I thought all-nighters were something
you pulled in college when studying for
an important exam or finishing a term
paper. Nah, it's for exhausted oldsters
who never thought a thing about having
a scoop of coffee ice cream after supper.
God in heaven, I am beyond exhausted.
I have to smile . . . I've always thought
true freedom comes when you retire; you
mostly get to do what you want to . . .
but no, you have to curtail your water
intake early afternoons so you don't have
to get up so often during the night. Better
only have coffee before 9:00 a.m. or you
can forget sleeping and heaven forbid you
should ever get too far away from a
I've heard that funny axiom, "Aging ain't
for sissies!" I thought that was supposed
to just be hilarious, but no! It's actually
true. Guess I'd better get my ass in gear
and get in the shower . . . sooooo not
going to happen; all the water is frozen in
the kitchen, bathroom sink and shower.
Just not sure if that's about aging or if it's
Mother Nature reminding me it's only six
degrees and I live in a 120 year old cabin!
ever so tired
all my deep dark crannies hurt
to hell with aging
Dance on broken glass, build castles with shattered dreams and wear your tears like precious pearls. Proud. Strong. Unshakable. ~Anita Krizzan
Dec 31, 2019
Dec 30, 2019
Hovering at the corners of my mind are
thoughts of new everything approaching.
It's hopeful, encouraging. It's frightening,
scary. It's wondrous, amazing. Many of us
thought we'd never se 2020; incredible.
And yet, it's here . . . only two days away.
Shall I throw a party? Write New Year's
resolutions? Go on a diet? Reconnect with
old friends? Check out my soul? What?!
Perhaps, it's easier for me as I'm now on
the other end of the stick. Or, maybe not!
Maybe, it's us oldsters who need to think
more profoundly about what's what at the
end of the day. I did grow up making about
20 New Year's resolutions, which I paid
attention to for about three days. Now I'd
rather write three and pay attention to them
for about 20 months. What's the old axiom?
"Keep it simple!" There has to be a reason
and I'm going to do just that. I think my
three are going to be . . .
1) Pay attention.
2) Keep it simple.
3) Let it be.
I've spent my whole life lost in the clouds. I
get in the car and put my mind out to pasture.
I need to pay attention to business. I've also
been fond of complicating things. Simple is
a four letter word in my existence. Not even
certain I can learn, but I'm going to try. And,
I've never let anything BE. I obsess. I think,
"If only I'd done this or that." I try to fix it.
God in heaven, I wear myself out. Let it be is
going to be a real challenge for me.
So, I've got two days to obsess about my three,
but I think I'm going to try. One can only try,
choosing how to die
better to learn how to live
to live not exist
thoughts of new everything approaching.
It's hopeful, encouraging. It's frightening,
scary. It's wondrous, amazing. Many of us
thought we'd never se 2020; incredible.
And yet, it's here . . . only two days away.
Shall I throw a party? Write New Year's
resolutions? Go on a diet? Reconnect with
old friends? Check out my soul? What?!
Perhaps, it's easier for me as I'm now on
the other end of the stick. Or, maybe not!
Maybe, it's us oldsters who need to think
more profoundly about what's what at the
end of the day. I did grow up making about
20 New Year's resolutions, which I paid
attention to for about three days. Now I'd
rather write three and pay attention to them
for about 20 months. What's the old axiom?
"Keep it simple!" There has to be a reason
and I'm going to do just that. I think my
three are going to be . . .
1) Pay attention.
2) Keep it simple.
3) Let it be.
I've spent my whole life lost in the clouds. I
get in the car and put my mind out to pasture.
I need to pay attention to business. I've also
been fond of complicating things. Simple is
a four letter word in my existence. Not even
certain I can learn, but I'm going to try. And,
I've never let anything BE. I obsess. I think,
"If only I'd done this or that." I try to fix it.
God in heaven, I wear myself out. Let it be is
going to be a real challenge for me.
So, I've got two days to obsess about my three,
but I think I'm going to try. One can only try,
choosing how to die
better to learn how to live
to live not exist
Dec 29, 2019
In my dream, I see this image of concentric
circles . . . each of us in the center of our own.
I find myself loving the overlapping of circles
as we crowd ever closer together despite our
diverse lifestyles.
Upon awaking, I try to comprehend what my
dream is trying to tell me. The literal meaning
is easily understood, but me thinks there has
to be more. We're each so different in our ages,
tastes, livelihoods, and geographic placements.
But, those outer circles touch, merge, conjoin.
Perhaps, I needed to be reminded that I'm not
alone, not really! All I have to do is extend a
hand to help or to receive, as needed.
Maybe it all boils down to paying attention.
We're so used to living our own mundane lives,
taking care of business, that we put our minds
out to pasture the moment we're otherwise
I want to rein in my mind! let my eyes truly see!!
Be there for me; be there for you!!! Let's do this . . .
loneliness awaits
needing me so wanting you
lets get together
circles . . . each of us in the center of our own.
I find myself loving the overlapping of circles
as we crowd ever closer together despite our
diverse lifestyles.
Upon awaking, I try to comprehend what my
dream is trying to tell me. The literal meaning
is easily understood, but me thinks there has
to be more. We're each so different in our ages,
tastes, livelihoods, and geographic placements.
But, those outer circles touch, merge, conjoin.
Perhaps, I needed to be reminded that I'm not
alone, not really! All I have to do is extend a
hand to help or to receive, as needed.
Maybe it all boils down to paying attention.
We're so used to living our own mundane lives,
taking care of business, that we put our minds
out to pasture the moment we're otherwise
I want to rein in my mind! let my eyes truly see!!
Be there for me; be there for you!!! Let's do this . . .
loneliness awaits
needing me so wanting you
lets get together
Dec 28, 2019
Life all boils down to choices, doesn't
it?! The road taken, the road not taken.
I chose to leave home at 14 and go to a
boarding school in Arizona. Why not spend
that extra year in Mexico since I finished
high school in three years?! And then, I
somehow stayed for 20 years. I chose to
return to US and teach in Commerce City
for 20 plus years. Make no mistake, I
loved every minute of it. Teacher I am and
forever shall be! But, I had intended to
study nursing. C's in all things science and
A's in all things literature, saw to that one.
Why retire at 62 when I could have taught
several more years? Mom needed care and
moved in . . . who would have thought it?!
And, I paid for all my sins while I was at it!
No point in wondering what would have
happened had I done things differently, Still,
as I get a tad older, I find I tend to think
about my choices a bit more . . . Not that
common sense plays much of a role there;
wayyyyy tooooo logical!!! I pray I find the
odd bit of amusement in my future choices;
one does need a good laugh now and again!
no time for planning
playing as fast as i can
no thinking either
it?! The road taken, the road not taken.
I chose to leave home at 14 and go to a
boarding school in Arizona. Why not spend
that extra year in Mexico since I finished
high school in three years?! And then, I
somehow stayed for 20 years. I chose to
return to US and teach in Commerce City
for 20 plus years. Make no mistake, I
loved every minute of it. Teacher I am and
forever shall be! But, I had intended to
study nursing. C's in all things science and
A's in all things literature, saw to that one.
Why retire at 62 when I could have taught
several more years? Mom needed care and
moved in . . . who would have thought it?!
And, I paid for all my sins while I was at it!
No point in wondering what would have
happened had I done things differently, Still,
as I get a tad older, I find I tend to think
about my choices a bit more . . . Not that
common sense plays much of a role there;
wayyyyy tooooo logical!!! I pray I find the
odd bit of amusement in my future choices;
one does need a good laugh now and again!
no time for planning
playing as fast as i can
no thinking either
Dec 27, 2019
I just had an aha moment . . . I was
inputting important dates on my 2020
calendar . . . uh, did I mention that I'm
anal as well?! . . . when I had this wild
aha moment; more of a 'duh' moment
really! Seems to me that I live my life
based on special dates, celebrations,
and holidays . . . and I like as many as
possible! Truly, it's a wonder I can even
afford myself! But, just think about it.
A special date means celebration, gifts,
foods, get togethers! I would add that
being retired is a good way to drop out,
stay out of touch and become quite
solitary. Holidays help with that. I much
enjoy my solitary time as well, still I
don't think it's too healthy to live there!
Human connection is important! Soooo,
January already has about 15 special days;
when are you dropping by? I mean . . .
dropping by with a red in hand . . .
I'll cook!
be it fair or foul
love me some celebrations
come sit by the fire
inputting important dates on my 2020
calendar . . . uh, did I mention that I'm
anal as well?! . . . when I had this wild
aha moment; more of a 'duh' moment
really! Seems to me that I live my life
based on special dates, celebrations,
and holidays . . . and I like as many as
possible! Truly, it's a wonder I can even
afford myself! But, just think about it.
A special date means celebration, gifts,
foods, get togethers! I would add that
being retired is a good way to drop out,
stay out of touch and become quite
solitary. Holidays help with that. I much
enjoy my solitary time as well, still I
don't think it's too healthy to live there!
Human connection is important! Soooo,
January already has about 15 special days;
when are you dropping by? I mean . . .
dropping by with a red in hand . . .
I'll cook!
be it fair or foul
love me some celebrations
come sit by the fire
Dec 26, 2019
12/26/19 - Morning of the day after . . .
Are there truly twenty four hours
in a day? Sixty minutes in an hour?
Seven days in a week? If so, then
why does time march so slowly? Or,
ever so fast? I don't understand how
something as immutable as time can
feel at odds with its very nature?!
I swear, I want to learn to enjoy all
the waking moments in my life and
sleep well the rest. Watch the sun set,
the moon rise, the snow fall, the days
upon days, upon days . . . Funny how
thinking along these lines changes only
after a few days of New Year's resolve.
Still, is there any way at all that I can
learn to enjoy those sixty minutes of
every hour? I'm at the end of my days'
I want to enjoy each and every one of
them. How, oh how, can I make that
happen?! Me thinks resolve isn't enough;
not the whole answer, at least. Help me!
tick tock tick tock tick
time marches leaves me behind
i want to go too
in a day? Sixty minutes in an hour?
Seven days in a week? If so, then
why does time march so slowly? Or,
ever so fast? I don't understand how
something as immutable as time can
feel at odds with its very nature?!
I swear, I want to learn to enjoy all
the waking moments in my life and
sleep well the rest. Watch the sun set,
the moon rise, the snow fall, the days
upon days, upon days . . . Funny how
thinking along these lines changes only
after a few days of New Year's resolve.
Still, is there any way at all that I can
learn to enjoy those sixty minutes of
every hour? I'm at the end of my days'
I want to enjoy each and every one of
them. How, oh how, can I make that
happen?! Me thinks resolve isn't enough;
not the whole answer, at least. Help me!
tick tock tick tock tick
time marches leaves me behind
i want to go too
Dec 25, 2019
12/25/19 - x-mas day
A cold, beautiful morning in which my guy
informs me I'll be having breakfast in bed!
He does indeed make the best pancakes
I've ever tasted . . . and in bed, no less!
Our gifts today are esoteric rather than
actually palpable. We are gifting each other
acts of kindness, that quiet touch, a verbal
reminder of fun stories in our years together.
One of the things I've loved about getting
older has been understanding and enjoying
special dates and times in a different way.
I could have used some of this wisdom years
ago. I quite like looking at life through my
own ever evolving kaleidoscope!
I pray you have your own wondrous day,
as well as days to come! Remember . . .
Think abstract over concrete!!!
longing for today
loving me some special days
each and every day
informs me I'll be having breakfast in bed!
He does indeed make the best pancakes
I've ever tasted . . . and in bed, no less!
Our gifts today are esoteric rather than
actually palpable. We are gifting each other
acts of kindness, that quiet touch, a verbal
reminder of fun stories in our years together.
One of the things I've loved about getting
older has been understanding and enjoying
special dates and times in a different way.
I could have used some of this wisdom years
ago. I quite like looking at life through my
own ever evolving kaleidoscope!
I pray you have your own wondrous day,
as well as days to come! Remember . . .
Think abstract over concrete!!!
longing for today
loving me some special days
each and every day
Dec 24, 2019
12/24/19 - x-mas eve
I imagine most people are awaking to
thoughts of Christmas Eve and getting a
move on; the to do lists must be lengthy.
But for me, today marks the two year
anniversary of ending my life as I knew
it and moving into my 120 year old cabin
I had purchased some years before. What
an experience this has been. I've been
know to say it was akin to trying to fit
a five gallon bucket into an eighth of a
teaspoon . . . and along comes the
Away Team (Give Away/Put Away/Throw
Away). I swear, it's taken me these two
years to just get properly moved in, to
say nothing of the 'missings' (hearth and
Still, this new life, as I am wont to call it,
has brought me a modicum of peace, new
friends and neighbors and a Santa's sack
of experiences I never would have had
otherwise. This Christmas Eve, I celebrate
poor decisions that have actually turned
out to be good ones . . . happy holidays
to yo and happy anniversary to me!
so long farewell bye
learning to say adios
trying me some new
thoughts of Christmas Eve and getting a
move on; the to do lists must be lengthy.
But for me, today marks the two year
anniversary of ending my life as I knew
it and moving into my 120 year old cabin
I had purchased some years before. What
an experience this has been. I've been
know to say it was akin to trying to fit
a five gallon bucket into an eighth of a
teaspoon . . . and along comes the
Away Team (Give Away/Put Away/Throw
Away). I swear, it's taken me these two
years to just get properly moved in, to
say nothing of the 'missings' (hearth and
Still, this new life, as I am wont to call it,
has brought me a modicum of peace, new
friends and neighbors and a Santa's sack
of experiences I never would have had
otherwise. This Christmas Eve, I celebrate
poor decisions that have actually turned
out to be good ones . . . happy holidays
to yo and happy anniversary to me!
so long farewell bye
learning to say adios
trying me some new
Dec 23, 2019
What is it about the end of the year?
We've been naughty all year and all
of a sudden we want to turn ourselves
into Goody Two-Shoes! Drink more
water; drink less booze. Exercise more
and stop eating so much. Enough with
the dirty words already; can't you just
say darn like your grandma used to?!
And, stop with the spending; we're on
the verge of bankruptcy.
I could go on . . . and indeed, I want to
become a better person in 2020. Still,
it's important to be one's self, to enjoy
life, celebrate those easily forgotten
details. Once again, it comes down to
balance . . . and I know I've said many
a time that I'm the most unbalanced
Libra I know.
So, here's to thinking things through;
choose just a very few New Year's
Resolutions. Let's grow and enjoy life!
want to be better
dancing as fast as i can
longing to be me
We've been naughty all year and all
of a sudden we want to turn ourselves
into Goody Two-Shoes! Drink more
water; drink less booze. Exercise more
and stop eating so much. Enough with
the dirty words already; can't you just
say darn like your grandma used to?!
And, stop with the spending; we're on
the verge of bankruptcy.
I could go on . . . and indeed, I want to
become a better person in 2020. Still,
it's important to be one's self, to enjoy
life, celebrate those easily forgotten
details. Once again, it comes down to
balance . . . and I know I've said many
a time that I'm the most unbalanced
Libra I know.
So, here's to thinking things through;
choose just a very few New Year's
Resolutions. Let's grow and enjoy life!
want to be better
dancing as fast as i can
longing to be me
Dec 22, 2019
Last night's Yule celebration was not only
wondrous, but delightful and delicious as
well . . . and I have several additional lbs
to prove it! Our friends surprised us with
the most glorious solstice EVER! Bright
blessings upon them!
The Sun, and its caprices, always amaze
me! I honor the Moon but need the Sun.
Pray, send light!
Pray, let the days be longer!
Pray, let me survive . . .
fearing me some dark
boogie man is getting me
pray let there be light
wondrous, but delightful and delicious as
well . . . and I have several additional lbs
to prove it! Our friends surprised us with
the most glorious solstice EVER! Bright
blessings upon them!
The Sun, and its caprices, always amaze
me! I honor the Moon but need the Sun.
Pray, send light!
Pray, let the days be longer!
Pray, let me survive . . .
fearing me some dark
boogie man is getting me
pray let there be light
Dec 21, 2019
12/21/19 - Yule p.m.
Ever so lovely that the entire day is Yule,
or if you prefer, Winter Solstice. Some
friends rang up and said they were coming
by so me thinks 'tis turning into a bit of a
do! Isn't it interesting that today is the
shortest day of the year and that an egg
will stand straight up on its end at high
noon?! I find Mother Nature fascinating!
And, we lucked out with some lovely
weather; I was in need of it and am well
pleased. So, here we sit by the fire, much
enjoying the fact that it's the Solstice and
thinking of family and friends. Sending you
love and greetings . . .
phenomenal day
enjoy the winter solstice
a gift of the gods
or if you prefer, Winter Solstice. Some
friends rang up and said they were coming
by so me thinks 'tis turning into a bit of a
do! Isn't it interesting that today is the
shortest day of the year and that an egg
will stand straight up on its end at high
noon?! I find Mother Nature fascinating!
And, we lucked out with some lovely
weather; I was in need of it and am well
pleased. So, here we sit by the fire, much
enjoying the fact that it's the Solstice and
thinking of family and friends. Sending you
love and greetings . . .
phenomenal day
enjoy the winter solstice
a gift of the gods
12/21/19 - Yule a.m.
Ever so lucky . . . spending the evening
with one of the greatest loves of my life.
It's not every day that your first cousin
is one of your besties ever! I'm trying
to think how I might thank the universe
for this amazing gift. I've learned over
the years that it's a rare thing to be able
to honor the exact person to whom you
are thankful. Part of me loves that and
thus the world spins 'round and 'round.
Me thinks sharing the gift of love 'round
robin is one of the greatest of all time.
gift of the ages
loving her sharing with you
moved beyond the pale
with one of the greatest loves of my life.
