Nov 30, 2024


Just heard from my son. 
Safe arrival from TG trip 
to see my daughter and 
nephew. Sooooo would 
have liked to have been
there, but were concerned
about hauling the travel
trailer in snowy weather.

One of the things I recall
'bout being younger is that
"no fear factor" as I tend
to think about it. I well
remember teaching all day,
night classes as well, and
then crawling into the car
for a four-hour trip to see
my dad. No could do it now.

It occurs to me that youth
are blest with fearlessness
and oldsters with wisdom.
Think I prefer the latter,
but do wonder why. Is it
that in our youth we didn't
fear death and now that
we're old, we do? Or is it
that we're simply holding
onto life with everything
we've got because we've
learned to love it so much?

Thoughts to ponder and 
here's hoping I've a few
more years in me to think
about things!

Like I said, here's hoping . . .

Nov 29, 2024

11/29/2024 - a very liquid TG

Normally, TG is a colorful
kaleidoscope of family and
dishes . . . paling beside any
meals 'fore and/or 'aft!

We'd sooooo hoped to travel
to parts unknown to join in
familial bliss, but umpteen
inches of snow and not 'bout
hauling the travel trailer kept
us home.

Sooooo, we decided we'd do
drinks rather than dishes . . .
carefully, of course. We started
the day with my daily column
and my usual buttermilk.

We graduated to a fun show,
old time MacGyver and drank
plenty of water . . . "Craful,
craful" as my little bro used
to say.

First course really began with
that delish box of chocolates
my hijita gifted me for my 75th.
We each had a piece with a
glass of champagne that one
of my dearests and bests had
just gifted me.

We then took cautionary naps
and awoke to an iced glass of
ld's famous margs. Truly, we
were clever to stop at the one!

I had somethings to do on FB,
so we each enjoyed a beer, Mex
for moi, and dark German for

'Bout that time, mister treated
himself to one of the four TG
games offered on the telly and
I served a red . . . along w/a
new book by one of my fave

Obviously, a long day of fun
and pleasure had to end with
a very special coffee from
Guatemala, along with a decent
dollop of Baileys.

There may not be a repeat in
the midst of such indulgence,
but . . .

. . . Oh my Goddess, it 'twas
ever sooooo fun; make no

Salud . . .

Nov 27, 2024

11/28/2024 - Thanksgiving

I've always appreciated
that on this day we are
somewhat mandated to 
be grateful.

Still, I certainly value 
that a reminder is always 
a good idea! Didn't our
parents always tell us, 
"Say thank you to . . . "

One way or another, I have
no real issue with being 
reminded to cherish certain 
people, values, facts.

I praise the gods daily for 
my babes; make no mistake!
I thank the universe for my
man, my home, my comfort.
I honor the fact that we ever
and always have food to eat
and warmth in winter.

Indeed, I am thankful, grateful,
and don't mind one iota being
reminded. One thing for certain,
I certainly hope I ever recall
daily, the blessings I have been

And, not just for today, I am
in awe of the love I have for
my children, my friends, my

Indeed, I am grateful and not
just for today . . .


"Paradise has never been 
about places. It exists in 
moments. In connection. 
In flashes across time."
~Victoria Erickson

I so value this unusual 
look at the word paradise.
There must be many a
different concept re the

That glorious culmination
of love making, an actual 
place where we intend to 
end our days, even a high
end eatery.

I like Erickson's take on
the word. Words! "It's a
boy! Your daughter rocks!!
You are a hell of a friend!!!

Actually, I fear most of us
have forgotten, or never
even realized the power of 

Sweet words, kind words,
loving words, words of 
encouragement and healing,
just what we need on a
daily basis.

Words bear thinking about,
both to hear and to give . . .

Methinks I'm going to gift
a few today!

Nov 26, 2024


"Age is irrelevant. Ask me
how many sunsets I've seen,
hearts I've loved, trips I've
taken, or concerts I've been
to. That's how old I am."
Happy Hippies Life

I was so taken with this that
I shared it. Still pondering
True inspiration!

