Mar 4, 2025


On the sidelines, awaiting 
my SAD meds, I watched 
that infamous parade of 
old tired souls walking by.

Some with canes, others in 
wheelchairs, a few slowly
advancing step by step.

Looking at these amazing
oldsters in the stances old
age brings to the table, I 
could sense the attitudes 
at play. The pretty young 
girls within, flirting a bit. 
Handsome lads responding 
in kind.

My heart hurt for their worn
out strides, their hurting limbs
and whatever medical probs
brought them to this table
in particular.

'Twas strange that I wasn't
necessarily feeling sorrow,
rather awe. Life! What an
amazing vehicle life is.

I glanced down at my hands, 
for whatever reason . . .  and 
there I saw my own wrinkled 
paws, with the odd age spot.
I was taken aback as I looked
up at my oldsters in parade
and then again at my hands.

It hit me then, I'm one of them,
aren't I?! I'm older than I am
younger, right?! 

Ever so glad I've had a most
wondrous life. Sooooo needs 
me some humungous words 
just to describe how I feel.

Let's see . . .  astronomical . . .

 . . . glorious, wondrous, 
incredible, amazing, beyond 
the pale!!!

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