"There is hope in people,
not in society, not in systems,
but in you and me."
~Jiddu Krishnamurti
Just what I needed for right
now. And, no need to go over
those things that are troubling
me within the system.
I needed to be reminded that
all I need to be thinking about
are my people . . . our children,
friends, those who teach us.
The children, albeit born of my
body, or born to me through
marriage . . . every single one of
them are absolutely phenomenal
people. We are sooooo blest!
And friends . . . I could tell tales
out of school. Fab peeps; make
no mistake. I am so blest within
these circles of friendship.
Methinks, I'll be concentrating
on these gifts to moi and not
concerning myself with what
I consider as odious politics
within the system.
Bless our children! Praise god
for friends . . . and yes, I will
continue to learn from those
who teach me . . .
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