It's not every day that your first cousin
is one of your besties ever! I'm trying
to think how I might thank the universe
for this amazing gift. I've learned over
the years that it's a rare thing to be able
to honor the exact person to whom you
are thankful. Part of me loves that and
thus the world spins 'round and 'round.
Me thinks sharing the gift of love 'round
robin is one of the greatest of all time.
gift of the ages
loving her sharing with you
moved beyond the pale
Dec 20, 2019
A time of year for pressies . . . and me
thinks we all love that. I can remember
when I used to purchase and gather gifts
throughout the entire year, thus making
the holidays easier on the financial end.
My family held Christmas Eve last night;
it was ever so much fun watching as well
as participating. The gifts were thoughtful,
but I most enjoyed observing the sweet
love I saw at every turn. This time of year
tends to bring out the best in people; so
love watching goodness in action. My wish
this time around is to make it all last . . .
the love, the kindness, the joy, for as long
as we absolutely can. I so love us as we
are this time of year.
joy at every turn
what i want under the tree
pray it never end
thinks we all love that. I can remember
when I used to purchase and gather gifts
throughout the entire year, thus making
the holidays easier on the financial end.
My family held Christmas Eve last night;
it was ever so much fun watching as well
as participating. The gifts were thoughtful,
but I most enjoyed observing the sweet
love I saw at every turn. This time of year
tends to bring out the best in people; so
love watching goodness in action. My wish
this time around is to make it all last . . .
the love, the kindness, the joy, for as long
as we absolutely can. I so love us as we
are this time of year.
joy at every turn
what i want under the tree
pray it never end
Dec 19, 2019
What an adventure . . . slept in the
travel trailer last night and we ran
out of propane. It was 20 degrees,
but 'twas a good excuse for a 'let's
keep warm cuddle'! At o'dark thirty,
my man was out in the darkest of
dark nights changing the tanks. I
was frozen just thinking about it.
He's my champ; make no mistake.
Having the travel trailer has been
ever so much fun. Our trips have
been fairly local but summertime
will bring out the urge to go further.
Can hardly wait . . . and with every
trip, we learn new tricks. Here's to
happy travels!
tell tales out of school
am dancing to my own dreams
have fun will travel
travel trailer last night and we ran
out of propane. It was 20 degrees,
but 'twas a good excuse for a 'let's
keep warm cuddle'! At o'dark thirty,
my man was out in the darkest of
dark nights changing the tanks. I
was frozen just thinking about it.
He's my champ; make no mistake.
Having the travel trailer has been
ever so much fun. Our trips have
been fairly local but summertime
will bring out the urge to go further.
Can hardly wait . . . and with every
trip, we learn new tricks. Here's to
happy travels!
tell tales out of school
am dancing to my own dreams
have fun will travel
Dec 18, 2019
I find it both interesting and amusing
to look at the life I've lived from the
other end of the aging scale. Obviously,
I was never going to grow old, be older!
I was always going to be young . . . Still,
I see it happens in the best of families!
My mom used to say, "Me and my teen-
age husband . . . and you're not far
behind." I know what she meant about
the former, but not sure about the latter.
I am indeed older; i act older, some of
my ideas have changed and I see that
I am treated differently by some. There
is deference and there is condescension.
The first honors he who defers, the second
is vomitus any way you look at it. Sooooo,
now I need to have a look-see at how I am
feeling about my older self, how I am
treating this woman I never thought I would
be. Do I respect her? Tolerate her? Defend
her? Do I sin on the side of condescension?
Me thinks the answer has to do with creating
in myself a woman who deserves honor. I'm
working on that, ever growing . . .
who i want to be
growing up or just growing
striving to become
to look at the life I've lived from the
other end of the aging scale. Obviously,
I was never going to grow old, be older!
I was always going to be young . . . Still,
I see it happens in the best of families!
My mom used to say, "Me and my teen-
age husband . . . and you're not far
behind." I know what she meant about
the former, but not sure about the latter.
I am indeed older; i act older, some of
my ideas have changed and I see that
I am treated differently by some. There
is deference and there is condescension.
The first honors he who defers, the second
is vomitus any way you look at it. Sooooo,
now I need to have a look-see at how I am
feeling about my older self, how I am
treating this woman I never thought I would
be. Do I respect her? Tolerate her? Defend
her? Do I sin on the side of condescension?
Me thinks the answer has to do with creating
in myself a woman who deserves honor. I'm
working on that, ever growing . . .
who i want to be
growing up or just growing
striving to become
Dec 17, 2019
To Yule or to x-mas? When in doubt, do both!
There is something quite wondrous about this
time of year . . . that is of course, if you can
get past all the snow and survive!
Yule is my tradition of choice. I value honoring
its origins, going way back to olden times. Yule
traditionally is about brotherhood, sisterhood,
meet 'n greets, sharing time and honoring
Mother Nature and her kin.
Christmas is a familial holiday that has grown
by leaps and bounds in today's Christian culture.
It honors the Christ, yet people of all faiths, creeds
and even non-believers enjoy the holiday. And,
don't you just get a kick out of all the different
holiday greetings on the cards . . . commerce at
its best.
I have come to learn, that even as we grow and
change, holidays evolve as well. I may prefer Yule,
but I think it's wondrous that thousands, if not
millions, enjoy the holidays, each in their own belief
system . . . and for a moment, bring out the best of
themselves to share with all. Happiest of all holidays!
your way or my way
loving me some holidays
share with me and mine
There is something quite wondrous about this
time of year . . . that is of course, if you can
get past all the snow and survive!
Yule is my tradition of choice. I value honoring
its origins, going way back to olden times. Yule
traditionally is about brotherhood, sisterhood,
meet 'n greets, sharing time and honoring
Mother Nature and her kin.
Christmas is a familial holiday that has grown
by leaps and bounds in today's Christian culture.
It honors the Christ, yet people of all faiths, creeds
and even non-believers enjoy the holiday. And,
don't you just get a kick out of all the different
holiday greetings on the cards . . . commerce at
its best.
I have come to learn, that even as we grow and
change, holidays evolve as well. I may prefer Yule,
but I think it's wondrous that thousands, if not
millions, enjoy the holidays, each in their own belief
system . . . and for a moment, bring out the best of
themselves to share with all. Happiest of all holidays!
your way or my way
loving me some holidays
share with me and mine
Dec 16, 2019
Saying goodbye is so hard; and
obviously becomes patently more
prevalent as we get older. Yesterday,
I said goodbye to a phenomenal
group of women with whom I had
been associated for more than 20
years. Some of the gals had been
there lo these many years, and
others, a shorter period of time.
Still, the closeness created through
gathering together, studying and
celebrating, makes the leaving harder.
I can't help but wonder if turning 70
actually does make one more cognizant
of the gifts life presents to us, as well
as the losses we must endure. Frankly,
I'm tempted to think that life is getting
more interesting by the day!
fear losing my way
one of the gifts of aging
pray i befriend self
obviously becomes patently more
prevalent as we get older. Yesterday,
I said goodbye to a phenomenal
group of women with whom I had
been associated for more than 20
years. Some of the gals had been
there lo these many years, and
others, a shorter period of time.
Still, the closeness created through
gathering together, studying and
celebrating, makes the leaving harder.
I can't help but wonder if turning 70
actually does make one more cognizant
of the gifts life presents to us, as well
as the losses we must endure. Frankly,
I'm tempted to think that life is getting
more interesting by the day!
fear losing my way
one of the gifts of aging
pray i befriend self
Dec 15, 2019
Last evening we were lost in the beauty
of Mama Nature's Winter Wonderland. My
man drove ever so carefully and thus we
were able to enjoy the beauty at no cost
to us. Shortly after our safe arrival, we
heard a loud bang. Initially, we thought it
was a snowplow going over the crossroads.
Then the sirens began their sorrowful lament.
There was a firetruck, an ambulance and six
or seven police cars. They flanked my entire
property and were there well over an hour.
I pray those involved survived and that each
of us remember just how treacherous Lady
Winter can be. Scary!
beauty at a price
pray let us take care always
winter wonderland
of Mama Nature's Winter Wonderland. My
man drove ever so carefully and thus we
were able to enjoy the beauty at no cost
to us. Shortly after our safe arrival, we
heard a loud bang. Initially, we thought it
was a snowplow going over the crossroads.
Then the sirens began their sorrowful lament.
There was a firetruck, an ambulance and six
or seven police cars. They flanked my entire
property and were there well over an hour.
I pray those involved survived and that each
of us remember just how treacherous Lady
Winter can be. Scary!
beauty at a price
pray let us take care always
winter wonderland
Dec 14, 2019
At o'dark thirty, I find myself reminded
that every coin has two sides and it
must be the same for celebrations, as
well. Yesterday morning, my friend
and guest brought a gracious sobriety
to the table, as it were. We visited
thoughtfully about things we deemed
important and I felt a sense of resolution
about things discussed. The second visit
was by a neighborhood couple with
whom we've become friends. We were
taking Friday the 13th down a peg or
two. It was vastly fun involving delish
cuisine and a delightful beer tasting.
Still, I had never given much thought
to the fact that a gathering, of any size,
has its own flavor, a personality of sorts.
I found myself feeling that both sides
of my personality had been addressed.
Rather reminded me that Linda and Dale,
I mean Linda-Dale, can enjoy the twain
on the same day!
how hight is the peak
how deep is the bright blue sea
tis depth of the heart
that every coin has two sides and it
must be the same for celebrations, as
well. Yesterday morning, my friend
and guest brought a gracious sobriety
to the table, as it were. We visited
thoughtfully about things we deemed
important and I felt a sense of resolution
about things discussed. The second visit
was by a neighborhood couple with
whom we've become friends. We were
taking Friday the 13th down a peg or
two. It was vastly fun involving delish
cuisine and a delightful beer tasting.
Still, I had never given much thought
to the fact that a gathering, of any size,
has its own flavor, a personality of sorts.
I found myself feeling that both sides
of my personality had been addressed.
Rather reminded me that Linda and Dale,
I mean Linda-Dale, can enjoy the twain
on the same day!
how hight is the peak
how deep is the bright blue sea
tis depth of the heart
Dec 13, 2019
Sooooo love me some good coffee!
I always kept a coffee maker in my
classroom and thought nothing of
having a pot or two a day. I did
promise myself that once I retired
I'd lose the habit . . . and so I did.
Now retired, I allow myself a couple
of cups once a month. Quite a come
down! The bad side of things is that
on the night of said indulgence, there
is no sleep for me. And, I accept that.
No one's going to die from one sleepless
night. My issue is that for some reason
I now lose two or three nights, mostly
three. God, I so don't want to give up
my vice! It's appropriate, I suppose,
to pay for one's sins; but, the payment
is supposed to be congruent with the
wrongdoing!!! I give up . . . and, I'm
sleepy, but can't sleep. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!
And no, don't care for me some decaf!
am a naughty gal
may have to get naughtier
good doesn't suit me
I always kept a coffee maker in my
classroom and thought nothing of
having a pot or two a day. I did
promise myself that once I retired
I'd lose the habit . . . and so I did.
Now retired, I allow myself a couple
of cups once a month. Quite a come
down! The bad side of things is that
on the night of said indulgence, there
is no sleep for me. And, I accept that.
No one's going to die from one sleepless
night. My issue is that for some reason
I now lose two or three nights, mostly
three. God, I so don't want to give up
my vice! It's appropriate, I suppose,
to pay for one's sins; but, the payment
is supposed to be congruent with the
wrongdoing!!! I give up . . . and, I'm
sleepy, but can't sleep. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!
And no, don't care for me some decaf!
am a naughty gal
may have to get naughtier
good doesn't suit me
Dec 12, 2019
Funnily enough, the holidays never
interfere with those crazy daily living
snafus! Here we are in the midst of
one of the most amazing full moons
ever and a bit of bad luck is shining
down. Number one son's bathroom
has exploded; we've run out of wood
for the fireplace; desperately need
to hit the market and it's supposed
to start snowing noon-ish. I need to
remember, it is what it is. Nobody's
going to die if the men play the with
plumbing, if we have to stay upstairs
during the snowstorm and eat a few
strange meals until the snow abates.
I've noticed in planning ahead, we
plan for perfection, no obstacles in
site. But in real life, it's more about
dealing with the obstacles and getting
through our daily lists anyway. Maybe
this is what makes us R E A L !!!
Here's to soldiering on, no matter what!
lets smile and move on
soldiers of the universe
brave faces surround
interfere with those crazy daily living
snafus! Here we are in the midst of
one of the most amazing full moons
ever and a bit of bad luck is shining
down. Number one son's bathroom
has exploded; we've run out of wood
for the fireplace; desperately need
to hit the market and it's supposed
to start snowing noon-ish. I need to
remember, it is what it is. Nobody's
going to die if the men play the with
plumbing, if we have to stay upstairs
during the snowstorm and eat a few
strange meals until the snow abates.
I've noticed in planning ahead, we
plan for perfection, no obstacles in
site. But in real life, it's more about
dealing with the obstacles and getting
through our daily lists anyway. Maybe
this is what makes us R E A L !!!
Here's to soldiering on, no matter what!
lets smile and move on
soldiers of the universe
brave faces surround
Dec 11, 2019
How fun are all these holiday
cards! We've gotten e-cards,
x-mas letters, cards through
the mail and just a few hand
delivered. As to the variety
of types . . . there have been
Christmas cards, Holiday
Greetings, Pagan, Hanukkah,
dog lovers, cat lovers, family
photos. Add in my fun with
postcards (a leftover passion
from my childhood) and the
list is endless. I find all this
part of the holidays warm and
heartening. Our December
celebrations, however we spell
them, are all good fun. Best
of all is when we can exchange
visits and memories, savor
delectable foods and hoist a
glass to good health . . .
perhaps better than any gift.
I pray you are all enjoying
yourselves as much as I am!
celebrating all
a break in winter routine
wishing us all well
cards! We've gotten e-cards,
x-mas letters, cards through
the mail and just a few hand
delivered. As to the variety
of types . . . there have been
Christmas cards, Holiday
Greetings, Pagan, Hanukkah,
dog lovers, cat lovers, family
photos. Add in my fun with
postcards (a leftover passion
from my childhood) and the
list is endless. I find all this
part of the holidays warm and
heartening. Our December
celebrations, however we spell
them, are all good fun. Best
of all is when we can exchange
visits and memories, savor
delectable foods and hoist a
glass to good health . . .
perhaps better than any gift.
I pray you are all enjoying
yourselves as much as I am!
celebrating all
a break in winter routine
wishing us all well
Dec 10, 2019
That moment . . . that one moment!
Maybe that's what it's all about . . .
Taking the time to look back over our
lives, we all can see those moments,
albeit in hindsight! Whether it's the
ever nearing new year or even the
fast approaching holidays, I find my-
self pondering those moments . . .
That moment when I first laid eyes on
my son, or when I finally conceived
the baby girl I had so prayed for. That
moment when I learned after surgery
that I was now cancer free, or when my
father handed me the keys to the new
home he built for me. That moment
when I contracted for my first teaching
assignment, or that moment when I
was awarded Teacher of the Year . . .
Moments . . . it's all about moments.
I pray we have them, keep them in
our hearts and treasure them ever
and always . . .
just remembering
caressing those memories
those blessed moments
Maybe that's what it's all about . . .
Taking the time to look back over our
lives, we all can see those moments,
albeit in hindsight! Whether it's the
ever nearing new year or even the
fast approaching holidays, I find my-
self pondering those moments . . .
That moment when I first laid eyes on
my son, or when I finally conceived
the baby girl I had so prayed for. That
moment when I learned after surgery
that I was now cancer free, or when my
father handed me the keys to the new
home he built for me. That moment
when I contracted for my first teaching
assignment, or that moment when I
was awarded Teacher of the Year . . .
Moments . . . it's all about moments.
I pray we have them, keep them in
our hearts and treasure them ever
and always . . .
just remembering
caressing those memories
those blessed moments
Dec 9, 2019
Getting a new tat brings pain to mind.
There are ever so many kinds. I deeply
recall the pain of childbirth and the joy
following. I will never forget the pain of
losing my father . . . never to heal, never
to be forgotten, simply a part of me now.
I am reminded of the pain and relief I felt
when my brother was finally granted the
peace of death. No one should suffer so
greatly! I know the pain I feel when I
realize the pain I have inadvertently
caused others. In looking at pain recalled
and remembered, I see they are mostly
emotional pain. So, where does that leave
me with tat pain that I brought on myself?!
I do know I'm not a masochist, so why the
need for the tats? For me, it's a kind of
returning to self. I lost me during the
caring for mom years. I lost me during
the unexpected ensuing grief and I must
find me again, ere I die! I've been so lost
of late . . . and I find that the tats are a
bit of a pathway back to me. I pray I find
me somewhere at the end of this pain.
they say pain is real
then why do we seek it so
my own confirms this
There are ever so many kinds. I deeply
recall the pain of childbirth and the joy
following. I will never forget the pain of
losing my father . . . never to heal, never
to be forgotten, simply a part of me now.
I am reminded of the pain and relief I felt
when my brother was finally granted the
peace of death. No one should suffer so
greatly! I know the pain I feel when I
realize the pain I have inadvertently
caused others. In looking at pain recalled
and remembered, I see they are mostly
emotional pain. So, where does that leave
me with tat pain that I brought on myself?!
I do know I'm not a masochist, so why the
need for the tats? For me, it's a kind of
returning to self. I lost me during the
caring for mom years. I lost me during
the unexpected ensuing grief and I must
find me again, ere I die! I've been so lost
of late . . . and I find that the tats are a
bit of a pathway back to me. I pray I find
me somewhere at the end of this pain.
they say pain is real
then why do we seek it so
my own confirms this
Dec 8, 2019
Did I say something along the lines
of embarrassing myself by breaking
down and whimpering during my last
tat?! Not even close this time . . .
