Dec 31, 2024


"Baby it's cold outside!"
13° and holding . . .

Actually, 13 is such a
magickal number . . . 
 . . . and yes, there are 
those who will understand 
that additional "k"!

Methinks, I got all mixed
up as I tended to think that
autumn was winter and we
were about to enter spring.

Poor winter, I was dissing
it completely.

Going to think about all the
good things winter brings . . .

-snow, much needed moisture
-a time of rest for the land
-a stay at home time for us
-sitting in front of the fire
-hot drinks, no alcohol needed
-visits from those crazies who
  need to get out

Here's wishing you a cozy
day. So hope you don't need
to go out.

 - - -

Baby it's cold outside!
Written by Frank Loesser
in 1944 and popularized 
in the 1949 film Neptune's

Dec 30, 2024


What are friends for?

Obviously, for both the
good times and the bad
times! And the true friend
will remind you when you
are getting off the mark.

I received a note from my
friend this morning, telling
me to get off my suicide 
kick. She's been there, done
that and doesn't want to hear
about it anymore.

I sooooo needed to hear this.
As I suffer from SAD, seems
I go on and on about suicide
all winter. I can't even imagine
just how old that must get.

She's absolutely right. Time
to man up and live right. Tis 
the season to be jolly after all.

   I'm alive!
   I'm healthy!!
   I'm content!!!

Sooooo, get off it already . . .

I don't think Mr. SAD is going
away, but since it's a yearly do,
I need to get over myself and
enjoy the good things.

My thanks to my friend, for 
the courage to reprimand. I
needed that.

Dec 29, 2024


"I've got a lot of life left in
me, but I am moving closer
and closer to the, Best used
by this Date, designation.
Zen to Zany

I'm 175 . . . okay, 75 . . .

 . . . and I guess, doing still
quite well for all of that.

I stand tall, walk straight, 
have a lengthy stride . . .
and all of that makes me 
feel good about this whole
aging process.

On the other side of all this 
entire debacle, I can't recall
what my good friend told 
me yesterday!

Have I taken my vitamins? 
Did I wash today's dishes?
Sooooo need to sweep the
kitchen, but it's too cold,
below freezing, to shake 
the rugs!

I like to think that it's not 
that I am forgetful, but that 
my brain is full and only
pays attention to the most

As the new year approaches,
I'm trying to figure out how
to get rid of some of the 
mundane so more things will
fit in my brain.

Anybody have any ideas? 

Guess not! So, I may as well
open that New Year's Eve
bottle of champagne as surely
today is the 31st. 


Dec 28, 2024


We approach 2025, hopeful!

Yet, we find ourselves still
overwhelmed with grief for
the loss of loved ones; fam
and friends.

Other losses matter as well;
jobs to keep our families in 
food and a roof over, as well
as the actual loss of hearth
and home.

How can we possible remain
positive, look forward to the
new year, when so many are
not even coping?

Truly I have no answers. The
questions; too vast, too many.

One thing that occurs to me
is concentric circles. They're
everywhere. The surround us.

If every person in the entire
universe, would tend to those
within their concentric circle,
the world would be a happy

Obviously, not going to be.
So many love to hate, like
their wars, and need to feel 

Methinks 'tis time to lose
the guilt, define our own
concentric circle and serve
as each best can.

For some, it will be sharing
a bit of food. Others will
write letters. Still, there are
those who will find coats
and blankets to share.

We need to stop worrying
about that which we cannot
change and do what we can
around us.

Trust me, it will indeed make
a difference!

Dec 27, 2024


Had a teacher dream this 
early morn. Anyone who is 
a teacher will know exactly
what I'm talking about!

It was the last class of the
day and the last class before
vacation. Final exam time!

The kids walked in halfway
on vacation already and got 
the rest going once in front
of the test.

I couldn't remember their
names . . . sooooo not moi!
They scooted their chairs
around, huddled in groups
and played music rather 
than taking the final.

I picked up radios, phones,
until my arms were full.
Couldn't find my key to 
open the my locked cabinet.

How could all of this be?
How could it have happened?
All of my students have ever
liked me, respected me and
I've always loved them.

Having given up on the entire
mess, I took a good look 'round.

