed all night, albeit
6 degrees or below 0. I'd
always heard it couldn't
snow at such low temps.
Guess I've learned dif!

Best part of this salad day,
my hero, MLK, will be
remembered. So love and
miss him . . .

Jan 19, 2025


Minus 6 degrees. Half a foot
of snow. Bathroom froze up.
And, tears welling up every
few . . . Must be winter!

Trying for the positive here.
Maybe not quite making it.
But, it is beautiful out there.
And, that's something!

Don't have to go anywhere.
Good thing we laid in both
drinking water and flushing

Methinks I'll just go back to
bed, cover my head and not
come up 'til spring . . .

 . . . Oh just remembered, 
don't get more than about
a week of spring here!

I'm going to shut up now
before I get all negative!!!

Jan 18, 2025


"And those who were seen
dancing were thought to be
insane by those who could
not hear the music."
~Friedrich Nietzsche

I've always loved this quote;
not exactly sure why . . .

 . . . Methinks might have 
something to do with the 
fact that I'm an eccentric my-
self. I do get that eccentricity 
drives some absolutely nuts. 

I've always known my life
is colored outside the lines.
As a kid, I thought it had 
to do with having a special 

When he went off to school
for the deaf and blind, I was
also able to go away to school.

'Twas where I realized I was
my father's daughter and was
destined to be unusual, odd, 
weird . . . and never looked

Yes, I can still hear the music.
Dancing in my heart . . .

Jan 17, 2025


"When a woman has sister-
hood with other women, with-
out comparison or competition,
she gains the super power to
soar." ~Christine Arylo

Methinks the term lucky, does
not even cover how I feel  . . .

I have sisters, bottom line, at
the beginning and ending of
all comments. So no, lucky
doesn't really do it for moi!

What I do have, is a great
sense of gratitude. I know
there are those women who 
feel they have never really 
found sisters in their lives.

Who knows?! Is it luck? Is
it the power of attraction?
Is it simply meant to be?
Ordained somehow?!

Perhaps, it is not to be under-
stood. Maybe it just is. What
ever it is, I'm beyond grateful.

And, as one cannot pay back
those who love, pay it forward
comes to mind! Not sure what
that looks like, but I intend to
ponder until I suss it out.

Truly, what a gift love is . . .

Jan 16, 2025


Goodbyes are ever so hard . . .

I can remember my parents
coming to visit from time 
to time when we lived in
Olde Mexico.

So enjoyed their few visits,
but the goodbyes were the
hardest. I would stand there,
waving as they departed 
with tears streaming down
my face. And now, they are
gone forever.

I find the visits from my old
friends from my home town
absolutely wonderful. Alas,
they too, must depart in a
timely fashion. Maybe I no
longer shed tears, but I do
wish they could stay longer.

Our amazing friends down
the street see us often, but
they have lives of their own.
Work to do, errands to run,
gardening prep, and they
enjoy each other's company
which is phenomenal.

I'm always surprised when
they leave, just how much
I'm missing them already.

My thoughts are that this is
just as it should be. I have 
heard people say, "My God,
I thought they would never
leave." Such a sad dictamen!

Missing my kids as ever . . .
seems once a month visit
and once a week telephone
call just isn't enough. Glad
we love each other enough
to indeed miss!

Who knew?!

Jan 15, 2025


"Walk barefoot. Talk to the
moon, the trees, the rivers,
and the mighty mountains.
Find magic in everything."
Ancient Pagan roots

This truly speaks to me  . . .

Obviously, we can't walk
barefoot outside this time 
of year. I just put the trash
out at 5° this early morn
and methinks I have frost

Still, last night I had words
with the full moon, well
the day before, the day of
and the day after. Sooooo
love me the moon in all of
its stages.

We actually live by a small
running stream. The deer
and elk frequent it. I like to
go over, have a few words
from time to time. It runs
right by my garage/library.