I was openly weeping and CURSING
by the third cut. What's a couple of
hours of demonstrative upset among
friends, anyway?! The best part is,
I was honoring my audience by only
swearing in Spanish . . . and then says
my delightful Irish-Mexican tattoo artist,
"So reminds me of my childhood . . .
growing up with Spanish and all!"
So, time to lay down and die . . .
I was sick before the tat; I was sick
during the tat and I imagine I'll still
be sick after the tat. I am indeed nigh
onto dead . . . lo these many weeks.
being sick on end
give me sleep or give me death
raise me from the dead
of embarrassing myself by breaking
down and whimpering during my last
tat?! Not even close this time . . .
I was openly weeping and CURSING
by the third cut. What's a couple of
hours of demonstrative upset among
friends, anyway?! The best part is,
I was honoring my audience by only
swearing in Spanish . . . and then says
my delightful Irish-Mexican tattoo artist,
"So reminds me of my childhood . . .
growing up with Spanish and all!"
So, time to lay down and die . . .
I was sick before the tat; I was sick
during the tat and I imagine I'll still
be sick after the tat. I am indeed nigh
onto dead . . . lo these many weeks.
being sick on end
give me sleep or give me death
raise me from the dead
Dec 7, 2019
So excited about today. My new
tat is to be on my left shoulder,
opposite the lynx on my right. The
most wondrous thing about this lynx,
we used to watch her on my property.
Last winter when the police rested
a dead deer on my land due to excessive
snow, this beautiful lynx lived under
my gypsy wagon and would come out
to feed on the carcass several times a
day. I know the mental image is a tad
harsh, amazing to watch, nonetheless.
The tat I'm getting this morning is to
be a longhaired black cat with tufts of
hair in her ears and under the chin. I
fell in love with the breed when our gal
got one for her kids. I say kids, I think
the cat loves her best of all. Wish me
luck; me thinks I nearly died when I
got the lynx, actually broke down and
whimpered near the end. Not very
manly at all. Thank the gods . . .
I'm a woman!
trying to get it
whats with the tats already
for beauty or pain
tat is to be on my left shoulder,
opposite the lynx on my right. The
most wondrous thing about this lynx,
we used to watch her on my property.
Last winter when the police rested
a dead deer on my land due to excessive
snow, this beautiful lynx lived under
my gypsy wagon and would come out
to feed on the carcass several times a
day. I know the mental image is a tad
harsh, amazing to watch, nonetheless.
The tat I'm getting this morning is to
be a longhaired black cat with tufts of
hair in her ears and under the chin. I
fell in love with the breed when our gal
got one for her kids. I say kids, I think
the cat loves her best of all. Wish me
luck; me thinks I nearly died when I
got the lynx, actually broke down and
whimpered near the end. Not very
manly at all. Thank the gods . . .
I'm a woman!
trying to get it
whats with the tats already
for beauty or pain
Dec 6, 2019
Have you all noticed the differences
in our holiday celebrations? I love it.
What this really means is that we all
have our ways of enjoying the holidays,
albeit familial or self-chosen. Some say
Christmas, others say Yule. Some say
toys for children, others say donate
time to the food banks. Some say nativity,
others say parades. Some say a special
time in church and others say party 'til
you drop. Bottom line, we're all enjoying
the holidays and celebrating the best we
can. I truly believe what is shared is the
JOY of this season. It brings out the whole
brotherly love thing. Let's make it last.
how to celebrate
so love me some holidays
lets party and pray
in our holiday celebrations? I love it.
What this really means is that we all
have our ways of enjoying the holidays,
albeit familial or self-chosen. Some say
Christmas, others say Yule. Some say
toys for children, others say donate
time to the food banks. Some say nativity,
others say parades. Some say a special
time in church and others say party 'til
you drop. Bottom line, we're all enjoying
the holidays and celebrating the best we
can. I truly believe what is shared is the
JOY of this season. It brings out the whole
brotherly love thing. Let's make it last.
how to celebrate
so love me some holidays
lets party and pray
Dec 5, 2019
December is so fun; Christmas
and Yule wherever your eyes
happen to fall. Some folk started
decorating before Thanksgiving
and I do get that it's hard to wait.
It's a time of year of decor, giving,
singing, sharing, and . . . faux peace.
I wonder sometimes if that isn't why
we love the season so much; we
'feel' the peace and 'believe' that the
world is in a better place. Perhaps
that's as it should be . . . a preview
of what we could make out of our
world; and maybe, we can't change
the world, but we can certainly do so
ourselves. And in changing ourselves,
others will be inspired to do the same.
Oh, those wondrous concentric circles
ever expanding, extending, embracing
and suddenly our world is a better place.
feliz navidad
happy yule merry x-mas
celebrate happy
and Yule wherever your eyes
happen to fall. Some folk started
decorating before Thanksgiving
and I do get that it's hard to wait.
It's a time of year of decor, giving,
singing, sharing, and . . . faux peace.
I wonder sometimes if that isn't why
we love the season so much; we
'feel' the peace and 'believe' that the
world is in a better place. Perhaps
that's as it should be . . . a preview
of what we could make out of our
world; and maybe, we can't change
the world, but we can certainly do so
ourselves. And in changing ourselves,
others will be inspired to do the same.
Oh, those wondrous concentric circles
ever expanding, extending, embracing
and suddenly our world is a better place.
feliz navidad
happy yule merry x-mas
celebrate happy
Dec 4, 2019
My man blest me with a bounty of
landscape photography somewhere
around o'dark thirty this morning.
The beauty was beyond awesome;
I was truly moved. I see us all . . .
busy, busy, busy . . . dancing as
fast as we can. Perhaps you are no
as guilty as I am; I fear I forget to
look up, look around and be amazed.
I'm too caught up in existing over
living, in electronics over humanity.
I smile sadly when I realize that I
saw this phenomenal photography
on a media device and am sharing
my thoughts with you on yet another.
Will we ever return to Mother Earth
or are we just too busy with our tiny,
little existence?! My heart breaks . . .
teach me how to be
existence is not enough
i am missing life
landscape photography somewhere
around o'dark thirty this morning.
The beauty was beyond awesome;
I was truly moved. I see us all . . .
busy, busy, busy . . . dancing as
fast as we can. Perhaps you are no
as guilty as I am; I fear I forget to
look up, look around and be amazed.
I'm too caught up in existing over
living, in electronics over humanity.
I smile sadly when I realize that I
saw this phenomenal photography
on a media device and am sharing
my thoughts with you on yet another.
Will we ever return to Mother Earth
or are we just too busy with our tiny,
little existence?! My heart breaks . . .
teach me how to be
existence is not enough
i am missing life
Dec 3, 2019
Tomorrow is another day . . .
Perhaps one of greatest
truisms of all time. Yesterday,
I was drowning in SADS, but
today is sunnier and warmer;
I strongly suspect this will be
a good day. I so love this about
Mother Earth. Sun up, sun down
and we start all over again.
What a phenomenal concept . . .
a new beginning. Let's try this
again. Let's do this one more
time. How I thank all the
powers at be for the whole
new opportunities ever 24
hours. Pure magic!!!
a new tomorrow
a real chance to do over
new wind in my sails
Perhaps one of greatest
truisms of all time. Yesterday,
I was drowning in SADS, but
today is sunnier and warmer;
I strongly suspect this will be
a good day. I so love this about
Mother Earth. Sun up, sun down
and we start all over again.
What a phenomenal concept . . .
a new beginning. Let's try this
again. Let's do this one more
time. How I thank all the
powers at be for the whole
new opportunities ever 24
hours. Pure magic!!!
a new tomorrow
a real chance to do over
new wind in my sails
Dec 2, 2019
I awakened in sorrow at the magickal
hour of 3:00 a.m. I struggle to face SADS,
(Seasonal Affective Disorder Syndrome),
and most of the time I am triumphant. Still,
there are moments when I am so overcome
with the cold darkness surrounding all and
I just want to die. It's not that I truly wish
to die; it isn't real and I keep reminding
myself of that. I pray for a tad of sunlight
today to stave off the horrific sorrow that
accompanies this malady. God in heaven,
I so need the light! Pray send the sun . . .
darkness overwhelms
encompassing everything
striving to survive
hour of 3:00 a.m. I struggle to face SADS,
(Seasonal Affective Disorder Syndrome),
and most of the time I am triumphant. Still,
there are moments when I am so overcome
with the cold darkness surrounding all and
I just want to die. It's not that I truly wish
to die; it isn't real and I keep reminding
myself of that. I pray for a tad of sunlight
today to stave off the horrific sorrow that
accompanies this malady. God in heaven,
I so need the light! Pray send the sun . . .
darkness overwhelms
encompassing everything
striving to survive
Dec 1, 2019
Good morning to you, December!!!
Here's to new beginnings, the 1st,
and anxious endings, the 30th, 2019.
I imagine that you, like me, might be
thinking about a myriad of things . . .
cards to be sent, gifts to buy, tree to
put up, meals to plan, children and
families to invite, etc. Still, I imagine
there are many of us who are asking
the harder questions . . .
How can I better honor my path
in the upcoming year?
What do I need to do in order to
to completely heal?
What do I need to let go and how
can I find the courage to do so?
And, I pray that none of you
are writing down dozens of those pesky
self-requirements for next year. Think
about them, perhaps. But, best to
ponder them and choose three. A better
chance of actually accomplishing them.
I rather like something like this . . .
1) Give myself the space to grow.
2) Forgive myself more often.
3) Enjoy family and friends daily!
Enjoy December; 2020 is yet to come . . .
enjoy the present
learn from the past dont live there
look forward always
Here's to new beginnings, the 1st,
and anxious endings, the 30th, 2019.
I imagine that you, like me, might be
thinking about a myriad of things . . .
cards to be sent, gifts to buy, tree to
put up, meals to plan, children and
families to invite, etc. Still, I imagine
there are many of us who are asking
the harder questions . . .
How can I better honor my path
in the upcoming year?
What do I need to do in order to
to completely heal?
What do I need to let go and how
can I find the courage to do so?
And, I pray that none of you
are writing down dozens of those pesky
self-requirements for next year. Think
about them, perhaps. But, best to
ponder them and choose three. A better
chance of actually accomplishing them.
I rather like something like this . . .
1) Give myself the space to grow.
2) Forgive myself more often.
3) Enjoy family and friends daily!
Enjoy December; 2020 is yet to come . . .
enjoy the present
learn from the past dont live there
look forward always
Nov 30, 2019
There's a rule, isn't there, that rather
than spend your non-existent fortune
on Black Friday, you do your x-mas
cards?! One way or another, I bit the
bullet and I'm all finished except for
a few children's cards. I find myself
smiling at how each of us tend to
spend the holidays in different ways.
For some, it's all about cooking and
baking. For others, it's cleaning and
decorating the house and yet others
care more about the gifts they can
put together. I can actually remember
a time when I had the energy to do
all three; inconceivable at this point
in my life! Actually, I read somewhere
that once you turn 70 you're not
supposed to worry about dusting 'cuz
those dust bunnies might just be
an ancestor!
holiday spirit
parties and goodies galore
pure ambrosia
than spend your non-existent fortune
on Black Friday, you do your x-mas
cards?! One way or another, I bit the
bullet and I'm all finished except for
a few children's cards. I find myself
smiling at how each of us tend to
spend the holidays in different ways.
For some, it's all about cooking and
baking. For others, it's cleaning and
decorating the house and yet others
care more about the gifts they can
put together. I can actually remember
a time when I had the energy to do
all three; inconceivable at this point
in my life! Actually, I read somewhere
that once you turn 70 you're not
supposed to worry about dusting 'cuz
those dust bunnies might just be
an ancestor!
holiday spirit
parties and goodies galore
pure ambrosia
Nov 29, 2019
I can recall Thanksgivings at my grandmothers.
I can remember Thanksgivings with my parents.
And of course, the years and years that I prepped,
cooked and hosted myself. But yesterday, watching
the children working in the kitchen, in harmony, in
sync . . . pure magical ambrosia!
#1 son recreated a traditional familial fruit salad,
some of the best dressing I have ever had and an
absolutely delish gravy. And, I thought I knew how
to cook string beans; obviously not! I hated to share!
#1 daughter, according to her family fans, baked the
best turkey ever! and pie to die for. She slipped me
a piece of delectable delight that felt straight out of
French cuisine; amazing baker this woman!
#1 girlfriend created (I use the word on purpose) two
kinds of mashed potatoes. I may as well confess right
now that I had thirds! She talked about her grandma's
trick of pre-soaking the potatoes in a light sugar water
prior to boiling. Who knew?!
Sitting together, enjoying the feast and ever in awe at
these amazing children, I give thanks that they share
bits and pieces of their lives with us. I am W O W E D!
deep blue clear night skies
miss new moon sir evening star
gifts for the way home
I can remember Thanksgivings with my parents.
And of course, the years and years that I prepped,
cooked and hosted myself. But yesterday, watching
the children working in the kitchen, in harmony, in
sync . . . pure magical ambrosia!
#1 son recreated a traditional familial fruit salad,
some of the best dressing I have ever had and an
absolutely delish gravy. And, I thought I knew how
to cook string beans; obviously not! I hated to share!
#1 daughter, according to her family fans, baked the
best turkey ever! and pie to die for. She slipped me
a piece of delectable delight that felt straight out of
French cuisine; amazing baker this woman!
#1 girlfriend created (I use the word on purpose) two
kinds of mashed potatoes. I may as well confess right
now that I had thirds! She talked about her grandma's
trick of pre-soaking the potatoes in a light sugar water
prior to boiling. Who knew?!
Sitting together, enjoying the feast and ever in awe at
these amazing children, I give thanks that they share
bits and pieces of their lives with us. I am W O W E D!
deep blue clear night skies
miss new moon sir evening star
gifts for the way home
Nov 28, 2019
11/28/19 . . . Thanksgiving
I find myself caught 'twixt and 'tween
a grin and a giggle; 'tis nothing short
of a TG smorgasbord. First, we planned
on a travel trailer trip to Utah with fam.
Then my guy got the angst; he really
wanted to spend it with the kids. I got
it; even had similar feelings. Still, I hope
we get to make said trip at some point
as I had a longing for it. We decided to
divide and conquer; he'd go to his and
I'd go to mine. But then, travel plans
got shot down due to weather. Our
latest attempt at familial celebration is
for both of us to join his family, idea
which I love, but the weather scares me
to death. We have roughly 18" plus snow
to shovel and so far, we can't get out the
front door. Guess we'll see what happens;
but that giggle may turn into a snicker if
I'm not careful; forget snicker, hysterics is
more like it. Happy TG guys; save drives;
be thankful . . .
okay surprise me
a day most unusual
hey go with the flow
a grin and a giggle; 'tis nothing short
of a TG smorgasbord. First, we planned
on a travel trailer trip to Utah with fam.
Then my guy got the angst; he really
wanted to spend it with the kids. I got
it; even had similar feelings. Still, I hope
we get to make said trip at some point
as I had a longing for it. We decided to
divide and conquer; he'd go to his and
I'd go to mine. But then, travel plans
got shot down due to weather. Our
latest attempt at familial celebration is
for both of us to join his family, idea
which I love, but the weather scares me
to death. We have roughly 18" plus snow
to shovel and so far, we can't get out the
front door. Guess we'll see what happens;
but that giggle may turn into a snicker if
I'm not careful; forget snicker, hysterics is
more like it. Happy TG guys; save drives;
be thankful . . .
okay surprise me
a day most unusual
hey go with the flow
Nov 27, 2019
I find it heartbreaking that there are
periods in our lives when we feel lost
to ourselves. I believe this happens
due to traumatic events that either
steer us from our chosen path or can
even cause us to crash and burn. The
accompanying fear brings about a sense
of disorientation which can then lead to
anxiety and depression. Overwhelmed
and disheartened, finding the way back
to self and one's true path seems
unsurmountable. In this time of gratitude,
let us truly remember who we are. In
the embrace of family, let us return to
our path. Seeing the bounty, let us find
and accept self once again. Let your heart
hear the words, "Welcome back, I've been
missing you."
been buried too long
who am i where have i been
triumphant return
periods in our lives when we feel lost
to ourselves. I believe this happens
due to traumatic events that either
steer us from our chosen path or can
even cause us to crash and burn. The
accompanying fear brings about a sense
of disorientation which can then lead to
anxiety and depression. Overwhelmed
and disheartened, finding the way back
to self and one's true path seems
unsurmountable. In this time of gratitude,
let us truly remember who we are. In
the embrace of family, let us return to
our path. Seeing the bounty, let us find
and accept self once again. Let your heart
hear the words, "Welcome back, I've been
missing you."
been buried too long
who am i where have i been
triumphant return
Nov 26, 2019
Every now and then, the universe does
indeed gift a day . . . a very special day.
And, to be perfectly honest, I would have
to admit it's not just once in a while! We
awoke this morning to roughly 15 inches
of snow. Alas, there was naught for it
but to spend the day abed . . . with none
other than the great Indiana Jones himself.
Such fun and four entire adventures to be
had! Now . . . if only I could have breakfast
in be . . . along with a couple of mimosas!
Oh well, guess one can't have everything . . .
the angels at play
ma nature having a day
icing on her cake
indeed gift a day . . . a very special day.
And, to be perfectly honest, I would have
to admit it's not just once in a while! We
awoke this morning to roughly 15 inches
of snow. Alas, there was naught for it
but to spend the day abed . . . with none
other than the great Indiana Jones himself.
Such fun and four entire adventures to be
had! Now . . . if only I could have breakfast
in be . . . along with a couple of mimosas!
Oh well, guess one can't have everything . . .
the angels at play
ma nature having a day
icing on her cake
Nov 25, 2019
'Tis confession time . . . I promised myself
to really take a close look at those things
for which I am grateful. It just isn't enough
to be thankful on Thanksgiving day . . . we
need to make that effort on a daily basis.
