Mar 8, 2025


"A simple life filled with
freedom is what truly
fulfills me."
The Homestead Movement

Been talking 'bout this for a
while now. Mostly in regards
to being an ole retired gal.

Still, 'tis what I've ever longed
for and now have been gifted.
So hope the powers at be give
me a few more years to enjoy
exactly this.

Add in a little naughty and
you've got pure paradise!
Think outside the box here . . .

Champagne brunches, a
mystery marathon, fun meals 
in bed, sitting by the fire w/
friends for FAC, an all night

Doesn't get any better than
this . . .

Mar 7, 2025


"The best thing about getting
older is becoming clear on
what does and doesn't matter."
~Anita Opper, Zen to Zany

If ever there were a truth,
this is it!

When I was a young wife,
mother and teacher, I had to
dance at the speed of sound
just to keep up. Methinks I
did so with one hand on my

Now, however, Mr. Time has
slowed me down and I find
myself ever a pondering.
Naught wrong with this, I 
just didn't have time before.

Then, it was about beauty.
Now, 'tis more about comfort.
Then, I read for professional
reasons. Today, I read for
pleasure. Then, I prepared
three truly fab meals a day.
Now, I eat whatever I want,
whenever I want. Ice cream
for breakfast is ever a fave!

Now that I'm a 100 years old,
I do wish we could mix up
the two!!!

Why does wisdom have to 
come so late?

Mar 6, 2025


Not exactly certain why, 
but my little bro Sammy
has been on my mind of
late. I think of him by day 
and dream of him by night.

Only a few months apart,
we grew up playing, as 
well as all else together.

I've shared before that he
was diagnosed with Von
Recklinghausen disease
just before turning three.
So, in many ways, our
childhood together was 
a gift. 

Either Russel's mom or
Bonnie's mom would drop
me off after school. The
bus would then drop off 
Sammy and then my time 
to care for him until our
parents came home would

Several activities would
keep us busy. I would read
to him from a fave book.
We'd take a walk around
the neighborhood . . . often
stopping in to say hi to our

Ever and always, supper
together as a family. After
dishes, we'd read together
and have family prayers.

I've shared so much of this
before. I haven't forgotten;
it's just that he's been so on
my mind. 

Can't help but wonder why . . .

Mar 5, 2025


Wondering if winding down
into my now olde might bring 
about a rewind into yesteryear.

Dreaming, thinking, rethinking . . .
. . . hopefully not living in the
past, simply visiting!

Precious memories, mistakes
made, happenings I will ever

I have lived; make no mistake.
Now, what I'm hoping is that
in my last run at what time is 
left, I don't go down existing
rather than living.

Then . . . parenting, teaching,
traveling, partying, playing.

Now . . . reading, writing,
puzzles ahoy, spending time
w/my guy.

It's all good, both the now and
then. But, assessing, I'd say yes,
I am living not just existing. 
Still, it's a 75 year old pace 
rather than a 35 year old dance.

Might just be why the gods 
gifted us both memory and 
imagination . . .

Mar 4, 2025


On the sidelines, awaiting 
my SAD meds, I watched 
that infamous parade of 
old tired souls walking by.

Some with canes, others in 
wheelchairs, a few slowly
advancing step by step.

Looking at these amazing
oldsters in the stances old
age brings to the table, I 
could sense the attitudes 
at play. The pretty young 
girls within, flirting a bit. 
Handsome lads responding 
in kind.

My heart hurt for their worn
out strides, their hurting limbs
and whatever medical probs
brought them to this table
in particular.

'Twas strange that I wasn't
necessarily feeling sorrow,
rather awe. Life! What an
amazing vehicle life is.

I glanced down at my hands, 
for whatever reason . . .  and 
there I saw my own wrinkled 
paws, with the odd age spot.
I was taken aback as I looked
up at my oldsters in parade
and then again at my hands.

It hit me then, I'm one of them,
aren't I?! I'm older than I am
younger, right?! 

Ever so glad I've had a most
wondrous life. Sooooo needs 
me some humungous words 
just to describe how I feel.

Let's see . . .  astronomical . . .

 . . . glorious, wondrous, 
incredible, amazing, beyond 
the pale!!!

Mar 3, 2025


March energy:

Let go of perfection
Give people kindness
Focus on small daily wins
Be your most genuine self
Stop doubting your progress

~Yung Pueblo

Such wisdom for one so 

The days elongate. Daylight
softens the cold and snow 
wisdom comforts.

Methinks I may actually make
it this time. Alas, 'tis to snow
again this evening. Yes I know,
we need the moisture!

Thinking positive here!

 - - -

Diego Perez, Ecuadorian, 
is the poet and philosopher 
behind pen name Yung Pueblo, 
'young people'. Google Books

Mar 2, 2025


"I like people who get excited
about the change of seasons,
sounds of the ocean, watching
a sunset, the smell of rain and
starry nights." Brooke Hampton

Methinks Brooke is talking 
about our Mother Earth; she 
is so dear to all of us.

For moi, 'tis all about the 
heavens . . . 

 . . . Our Lunar Lady, first in 
my own heart, followed by 
sunsets and stars. Sooooo love 
me the heavens! They give me 
the courage to stay the distance.

I so love this time of month . . .
watching the moon grow from
its initial sliver to a glowing full.
I like to think of this as a time to
come to fruition in my own needs
and desires.

I feel so blest under the light of
moon in all of her stages . . .

Mar 1, 2025


Methinks part of this aging
gracefully business would 
be learning to laugh at your-
self. That may mean that 
I'd be in constant hysteria!

I was sitting in my comfy
chair by the fire when I
noticed what looked like 
a small glass vial. I didn't
recall it at all, so took a
good look-see.

The liquid was clear w/no
apparent scent. I put some
on my wrists and again, no
scent. Finally, I just simply
recapped it and put it back.

When our fellow FACers
arrived, I asked my buddy
if she knew what it was.

"Oh, of course. That's your
urine sample. You're to mail
it in as soon as possible."

Didn't say a word, just about
died from silent hysterics!
Guess if you can't laugh at
yourself, you'll never make
it through this whole aging