The mountains, embedded
with evergreens, grace one
side of the property. A road,
and the stream, the other. 
On a side note, should be
charging passageway from
the cars passing by! Ha!

Still, 'tis indeed magick
everywhere; I'm in love
with every bit of this here
and now . . . although . . .
Winter has overstayed its

Jan 14, 2025


Yesterday, a friend of mine
came over to help me put 
the cabin in order after all 
the New Year celebrations.

She was in the living room 
whilst I was rearranging my
hobby center. Sitting on the
floor, tending to the bottom
shelf, I found a small box 
no longer needed. 

I simply tossed it through 
the door to be burned later. 
In a couple of moments, my 
friend came in and asked if 
I'd thrown the box at her as 
it had hit her in the head.

She had looked all around 
to see where it had come 
from, then it occurred to her 
that I had thrown it.

Must have been the moment,
but we had ourselves a good 
laugh . . . then, every little 
while, one of us would erupt 
in chuckles.

No biggie maybe, but in the
throes of winter, one must
find hilarity whenever and
wherever it comes out to 

Jan 13, 2025


"Being challenged in life is
inevitable; being defeated is
optional." ~Unknown

Fab quote I ran into this early
morn . . .

Indeed, we are challenged 
on a daily basis. I would say,
especially as I approach 100.
Alright, 75!

-Do I really have to cook today?
I did that sooooo many years
for fam and friends.

-I showered yesterday and it's
only 3°. Do I have to again?

-Need a few groceries. No, I
am def NOT going out in this

Nah . . . if 75 hasn't granted 
me my own way, then what's
the point already?! 

I'll have my own way; that's
showing 'em! Mr. Defeat best
get out of my sight!

Jan 12, 2025


"Give me a beautiful sunrise, a
a blanket, a warm cup of coffee,
a good book, and a weekend full
of nothing to do and just leave 
me be in my happy place. I'll be
fine." ~Samantha Gabardi

Methinks, it all boils down to 
the simplistic . . .

Recalling younger times when
I deemed entertainment and
travel to be the be all, end all.
And, at that time, it was. Really,
there is a time and place for all
our dreams and imaginings.

Having said that, so enjoying
the now of my life. I love the
rise and set of sun, the moon
shining in the window, that
fab book I'm reading, and a
quiet life all 'round!

In thinking about it, it occurs
to me that it's all about time 
and place. We all do those age
appropriate things in each of
our lives. Thus it occurs to me
that living quietly at this time 
of my life is as it should be.

Still, I celebrate those who 
travel, party, hike, gad about,
and visit fam and friends.

I sooooo enjoy visits. They
sustain me and I am grateful
for every moment.

No matter the age, those joys
that sustain us, happy motoring
to one and all!

Jan 11, 2025


"You can't control every-
thing. Sometimes you just 
need to relax and have faith 
that things will work out. 
Let go a little and just let life 
happen." ~Kody Keplinger

Methinks control is indeed 
an issue here.

Don't know if it's because
I'm a Libra or if I was born
that way. Maybe, 'tis the
teacher in me. One must
control the classroom after

I wouldn't say, I'm that post
Ph.D. level of control, but 
I do tend to take care of 

Still, as I approach the elder
years, I feel I need to let go,
let be. Not as easy as it would

So here's moi, backing off,
backing up and not trying to
take care of business anymore.

Eat all you want. Drink all you
want. Drive too fast. Don't read.
It's all good!

But, just letting all know, if
anyone even tries to hurt any 
of mine, they'll see what control
really looks like!!!

Jan 10, 2025


"I love. I live. I keep trying.
I fail. I hurt. But then, I dig
deep, I fight back . . . I rise
again. Always. ~Ravenwolf

Although I much enjoy her,
'tis as though I wrote these
words myself!

Isn't the winter doldrums
I struggle to get through,
but SAD. So, these words
apply . . .

There are moments, days
in fact, where I don't think
I'm going to make it . . .
and then, somewhere I find
the courage to buckle up
and do the ride whether I
enjoy it or not.