No wonder I didn't know their
names. They weren't my kids!
My own adorable students were
Mexican kids learning English.
I had no idea who these little
monsters were.

Praise whatever woke me up,
but I had a good laugh rather
than a good cry.

Sooooo love, like, adore, all 
my students from 40 years of
teaching in two countries! I
much enjoy following them
and their stories on FB. A few
have even come to visit.

Many wondrous memories
and a dream is only a dream
after all . . .

Dec 26, 2024

12/26/2024, Ode to Joyce

I got a call last night at 9:30
informing me that we had 
lost Joyce.

The comments and accolades
she received on her post would
have much pleased her.

Joyce and I taught together at
Adams City 23 years. We had
morn coffee, FACd, and shared
student concerns and stories.

We were friends out of school
as well and had good times. In
common, we both had purple
in our hair, adored our students
and loved to party. Methinks
'twould be well if I didn't tell
on us; we might need a good

Joyce liked to come over to the
cabin for crafting and a good
catch up. Naught was ever dull
when Joyce was around.

She was also part of my spiritual
circle and for that I am thankful.
I can't believe she's gone. I want
someone to tell me it's all been
a mistake. I still have her x-mas
card up on the mantle . . .

Well loved! Well remembered!!
Well enjoyed!!! No finer epitaph
for an amazing woman, teacher,
friend . . .

Here's hoping the heavens throw
you a party at your arrival!!!

Missing you already . . .

Dec 25, 2024

12/25/2024 - Christmas Day

'Tis o' dark thirty and I 
am left wondering what 
this x-mas will bring to 
one and all.

And, even though I'm of 
the Yule ilk, rather than 
the Christmas, I have so 
many friends and family
who celebrate Christmas. 

I just know I love all of
us no matter which days
we choose to celebrate.

Today holds a bit of mystery
as we have nothing planned.
We do know one of the kids
is coming over for a while.
I'm looking forward to it!

'Twill be most interesting
to see what happens through-
out the day. I'm sooooo open
for surprises!

Merriest of all Christmas
moments for those of you 
who celebrate this wondrous

Do enjoy every minute!

Dec 24, 2024

12/24/2024 - Christmas Eve

I have such fond memories
of x-mas eve w/my parents.

Somewhat impoverished,
our eves were small, but
most wondrous.

The usual unders, a new
book to read and a doll
for me. I've shared before
that I was expected to share
my old doll the following
day. And, if it wasn't as 
nice as the new one, then
I was to give the new doll.
Trust me, I took good care
of my dolls.

I so enjoyed reading my
new book! I was actually
given license to read thru
the night. Fab memory.

We'll begin readying the
cabin for the New Year
today. I find, I'm well
pleased that I'm looking
forward rather than back.

Have a delightful x-mas eve
and here's hoping you get
more than unders!

Dec 23, 2024


Part 1

Sooooo strange . . .

Woke up this early morn at 
quarter to two. The sense of
foreboding was incredible.
Quite frightening actually!

Not sure where all this came
from. It might just be SAD
in action.

I ask myself yet again, how
to cope? I tend to forget all
remedies when in the midst
of a SAD attack. So, I keep
a list . . . and check it twice.

Methinks, 'tis off to bed I go
again and see if I feel better
in the morning . . .

 - - -

Part 2

Awoke again around 9:00
this morning and indeed I
feel much better.

I may owe it to a brisk walk
out to the mail box with my
thank you notes. It's 33.3°
so when I say brisk, 'tis
exactly what I mean.

Think I'll spend a few hours
putting away Yule and setting 
up my annual altar for dear
Saint Brighid.

'Tis off to work I go . . .

 - - -

Saint Brighid of Ireland is the
patroness saint of Ireland. She
was the abbess who founded
the abbey of Kildare, as well 
as several other monasteries.
Died Feb 1 525 AD, Kildare.

Dec 22, 2024


'Tis morning of the day after,

This particular Yule Eve and
Yule were both phenomenal.
We were lucky enough to 
spend them with friends and
family. And, these are my two 
favest days of December!

Sooooo, where to go from
here?! How will I cope with
these upcoming days of dark

Perhaps first of all, I simply 
must remember that today, 
the light begins to return, 
just a tiny bit each day.

I so love postcards. Might be
fun for me to send as many
as I can during the upcoming
days . . . might even get an
answer to one or two.

