Mar 5, 2025


Wondering if winding down
into my now olde might bring 
about a rewind into yesteryear.

Dreaming, thinking, rethinking . . .
. . . hopefully not living in the
past, simply visiting!

Precious memories, mistakes
made, happenings I will ever

I have lived; make no mistake.
Now, what I'm hoping is that
in my last run at what time is 
left, I don't go down existing
rather than living.

Then . . . parenting, teaching,
traveling, partying, playing.

Now . . . reading, writing,
puzzles ahoy, spending time
w/my guy.

It's all good, both the now and
then. But, assessing, I'd say yes,
I am living not just existing. 
Still, it's a 75 year old pace 
rather than a 35 year old dance.

Might just be why the gods 
gifted us both memory and 
imagination . . .

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