Love seeing people out and
about in this weather. May
be they're off to spend the
weekend skiing. Perhaps a
long walk around the lake.
Indeed, there are people who
find winter is their fave time.

So, I'll look out at the frosting
Mother Earth has decorated
with. I'll celebrate that I'm still
here to be a tad disconcerted
and await my turn for summer
eternal . . .

Jan 9, 2025


"I say, don't skip dessert, 
go barefoot, nap often, 
curse when necessary, laugh 
a lot, be generous, be kind, 
and always choose love."
~Anita Opper, Zen to Zany

This bit of hippie wisdom
hit me hard this early morn.

Seems to me we all live on 
a somewhat floating scale 
of what we consider to be
naughty rather than nice. 
Left overs from Santa, I

We allow ourselves to sin at
a fine restaurant and rather
than celebrating the delight,
we carp all the next day 
about falling off our diets.

"I shouldn't have stayed up
so late! Shouldn't have had
that drink! Shouldn't have
had seconds!"

God in heaven, we live in 
a world of shouldn'ts! We 
bind ourselves in laments,
regrets and admonitions!

Methinks 'tis high time to
live rather than exist and
lose the guilt already!

Are you listening ld?

Jan 8, 2025


"I've decided my 2025
will start on February 
1st. January is a free 
trial month." Unknown

My colleague, Barb Martin
shared this bit of wisdom
last night. I had the best
laugh I've had this new year.
Surely, she'll forgive me for
sharing it yet again!

January actually is rather a
place in time as far as I'm
concerned. Let's see . . .

Jan 1 - New Year's Day
Jan 4 - World Braille Day
Jan 6 - Los Santos Reyes
Jan 7 - My Son's b-day
Jan 8 - Hecate, Divine Midwife
Jan 13 - Full Wolf Moon
Jan 20 - Martin Luther King
Jan 25 - Seven planets line up
Jan 29 - Lunar New Year
Jan 31 - Hecate's Feast Day

Now, do tell me just how
January fits in with the rest
of the year?! Methinks not!
A third of the month spent
in holidays; go figure!

I do find celebrating January's
feast days helps me cope with
winter. So I say upward and

You want to celebrate? Bring
a beer and come on over . . .
I don't have any in the house
to offer you as I have this no 
drinks allowed in January thing
going on . . .


Jan 7, 2025


Oh what a glorious day . . .
for a couple of reasons!

Fresh snow makes every-
thing look so bright and 
clean. And at 22°, it's 'bout
twice as warm as yesterday!

But the absolute best, 'tis . . .
today, umpteen years ago,
I gave birth to my first child.
A beautiful son, perfect in
every way!

Fab personality, an artist so
wondrous it rather makes me
tremble, married to the best
woman in kingdom come, an
incredible brother, and the son
of my heart, of my soul and of
my womb.

So lucky, I get to spend time 
with him today. My entire soul
is in celebration mode!

Should you wish to see some 
of his work . . .

Just call me, proud mama!!!

Jan 6, 2025

01/06/2025, Greetings ahoy

One of the things that tickles
me is watching people greet
each other.

Men, especially wondrous!
They do this kind of one arm
hug, slap each other's backs
and call each other names.
Just love it!

Women do a light embrace
and cheek air kisses. Not 
nearly as exuberant as men,
but still sweet.

Children run towards each
other, hug and express their
excitement in all sorts of

Close acquaintances and
colleagues shake hands and
sometimes pat each other's

Lesser acquaintances nod
and perhaps engages in 
short hellos, how're you

At least we're not like dogs
that do the whole sniff and
lick routine! Ha!

Jan 5, 2025

01/05/2025, Ángeles

Hoy, siendo el cumple de mi
comadre en México, me doy
cuenta cuanto extraño a mi 
vida ahí . . .

Mi casa, construida por mi
padre. Mi amiga y vecina.
La universidad y mi trabajo 
en enseñanza. Mis hijitos
siendo chiquitos a la vez.