I need to make an effort to
sit by the fire as it feeds my
soul and comforts me.

If outdoors is just too cold to
deal with, the porch for a few
moments each day should do.

I should make more of an
effort to cook. Especially 
in winter, I tend to open the 
fridge to see what falls out
rather than preparing a meal.

Bottom line, I'll be doing all 
of these and any other I can
come up with.

 Here's to growing light . . .

Dec 21, 2024

12/21/2024 - Yule

Yule has finally arrived . . . 

Methinks that little kid within
my soul has been waiting for
ages, but truly, we're only 
three weeks into December.

Yes, today is known as Yule,
but it is also called the Winter
Solstice, and 'tis the first day
of Winter.

We're gathering with family
today. So excited to see every
one. Our co-in-laws have
traveled far to be here with 
us as they do every year.

Seasonal celebrations ahoy . . . 
Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah!
Enjoy yours!!!

- - -

Yule is one of the oldest Winter
Solstice festivals in the world,
with origins among the ancient
Norse. It was later incorporated
into the Christian holiday of
Christmas. Today, Yule is
celebrated by many Pagans.
~Al Overview

Dec 20, 2024

12/20/2024 - Yule Eve

For moi, the Winter Solstice
is the most wondrous part of
winter . . . kicking it off to a
good start!

And, although I have personal
issues with winter, I simply
adore this holiday, thus starting
the celebrations on the eve.

If you're not familiar with Yule,
and/or Yule Eve, 'tis the first
day of winter. It is celebrated
similarly to Christmas Eve,
which celebrates the birth of
the Christ child.

Meeting with family, friends,
preparing special foods and
gifts, holiday decor all 'round.
This is Yule Eve.

My guy and I intend to sit
before the fire in our lessers,
and simply enjoy each other
and the eve.

Happy Yule Eve to one and
all . . . may light join us as
the days shorten . . .

 - - -

Yule Eve is the night before
the Winter Solstice, Pagan 
holiday celebrating the rebirth
of the sun and the return of the
light and warmth. The Winter
Solstice is the shortest day and
longest night of the year.
~Al Overview

Dec 19, 2024


I imagine this is the time of
year that brings on pondering.
Seems my mind can barely
keep up with all the things 
I find myself thinking about.

The increase in traffic outside
my window makes me think
of hard working families. The
school bus stops for a young
lass every morning just outside
the cabin.

So, why is this so important?

'Tis the darkest time and the 
coldest of days . . . and it isn't
even winter yet.

I think about the holiday 
shoppers; their hurry, their
spending and their exhaustion.

I find myself thinking about
the people I would love to see.
Then, I look outside . . . piles
of snow and sleet everywhere. 
Ever so glad to be retired.

None of this is negative; it
simply is. I am determined to
get through these cold dark
months of SAD with the best
attitude I can conjure. Still
glad for my happy pills though.

Dec 18, 2024


"If you are always trying 
to be normal, you will never
know how amazing you can 
be." ~Maya Angelou

I tend to associate normal
with cookie cutter . . . 
sooooo not who I want to be 
when I grow up!!!

Methinks my entire life I've
been attracted to the different,
the unusual. Same song, second
verse simply doesn't work for

My father, most fab eccentric
of all times, used to call us,
the odd man out. He was the
one who showed me how
wondrous it was to be one's
own self.

My own eccentricities tend
to crop up in me only wearing
black, nigh onto 20 tats, reading
a book a day (or should I say
night?), painting deep blue in
my white hair, but wearing no
makeup, not shaving (that one
hurts!) I could go on and on.

I would encourage each of us
to think . . . think about what
we do that signifies the diff in
each of us. Might even be a
bit of fun.

I avidly await your comments . . .

Dec 17, 2024


"We need beauty because it
makes us ache to be worthy
of it." ~Mary Oliver

Sooooo love Mary Oliver
and her eternal wisdom!

Looking out my window at
the beauty Mother Nature
has gifted often leaves me

There's this place on the
highway where going under
the overpass, you're assailed
with an almost 360° of pure
mountain beauty. All seasons,
different views. I've seen it
hundreds of times and every
single one of them takes my
breath away.

