Dec 5, 2024


"Your time on Earth is limited.
Don't try to age with grace,
age with mischief, audacity,
and a good story to tell.
The Death Deck @case.kenny

Sooooo just what I needed 
to hear this early morn!

Still hear my mother telling 
me to be a good girl, my dad
suggesting I live a little . . .

Mom - Comb your hair and
put on a clean dress. Dad -
Put on some jeans and climb
a tree or two. Is it any wonder
I'm Linda to my mother and
Dale to my dad. Go figure!

This is good as well. I owe 
college to my mom and my 20
years in Mexico to my dad. In
fact, 'twas my dad who aided me
in leaving home at 15 whereas
mom wanted me to stay at least
another year.

So, 'tis my mother within that
washes the dishes and my dad
who whispers in my ear, "Just
let them drip dry!"

I want to be just like him when
I grow up . . .

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