Somewhere 'twixt & 'tween
the fear of dying yet still 
longing for release, I've lost
those precious memories of
a life well lived.

The quote truly says it all.
And yes, I've seen many a
sunset, loved hard, traveled
far and even taken in a few

More importantly, I've given
birth to two of the grandest
souls in kingdom come. No
greater privilege!

Sooooo, lose the fear already!
Love hard! Live each day as
'twas the last . . .

Nov 25, 2024


"Your soul already knows 
the answer. You just have 
to be quiet enough to hear
the whispers and brave 
enough to follow them"
~The Universe

So love me those bits and
pieces of wisdom that pop
up in the strangest places!
This particular one is ever
so important!

I find myself saying to moi,
"Just shut the f--- up and
listen already! Stop talking
for a while and you might
just learn something!"

I fear we don't often listen
to our higher selves. It's
almost like we don't really
believe that we have any-
thing important to say and
apparently no wisdom at

As I draw nearer each day
to the century mark, think
I'd better get going on that
whole learning curve, 'cus 
not much time left anywho!

I swear, listening here . . .

Nov 24, 2024


"I am looking forward to the
small things that bring me joy."
Goddess Love

Love the concept of enjoying
the small gifts life brings us!

You'll laugh, but . . .

Buttermilk in bed at o'dark
thirty is delish! Coming up
with a new seasonal table is
pure fun for moi. No idea 
what to eat and then recall
my neighbor left me a treat.

Methinks 'tis important to
get into this! Every day,
think about three small 
happenings that made you
smile. After a while you'll 
do it automatically and then 
find you can't stop at three.

I find I do this more in the
warmer months. This year
I'm going to make a point
of doing so during winter.
It occurs to me that I'll find
myself cheering up whether
I like it or not!

Ouch! Does this mean I like
to wallow?! Something to
ponder. Bet I need to grow 
up and get over myself.

Go figure . . .

Nov 23, 2024


"live with intention. walk
to the edge. listen hard.
practice wellness. play with 
abandon. laugh. choose with 
no regret. continue to learn. 
appreciate your friends. do 
what you love. live as if this 
is all there is." 
~mary anne radmacher
A true list to live by; make
no mistake. She only forgot,
"adore your children!" 
which I do with abandon!!!

I tend to watch out for words
of wisdom. I find the short
quips stick in my memory 

Actually, this list could be 
mine, all except, "practice
wellness." Now that I'm
nigh onto a hundred, I like 
to eat ice cream for break-
fast and other naughtiness.

Always thought 10 mandates
were too many. I've always
lived by three. Since there
are 11 here, or 12 if you add
in mine, I may have to change
my mind.


Nov 22, 2024


¡Qué rayos! 

Noche a noche, sueño con 
mi familia, mis amistades 
y los veinte años que viví 
en México. ¡Será que estoy 
por pasar a mejor vida antes
que después?!

En mi sueño, vamos al sur
de México para vacaciones.
Estamos invitados a pasar 
el día con unos mariachis 
quienes tocan, cantan y 
bailan. ¡Qué día!

Pero en la tarde, finalmente
le toca a mi Sr. informarme
que se ha enamorado de una
de las bailarinas y que va a
quedarse con ella.

Lo curioso para mí es que
esto nunca pasó en realidad.
Pero, el dolor que siento en
mi sueño es más allá del
más allá. Despierto . . .
sollozando casi a gritos.

He estado soñando así por
varios meses. No es que 
tenga miedo necesariamente,
pero siento que el fin de mis
días reina cercano.

Ha de ser una advertencia
pero aún así, ¡no estoy lista!

Simplemente, no quiero
irme todavía . . .

Nov 21, 2024


"Sometimes you need a
"stop doing" list as badly
as you do a "to-do" list.
The Defiant Crone

Ran into this bit of smart
at o' dark thirty this early
morn and simply couldn't 
stop laughing.