The pines up the mountain
beside my cabin can compete
with any beauty one has to
offer. I feel so lucky to live
here. I just ignore the road
noise on the other side! Sigh!

Then there is the beauty in
our children, their kids and
their babies. Naught like it
in the entire universe. Add
in friendship and I'm full up
with beauty.

My heart overflows with
gratitude . . .

Dec 16, 2024


As the year closes down . . .

I get that each of us have our
own doings, rituals, for saying
goodbye. And, many a good 
thing has happened worth
remembering. Alas, 'tis time
to bid adieu. 

I find myself rereading a fave
book or two. I go through the
snail-mail letters I've kept and
reread those as well.

As the day ends and rest is nigh,
I mentally visit scenarios of the
happenings throughout the year
that I wish to remember. I find
there are many.

Something that always amazes 
me, one thing, one tiny little thing
can happen in a 24 hour period
and that's what we remember.
Not the 23 hours and 45 minutes,
but that one little 15 minute thing.

So, indeed I am insistent on
remembering the good moments;
visits from fam and fave peeps.
A good show whilst holding 
hands with my lover, an amazing
meal with my girlfriends, FACs
with our dear friends, neighbors.

In less than a couple of weeks,
this year will simply be a walk
down memory lane.

Let us remember . . .

Dec 15, 2024


Half of December . . . gone!

Seems the days pass ever so
fast. And yes, I do know there
are 24 hours in a day!

I am ever and always amazed
by how fast the days go by,
but in this case, I wish they
would hurry faster!

So looking forward to the
Winter Solstice, Dec 21st.
You may think of the day as
first day of Winter, the first
day the sun starts to return.

As I honor eight specific
holidays throughout the 
year, I tend to call the day
Yule. And 'tis the day I
celebrate in December.

For those of us who are a
tad archaic, we may call it
the Hibernal Solstice.

I guess since I am Linda-Dale,
ld, jennings, mom, teacher,
maestra . . . the first day of
Winter can have several names
as well.

Prepare to greet the day. There
is something about it that is
pure magick! And, you only
have five days to prepare!

Do something special!

Dec 14, 2024


"We must be willing to let go 
of the life we planned so as 
to have the life that is waiting 
for us." ~Joseph Campbell

Methinks Joseph Campbell
must have been the wisest
man on earth! Every time I
read his words, I find myself

My mother used to say about
me that I had my life planned
from the cradle to the grave.
Alas, not far from the truth!

Planned to stay home; left at
15. Planned to live in the US;
lived in Mexico 20 years.
Planned to have two; now I
have eight kids. Planned to
live in my beautiful home; I
live in a tiny, tiny 145 year old

I could go on and on . . .

Still, I have had an amazing 
life, regret none of it and have 
memories that fill up many a
mental scrapbook.

Ever so grateful for my life . . .

 - - -

Joseph John Campbell was an
American professor of literature
at Sarah Lawrence College who
worked in comparative mythology
and religion. His work covers many
aspects of the human experience.
1904 - 1987 Wikipedia

Dec 13, 2024


"There is hope in people, 
not in society, not in systems, 
but in you and me."
~Jiddu Krishnamurti

Just what I needed for right 
now. And, no need to go over 
those things that are troubling 
me within the system.

I needed to be reminded that
all I need to be thinking about
are my people . . . our children,
friends, those who teach us.

The children, albeit born of my
body, or born to me through
marriage . . . every single one of
them are absolutely phenomenal
people. We are sooooo blest!

And friends . . . I could tell tales
out of school. Fab peeps; make
no mistake. I am so blest within
these circles of friendship.

Methinks, I'll be concentrating 
on these gifts to moi and not
concerning myself with what
I consider as odious politics
within the system.

Bless our children! Praise god
for friends . . . and yes, I will
continue to learn from those
who teach me . . .

Dec 12, 2024


Not only do we live in a 145
year old cabin, but yesterday
we went through some 145
year old experiences.

We had seen men installing
telephone poles, so losing
our electric was no surprise.
That came throughout the
afternoon and evening as
the outage lasted eight and
a half hours.

Funny how you do so many
things by rote. I put in a load
of wash, no electric! Went to
get a beer out of the fridge,
no electric! In the jane, tried
to flush, no electric!