Obviously, I like to think that I am one who
appreciates on all grounds . . . but this a.m.
I awoke to a forecast for a dozen inches of
snow tonight. I have 'winter issues', but I
truly believe I could make it through winter
if winter would just stay in its allotted time.
Here at the cabin, starting in October and
through this month, we've had 4", 13", 8",
5" of snow and it isn't even winter yet!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! ~@#$%^&*()_+ How
the hell am I going to make it through
winter proper? Pray, send me courage . . .
no can do like snow
am moving to the islands
winter wonderland
to really take a close look at those things
for which I am grateful. It just isn't enough
to be thankful on Thanksgiving day . . . we
need to make that effort on a daily basis.
Obviously, I like to think that I am one who
appreciates on all grounds . . . but this a.m.
I awoke to a forecast for a dozen inches of
snow tonight. I have 'winter issues', but I
truly believe I could make it through winter
if winter would just stay in its allotted time.
Here at the cabin, starting in October and
through this month, we've had 4", 13", 8",
5" of snow and it isn't even winter yet!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! ~@#$%^&*()_+ How
the hell am I going to make it through
winter proper? Pray, send me courage . . .
no can do like snow
am moving to the islands
winter wonderland
Nov 24, 2019
I have known love; I am sated . . .
I have known the love I have for my
children and the love they have for me.
I am sated . . .
I have known the love I have for my
family and the love they have for me
I am sated . . .
I have known the love I have for my
friends and the love they have for me.
I am sated . . .
I have known the love I have for my
students and the love they have for me.
I am sated . . .
I have known love; I am sated . . .
~Linda-Dale Jennings
I have known the love I have for my
children and the love they have for me.
I am sated . . .
I have known the love I have for my
family and the love they have for me
I am sated . . .
I have known the love I have for my
friends and the love they have for me.
I am sated . . .
I have known the love I have for my
students and the love they have for me.
I am sated . . .
I have known love; I am sated . . .
~Linda-Dale Jennings
Nov 23, 2019
My amazing niece has been doing
vast amounts of research into our
familial history. I realize 'tis a fad
to some, but to her, it's a mission
in live. She shares stories with us
that are simply remarkable! What
this does for me . . . a reminder
that life doesn't begin HERE! It
comes from wayyyyy back; we
tend to forget that. If our 'greats'
had not met when they did, had
they not conceived a child when
they did . . . we simply would NOT
exist today. I forget that from time
to time. Bless her for reminding us.
Indeed, I am thankful for our past.
It doesn't haunt; it heals!
our past history
a different perspective
for this i give thanks
vast amounts of research into our
familial history. I realize 'tis a fad
to some, but to her, it's a mission
in live. She shares stories with us
that are simply remarkable! What
this does for me . . . a reminder
that life doesn't begin HERE! It
comes from wayyyyy back; we
tend to forget that. If our 'greats'
had not met when they did, had
they not conceived a child when
they did . . . we simply would NOT
exist today. I forget that from time
to time. Bless her for reminding us.
Indeed, I am thankful for our past.
It doesn't haunt; it heals!
our past history
a different perspective
for this i give thanks
Nov 22, 2019
Holidays always seem to bring my
brother to mind. His was a harsh
story, some of which I have shared;
not certain I should have. His incredible
existence brings many lessons to the
table. Through him, I learned caring
for someone other than myself. I
witnessed people, real people, who
turned a blind eye and others who went
well out of their way to help. I saw his
dreams crashing down around him and
still he would rise and shine to face yet
another difficult day. Alas, I fear I am
grateful that I was gifted a normalcy of
sorts, that I received the gift of education,
that I was allotted the chance to create
my own life, and in turn, give the gift of
life to my children. I am eternally thankful
that I witnessed the courage it takes to
face day after day in the dark. That I
knew bravery when I saw it in a young
boy fighting for an existence of any kind.
That he fought and prevailed to the end.
I pray I grow to be even half the man he
was . . . and yes, I am eternally grateful.
always complaining
why cant enough be enough
time we get a clue
brother to mind. His was a harsh
story, some of which I have shared;
not certain I should have. His incredible
existence brings many lessons to the
table. Through him, I learned caring
for someone other than myself. I
witnessed people, real people, who
turned a blind eye and others who went
well out of their way to help. I saw his
dreams crashing down around him and
still he would rise and shine to face yet
another difficult day. Alas, I fear I am
grateful that I was gifted a normalcy of
sorts, that I received the gift of education,
that I was allotted the chance to create
my own life, and in turn, give the gift of
life to my children. I am eternally thankful
that I witnessed the courage it takes to
face day after day in the dark. That I
knew bravery when I saw it in a young
boy fighting for an existence of any kind.
That he fought and prevailed to the end.
I pray I grow to be even half the man he
was . . . and yes, I am eternally grateful.
always complaining
why cant enough be enough
time we get a clue
Nov 21, 2019
'Tis exactly a week away . . . this day
in which we gather with family, share
tales out of school, eat copious amounts
of deliciousness and are reminded to be
thankful for our blessings. Per always,
I like to spend time ahead of the day,
pondering meaning, remembering whos,
whys, and wherefores. Make no mistake,
I much enjoy the gatherings, the food,
the goblets of delightful contents, but
the bottom line is family, isn't it?! I find
I cherish them in a special way that day.
I see those missing and wish they were
there. Memories of those long gone visit
my soul and I yearn for them. Oh yes, I
will most definitely be thinking of those
much loved and the blessings they have
brought to my table, my life.
grateful beyond words
memories of yesteryear
pray partake with me
in which we gather with family, share
tales out of school, eat copious amounts
of deliciousness and are reminded to be
thankful for our blessings. Per always,
I like to spend time ahead of the day,
pondering meaning, remembering whos,
whys, and wherefores. Make no mistake,
I much enjoy the gatherings, the food,
the goblets of delightful contents, but
the bottom line is family, isn't it?! I find
I cherish them in a special way that day.
I see those missing and wish they were
there. Memories of those long gone visit
my soul and I yearn for them. Oh yes, I
will most definitely be thinking of those
much loved and the blessings they have
brought to my table, my life.
grateful beyond words
memories of yesteryear
pray partake with me
Nov 20, 2019
I had never given much thought
to the rituals we observe in our
daily lives. Yet, there they are!
Each morning upon awaking, we
do our own individual dance of
facing a new day . . . a stretch
perhaps, a groan to show our
disdain for the whole rise and
shine routing, a self-lecture about
getting on with it! Preparing meals
can be a bit ritualistic as well. For
me, it begins with opening the fridge
to see if anything falls out . . . no
really, I do look to see what I have,
take out ingredients of whatever
nature and create! Getting into the
car . . . check the systems, put on
the seat belt, look around and get
going. Planning a day may start out
with a list, organizing the order of
the day, thinking of a way to reward
oneself for all the accomplishments.
Bottom line, we really shouldn't be
surprised about enjoying spiritual
rituals, we've been ritualizing our
entire lives . . . food for thought!
good habits and bad
finding comfort in routine
my sweet rituals
to the rituals we observe in our
daily lives. Yet, there they are!
Each morning upon awaking, we
do our own individual dance of
facing a new day . . . a stretch
perhaps, a groan to show our
disdain for the whole rise and
shine routing, a self-lecture about
getting on with it! Preparing meals
can be a bit ritualistic as well. For
me, it begins with opening the fridge
to see if anything falls out . . . no
really, I do look to see what I have,
take out ingredients of whatever
nature and create! Getting into the
car . . . check the systems, put on
the seat belt, look around and get
going. Planning a day may start out
with a list, organizing the order of
the day, thinking of a way to reward
oneself for all the accomplishments.
Bottom line, we really shouldn't be
surprised about enjoying spiritual
rituals, we've been ritualizing our
entire lives . . . food for thought!
good habits and bad
finding comfort in routine
my sweet rituals
Nov 19, 2019
Mother, forgive me for I have sinned . . .
Yesterday, I pontificated, complained,
sputtered and muttered about a missing
package. The package was incredibly
important and my heart hurt at its loss.
Later on in the morning, I perused the
property . . . and there was the package.
The wind must have blown it about or
perhaps an animal disturbed it. Bottom
line, the package is back and I am damn
embarrassed! My fait in my neighbors
in humanity, is restored. And, I find
myself vastly ashamed. Why is it that
when something goes wrong, immediately
the worst case scenarios comes to mind.
Bottom line, I have a lesson to learn here
and I damn well better learn it!
most disappointed
striving for understanding
determined to learn
Yesterday, I pontificated, complained,
sputtered and muttered about a missing
package. The package was incredibly
important and my heart hurt at its loss.
Later on in the morning, I perused the
property . . . and there was the package.
The wind must have blown it about or
perhaps an animal disturbed it. Bottom
line, the package is back and I am damn
embarrassed! My fait in my neighbors
in humanity, is restored. And, I find
myself vastly ashamed. Why is it that
when something goes wrong, immediately
the worst case scenarios comes to mind.
Bottom line, I have a lesson to learn here
and I damn well better learn it!
most disappointed
striving for understanding
determined to learn
Nov 18, 2019
I'm upset and not sure just who to
growl at! My order from Amazon was
taken from my front door. The walk
way trails up to it away from the road
and my property is fenced, so it's a bit
hard to envision someone stealing it.
Nonetheless . . .
I've obviously heard of the new game
in town where persons run in and take
packages off porches. But, it was never
going to happen to me! I live too far
away. My cabin is so tiny that even
the mice hesitate to visit. There are
no signs of wealth to attract a thief. Oh
well, it's finally happened to me and I
have no idea of recourse. The site I
ordered from doesn't have a 'contact
seller' logo. The whole thing is just
too sad. I find myself disappointed in
losing the package, but much more so
in losing faith in humanity.
so glad to be home
nooooo someones been a 'thievin
feeling invaded
growl at! My order from Amazon was
taken from my front door. The walk
way trails up to it away from the road
and my property is fenced, so it's a bit
hard to envision someone stealing it.
Nonetheless . . .
I've obviously heard of the new game
in town where persons run in and take
packages off porches. But, it was never
going to happen to me! I live too far
away. My cabin is so tiny that even
the mice hesitate to visit. There are
no signs of wealth to attract a thief. Oh
well, it's finally happened to me and I
have no idea of recourse. The site I
ordered from doesn't have a 'contact
seller' logo. The whole thing is just
too sad. I find myself disappointed in
losing the package, but much more so
in losing faith in humanity.
so glad to be home
nooooo someones been a 'thievin
feeling invaded
Nov 17, 2019
What a bright, sunshiny day here
in northern Colorado . . . and to
think it's snowing back home. We
are to return this afternoon; wish
it were better weather for the trip.
Still, The Lady Hekate awaits (my
cabin) along with a sweet fire to
welcome us home. I mention the
name of my cabin and smile as
last night was her night. The olal
traditions of yesteryear tell us that
the followers of Lady Hekate would
leave a treat of 'srooms and honey
for her on this particular night . . .
not too scintillating a dish to my mind.
lovely day all told
so wish mister sun would stay
much needing the light
in northern Colorado . . . and to
think it's snowing back home. We
are to return this afternoon; wish
it were better weather for the trip.
Still, The Lady Hekate awaits (my
cabin) along with a sweet fire to
welcome us home. I mention the
name of my cabin and smile as
last night was her night. The olal
traditions of yesteryear tell us that
the followers of Lady Hekate would
leave a treat of 'srooms and honey
for her on this particular night . . .
not too scintillating a dish to my mind.
lovely day all told
so wish mister sun would stay
much needing the light
Wow! What an experience!
I've had three tats before and
thought I knew all about it and
that I would be just fine. Not so!
Me thinks getting this mountain
lion on my right shoulder hurt
more than giving birth! I did well;
I didn't embarrass myself. But in
the end, I finally gave into . . .
whimpering! I was embarrassed!
The artist told me that he'd even
had military men cry, so I think I
handled the entire episode just fine.
Now . . . to enjoy her ladyship!
loving my lady
hoping to find me again
been lost for so long
I've had three tats before and
thought I knew all about it and
that I would be just fine. Not so!
Me thinks getting this mountain
lion on my right shoulder hurt
more than giving birth! I did well;
I didn't embarrass myself. But in
the end, I finally gave into . . .
whimpering! I was embarrassed!
The artist told me that he'd even
had military men cry, so I think I
handled the entire episode just fine.
Now . . . to enjoy her ladyship!
loving my lady
hoping to find me again
been lost for so long
Nov 15, 2019
We're off to see the wizard . . .
and trust me, he truly is a wizard.
I've been waiting 30 years to get
this particular tat redone. I got it
for my 40th. My sweet little girl
sat through it, held my hand and
didn't even whimper as I almost
squeezed it right off her arm. She
is my shero; murmuring helpful
words throughout. Now, my guy
is a man among men! and yes, he
will take me to the tattoo artist,
but he won't hold my hand and if
it's taking a long time, he leaves
for a while. Sooooo, take a bow
little girl. Yes indeed, you are my
S H E R O !!!
we humans are strange
body art clothes paints perfumes
never satisfied
and trust me, he truly is a wizard.
I've been waiting 30 years to get
this particular tat redone. I got it
for my 40th. My sweet little girl
sat through it, held my hand and
didn't even whimper as I almost
squeezed it right off her arm. She
is my shero; murmuring helpful
words throughout. Now, my guy
is a man among men! and yes, he
will take me to the tattoo artist,
but he won't hold my hand and if
it's taking a long time, he leaves
for a while. Sooooo, take a bow
little girl. Yes indeed, you are my
S H E R O !!!
we humans are strange
body art clothes paints perfumes
never satisfied
Nov 14, 2019
Oh my God! What the hell is this?!
It's snowing yet again and this is
supposed to be Autumn, or Fall if
you prefer. First, we get 4" followed
by 13" and then 8" only to have yet
another 3" . . . and did I mention,
it's snowing yet again! I feel Fall
deprived as if it had simply been
sipped over! Not sure I can make
it! Maybe you'd better drop by
for a visit; be sure to bring dark
chocolate and a dark red . . . or
three. 'Tis dark times after all!
where is the sun stashed
love me my moon still need sun
longing for the light
It's snowing yet again and this is
supposed to be Autumn, or Fall if
you prefer. First, we get 4" followed
by 13" and then 8" only to have yet
another 3" . . . and did I mention,
it's snowing yet again! I feel Fall
deprived as if it had simply been
sipped over! Not sure I can make
it! Maybe you'd better drop by
for a visit; be sure to bring dark
chocolate and a dark red . . . or
three. 'Tis dark times after all!
where is the sun stashed
love me my moon still need sun
longing for the light
Nov 13, 2019
Once in a great while we are
gifted with a glorious night,
an amazing day, a wondrous
afternoon. Last night was one
of those special times. A warm
fire, a glass or two of red, tales
told out of school . . . all the
while wishing the night would
never end. I do know that not
all are gifted with such special
friendships. I kneel in gratitude
to those mysterious entities who
saw fit to gift me so magnanimously.
I am overcome . . .
this light in my life
that courage to solider on
ever so thankful
gifted with a glorious night,
an amazing day, a wondrous
afternoon. Last night was one
of those special times. A warm
fire, a glass or two of red, tales
told out of school . . . all the
while wishing the night would
never end. I do know that not
all are gifted with such special
friendships. I kneel in gratitude
to those mysterious entities who
saw fit to gift me so magnanimously.
I am overcome . . .
this light in my life
that courage to solider on
ever so thankful
Nov 12, 2019
Yesterday, 11/11/11:11, was a day
of pure magick! For those of you
interested in numerology, you already
know that the number 11 is of great
significance. To have it repeated four
times is beyond the pale, as it were.
One of the things I love about my man
is that is not only humors me in my
ways, but he takes me seriously and
never makes fun. He went out in 27
degree weather, cut a ton of wood so
we could spend the day by the fire.
Exactly at 11:11, we share a shot of
Chartreuse and honored each other in
a toast. Chartreuse is an archaic liqueur
made by the Tibetan monks. My circle
of women make it every few years
collecting and using as close to seventy
herbs as we can. I still have some of
the original batch from 2012 so it made
our toast extra special. So, here's to all
our elevens; may they bring us joy!
loving me some fire
flickering dreams coming true
a day without end
of pure magick! For those of you
interested in numerology, you already
know that the number 11 is of great
significance. To have it repeated four
times is beyond the pale, as it were.
One of the things I love about my man
is that is not only humors me in my
ways, but he takes me seriously and
never makes fun. He went out in 27
degree weather, cut a ton of wood so
we could spend the day by the fire.
Exactly at 11:11, we share a shot of
Chartreuse and honored each other in
a toast. Chartreuse is an archaic liqueur
made by the Tibetan monks. My circle
of women make it every few years
collecting and using as close to seventy
herbs as we can. I still have some of
the original batch from 2012 so it made
our toast extra special. So, here's to all
our elevens; may they bring us joy!
loving me some fire
flickering dreams coming true
a day without end
Nov 11, 2019
I love Mother Nature! She is the one
I serve. I know she can be a harsh
mistress, very demanding . . . but
she gifts such beauty! I look at the
seasons as she changes her clothing.
Emerging hues peeking out in Spring,
brilliant colors of all kinds erupting
forth, a la volcano, in Summer. And
Autumn . . . such beauty to behold.
I'm in love! But . . . Fall is supposed
to last until December 20 and Winter
is to begin December 21st. It's been
snowing hard, and I mean H A R D,
since midnight. Somebody needs to
remind Mama Earth that it's still
supposed to be AUTUMN!!!
spring summer and fall
such beauty in all colors
need help with winter
I serve. I know she can be a harsh
mistress, very demanding . . . but
she gifts such beauty! I look at the
seasons as she changes her clothing.