Sé que si hubiera quedado,
mi vida sería muy diferente.
Pero, claro que entiendo que
no me quedé y así es lo que

Lo que sí poseo, memorias!
No hay nada que me las
puede quitar.

Subiéndome en un globo con
mi hijo. Bendiciendo mi casa
nueva. Los triunfos con mis
alumnos. Fiestas Mexicanas.
Sobre todo, el nacimiento de
mis hijos.

Se me ocurre que la vida es
un gran rompecabezas. Se
necesita tiempo para lograrla.
Aveces se pierde una pieza o
dos. Es difícil ver su contenido
casi hasta el final.

Aún que la vejez me azorrilla,
sé que me queda mucho por
cumplir. Espero en Dios que
me sea dado el tiempo y la
gracia para terminar lo que se
espera de mí.

Bendiciones y felicidad . . .

Jan 4, 2025

01/04/2025, World Braille Day

Today will ever and always
remind me of my brother.

As a young blind boy, his
world opened up when he
learned braille. 

I can remember lights out
in our home. We all honored
said rule. But, my little bro
would simply pull out one
of his braille books and read
until he got sleepy. Amazing!

Frankly, aside from a loving
family, three things truly
opened up his life. Braille,
his seeing-eye dogs and CO
State School for the Deaf and

I salute the three, celebrate
them and honor my little
brother . . .

 . . . Sammy!

Jan 3, 2025


"Until further notice -
celebrate everything!"
~Goddess Love

Saw this bit of brilliance
this early morn . . . may
seem a tad silly, but 'twixt
aging and 'tween, there's a
big bad world out there, I
like it!

'Tis repetitive, I know, but
there is so much sorrow in
our lives . . . loss of family
and friends, payments of all
kinds ill afforded, 

So I'm going to take this tiny
little ditty as a mandate from
the gods! I'm going to do my
own hide and seek and find
something special in each day
to celebrate!

I am fine with little or big . . .

Still have some buttermilk in
the fridge! Yay! Ran out of oil,
but I have butter! No beer; no
prob! It's dry January after all!

I am beyond grateful that our
children are safe and well. I
celebrate the friendships we
are given. Hearth and home!

Indeed, let's celebrate!!!

Jan 2, 2025

01/02/2025, New Year Musings

Today is the day the new 
year starts for me. It has 
always been thus. New 
Year's Day, our anniversary,
is rather a stand alone, a 
separate holiday, if you will.

I awoke at o' dark thirty this
early morn, thinking already
about this new year, 2025.

Will I grow? Accomplish? 
Can I stay positive with all 
the political happenings, 
worldwide hunger, wars and 

For me, it's not about New
Year's Resolutions. It's more
about paying attention to
business and striving for
personal growth. 

Add in living rather than 
existing, having enough fun 
to make the whole thing 
worthwhile and you have 
my entire razón de vivir!

I always choose not to drink
in January. Now, let's see if
I can eat right. That's a lot
harder. Guess there will be
no ice cream for breakfast
this month!

Happiest of all happies to
one and all . . .

Jan 1, 2025

01/01/2025 - New Year's Day

"Every year you make a
resolution to change yourself.
This year, make a resolution
to be yourself." ~Unknown

I so like to think that I am
myself; sometimes, retrained, 
other times, over zealous!

I have found, on a good day,
I am capable of sitting back
and listening. Others, I jump
right in, share my thoughts.

Can't help but wonder if it's
an ego thing. Maybe 'tis the
need to be heard.

On the other hand, as the
most imbalanced Libra I
have ever known, this may
be at the base of the whole

As it's New Year's Day, I'm
granting myself three wishes.

-May I find the courage to
accept myself as I am and
still strive to grow.

-Happy 25th anniversary to
my guy and moi! We've made
a good, long time!

-Happy New Year to one and
all. May this be the happiest
year of your lives.