On the fun side of these dark
hours, a fire in the fireplace
and candles glowing every-
where. So beautiful. Even
better, our friends came over
to see how we were faring
and we enjoyed the p.m.

Funny . . . we were sound
asleep when the lights came
on. Go figure!

Sooooo, today we have electric
but I have to go to the dentist.
Methinks I'd rather have lights 

Dec 10, 2024


December . . . simply 
brimming with holidays 
begging to be celebrated! 
Rather promises to be a ton 
of naughty fun!

-13th, Friday the Thirteenth
-20th, Yule Eve
-21st, Yule
-24th, Christmas Even
-25th, Christmas
-31st, New Year's Eve

I'll be celebrating a great deal 
of joy in these upcoming 
December days. But, I fully 
intend to behave myself and 
mind my manners. Right?!

Still, I must be careful as I 
have no intention of drinking 
the lush. Mother is watching
after all! And, I better watch 
how much I eat as I always 
gain weight in December. 

Sooooo looking forward to 
visits from family and friends,
phenomenal foods, surprise 
packages and sweet drinks!

January is diet time; make no
mistake . . . and no drinks for 
30 days! Love me my dry

And, methinks 'tis a phenom 
idea to honor the promises I 
make to myself.

Cross my heart and hope to
die . . .



7° and 6" snow . . . and we
are still 11 days 'til winter.

I'd protest, but it's too cold
to march.


I'll shut up now . . .

Dec 9, 2024


"What you think, you create.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you become."
I am overwhelmed . . .

Everywhere you turn, wisdom
abounds. Albeit ancient, old or
new, it's there for the taking.

Alas methinks, we've come to
the point where we're so busy
we don't notice said wisdom
that surrounds us.

We live in a world of Hurry!
Hurry! Hurry! Do! Do! Do!
We struggle to survive, to
make ends meet, to live yet
another day. Not much time
for wisdom.

I thought that retirement and
old age would at last bring
these to my door.  And yes, I
have the time, the inclination,
but perhaps not used to paying

I see one has to be consciously
at the ready to receive this gift.
Even, consciously searching.

I approach these latter years
of my life. Having said that,
I know I must find wisdom.
I need to learn to act within
the parameters of the wise.

I so pray I find the answers 
before 'tis my time to go . . .

Blessed be!

Dec 8, 2024


"I am made of water,
of course I am emotional."
~Rupi Kaur

I much enjoy the the five
directions and elements. 
Part of my belief system
and ever so important to 

I know this will not be
understood by one and 
all. Still, I find this has so
helped me to understand 
myself, and has served 
many of my friends as 

See what you think . . .

North, Earth – wondrous,
glorious place where we live.

East, Air – that which allows 
us to breathe and represents
our intellect.

South, Fire – our love and
passion for life.

West, Water – gift of life
and blessing of emotion.

Center, Spirit – the greatest 
gift of all, that which allows
us to live with ourselves in

I so identify w/Rupi Kaur, 
in the above quote as I am 
water and ever so emotional.

Perhaps 'twill serve you as 

Dec 7, 2024


One of the things I dearly
love about winter is when
I can deal with it properly.

You know, like a normal
person; cold okay, mud
okay, snow okay!

Can't claim to do so every
day. Days when I get the
shakes, or the downs, even
tears. But today was fine!

Oh that's right, I had guests
in the morning and others
in the afternoon. And yes, 
I do know by now that this
truly helps. Makes a diff!

Really, the only thing that
scares me is I keep thinking
it's winter and that it's almost
over. And damn, winter does
not even start for two more

Methinks an inheritance is
needed! Going to buy a little
cabin in New Mexico or AZ.
I'll leave Linda here and send
Dale there!

Ha! A split personality awaits!

Dec 6, 2024


Sooooo loving me my friends!

In the afternoon, our neighbors
and besties came by. 'Twas
most lovely; I hadn't expected
them 'til the morrow.

Then came my dear, dear friend
from up north and today we'll
be joined by our third.

One might ask why this is so
important. Surely, we see our
friends all the time.

Living out in the boondocks, 
by choice, I might add, we do
not see many people. So bless
our neighbors who check in on
us weekly, sharing laughter, 
drinks and friendship.

I do love living here, especially
now that we're three quarters 
of a century. We have quiet on
the forest side and noise from
traffic on the other. I tune that
out completely. Alas, my guy
doesn't seem to be able.