Emerging hues peeking out in Spring,
brilliant colors of all kinds erupting
forth, a la volcano, in Summer. And
Autumn . . . such beauty to behold.
I'm in love! But . . . Fall is supposed
to last until December 20 and Winter
is to begin December 21st. It's been
snowing hard, and I mean H A R D,
since midnight. Somebody needs to
remind Mama Earth that it's still
supposed to be AUTUMN!!!
spring summer and fall
such beauty in all colors
need help with winter
Nov 10, 2019
I just told a friend a day or two ago that
it's our generation that has witnessed
the most diverse changes in technology.
Of course, this has been written about
ad nauseam, so no need to repeat. Still,
I can't help but remember a couple of
things that impacted my life. I was about
five when we got the first phone for our
family (no borrowing the land lady's any
more). It was a god-awful yellow thing
that hung on the wall. As a party line,
you had to wait for the rings to play out
so you'd know if the call was for you or
for a neighbor. I was allotted one, three-
minute call an evening, hence my intro
into first-grade phoning. Ug! You just
had to have been there. I can remember
playing that I was talking on the phone by
holding the button down and chattering
away. Such innocence. Obviously, now
I have a rather small one that fits in the
palm of my hand. Funnily enough, I still
have minutes available from when I got
it several years ago. Guess I just never
got used to it . . . but do love me some
e-mail . . . write any time!
too many ways now
write me a letter.
it's our generation that has witnessed
the most diverse changes in technology.
Of course, this has been written about
ad nauseam, so no need to repeat. Still,
I can't help but remember a couple of
things that impacted my life. I was about
five when we got the first phone for our
family (no borrowing the land lady's any
more). It was a god-awful yellow thing
that hung on the wall. As a party line,
you had to wait for the rings to play out
so you'd know if the call was for you or
for a neighbor. I was allotted one, three-
minute call an evening, hence my intro
into first-grade phoning. Ug! You just
had to have been there. I can remember
playing that I was talking on the phone by
holding the button down and chattering
away. Such innocence. Obviously, now
I have a rather small one that fits in the
palm of my hand. Funnily enough, I still
have minutes available from when I got
it several years ago. Guess I just never
got used to it . . . but do love me some
e-mail . . . write any time!
too many ways now
write me a letter.
Nov 9, 2019
Funny! One of the greatest things
about being sick-a-bed . . . movies
ahoy! Since I enjoy murder mysteries
immensely and I was at the mercy of
the angel of death, I watched murder
after murder. Now, even my dreams
are plagued with death and demons.
I'd almost have preferred to have
stayed awake! I may have to break
down and watch some Disney flicks
today. Color me comedy ready . . .
may have to grow up
no can do handle horror
a child after all
about being sick-a-bed . . . movies
ahoy! Since I enjoy murder mysteries
immensely and I was at the mercy of
the angel of death, I watched murder
after murder. Now, even my dreams
are plagued with death and demons.
I'd almost have preferred to have
stayed awake! I may have to break
down and watch some Disney flicks
today. Color me comedy ready . . .
may have to grow up
no can do handle horror
a child after all
Nov 8, 2019
"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh
away." Or, so say the sacred words of
wisdom. Guess I've been having too
much fun celebrating my b-day for six
weeks. Today is the day of reckoning . . .
or should I say, last night. Well, one
must pay the piper and trust me, I'm
paying, I'm paying. So, alas, it's back
to bed with me, and my guy promises
hot cups of lemon and ginger tea. He's
the best part of all this silliness.
Damn it, I had plans for today !!!
feeling god awful
best laid plans of mice and men
paying for my sins
Job 1:21 KJV
John Steinbeck
away." Or, so say the sacred words of
wisdom. Guess I've been having too
much fun celebrating my b-day for six
weeks. Today is the day of reckoning . . .
or should I say, last night. Well, one
must pay the piper and trust me, I'm
paying, I'm paying. So, alas, it's back
to bed with me, and my guy promises
hot cups of lemon and ginger tea. He's
the best part of all this silliness.
Damn it, I had plans for today !!!
feeling god awful
best laid plans of mice and men
paying for my sins
Job 1:21 KJV
John Steinbeck
Nov 7, 2019
We enjoy the odd wine tasting
from time to time, but never
dreamed just much fun a
beer tasting could be. We've
tried out a couple of places of
late and they've been ever so
much fun. Each taste consists
of about a communion glass
size of beer. So, by the time
you've tried a few, you haven't
even drunk what would have
been a glass of beer. Very
practical when you're driving!
I've received a beer tasting
gift card from a dear friend
for my 70th . . . even though
I said, NO GIFTS. Rather glad
she didn't pay attention. I can
hardly wait to taste a few.
relearning to live
experiencing anew
children all are we
from time to time, but never
dreamed just much fun a
beer tasting could be. We've
tried out a couple of places of
late and they've been ever so
much fun. Each taste consists
of about a communion glass
size of beer. So, by the time
you've tried a few, you haven't
even drunk what would have
been a glass of beer. Very
practical when you're driving!
I've received a beer tasting
gift card from a dear friend
for my 70th . . . even though
I said, NO GIFTS. Rather glad
she didn't pay attention. I can
hardly wait to taste a few.
relearning to live
experiencing anew
children all are we
Nov 6, 2019
11/06/19 - What's Cookin'?
Well I can remember the pride
I felt as a little kid putting together
my first peanut butter and jelly; what
a mess! Pure ambrosia! Next, I was
allowed to fill celery sticks a la Velveeta;
cringing here! Make no mistake, I was
expected to help with meals until I left
home; a fab learning experience. i was
fortunate enough to study Haute Cuisine
whilst in college. So loved preparing and
serving six course meals to special
friends during my 20 year sojourn in
Mexico. Much enjoyed spicing up parties
with special dishes upon my return. The
laugh is, I now open the fridge and see
what falls out. What happened to all that
joy and zest for creating special meals?
Even my besties are lucky to get a meal
out of me when they come to visit. Me
thinks I'm going to pass onto the better
life with a slice of toast in one hand and
a glass of milk in the other. Oh my God!
I've come full circle . . . get me the hell
out of this story!!!
love me some good eats
full body in evidence
must rehab myself
I felt as a little kid putting together
my first peanut butter and jelly; what
a mess! Pure ambrosia! Next, I was
allowed to fill celery sticks a la Velveeta;
cringing here! Make no mistake, I was
expected to help with meals until I left
home; a fab learning experience. i was
fortunate enough to study Haute Cuisine
whilst in college. So loved preparing and
serving six course meals to special
friends during my 20 year sojourn in
Mexico. Much enjoyed spicing up parties
with special dishes upon my return. The
laugh is, I now open the fridge and see
what falls out. What happened to all that
joy and zest for creating special meals?
Even my besties are lucky to get a meal
out of me when they come to visit. Me
thinks I'm going to pass onto the better
life with a slice of toast in one hand and
a glass of milk in the other. Oh my God!
I've come full circle . . . get me the hell
out of this story!!!
love me some good eats
full body in evidence
must rehab myself
Nov 5, 2019
November always invokes in me
a pondering of those things for
which I am thankful. Of course,
I understand that the Thanksgiving
celebration brings this about. Still,
we would all do well to acquiesce
to such a positive endeavor. It's
hard to believe, much less accept,
that I've been granted 70 years of
life. I am utterly blown away by my
most amazing children; God's gift!!!
I love my sweet little 120 year old
cabin, even with all its foibles. My
lover is an amazing man. I do not
believe there is anything that he
cannot do and/or invent. I've been
gifted the most glorious friends in
kingdom come. I intend to live so
many more years, but were I called
home tonight, know that I would go
happy! Happier! HAPPIEST!!!
bathed in gratitude
song of solomon awaits
tis heaven on earth
a pondering of those things for
which I am thankful. Of course,
I understand that the Thanksgiving
celebration brings this about. Still,
we would all do well to acquiesce
to such a positive endeavor. It's
hard to believe, much less accept,
that I've been granted 70 years of
life. I am utterly blown away by my
most amazing children; God's gift!!!
I love my sweet little 120 year old
cabin, even with all its foibles. My
lover is an amazing man. I do not
believe there is anything that he
cannot do and/or invent. I've been
gifted the most glorious friends in
kingdom come. I intend to live so
many more years, but were I called
home tonight, know that I would go
happy! Happier! HAPPIEST!!!
bathed in gratitude
song of solomon awaits
tis heaven on earth
Nov 4, 2019
I always feel such a sense of joy
once November one and two have
passed. I truly believe honoring our
families and friends after they have
passed on is most important. Still,
the day after . . . it's like a burden
has been lifted and a great joy fills
the soul. I've often wondered if this
isn't an actual gift from our families,
perhaps thanking us for honoring
them with our remembrances, stories,
ceremonies and their favorite foods.
I have loved the past few days, yet
now it's time for the living. Let's bask
in the gift of life that has been given us.
'Tis a new year waiting to happen!
know that i love you
you are always in my heart
remembering you
once November one and two have
passed. I truly believe honoring our
families and friends after they have
passed on is most important. Still,
the day after . . . it's like a burden
has been lifted and a great joy fills
the soul. I've often wondered if this
isn't an actual gift from our families,
perhaps thanking us for honoring
them with our remembrances, stories,
ceremonies and their favorite foods.
I have loved the past few days, yet
now it's time for the living. Let's bask
in the gift of life that has been given us.
'Tis a new year waiting to happen!
know that i love you
you are always in my heart
remembering you
Nov 3, 2019
Here we are, almost at the end of
2019, and I feel as if it were the
new year. Although that sweet sorrow
that accompanies the Days of the Dead
has passed, those lovely memories we
invoked, somehow brighten the future
and give us hope . . . perhaps, a renewed
commitment to make our ancestors
proud. So, I honor the upcoming happy,
familial holiday, Thanksgiving. As for me,
it's the other side, the happy side to the
Days of the Dead. May we spend it in
our family circles, and in those fond
embraces, remember the phenomenal
fortune we possess in family.
happy families
bid adieu grief welcome joy
our hearts are bursting
2019, and I feel as if it were the
new year. Although that sweet sorrow
that accompanies the Days of the Dead
has passed, those lovely memories we
invoked, somehow brighten the future
and give us hope . . . perhaps, a renewed
commitment to make our ancestors
proud. So, I honor the upcoming happy,
familial holiday, Thanksgiving. As for me,
it's the other side, the happy side to the
Days of the Dead. May we spend it in
our family circles, and in those fond
embraces, remember the phenomenal
fortune we possess in family.
happy families
bid adieu grief welcome joy
our hearts are bursting
Nov 2, 2019
11/02/19 . . . Día de los Adultos Difuntos
El día de hoy, honramos a los mayores
que hayan pasado a mejor vida. Es bello
y triste a la vez. Sé que pensamos en
ellos a menudo, pero hoy es el día
asignado para celebrarles. Para mí, es
importante estar cerca del altar en donde
se encuentran sus fotografías de antaño.
Adorno el altar con platillos pequeños de
sus comidas preferidas. Prendo las velas y
se comienza la hora de contar sus historias.
Hay risas dulces que suelen salir con los
cuentos chistosos. Las lágrimas caen
copiosamente con los relatos tristes. Doy
gracias que se les hayan asignado un día
especial sólo para ellos. Así, recuerdo el
cariño que les tuve, además es grato
recordar que me dieron el don de la vida . . .
porque sin ellos no existiría yo . . . Brindo
por ellos en hora buena. Espero que donde
quiera que estén, se acuerdan de mí.
honro mi madre
recuerdo a mi papá
lloro cántaros
que hayan pasado a mejor vida. Es bello
y triste a la vez. Sé que pensamos en
ellos a menudo, pero hoy es el día
asignado para celebrarles. Para mí, es
importante estar cerca del altar en donde
se encuentran sus fotografías de antaño.
Adorno el altar con platillos pequeños de
sus comidas preferidas. Prendo las velas y
se comienza la hora de contar sus historias.
Hay risas dulces que suelen salir con los
cuentos chistosos. Las lágrimas caen
copiosamente con los relatos tristes. Doy
gracias que se les hayan asignado un día
especial sólo para ellos. Así, recuerdo el
cariño que les tuve, además es grato
recordar que me dieron el don de la vida . . .
porque sin ellos no existiría yo . . . Brindo
por ellos en hora buena. Espero que donde
quiera que estén, se acuerdan de mí.
honro mi madre
recuerdo a mi papá
lloro cántaros
11/01/19 . . . honramos a los niños que hemos perdido
Today is the first of two days honoring
our loved ones who have passed away.
This day, November 1st, honors our
children that we have lost. This is so
hard and yet beautiful. I recognize that
this custom might be difficult to
understand for those from the U.S. But,
it is indeed significant for those of us
who hale from Latin American countries.
It's interesting to note that these two days
immediately follow Halloween. So today,
photographs of the children we have lost
will appear on our altars, memories will
be recalled, stories shared and tears shed.
My heart aches . . .
know i miss you so
i pray you had never left
my tears flow to you
our loved ones who have passed away.
This day, November 1st, honors our
children that we have lost. This is so
hard and yet beautiful. I recognize that
this custom might be difficult to
understand for those from the U.S. But,
it is indeed significant for those of us
who hale from Latin American countries.
It's interesting to note that these two days
immediately follow Halloween. So today,
photographs of the children we have lost
will appear on our altars, memories will
be recalled, stories shared and tears shed.
My heart aches . . .
know i miss you so
i pray you had never left
my tears flow to you
10/31/19 - Halloween
It has arrived . . . the actual day on
which I was to have been born. My
parents met just after WWII ended
and my father was released from his
unit. That infamous day occurred in
a movie theater where both arrived
to watch a Halloween flick on October
31st. They became engaged a year
later on October 31st. and married
the following year on October 31st.
I was to have been born . . . you
guessed it . . . on October 31st. the
next year. Of course, 'Miss never late
to anything' came a couple of weeks
early, damn it! Hence began the
wonderful nonsense of celebrating
the entire month of October . . . all
because I was born on the wrong
day! So . . . Happy Halloween!
Happy Samhain!! Happy supposed
to be birthday to me!!! God, I so love
hate to see you go
just began to celebrate
so long october
which I was to have been born. My
parents met just after WWII ended
and my father was released from his
unit. That infamous day occurred in
a movie theater where both arrived
to watch a Halloween flick on October
31st. They became engaged a year
later on October 31st. and married
the following year on October 31st.
I was to have been born . . . you
guessed it . . . on October 31st. the
next year. Of course, 'Miss never late
to anything' came a couple of weeks
early, damn it! Hence began the
wonderful nonsense of celebrating
the entire month of October . . . all
because I was born on the wrong
day! So . . . Happy Halloween!
Happy Samhain!! Happy supposed
to be birthday to me!!! God, I so love
hate to see you go
just began to celebrate
so long october
Oct 30, 2019
Me thinks Halloween does indeed bring
forth the child within. Each year we choose
the odd esoteric movie to watch in honor
of the holiday. This year, my man humored
me by accepting to re-watch the Harry Potter
series. I had only previously watched it before
when it came out and only after I had read
the books. I had only thought of the series
as being geared to older children, but now,
I'm not so certain. I'm actually glad I'm seeing
it as an old dame rather than as a kid. Wow!
I much honor the author, J.K. Rowling. She
has brought a great deal of pleasure to many
of all ages. She is also a philanthropist beyond
belief. She has used her wealth for the good
of others rather than self-aggrandizement.
sweets spooks and stories
so like me some halloween
still love samhain best
forth the child within. Each year we choose
the odd esoteric movie to watch in honor
of the holiday. This year, my man humored
me by accepting to re-watch the Harry Potter
series. I had only previously watched it before
when it came out and only after I had read
the books. I had only thought of the series
as being geared to older children, but now,
I'm not so certain. I'm actually glad I'm seeing
it as an old dame rather than as a kid. Wow!
I much honor the author, J.K. Rowling. She
has brought a great deal of pleasure to many
of all ages. She is also a philanthropist beyond
belief. She has used her wealth for the good
of others rather than self-aggrandizement.
sweets spooks and stories
so like me some halloween
still love samhain best
WOW and wow again . . . Mama Nature
sure is giving us a white x-mas . . .
and it isn't even Halloween yet. Here, it's
been snowing non-stop since Saturday
night. I think we have about a foot and
a half by now. Crazy! Sooooo, what gifts
does the snow bring? (Me attempting a
positive attitude here!) I know it brings
much needed moisture to Mother Earth.
Although I'm not a sportster, I do know
that the snow provides a great deal of
joy to skiers, snowboarders, etcetera.
Traditionally, kids love making snowmen
as well as missing school when there's
too much of it. On my end of things . . .
'tis fireplace and a tad of wine for me!
not halloween yet
mama nature hear my plea
pray wait til x-mas
sure is giving us a white x-mas . . .
and it isn't even Halloween yet. Here, it's
been snowing non-stop since Saturday
night. I think we have about a foot and
a half by now. Crazy! Sooooo, what gifts
does the snow bring? (Me attempting a
positive attitude here!) I know it brings
much needed moisture to Mother Earth.
Although I'm not a sportster, I do know
that the snow provides a great deal of
joy to skiers, snowboarders, etcetera.
Traditionally, kids love making snowmen
as well as missing school when there's
too much of it. On my end of things . . .
'tis fireplace and a tad of wine for me!
not halloween yet
mama nature hear my plea
pray wait til x-mas
Oct 28, 2019
Frankly, my guy is above and beyond . . .
He knows how I suffer from SADS. It's
not his responsibility to take care of me
and yet, this morning he built a fire, and
called me down to sit with him. He gave
me a blanket for warmth and asked if I
wanted candles. He brought me milk and
asked if he could get me anything else.
God, what a man! I may be the most
fortunate woman in the universe.
loving me my man
luckiest gal in the world
so beyond grateful
He knows how I suffer from SADS. It's
not his responsibility to take care of me
and yet, this morning he built a fire, and
called me down to sit with him. He gave
me a blanket for warmth and asked if I
wanted candles. He brought me milk and
asked if he could get me anything else.