Sooooo true . . .

I've ever and always had 
that simple "to-do" list;
-change sheets
-do the dishes
-pay the bills
-time to sweep
-water the plants

No biggie. Prob don't even
need a list. But I'm liking
this whole "stop doing" list

-don't focus on the negative
-lose the attitude already
-stop obsessing & worrying

Rather like this whole still
learning in my old age thing!

Nov 20, 2024


Glory in the unexpected!

I thought I had a couple
of friends over . . . seems
I noted the wrong date.

Sooooo, as my guy had
built the fire, he suggested
we make it a couple's day.
Asked me to make margs
and put on some music.

Oh my God, does it ever 
get better than this?!

We sat contentedly by the 
fire, drinking our margs, 
and eating the food he 
brought in. Glorious!

In the background; Kenny 
Rodgers, Willie Nelson 
and other of his faves. He
made the day happen, had
to be his choices.

Hated to head off to bed, 
but had to happen. Rather
makes me want to mess 
up arrangements another
day, if you know what I

The thing I love? We still
enjoy each other one way
or another . . .

Nov 19, 2024


"There are two rules on the
spiritual path. Begin and
continue." Sufi

Ran across this bit of wisdom
upon awaking at 3:30 a.m.
Really spoke to me.

How many times in life do we
begin something for whatever
reason and then abandon it for
the same?I

Now that I'm a hundred years
old and trying to suss out the
meaning of life, I'll be damned
if I give up on my search!

During these past two weeks,
and again yesterday, I have 
been reminded of the power 
of friendship.

I don't think for a moment that
one's friends need to be on the
same belief path. We each
travel to Nirvana in our own

So hoping my elder years and
my path bring me the answers
I seek . . .

Nov 18, 2024


Awoke to 18° this early morn.
Does this mean it's winter yet?
Nah, methinks 'tis still autumn.

In spite of SAD and elections
and the go withs, I'm going 
w/Norman Vincent Peale's
Power of Positive Thinking.

Friends have given me many
an idea as well . . . short time 
outdoors each day. Hey, it's 
only 18° right now . . . good 
meals. Does buttermilk and a 
banana sound about right?

For today, I'm going with a
fire, sweet contemplations
and a decent bottle of red.
One of my old friends from
the 'hood will be joining me
and I bet my 'tude and I are
going to be just fine!

Here's hoping the sun comes
out, melts away those last bits
of 33" snow and reminds me
again what autumn is supposed
to look like . . .

Oh well, autumn is as autumn
does . . .

Nov 17, 2024


A new week, a new day . . .

So hoping I can now begin 
to get beyond this depression;
33" of snow in three days, 
the election, world chaos.

What's to be done to improve
the downs, as I like to call 

My guess would be that we
all know the secrets. The trick
would be to do them, right?!

Eat right, bit of daily exercise,
drink not at all or very little, 
sleep your eight, read some 
light-hearted literature.

And never forget the power 
of sweet visitors! 'Tis the 
best . . .

Hey, I'm going to get right on
this! Especially this last one!

11/16/2024 - Sacred Night of Lady Hekate

Many of you know I named my cabin,
The Lady Hekate. This ancient goddess
was known to stand at the three-way 
crossroads and as my cabin is such, 
thus I named her.

November 16 is her anniversary, The
sacred night of Lady Hekate. I thought 
you might like to know a bit about her.

I like the below text; am only sorry 
the author is unknown . . .

"She roams the earth with her hounds, 
new initiations are made for those 
who follow her. Hecate’s Supper is 
left  out on the steps of her followers 
dwellings, usually consisting of honey 
and mushrooms. Hecate then blesses 
those inside.

On the night of Hekate, she draws very
nigh. She is known by many as the
mother, maiden and crone, goddess of 
the night, the full and dark moons, 
crossraods, life and death, transitions and 
transformation. She is a keeper of wisdom, 
the unconscious mind and is considered 
to be the queen of magic.