So, what are all these musings
really about?! Just thinking
out loud?! Or, is there a reason?

Indeed, these ramblings are all
about gratitude. The people in
our lives make a difference in
the quality of our actual living.

This is Thanksgiving spilling
over into December. Bottom
line, my cup runneth over, as
the good book says!

Dec 5, 2024


"Your time on Earth is limited.
Don't try to age with grace,
age with mischief, audacity,
and a good story to tell.
The Death Deck @case.kenny

Sooooo just what I needed 
to hear this early morn!

Still hear my mother telling 
me to be a good girl, my dad
suggesting I live a little . . .

Mom - Comb your hair and
put on a clean dress. Dad -
Put on some jeans and climb
a tree or two. Is it any wonder
I'm Linda to my mother and
Dale to my dad. Go figure!

This is good as well. I owe 
college to my mom and my 20
years in Mexico to my dad. In
fact, 'twas my dad who aided me
in leaving home at 15 whereas
mom wanted me to stay at least
another year.

So, 'tis my mother within that
washes the dishes and my dad
who whispers in my ear, "Just
let them drip dry!"

I want to be just like him when
I grow up . . .

Dec 4, 2024


"Friendship is born at that 
moment when one person
says to another, 'What! You
too? I thought I was the only
one!" ~C.S. Lewis

No can do wait 'til February
to think of friendship! 

As I struggle with Seasonal
Affective Disorder, SAD . . .
I thrill in the reception of the
odd card, an occasional visit,
an unexpected gift, friends
checking in to see how I'm

There are friends who have
been there, done that. Others
haven't, but on some level get
that winter is a devastating
time for those who suffer SAD.

As I sit under my special light
each day, I think of the friends
who pay special mind during
these dark months.

It has also been recommended
to spend some time outdoors
each day. Here's hoping going
to and from the mailbox counts!

And bright blessings to each of
you who help me through . . .

Dec 3, 2024


Can't help but wonder what
surprises the month of Dec
holds for us . . .

Will our children visit? Here's
hoping, but I know 'tis a busy
month for all.

What friends will we be able
to see, weather notwithstanding.
I would confess, visitors are a
fun happening; make no mistake!

Will we be trying new foods?
We have a close friend who is
a phenomenal chef. He lets us
try things on for size now and
again. Think I feel the calories
before he ever reaches the door.

What about Yule gifts & x-mas
presents?! I find myself in this
time and place of nigh onto a
hundred years old. Makes me
want to share my treasures
rather than rush out to Wally
World and buy just any old thing.

Sometimes, it's hard to let go of
one's treasures. But, ever so nice
to place them in the hands of a
loved one and know they'll be

Just have to wait and see what
happens. Buy? Share? Guests?
Special foods? 

Still, I have this sneaking feeling
that December is going to be a
lot of fun . . . yes, I am working
on my winter attitude!!!

Dec 2, 2024


Did our Dec shop this early
morn; most likely we'll not
be stepping out any more 
this month.

Hit the bank for available
shekels and off we went.
Did it all in three stores
and mailed my packages.

Upon arrival at the cabin,
checked my list twice in
honor of Mr. Clause him-

Realized we'd done three
bottles of wine for Yule
as well as groceries . . .
but where are the gifts?

Damn! Rather makes me
think we'll have to go to
town again. Don't like to
shop per se, but December
is a huge no, no.

Alas, methinks lack of
planning . . .

Come on over and we'll
share a beer!

Dec 1, 2024


December falls under the
category of admonishment
for moi . . .

I have enough DON'TS I
could write another set of
Ten Commandments!

1) Don't spend shekels you
don't have.
2) Don't eat too much holiday
3) Don't drink every day and
don't drink too much.
4) Don't use paper plates; 
wash the dishes already.
5) Don't go out unless in dire
6) Don't wrap presents; place
in bags as they are reusable.
7) Don't forget to send Yule
8) Don't drive on usual party
9) Don't burn the house down;
watch that fire.
10) Don't let the mice in; it's
cold outside and they're waiting
in line to come in.

I know I complained about Nov,
but maybe we could go back to
it for just a few more days! 

Or . . .

We could just skip winter entirely!