God, what a man! I may be the most
fortunate woman in the universe.
loving me my man
luckiest gal in the world
so beyond grateful
Oct 27, 2019
Home safe and it's snowing hard.
Seems I can't leave the old homestead
without rather severe consequences!
Me thinks I need to have words with
Mother Nature; it is October after all.
Then FB just had to print a reminder
about the 1997 worst snow storm in
the history of Colorado. Our pickups
and toppers were completely inundated.
Figured we got about six feet. First
time I missed school in forever! So,
the forecast on this end of the line is,
I am sooooo NOT leaving this bed
today, come hell or high water!!!
Damn, should have laid in some
Marg fixings for the upcoming siege!
snow snow go away
come again another day
so did not mean that
Seems I can't leave the old homestead
without rather severe consequences!
Me thinks I need to have words with
Mother Nature; it is October after all.
Then FB just had to print a reminder
about the 1997 worst snow storm in
the history of Colorado. Our pickups
and toppers were completely inundated.
Figured we got about six feet. First
time I missed school in forever! So,
the forecast on this end of the line is,
I am sooooo NOT leaving this bed
today, come hell or high water!!!
Damn, should have laid in some
Marg fixings for the upcoming siege!
snow snow go away
come again another day
so did not mean that
Oct 26, 2019
Today is the day . . . and it's nice here.
We leave behind 13 inches of snow to
come to our daughter's a few hours away
and no show. This is Colorado, isn't it?!
So, a new tat, a couple of beers and we're
off and running to see if we can beat the
new forecast of another dozen inches. The
cabin is inundated now; can't imagine what
another foot will do to it. Do hope we laid
in plenty of wood as well as the ingredients
for hot chocolate in front of the fire. Here's
to happy wintering!
what is happening
so not what i expected
tis lovely out there
We leave behind 13 inches of snow to
come to our daughter's a few hours away
and no show. This is Colorado, isn't it?!
So, a new tat, a couple of beers and we're
off and running to see if we can beat the
new forecast of another dozen inches. The
cabin is inundated now; can't imagine what
another foot will do to it. Do hope we laid
in plenty of wood as well as the ingredients
for hot chocolate in front of the fire. Here's
to happy wintering!
what is happening
so not what i expected
tis lovely out there
Oct 25, 2019
I have much to look forward
to this weekend. We get to see
our kids AND they are gifting
me a new tat for my 70th. You
know you've raised your kids
right when they treat you to
a b-day tattoo. I am wowed!
We're getting on the road
noon-ish . . . so wish it were
noon already! I'm so psyched!
everybody says
oh the children of today
mine over the top
to this weekend. We get to see
our kids AND they are gifting
me a new tat for my 70th. You
know you've raised your kids
right when they treat you to
a b-day tattoo. I am wowed!
We're getting on the road
noon-ish . . . so wish it were
noon already! I'm so psyched!
everybody says
oh the children of today
mine over the top
Oct 24, 2019
To coin words from yesteryear
I must "gather up my loins, sally
forth and conquer." I don't know,
the first snow, exactly two weeks
ago today, hit me hard . . . this
one of over a foot, is absolutely
devastating. When I come back in
another life, I'm asking on bended
knew that I not be cursed with SADS
as I have been this go 'round. I'm
off to find my positive attitude,
which seems to be well hidden
somewhere around here.
so longing for sun
a lil tad of heat here please
praying to survive
I must "gather up my loins, sally
forth and conquer." I don't know,
the first snow, exactly two weeks
ago today, hit me hard . . . this
one of over a foot, is absolutely
devastating. When I come back in
another life, I'm asking on bended
knew that I not be cursed with SADS
as I have been this go 'round. I'm
off to find my positive attitude,
which seems to be well hidden
somewhere around here.
so longing for sun
a lil tad of heat here please
praying to survive
Oct 23, 2019
I've been pondering what it is
that draws me to Face Book. It's
not really my cup of tea, per se.
But, I find I really get a kick out
of it an hour or so in the morning.
(Don't even think I'll admit to more!)
I get the whole re-connect with lost
friends and people. I chuckle over
some of the humor and quickly delete
other bits and pieces. I peruse some
of the Mexican cuisine and promise
myself to replicate some of the dishes.
I absolutely refuse to even look at
anything remotely political, although
there are a couple of friends whose
posts are truly worth the read. I've
been hacked, misquoted, shouted at,
chuckled with, as well as shared some
tears. Although I take an occasional
rest from FB, guess I'd have to admit
I'm a bit of a fan . . . go figure!
try to understand
from a fan to fanatic
get me out of here
that draws me to Face Book. It's
not really my cup of tea, per se.
But, I find I really get a kick out
of it an hour or so in the morning.
(Don't even think I'll admit to more!)
I get the whole re-connect with lost
friends and people. I chuckle over
some of the humor and quickly delete
other bits and pieces. I peruse some
of the Mexican cuisine and promise
myself to replicate some of the dishes.
I absolutely refuse to even look at
anything remotely political, although
there are a couple of friends whose
posts are truly worth the read. I've
been hacked, misquoted, shouted at,
chuckled with, as well as shared some
tears. Although I take an occasional
rest from FB, guess I'd have to admit
I'm a bit of a fan . . . go figure!
try to understand
from a fan to fanatic
get me out of here
Oct 22, 2019
My man gets a kick out of watching
an old sitcom from time to time. He
finds the family dynamics hilarious
and tends to get in a good laugh or
two. It tickles me to see him enjoying
himself as he tends to be somewhat
somber by nature. It's interesting to
observe the different things that amuse
each of us. Some enjoy pranks, others
chuckle at happenstance and yet others
delight in those small, innocent joys that
are visited upon us. I'm thinking that I
haven't paid enough attention to these.
The smiles, laughter, chuckles brought
to us by one means or another, enhance
our personal health as well as simply
make life worth living . . .
to laugh or to cry
so love me a good chuckle
adios somber
an old sitcom from time to time. He
finds the family dynamics hilarious
and tends to get in a good laugh or
two. It tickles me to see him enjoying
himself as he tends to be somewhat
somber by nature. It's interesting to
observe the different things that amuse
each of us. Some enjoy pranks, others
chuckle at happenstance and yet others
delight in those small, innocent joys that
are visited upon us. I'm thinking that I
haven't paid enough attention to these.
The smiles, laughter, chuckles brought
to us by one means or another, enhance
our personal health as well as simply
make life worth living . . .
to laugh or to cry
so love me a good chuckle
adios somber
Oct 21, 2019
Sooooo love me some October
mornings, adore my man and
am wowed by an amazing,
unexpected blueberry pancakes
breakfast in bed! The worst, and
or the best of it, is that he even
has my father beat in the whole
pancake arena. Ten more days
of October (I'm about Octobered
out!) and I fear I'm going to be
fat, fat, fat by the time I'm nigh
onto finished celebrating! Oh well,
can always diet the rest of the year.
ere i celebrate
october bliss bring it on
tired fat sassy
mornings, adore my man and
am wowed by an amazing,
unexpected blueberry pancakes
breakfast in bed! The worst, and
or the best of it, is that he even
has my father beat in the whole
pancake arena. Ten more days
of October (I'm about Octobered
out!) and I fear I'm going to be
fat, fat, fat by the time I'm nigh
onto finished celebrating! Oh well,
can always diet the rest of the year.
ere i celebrate
october bliss bring it on
tired fat sassy
Oct 20, 2019
Now that I'm 70 and all wise . . .
ha ha! . . . I've been reading some
very straight words a friend of mine
sent me. She reiterated that although
my pondering might seem important,
it's time to get on with life and have
some good times before it's too late.
She's right, of course. I've been so
caught up in the whole, 'getting it
together before I die' thing, that I
may have forgotten to enjoy myself
along the way. (No comments from
those lucky gals I've been partying
with please!) It comes to me, once
again, that the answer is balance. I've
confessed before, I was born without
that particular word in my repertoire.
So, here goes . . . raising my glass to
finding a bit of balance, albeit lopsided;
may any of you who wish to, join me
in my quest . . .
memories are this
friends with and or without fun
let the good times roll
ha ha! . . . I've been reading some
very straight words a friend of mine
sent me. She reiterated that although
my pondering might seem important,
it's time to get on with life and have
some good times before it's too late.
She's right, of course. I've been so
caught up in the whole, 'getting it
together before I die' thing, that I
may have forgotten to enjoy myself
along the way. (No comments from
those lucky gals I've been partying
with please!) It comes to me, once
again, that the answer is balance. I've
confessed before, I was born without
that particular word in my repertoire.
So, here goes . . . raising my glass to
finding a bit of balance, albeit lopsided;
may any of you who wish to, join me
in my quest . . .
memories are this
friends with and or without fun
let the good times roll
Oct 19, 2019
Morning of the day after . . .
and I survived. I celebrated by
eating crackers in bed, call that
breakfast in bed, if you will . . .
Sure hope I don't take this whole
birthday 'doing my own thing' too
far. But God, it's fun!!! Speaking
of which, turning 70 has indeed
been so much fun, rather wish I'd
done it sooner! This aging thing is
phenomenal and fantabulous!!!
still here i made it
just dying to go crazy
lets go out dancing
and I survived. I celebrated by
eating crackers in bed, call that
breakfast in bed, if you will . . .
Sure hope I don't take this whole
birthday 'doing my own thing' too
far. But God, it's fun!!! Speaking
of which, turning 70 has indeed
been so much fun, rather wish I'd
done it sooner! This aging thing is
phenomenal and fantabulous!!!
still here i made it
just dying to go crazy
lets go out dancing
Oct 18, 2019
10/18/19 - 70
Maybe Shakespeare had it right
with the whole, "To be, or not to
be?" question. I find that although
I've been questioning the entirety
of the first half of October, I awoke
this a.m. with even more questions
than answers. Do I feel any different
today? Will there be very many more
"dark nights of the soul?" Will I have
"learned my lessons well?" Who will
I be when I finally grow up? One of
my friends suggested that I stop
worrying so much and spend some
time with "eat, drink and be merry."
I'm thinking, I'm thinking! The old,
"When it doubt, do both!" comes to
mind! The left brain seeks personal
growth and the right brain wants to
party . . . whole new look at balance!
real life here i come
me finds myself pondering
get out of my head
with the whole, "To be, or not to
be?" question. I find that although
I've been questioning the entirety
of the first half of October, I awoke
this a.m. with even more questions
than answers. Do I feel any different
today? Will there be very many more
"dark nights of the soul?" Will I have
"learned my lessons well?" Who will
I be when I finally grow up? One of
my friends suggested that I stop
worrying so much and spend some
time with "eat, drink and be merry."
I'm thinking, I'm thinking! The old,
"When it doubt, do both!" comes to
mind! The left brain seeks personal
growth and the right brain wants to
party . . . whole new look at balance!
real life here i come
me finds myself pondering
get out of my head
Oct 17, 2019
So, what's with this forgetting thing?
Is that one of the gifts that turning 70
brings to fruition? I sit down to talk
about something and can't remember
what I was going to speak about. I make
lists and forget to take them to the car.
I promise myself that I'm going to recall
something by repeating the word over
and over, and then can't even remember
the word the next morning. Damn! It's
finally happening . . . Jennings is getting
old . . . nah! I'll just say OLDER because
I can't deal with the word 'old' just yet
So, now might be the time to remind me
that I owe you money, ha!
help and help again
recall remember remind
those forgotten words
Is that one of the gifts that turning 70
brings to fruition? I sit down to talk
about something and can't remember
what I was going to speak about. I make
lists and forget to take them to the car.
I promise myself that I'm going to recall
something by repeating the word over
and over, and then can't even remember
the word the next morning. Damn! It's
finally happening . . . Jennings is getting
old . . . nah! I'll just say OLDER because
I can't deal with the word 'old' just yet
So, now might be the time to remind me
that I owe you money, ha!
help and help again
recall remember remind
those forgotten words
Oct 16, 2019
One of the things I absolutely
love about October is getting
in touch with old friends via
b-day cards, phone calls and
impromptu visits. At 70, there
is no way one can stay in touch
with all those wondrous people
met in a lifetime. Still, at major
birthdays, we all make an effort.
Since 70 is such a milestone for
me, I intend to celebrate all year,
so come on over when convenient
(hint hint!!!).
so love seventy
in celebratory mode
lets raise our glasses
love about October is getting
in touch with old friends via
b-day cards, phone calls and
impromptu visits. At 70, there
is no way one can stay in touch
with all those wondrous people
met in a lifetime. Still, at major
birthdays, we all make an effort.
Since 70 is such a milestone for
me, I intend to celebrate all year,
so come on over when convenient
(hint hint!!!).
so love seventy
in celebratory mode
lets raise our glasses
Oct 15, 2019
God, I sooooo love October.
Birth month, new and full moons,
Halloween or Samhain . . . it just
doesn't get any better than this!
I so enjoy getting to see people
I love, experience new things and
await the unexpected. If I were
queen of the universe, I would see
to it that October had 33 days!!!
loving october
lets celebrate every day
come over and play
Birth month, new and full moons,
Halloween or Samhain . . . it just
doesn't get any better than this!
I so enjoy getting to see people
I love, experience new things and
await the unexpected. If I were
queen of the universe, I would see
to it that October had 33 days!!!
loving october
lets celebrate every day
come over and play
Oct 14, 2019
So delight in friend and familial
celebrations! Not quite sure why
I feel so bereft afterwards.
Obviously, these special times
spent together cannot go on long
term, still . . . I have no answers,
just grateful there are people in my
life that I miss rather than wish . . .
feel ever so blest
the value of true friendship
light in a dark world
celebrations! Not quite sure why
I feel so bereft afterwards.
Obviously, these special times
spent together cannot go on long
term, still . . . I have no answers,
just grateful there are people in my
life that I miss rather than wish . . .
feel ever so blest
the value of true friendship
light in a dark world
Oct 13, 2019
Me thinks I scored when it comes to
life companions. Mine woke me up at
0 dark 30 this morn and asked me if
I wanted to watch Hawaii 50 with him.
God, I love this guy! Due to certain life
choices and never winning the lotto, we
live a rather simple lifestyle. One of the
thing I so admire about my lover is his
ability to add a bit of spice to an otherwise
plain meal . . . we have fun, no matter
what! As soon as it's light of day, I'm off
to buy a ticket!
ever remember
midst the worlds sorrow and angst
fun no matter what
life companions. Mine woke me up at
0 dark 30 this morn and asked me if
I wanted to watch Hawaii 50 with him.
God, I love this guy! Due to certain life
choices and never winning the lotto, we
live a rather simple lifestyle. One of the
thing I so admire about my lover is his
ability to add a bit of spice to an otherwise
plain meal . . . we have fun, no matter
what! As soon as it's light of day, I'm off
to buy a ticket!
ever remember
midst the worlds sorrow and angst
fun no matter what
Oct 12, 2019
Me thinks I need a time-out . . .
a break from being a grownup,
a rest from the intellect, perhaps
even from doing the right thing
for a bit. I want to eat, drink and
be merry . . . wonder if this has to
do with all the upcoming holidays;
there are so many of them! No
need to worry; sometimes I get
like this in October. Less than a
week and I need to be all grown
up. Maybe I'll want reminders
from time to time, that it's alright
to play as well.
help needing a break
grown up times a coming right
lets play for a while
a break from being a grownup,
a rest from the intellect, perhaps
even from doing the right thing
for a bit. I want to eat, drink and
be merry . . . wonder if this has to
do with all the upcoming holidays;
there are so many of them! No
need to worry; sometimes I get
like this in October. Less than a
week and I need to be all grown
up. Maybe I'll want reminders
from time to time, that it's alright
to play as well.
help needing a break
grown up times a coming right
lets play for a while
Oct 11, 2019
I'll be the first to admit that Winter
and I do not have any kind of a decent
relationship, much less a phenomenal
one. Still, yesterday was a wondrous,
glorious day spent in front of the fire,
reading throughout, glancing up from
time to time to see the snow gently
falling . . . a day worthy of champagne.
Twelve hours and five inches later, we
still hadn't had the champagne and
we decided on bed over celebration.
I must say, best intro to Winter ever!
winter wonderland
why oh whyd you come so soon
so wasnt ready
and I do not have any kind of a decent
relationship, much less a phenomenal
one. Still, yesterday was a wondrous,
glorious day spent in front of the fire,
reading throughout, glancing up from
time to time to see the snow gently
falling . . . a day worthy of champagne.
Twelve hours and five inches later, we
still hadn't had the champagne and
we decided on bed over celebration.
I must say, best intro to Winter ever!
winter wonderland
why oh whyd you come so soon
so wasnt ready
Oct 10, 2019
Maybe it's not that I hate snow
so much in itself, it's just that it
somehow marks the beginning of
Winter. So, here we are, not even
mid-October, and it is snowing
copiously! I love Mama Nature,
but I wish she'd realize that this
is wayyyyy tooooo early! Still, it
is beautiful outside and the only
tracks in the snow are animal.
Damn, Santa Claus will probably
be arriving even before we've had
time to celebrate Halloween;
forget Christmas!!!
sing along with me
here comes the sun i mean snow
no celebration
so much in itself, it's just that it
somehow marks the beginning of
Winter. So, here we are, not even
mid-October, and it is snowing
copiously! I love Mama Nature,
but I wish she'd realize that this
is wayyyyy tooooo early! Still, it
is beautiful outside and the only
tracks in the snow are animal.
Damn, Santa Claus will probably
be arriving even before we've had
time to celebrate Halloween;
forget Christmas!!!
sing along with me
here comes the sun i mean snow
no celebration
Oct 9, 2019
'Twas just the three of us yesterday . . .
toiling through years of memories
from the boarding school we attended.