Hekate holds the keys to the Gates of 
the Underworld and to all mysteries. 
Ancient Greeks placed statues of her 
at the doorways for protection. For 
those who honor her, she will bestow 
many gifts, including magical abilities 
and prosperity."  ~Unknown

Nov 15, 2024


Today we are celebrating 
Lady Hekate, Goddess of 
the three-way crossroads. 
In days of yesteryear, 

"Pillars called Hecataea 
stood at three-way cross-
roads to keep away evil 
spirits." Wikipedia

As my little cabin sits on 
a three-way crossroad, I 
named her after this fab 

My guy created a space 
for an outdoor altar in 
the center of three trees.
It is quite stunning and
the statue has withstood
13 years of weather of
all kinds.

One of the things I so 
love about my Lady
Hekate cabin is the fact
that it houses a true
sense of spirituality!

I often ask myself why
I am so moved by this
particular goddess. Part
has to be the three-way
crossroads as three is 
my number. I also love
her symbol, the key and
I have keys all over my
cabin and property.

No can do the snakes 
though . . .

 - - -

"Hecate is a goddess in 
ancient Greek religion 
and mythology, most often 
shown holding a pair of 
torches, a key, snakes, and
accompanied by dogs."

Nov 14, 2024


What a fun, delightful wedding!

Just before the bride came in,
a chap danced up the isle, 
throwing popcorn, snacks and
beer to the audience. He then
brought each of the wedding
party a beer.

I simply loved speaking to this
young couple. For the first time
in about 35 years, after marrying
dozens and dozens of couples,
I shared my points for a good
marriage. You might think this
a bit much as I've been married
three times! Oh well . . .

#1 - Know yourself and be
yourself. Of course, naught
wrong with discussing certain
things even if you have to agree
to disagree. 
Compromise R O C K S !!!

#2 - Work at it. Take turns at the
dishes, straightening up, changing
the sheets. Share the bills, share
in anything and everything.

#3 - Make lots of love. And, that
doesn't mean just going to bed.
That odd touch or look, holding
hands, being playful together,
and lots of little kisses.

I would add, couples are going to
fight. Having said that, I don't get
why two rational, intelligent adults
shout at each other. Why can't 
opinions be stated and discussed?

Raise your glasses . . . here's to
these sweet, young newlyweds.
And, here's to us enduring and
enjoying . . . Salud! 

Nov 13, 2024


Ever sooooo excited . . .

Today, a young couple join
hands in ceremony, promising
to love and honor 'til death do
them part.

They will be surrounded by
the beauty of family, friends,
and well-wishers. Smiles and
teary eyes, nods of approval,
simply sheer joy embracing
the young couple.

See those sweet, secret looks 
'tween those long wed, others
looking forward to their own
someday soon. Bottom line,
naught but joy abounds . . .

Today is a day of promises
given, happiness abounding,
hopes for a glorious future.

But, what about us? Those of
us who witness all? Those of
us still hoping and praying?

Methinks we've an opportunity
here to evaluate. Maybe even
begin a plan. 

Yes, there is much out of our 
hands, yet there are also things
over which we do have control.

I say we use today's joy to
inspire ourselves to take steps,
albeit baby steps, towards
reclaiming our own joyous

Joy awaits . . .

Nov 12, 2024



Today is going to be a 
good day! 

We're off to my niece's 
wedding rehersal. So special 
when I get to marry family.

Wedding on the morrow . . .
two whole days of getting
out, seeing family, simply

Methinks I've died and 
gone to heaven . . . sooooo
NOT kidding!

Surely, good reports soon
to follow . . .


Oh, it was so good to get
out in the sun! Sooooo
needed it!

Such lovely people in my
family . . . the bride so
gorgeous and her mom, 
one of my dearest cousins.