Religion, work, school, friends, those
too conceited to spend time with us . . .
There was laughter, chatter, first-time
understandings, and for me, finally tears.
I had to excuse myself and have a good
cry. I imagine that each of us take that
walk down memory lane from time to
time. Indeed, those previews turned
reviews, can be hard to take. I do have
fond memories; I'm also glad I survived.
Teenagers can be cruel to each other;
perhaps, 'tis all about the lessons to be
learned for our adult futures. We all have
our learnings, our knowledge, and our
opinions. Still, tolerance, kindness and
decency go a long way in this ever so
difficult world.
return to the past
been there done that over it
don't wish to go there
toiling through years of memories
from the boarding school we attended.
Religion, work, school, friends, those
too conceited to spend time with us . . .
There was laughter, chatter, first-time
understandings, and for me, finally tears.
I had to excuse myself and have a good
cry. I imagine that each of us take that
walk down memory lane from time to
time. Indeed, those previews turned
reviews, can be hard to take. I do have
fond memories; I'm also glad I survived.
Teenagers can be cruel to each other;
perhaps, 'tis all about the lessons to be
learned for our adult futures. We all have
our learnings, our knowledge, and our
opinions. Still, tolerance, kindness and
decency go a long way in this ever so
difficult world.
return to the past
been there done that over it
don't wish to go there
Oct 8, 2019
Confesión o plegaria???
Hablando de majaderías . . .
acuerdo viviendo en México
que nunca dije más allá de
CHIHUAHUA!!! Mil perdones
a mis amigos que vienen de ahí.
A los 37, vine para los E.E.U.U.
con mis hijos y naturalmente,
empecé a hablar inglés . . .
junto con el aprendizaje de
algunas palabrotas, las cuales
enrojecerían a ambas mi abuela
y mi madre. Bien me acuerdo
cuando mi mamá me lavaba la
boca con jabón si sólo empezaba
a mal hablar. Estoy haciendo la
lucha de limpiar un tanto a mi
boca . . . pero admito que es una
lucha de pobres posibilidades.
Necesito irme al confesionario.
ayyyyy palabrotas
favor de perdonarme
hago la lucha
Hablando de majaderías . . .
acuerdo viviendo en México
que nunca dije más allá de
CHIHUAHUA!!! Mil perdones
a mis amigos que vienen de ahí.
A los 37, vine para los E.E.U.U.
con mis hijos y naturalmente,
empecé a hablar inglés . . .
junto con el aprendizaje de
algunas palabrotas, las cuales
enrojecerían a ambas mi abuela
y mi madre. Bien me acuerdo
cuando mi mamá me lavaba la
boca con jabón si sólo empezaba
a mal hablar. Estoy haciendo la
lucha de limpiar un tanto a mi
boca . . . pero admito que es una
lucha de pobres posibilidades.
Necesito irme al confesionario.
ayyyyy palabrotas
favor de perdonarme
hago la lucha
Oct 7, 2019
Our fave bear showed up again in
the early hours . . . as gynormous
as Manhattan! It likes to tip over
the trash can so the lid will open
and give easy access. Then it's
pawing through the trash until
there is a delectable find. It's
always a mess to clean up in the
morning, but we love seeing the
bears throughout the warmer days.
Obviously, we can't risk going out
at night and we're cautious as hell
in the early hours. Still, it's a kind
of miracle to have Mother Nature
so close to hearth and home. I
pray for our safely always, but
love the signs of Mama out there!
love signs of mama
mother nature ever here
old and new clashing
the early hours . . . as gynormous
as Manhattan! It likes to tip over
the trash can so the lid will open
and give easy access. Then it's
pawing through the trash until
there is a delectable find. It's
always a mess to clean up in the
morning, but we love seeing the
bears throughout the warmer days.
Obviously, we can't risk going out
at night and we're cautious as hell
in the early hours. Still, it's a kind
of miracle to have Mother Nature
so close to hearth and home. I
pray for our safely always, but
love the signs of Mama out there!
love signs of mama
mother nature ever here
old and new clashing
Oct 6, 2019
So love me some October surprises;
they abound! We've been visited
daily by our fave bear (God, I hope
it's the same one!) every day of the
month thus far. He likes to tip over
the garbage and suss out a snack.
Strangely enough, he never picks up
after himself! Might be male; no
disparagement intended! The neighbor
cat, who I call, 'My sometimes cat,'
likes to come in after the bear has
done her the favor of providing a treat
or two. Must be after that when the
odd mouse comes to party! You know,
I was warned about the wildlife I'd
find here at the cabin. Guess I was
expecting elk and deer, even a fox
once in a while. And yes, they do visit,
but it's usually these other guys that
come so often!
so looking forward
my own animal kingdom
lets party hearty
they abound! We've been visited
daily by our fave bear (God, I hope
it's the same one!) every day of the
month thus far. He likes to tip over
the garbage and suss out a snack.
Strangely enough, he never picks up
after himself! Might be male; no
disparagement intended! The neighbor
cat, who I call, 'My sometimes cat,'
likes to come in after the bear has
done her the favor of providing a treat
or two. Must be after that when the
odd mouse comes to party! You know,
I was warned about the wildlife I'd
find here at the cabin. Guess I was
expecting elk and deer, even a fox
once in a while. And yes, they do visit,
but it's usually these other guys that
come so often!
so looking forward
my own animal kingdom
lets party hearty
Oct 5, 2019
I walked down the aisle, choosing bath
fixtures, when an elderly man approached.
He was gorgeous beyond words. Obviously
Mediterranean, he had on a black leather
jacket, longish styled gray hair and a
plethora of silver jewelry. Stunning! Here
I am turning 70, wondering what life holds
in store as I become ancient . . . 'twas as
if the gods sent me a message! Of course,
I just had to whisper to the man and he
responded by chuckling, twinkle in his eyes
and all. Not sure I can buy the whole, "Life
begins at 70!" bit, but I get it now! I still get
to be me . . . oh what fun I'm going to have.
wondering whats next
love me a secret message
join in the fray you
fixtures, when an elderly man approached.
He was gorgeous beyond words. Obviously
Mediterranean, he had on a black leather
jacket, longish styled gray hair and a
plethora of silver jewelry. Stunning! Here
I am turning 70, wondering what life holds
in store as I become ancient . . . 'twas as
if the gods sent me a message! Of course,
I just had to whisper to the man and he
responded by chuckling, twinkle in his eyes
and all. Not sure I can buy the whole, "Life
begins at 70!" bit, but I get it now! I still get
to be me . . . oh what fun I'm going to have.
wondering whats next
love me a secret message
join in the fray you
Oct 4, 2019
Yesterday, my guy gifted me a
memory lane tour through the
most gynormous antique store
ever. It was fun to recognize toys
from my childhood, devastating
to see some priceless items I had
inherited and given away, hilarious
to see bits and pieces I had once
thought I needed. Obviously, it was
more like a museum than a store . . .
and no entry fee! I have no idea
how much I could have spent if I'd
had the shekels and/or the space.
I finally settled on a small antique
table that I'll be using as an altar.
I'm going back . . . feel free to send
time machine ahoy
like love need want dream no chance
land of yesteryear
memory lane tour through the
most gynormous antique store
ever. It was fun to recognize toys
from my childhood, devastating
to see some priceless items I had
inherited and given away, hilarious
to see bits and pieces I had once
thought I needed. Obviously, it was
more like a museum than a store . . .
and no entry fee! I have no idea
how much I could have spent if I'd
had the shekels and/or the space.
I finally settled on a small antique
table that I'll be using as an altar.
I'm going back . . . feel free to send
time machine ahoy
like love need want dream no chance
land of yesteryear
Oct 3, 2019
I have to wonder why it is we gals
hate mice so much?! Living in a 120
year old cabin, we get the odd mouse.
You can have NO IDEA how much that
bothers me. Still, must be dealt with!
One came in under the screen door a
few days ago. I set two entire packages
of traps yesterday . . . go figure! Some
where around 2:00 in the morning my
sleeping brain heard a trap go off. I was
awake instantly. Got out of bed and did
a happy dance. Me thinks I'm just a tad
messed up; bet other women understand
me completely! Only one mouse to go . . .
me a nervous wreck
so crazy in my old age
should i laugh or cry
hate mice so much?! Living in a 120
year old cabin, we get the odd mouse.
You can have NO IDEA how much that
bothers me. Still, must be dealt with!
One came in under the screen door a
few days ago. I set two entire packages
of traps yesterday . . . go figure! Some
where around 2:00 in the morning my
sleeping brain heard a trap go off. I was
awake instantly. Got out of bed and did
a happy dance. Me thinks I'm just a tad
messed up; bet other women understand
me completely! Only one mouse to go . . .
me a nervous wreck
so crazy in my old age
should i laugh or cry
Oct 2, 2019
Deborah Hinton graced us with a
lovely quote this morning . . .
October gently entered through a misty
haze of beauty. She came to draw a soft
cloak of gossamer gold, green and brown
across the land. Created from the Hart
I don't know if I love October so much
because 'tis the month of my birth or
because of the magic of the 31st or
because it marks the last bits of Fall
before Winter sets in. Make no mistake,
there are times I'd like to move the
entire month to Summer, but no one
asked my opinion when creating the
calendar. Part of me would like to go
back in time to those magickal times
of our youth. I wonder if my memories
have been dressed up a bit, but what
could one expect from Halloween?!
Putting together outrageous costumes,
hayrides, pumpkin decorating parties . . .
such fun! I do hope we all get in the
spirit of Autumn and put together some
fun October magick.
a birth year for me
dreaming in black and orange
whole towns celebrate
lovely quote this morning . . .
October gently entered through a misty
haze of beauty. She came to draw a soft
cloak of gossamer gold, green and brown
across the land. Created from the Hart
I don't know if I love October so much
because 'tis the month of my birth or
because of the magic of the 31st or
because it marks the last bits of Fall
before Winter sets in. Make no mistake,
there are times I'd like to move the
entire month to Summer, but no one
asked my opinion when creating the
calendar. Part of me would like to go
back in time to those magickal times
of our youth. I wonder if my memories
have been dressed up a bit, but what
could one expect from Halloween?!
Putting together outrageous costumes,
hayrides, pumpkin decorating parties . . .
such fun! I do hope we all get in the
spirit of Autumn and put together some
fun October magick.
a birth year for me
dreaming in black and orange
whole towns celebrate
Oct 1, 2019
I thought October would never arrive . . .
'Tis here in all its glory . . . backgrounded
in those magnificent fall colors . . . with the
anticipation of a phenomenal Samhain . . .
and best of all, finally reaching that much
longed for milestone of 70 amazing years
of life. Truism that it might be, it all goes
by so quickly. 'Twas only yesterday, I was
a child helping to care for my little bro. It
was only a few minutes later, I was courting,
marrying and birthing my children. Just
a moment has passed since I entered my
crone years, found a love that actually
'got me', allowed me to BE and took me
to a 120 year old cabin where I could walk
'mongst the spirits of yore. I celebrate . . .
L I F E !!!
long awaited for
days go by year after year
finally arrived . . .
. . . in quest of 70
'Tis here in all its glory . . . backgrounded
in those magnificent fall colors . . . with the
anticipation of a phenomenal Samhain . . .
and best of all, finally reaching that much
longed for milestone of 70 amazing years
of life. Truism that it might be, it all goes
by so quickly. 'Twas only yesterday, I was
a child helping to care for my little bro. It
was only a few minutes later, I was courting,
marrying and birthing my children. Just
a moment has passed since I entered my
crone years, found a love that actually
'got me', allowed me to BE and took me
to a 120 year old cabin where I could walk
'mongst the spirits of yore. I celebrate . . .
L I F E !!!
long awaited for
days go by year after year
finally arrived . . .
. . . in quest of 70
Sep 30, 2019
Today's the day! 'Tis the day
I begin to live in the now as I
promised myself. Funny how
today has 24 hours. Here I am
thinking that at 11:00, we travel
to see my niece; alas, I haven't
seen her in several years. So,
as it's 9:00 and I look forward
to seeing her at 1:00, does this
mean I'm not living in the now?
How far does this whole business
of living in the present go? You
hear the expression, "living in the
moment". How literal is that?
I need to have a look-see at how
far to take this business. As I tend
to take things to extremes, this is
going to take some serious thought.
What a difference a day makes!
living in the now
or living in the moment
have i lost all time
I begin to live in the now as I
promised myself. Funny how
today has 24 hours. Here I am
thinking that at 11:00, we travel
to see my niece; alas, I haven't
seen her in several years. So,
as it's 9:00 and I look forward
to seeing her at 1:00, does this
mean I'm not living in the now?
How far does this whole business
of living in the present go? You
hear the expression, "living in the
moment". How literal is that?
I need to have a look-see at how
far to take this business. As I tend
to take things to extremes, this is
going to take some serious thought.
What a difference a day makes!
living in the now
or living in the moment
have i lost all time
Sep 29, 2019
It seems to me that I regularly
address the entire yesterday/
today/tomorrow thing. The bad
part, as I am wont to say, is that
I tend to look left and right rather
than straight ahead. I'm ever
looking back, to either enjoy a
memory or to critique an arguable
action. And the future is there . . .
just like that old Ward's catalogue
from my childhood . . . paging,
looking, hoping, yearning . . .
and mostly never happening. If
not now, when am I going to begin
to address the present?! My new
year's resolution for my birthday,
as it were, is to get on the PRESENT
train and stay there!!! To hell with
the past and future!
down with yesterday
leaving tomorrow ever
longing for today
address the entire yesterday/
today/tomorrow thing. The bad
part, as I am wont to say, is that
I tend to look left and right rather
than straight ahead. I'm ever
looking back, to either enjoy a
memory or to critique an arguable
action. And the future is there . . .
just like that old Ward's catalogue
from my childhood . . . paging,
looking, hoping, yearning . . .
and mostly never happening. If
not now, when am I going to begin
to address the present?! My new
year's resolution for my birthday,
as it were, is to get on the PRESENT
train and stay there!!! To hell with
the past and future!
down with yesterday
leaving tomorrow ever
longing for today
Sep 28, 2019
Friends are truly the gifts we give ourselves.
Rather makes me question why we bother
with any other kind. True friends know your
angsts, your sorrows, your overcomings and
your once in a while glories. They are the best
calorie-free box of chocolates you'll ever receive!
Of course, I love cards in the mail, that sweet
unexpected present, that perfect surprise . . .
But, I've come to realize that the gifts that truly
matter are along the lines of quality time spent
together, real words shared (lose the inanities!)
and quiet moments in which those real words
are completely unnecessary. I love growing older
(the hope of accruing wisdom never dies), but
I do think I'm coming to understand some of
those universal truths that once escaped me.
Pray, send me some wisdom in a box for my
need to comprehend
a different kind of gift
pray enlighten me
Rather makes me question why we bother
with any other kind. True friends know your
angsts, your sorrows, your overcomings and
your once in a while glories. They are the best
calorie-free box of chocolates you'll ever receive!
Of course, I love cards in the mail, that sweet
unexpected present, that perfect surprise . . .
But, I've come to realize that the gifts that truly
matter are along the lines of quality time spent
together, real words shared (lose the inanities!)
and quiet moments in which those real words
are completely unnecessary. I love growing older
(the hope of accruing wisdom never dies), but
I do think I'm coming to understand some of
those universal truths that once escaped me.
Pray, send me some wisdom in a box for my
need to comprehend
a different kind of gift
pray enlighten me
Sep 27, 2019
Have you ever been hungry? So hungry
you don't even know exactly for what?
I find I'm ravenous of late. I search my
mind, hoping for a clue of what might
satisfy, suffice . . . a sunset at the beach,
a quiet walk in the woods, a sit down at
the canyon's edge, a long, intense talk
with my dearest friend. I'm terrified I'll
starve to death; the ache in my gut tells
me the deprivation is killing my soul. I
sit beside the deathbed, watching the
last hours of my famished heart, wishing
I'd had the courage to make different
choices at the gourmet banquet of life.
Alas, I die empty . . .
choices surround me
so longing to be sated
tis courage i lack
you don't even know exactly for what?
I find I'm ravenous of late. I search my
mind, hoping for a clue of what might
satisfy, suffice . . . a sunset at the beach,
a quiet walk in the woods, a sit down at
the canyon's edge, a long, intense talk
with my dearest friend. I'm terrified I'll
starve to death; the ache in my gut tells
me the deprivation is killing my soul. I
sit beside the deathbed, watching the
last hours of my famished heart, wishing
I'd had the courage to make different
choices at the gourmet banquet of life.
Alas, I die empty . . .
choices surround me
so longing to be sated
tis courage i lack
Sep 26, 2019
I think sometimes we momentarily
forget we have choices . . . a choice
to live rather than exist, a choice to
love rather than hate, a choice to be,
to actually BE! It drives me crazy that
I have to reach nigh onto 70 to be
reminded of these truisms! What the
hell? I'm old enough to know better!
I wish . . . to wake up each morning
and choose to be happy, to live, to
experience, to embrace joy! What has
it taken me so long to suss out this
truth?! I believe I will gift myself
these positive choices for my 70th.
High time I got on the happy train
and stopped messing around in my
own fears and tears . . .
a light in my dark
moments of true clarity
embracing happy
forget we have choices . . . a choice
to live rather than exist, a choice to
love rather than hate, a choice to be,
to actually BE! It drives me crazy that
I have to reach nigh onto 70 to be
reminded of these truisms! What the
hell? I'm old enough to know better!
I wish . . . to wake up each morning
and choose to be happy, to live, to
experience, to embrace joy! What has
it taken me so long to suss out this
truth?! I believe I will gift myself
these positive choices for my 70th.