So impressed with the bride's
entourage. Lovely people,
very friendly.

Methinks seeing their love 
was just what I needed to get 
my mojo back!

Nov 11, 2024


Sooooo, what's to be done
with depression?

Trying to think here . . . 
been so down, I've not 
been able to do so properly. 

Spoke to my daughter yester-
day and that helped a great
deal. Friends came over and
brightened the mood. 

But really, where do we go
from here? 

-Perhaps it's time to lose 
the murder mysteries I enjoy 
both reading and watching.

-Too dangerous out there 
to take a ride . . . maybe 
find a scenic show to watch.

-The answer has to lie in 
sitting by the fire. Might 
even indulge in an eggnog.

Something's got to give. 
Not a place I want to be in
much less live in . . .

Help! Drowning here . . .

Nov 10, 2024


"The dark does not destroy
the light; it defines it. It's 
our fear of the dark that casts 
our joy into the shadows."
~Brené Brown

Just when I'm feeling over-
whelmed w/an early winter,
33" of snow and fear of the
unknown, I read this bit of

I've always enjoyed Brené 
Brown. She seems to be able
to capture the depth in the 
simple in a way that amazes

I need to remember that light
follows dark and hope is ever
present in despondency.

And, tomorrow is another day
after all . . .

 - - -

Brené Brown is an American
professor, lecturer, author and
podcast host. Wikipedia

Nov 9, 2024


Alas, sooooo not coping;
where do I go from here?!

I swore to myself that I
wouldn't use my daily
column as a gripe site . . .
yet here I am.

Still, I find that by sharing
my sorrows here allows 
me deal with my plight
somewhat better.

Obviously, I get that one
cannot change this winter
weather, the outcome of an 
election, and other things
that are off putting.

Sooooo, methinks sitting
by the fire with a spiced
eggnog might just distract.
This bit of brilliance was
suggested by my lover.

Feel free to send your
suggestions . . . I'm all ears!

Nov 8, 2024


"Some of the brightest
lanterns are held by those
who have known darkness.
Brave beacons of hope for
others to find their way."
Sunlight and Shadows

Alas, 'tis that time of year
when I just want to curl up
and die. The good thing is
I know it's not real and I'm
ever learning how to cope.

The thing I consider best
out of my SAD months, is
the empathy one feels for
others in the same space.

So, what I want to learn 
from this would be how to
encourage those suffering
from Seasonal Affective

As I wasn't diagnosed for
years, there may be people
in the same situation I was.
Knowing is coping!!!

Bottom line, if you suspect
you might have SAD, get
properly diagnosed. Find 
a group to talk and share.

'Tis most likely the reason
I'm still alive today . . .

Nov 7, 2024


"Dance before the music is
over. Live before your life 
is over." Hippie Zenlighten

Methinks this dear heart 
was sending a message 
straight to moi!

I've ever and always had 
my own secret dances . . .
and I have lived, oh how
I have lived!

Having said that, I find
aging can tend to move 
one's self into a more 
contemplative mode.

Right or wrong, I tend to 
do my living in front of 
the fireplace, in the pages
of a good book, in the
glory of a fab meal and
drowning in delight in
wondrous conversations.

Obviously, there's naught
wrong with that. Still, not
to forget dancing whilst
living in any manner one
chooses . . .

 . . . there are, after all,
many kinds of dancing!

Nov 6, 2024


"Hardships often prepare
ordinary people for an
extraordinary destiny."
~C.S. Lewis

Obviously, we all have
experienced and endured
hardships of different kinds.

We know what it's like to 
be out of work, have a half
empty fridge, suffer illness,
lose a loved one.

We all have experienced
joy as well . . . that 
unexpected raise, a long-
awaited pregnancy, a small 
lotto win, our children's 

So I would ask, why is it
human nature to focus on
our hardships rather than
our wins? Surely, the least
we could do would be both!

Think I'm going to go all
out and make that supreme
effort to focus on my wins.

Wish me luck . . .

Nov 5, 2024


"They who dream by day 
are cognizant of many 
things which escape those 
who dream only at night." 
~Edgar Allan Poe

I may as well admit it . . . 
as everyone already knows 
this about me. I am indeed 
a daydreamer.

I remember as a child . . .
my father would say, "Get
your head out of the clouds,

My parents would have to
call me more than once as 
I tended to be off in Never,
Never Land.

Not sure if it's a personality
trait, a coping mechanism 
or a place I simply like to be.
My guess would be, probably
a bit of all three.

Methinks daydreaming is a 
gift from the gods. It allows
one to escape uncomfortable
situations. It's fab for planning.
Maybe even a different use
for the mind.

Obviously, 'tis not a place to
live. It's important to live life!
But, daydreaming has its place
and I indeed visit quite often!

Nov 4, 2024


"We are mosaics. Pieces of
light, love, history, stars. Glued
together with magic and music
and words." ~Anita Krizzan

Any time I'm feeling down,
all I have to do is read some
Anita KrizzanBe that the case, 
I should have one of her books
in every room!

Obviously, life isn't quite that
simple. There are genuine 
reasons for the downs, as I
tend to call them. Winter being
the obvious one for moi as I
have SAD.

So, adding insult to injury, my
guy tells me we got 8" - 10"
inches of the s-word last night.

I'm going to try and be brave!
I'll look out the window and 
say, "Praise God, we needed
the moisture!"

And it's true! We desperately
need the moisture and I am
going to try and be braver
this winter! SAD be damned.

Wish me courage . . . Where's
Anita when you need her?!

Nov 2, 2024


"Shall I cook, clean or  
do the grocery shopping? 
Okay, reading it is."
Crazy Book Lady

Once Days of the Dead
have passed, I like to think 
of November as a month
all about gratitude . . .

And indeed, I'm certain I'll
have my days as such. Still,
I'm feeling all wintery. And
yes, I do know it's autumn. 

So, how to cope? Dealing
with the cold and dark days,
snowy weather, reading it is.

I find moi treating myself to
old faves. Then I try a few
new ones on for size. I like
reading all the books I have
by one author and then going
on to another.

Should the gods ever ask me
how I made it through winter
without killing myself or any
one else, the answer will ever
and always be . . .

 . . . by reading!

11/02/2024, Día de los Muertos, Adultos Perdidos

Today, I honor my ancestors.

The altar is beautiful, these
old framed black and whites
of my parents, grandparents,
and greats are ever so sweet.

I recall stories told by my 
father. He loved his gran so
much. I know I too, was 
ever so lucky to have known 
all my grands. Lucky as well, 
to have heard dad's tales of 
the greats.

I like looking at the photos
as I place them on the table.
Old style, of course. Small,
black and white and not
taken as closeups. Still, I 
see magic there.

I know I am ever so lucky
to have spent 20 formative
years in Olde Mexico. So
love me the many traditions
taught me. Still, some of the
absolute best surround the
Days of the Dead.

Most wondrous . . .

 - - -

November 2nd is dedicated
to those adults; family and
friends, who have passed
before us.

Nov 1, 2024

11/01/2024, Día de los Muertos, Niños Perdidos

Just imagine, today all 
Latin American countries
will be celebrating The 
Day of the Dead.

These sacred days begin
on October 31, Samhain.
November 1st will honor
those small children we
have lost to Mr. Death.

You will find our homes
with decorated altars . . .
Marigolds are a must and
might just explain all the
colors of orange found.

Photographs of our much
morned children, as well
as gifts of food and coin
will adorn the altars.

Some will find jocularity
questionable. Know that 
has to do with mocking
Mr. Death. We turn our 
fears into rising to the
occasion and laughing 
in the face of he who has
caused us such pain.

Stories will be told, many
a tear shed . . . But know
this, We love our children
lost and pray they are safe!