High time I got on the happy train
and stopped messing around in my
own fears and tears . . .
a light in my dark
moments of true clarity
embracing happy
Sep 25, 2019
I had forgotten the pure joy of sitting by
the fire late into the night talking over
so many things . . . beliefs, sorrows,
tragedies, wonders, memories, hopes
and dreams. I often enjoy the marriage
of silence and fire, but the words simply
stumbled out of my mouth unaided. We
used to call it . . . "Solving the world's
problems." Most likely, giving vent to
our own thoughts, saved the day for us.
I have so miss you . . . missed us . . .
when will I see you again?
a gift from the gods
the wonder of a bestie
ever so grateful
the fire late into the night talking over
so many things . . . beliefs, sorrows,
tragedies, wonders, memories, hopes
and dreams. I often enjoy the marriage
of silence and fire, but the words simply
stumbled out of my mouth unaided. We
used to call it . . . "Solving the world's
problems." Most likely, giving vent to
our own thoughts, saved the day for us.
I have so miss you . . . missed us . . .
when will I see you again?
a gift from the gods
the wonder of a bestie
ever so grateful
Sep 24, 2019
Anticipation has to be one of the greatest
feelings ever known to mankind! My bestie
from yesteryear is flying in this afternoon
for her early celebration of my 70th. I can
hardly wait to see her! This got me to
thinking about the word itself; anticipation.
We look forward to ever so many things . . .
a birth, that much needed raise, the arrival
of summer, a special dinner invite. And, in
thinking about said word, this makes me
realize that anticipation adds a great deal
of pleasure to those things long awaited.
Me thinks I'm going to start paying more
attention . . . anticipation many surprises!
longing for my surprises
i can hardly wait
feelings ever known to mankind! My bestie
from yesteryear is flying in this afternoon
for her early celebration of my 70th. I can
hardly wait to see her! This got me to
thinking about the word itself; anticipation.
We look forward to ever so many things . . .
a birth, that much needed raise, the arrival
of summer, a special dinner invite. And, in
thinking about said word, this makes me
realize that anticipation adds a great deal
of pleasure to those things long awaited.
Me thinks I'm going to start paying more
attention . . . anticipation many surprises!
longing for my surprises
i can hardly wait
Sep 23, 2019
How I love to read . . . to study . . . to learn!
I find myself wishing to pour out my gratitude
to those wondrous authors who have enriched
my life! I worship at their feet; alas, they will
never know. I can still remember as a kid, my
goal was to read all the books ever written.
When I came to understand the impossibility
of my dream, I was beyond heartbroken. So
many years, I read a book a day and loved
every minute of it. I'm enough of a purist that
I don't consider my work on the computer as
reading. Still, I am beyond grateful for the
written word. Blessings and thanksgiving to
my teachers, amazing writers and those
glorious fields of study!
give me books and books
for tis storytelling time
let us read and read
I find myself wishing to pour out my gratitude
to those wondrous authors who have enriched
my life! I worship at their feet; alas, they will
never know. I can still remember as a kid, my
goal was to read all the books ever written.
When I came to understand the impossibility
of my dream, I was beyond heartbroken. So
many years, I read a book a day and loved
every minute of it. I'm enough of a purist that
I don't consider my work on the computer as
reading. Still, I am beyond grateful for the
written word. Blessings and thanksgiving to
my teachers, amazing writers and those
glorious fields of study!
give me books and books
for tis storytelling time
let us read and read
Sep 22, 2019
I admit that in hearing the news,
reading the newspapers, listening
to tales told out of school, it's easy
to dwell on the negative. In fact, it
can be quite scary! Then you have
a day like yesterday where friends
gather and you're lucky enough to
be invited. The guitarist is divine,
the band and singer amazing, the
food abundant and delish . . . and
above all, the people are phenomenal.
Once again, my faith in people is
restored; the world may not be such
a bad place after all.
my heart often hurts
so love me some good people
need the reminder
reading the newspapers, listening
to tales told out of school, it's easy
to dwell on the negative. In fact, it
can be quite scary! Then you have
a day like yesterday where friends
gather and you're lucky enough to
be invited. The guitarist is divine,
the band and singer amazing, the
food abundant and delish . . . and
above all, the people are phenomenal.
Once again, my faith in people is
restored; the world may not be such
a bad place after all.
my heart often hurts
so love me some good people
need the reminder
Sep 21, 2019
09/21/19 - Mabon, Second Harvest
I sin on the side of loving summer
more than autumn . . . still, there
may be no greater beauty in this
world of ours than fall colors, apple
cider and campfires with friends. In
the Pagan world, today marks the
first day of autumn and the sabbat
Mabon. In it, we honor yet another
cycle of the seasons lasting six weeks.
In fall, we grasp onto the last vestiges
of summer and the remembrance that
family gatherings such as Thanksgiving
await us. I find myself nostalgic for
summer already, but I'll hoist a glass
of spiked cider and toast our upcoming
celebrations. Here's to hearth and home,
family and friends: happy Mabon!
come join the campfire
tis a bit chilly today
so lets huddle up
more than autumn . . . still, there
may be no greater beauty in this
world of ours than fall colors, apple
cider and campfires with friends. In
the Pagan world, today marks the
first day of autumn and the sabbat
Mabon. In it, we honor yet another
cycle of the seasons lasting six weeks.
In fall, we grasp onto the last vestiges
of summer and the remembrance that
family gatherings such as Thanksgiving
await us. I find myself nostalgic for
summer already, but I'll hoist a glass
of spiked cider and toast our upcoming
celebrations. Here's to hearth and home,
family and friends: happy Mabon!
come join the campfire
tis a bit chilly today
so lets huddle up
Sep 20, 2019
20 de septiembre del 2019.-
De verdad que hoy es un día difícil. Marca
el aniversario en el cual el amor de mi vida
pasó por los portones de perla. Tantos la
quisimos, muchos la adoramos, demasiados
la necesitaban . . . entonces, porqué los
que dioses la tuvieron que llevar? Se supone
que estamos aquí en este mundo malvado
para traer un poco de luz a la obscuridad.
Todos haces lo que podemos . . . pero
ella? Ella era un cielo de estrellas y luna
llena, brillando su gloria y esperanza . . .
Ha de ser que los dioses estaban celosos
y la llevaron de pura envidia! Pasan los
años de su ausencia y jamás la olvidaré.
extraño su luz
existimos sin ella
pero no vivimos
el aniversario en el cual el amor de mi vida
pasó por los portones de perla. Tantos la
quisimos, muchos la adoramos, demasiados
la necesitaban . . . entonces, porqué los
que dioses la tuvieron que llevar? Se supone
que estamos aquí en este mundo malvado
para traer un poco de luz a la obscuridad.
Todos haces lo que podemos . . . pero
ella? Ella era un cielo de estrellas y luna
llena, brillando su gloria y esperanza . . .
Ha de ser que los dioses estaban celosos
y la llevaron de pura envidia! Pasan los
años de su ausencia y jamás la olvidaré.
extraño su luz
existimos sin ella
pero no vivimos
Sep 19, 2019
I find myself reminiscing of all things
maternal; my mother, me as mother
to my children, my own daughter
mothering her sons . . . I awoke from
slumber with these thoughts niggling
at my brain. I obviously wondered why
and then it occurred to me . . . it had
to be because I had just visited my
mother's home of yesteryear. What
an amazing woman she was too. Born
in a tiny burg and educated there, she
nonetheless left home at 18 to go to
college in the big city. 'Twas WWII era
and a boarding room to be found. No
question of a car, had to walk to and
from the college every day as well as
working every available hour at the
local five and dime. Did I say amazing?
I recognize that I've had some struggles
in my own life, but I look at my mother,
a childhood of poverty, her insistence
of an education at any cost . . . and yet,
none of this compares to her enormously
difficult adulthood. I find I am humbled
and truly grateful for the sacrifices she
made for our family. Wow! What a woman!
been thinking of late
hats off to moms everywhere
mine is first in line
maternal; my mother, me as mother
to my children, my own daughter
mothering her sons . . . I awoke from
slumber with these thoughts niggling
at my brain. I obviously wondered why
and then it occurred to me . . . it had
to be because I had just visited my
mother's home of yesteryear. What
an amazing woman she was too. Born
in a tiny burg and educated there, she
nonetheless left home at 18 to go to
college in the big city. 'Twas WWII era
and a boarding room to be found. No
question of a car, had to walk to and
from the college every day as well as
working every available hour at the
local five and dime. Did I say amazing?
I recognize that I've had some struggles
in my own life, but I look at my mother,
a childhood of poverty, her insistence
of an education at any cost . . . and yet,
none of this compares to her enormously
difficult adulthood. I find I am humbled
and truly grateful for the sacrifices she
made for our family. Wow! What a woman!
been thinking of late
hats off to moms everywhere
mine is first in line
Sep 18, 2019
Me thinks daughters may be the gods loveliest
gift to we mothers! Obviously, our sons as well,
but for today . . . my daughters are on my mind
I am blest to be spending some time with my
own sweet girl this week. And, although I share
my other two with their mothers, I find myself
missing them. One of my dreams for my 70th
birthyear is to have all three of them together
for a ladies only celebration. Might be fun to see
just how naughty we can be!
So glad I get
to be a bad influence on them before I go to my
unrest! Sooooo, here's to those wondrous women
I am fortunate enough to have in my life. Pray
think of me every time you are being wicked;
my hat's off to you . . . you mischievous three!
naughty awaits us
gals lets have some fun
yearning to be bad
gift to we mothers! Obviously, our sons as well,
but for today . . . my daughters are on my mind
I am blest to be spending some time with my
own sweet girl this week. And, although I share
my other two with their mothers, I find myself
missing them. One of my dreams for my 70th
birthyear is to have all three of them together
for a ladies only celebration. Might be fun to see
just how naughty we can be!

to be a bad influence on them before I go to my
unrest! Sooooo, here's to those wondrous women
I am fortunate enough to have in my life. Pray
think of me every time you are being wicked;
my hat's off to you . . . you mischievous three!
naughty awaits us
gals lets have some fun
yearning to be bad
Sep 17, 2019
Let's hear it for silence . . . now there's
an oxymoron if I've ever heard one!
Like it or not, we live in an era of . . .
"We need to communicate more. Let's
talk it out. What I really meant was . . . "
Perhaps, we need to hark back to that
time honored truth, "Silence is golden!"
Clearly, there is absolutely naught wrong
with talking, with stating, with making an
all out effort to understand one another.
But in thinking about it, perhaps that's
overdone. What would be wrong with
listening more than talking? Is there no
virtue left in the quiet? And/or, have we
mistaken chatter for real communication?
I've said before, "I'm the most unbalanced
libra I've ever know." Still, I suspect this
is all about balance. If we find ourselves
incapable of quieting down, perhaps we
could still make a stab at listening more
than blathering on and on.
hearing speaking listening
all part of the whole
an oxymoron if I've ever heard one!
Like it or not, we live in an era of . . .
"We need to communicate more. Let's
talk it out. What I really meant was . . . "
Perhaps, we need to hark back to that
time honored truth, "Silence is golden!"
Clearly, there is absolutely naught wrong
with talking, with stating, with making an
all out effort to understand one another.
But in thinking about it, perhaps that's
overdone. What would be wrong with
listening more than talking? Is there no
virtue left in the quiet? And/or, have we
mistaken chatter for real communication?
I've said before, "I'm the most unbalanced
libra I've ever know." Still, I suspect this
is all about balance. If we find ourselves
incapable of quieting down, perhaps we
could still make a stab at listening more
than blathering on and on.
hearing speaking listening
all part of the whole
Sep 16, 2019
The morning of the day after . . .
any morning, after any day . . .
it's tantalizing to mull over the
memories created. It's delicious
to revel in the remembering.
Don't give into reinventing, to
re-thinking, to, "Oh I wish I had
done that," or, "That might have
worked better." Just enjoy what
was, rather than give into what
might have been. The day was
good. Let it be!
learning my lessons
will i ever get it right
its never too late
any morning, after any day . . .
it's tantalizing to mull over the
memories created. It's delicious
to revel in the remembering.
Don't give into reinventing, to
re-thinking, to, "Oh I wish I had
done that," or, "That might have
worked better." Just enjoy what
was, rather than give into what
might have been. The day was
good. Let it be!
learning my lessons
will i ever get it right
its never too late
Sep 15, 2019
In reading Buddhist quotes of late,
I was particularly struck by this one:
"Be where you are; otherwise
you will miss your life." ~Buddha
Pondering this sentiment, it occurs
to me that I tend to live from holiday
to holiday, from special occasion to
special occasion. I'm not truly present
on an ordinary day, I'm simply getting
ready for the next celebration. There
is food to be prepped, rooms to be
cleaned, invites to put together, etc.
Heaven forbid I should simply enjoy
the sun rise on a given day, pay
attention to that special phone call or
thrill over the pages of my book of
choice. It's all about what's happening
on the morrow. Obviously, I'm not a
Buddhist, but I would like to learn to
living in the now before having to learn
to live in Never, Never Land. I would
like to learn to enjoy those precious
moments in present time. I pray I
learn how before it's too late. Well,
I must away . . . have to sweep
before the gals arrive this morning . . .
forgetting to live
tis feeling hopeless i am
must learn to enjoy
I was particularly struck by this one:
"Be where you are; otherwise
you will miss your life." ~Buddha
Pondering this sentiment, it occurs
to me that I tend to live from holiday
to holiday, from special occasion to
special occasion. I'm not truly present
on an ordinary day, I'm simply getting
ready for the next celebration. There
is food to be prepped, rooms to be
cleaned, invites to put together, etc.
Heaven forbid I should simply enjoy
the sun rise on a given day, pay
attention to that special phone call or
thrill over the pages of my book of
choice. It's all about what's happening
on the morrow. Obviously, I'm not a
Buddhist, but I would like to learn to
living in the now before having to learn
to live in Never, Never Land. I would
like to learn to enjoy those precious
moments in present time. I pray I
learn how before it's too late. Well,
I must away . . . have to sweep
before the gals arrive this morning . . .
forgetting to live
tis feeling hopeless i am
must learn to enjoy
Sep 14, 2019
Saturday the 14th, morning of the day after . . .
I find it amazing how the morning of the day
after is always a bit of a let down. One looks
and watches with such gusto for an arriving
date or event. It finally arrives . . . and such
joy! Such joy!!! The next day, one is indeed
filled with memories, chuckles and those aha
moments . . . but the loss of it all being over
is discernible. Nothing will impair the joy I
found in celebrating the long-awaited-for
Friday the 13th. Still, I find myself missing
something today . . .
always looking back
delicate things memories
leaning towards forward
I find it amazing how the morning of the day
after is always a bit of a let down. One looks
and watches with such gusto for an arriving
date or event. It finally arrives . . . and such
joy! Such joy!!! The next day, one is indeed
filled with memories, chuckles and those aha
moments . . . but the loss of it all being over
is discernible. Nothing will impair the joy I
found in celebrating the long-awaited-for
Friday the 13th. Still, I find myself missing
something today . . .
always looking back
delicate things memories
leaning towards forward
Sep 13, 2019
09/13/19, Friday the 13th . . .
. . . has finally arrived. My kind have
long awaited its arrival since we last
enjoyed this phenomenon in October
of 2000. In this new millennia, we have
already experienced many special dates
from the monthly joys of the new and full
moons, to the vast sorrows of Nine Eleven,
to the true Coming of Womanhood as we
are appreciating it today. For eons, it seems
that Friday the 13th has resonated in the
minds of the people as a time of bad luck,
and with that mindset, I imagine it is.
Nonetheless, the number thirteen is nothing
shy of pure magick. 'Tis a date in which to
buy that special lotto ticket, ask that lovely
goddess out on a first date, enjoy all those
devious machinations the Universe has in
store for us. Fear not! Simply bask in the
surprise party that awaits us . . . for 'tis a
long, long wait until the next Friday the
13th in 2049! And, If I live to be a hundred,
I'll be there!
has been a long wait
gather ye all magicians
lets party hearty
long awaited its arrival since we last
enjoyed this phenomenon in October
of 2000. In this new millennia, we have
already experienced many special dates
from the monthly joys of the new and full
moons, to the vast sorrows of Nine Eleven,
to the true Coming of Womanhood as we
are appreciating it today. For eons, it seems
that Friday the 13th has resonated in the
minds of the people as a time of bad luck,
and with that mindset, I imagine it is.
Nonetheless, the number thirteen is nothing
shy of pure magick. 'Tis a date in which to
buy that special lotto ticket, ask that lovely
goddess out on a first date, enjoy all those
devious machinations the Universe has in
store for us. Fear not! Simply bask in the
surprise party that awaits us . . . for 'tis a
long, long wait until the next Friday the
13th in 2049! And, If I live to be a hundred,
I'll be there!
has been a long wait
gather ye all magicians
lets party hearty
Sep 12, 2019
Me thinks I've painted myself into a corner;
sooooo, where do I go from here?! I survey
my surroundings, look to see if by some
miracle there's any way out. Alas, there are
no hand holds, no windows and superman
doesn't seem to be coming any time soon.
I pray, I swear, I scream, I dream . . . but
nothing seems to work. How long can I keep
standing in my corner? I'm so tired, so worn
out and hope is fleeting. If only I could sleep
for a little while, but I'm fearful of letting go.
If I can just stay awake a little while longer,
maybe help will come.
awake or dreaming
must be that thing of nightmares
so afraid to sleep
sooooo, where do I go from here?! I survey
my surroundings, look to see if by some
miracle there's any way out. Alas, there are
no hand holds, no windows and superman
doesn't seem to be coming any time soon.
I pray, I swear, I scream, I dream . . . but
nothing seems to work. How long can I keep
standing in my corner? I'm so tired, so worn
out and hope is fleeting. If only I could sleep
for a little while, but I'm fearful of letting go.
If I can just stay awake a little while longer,
maybe help will come.
awake or dreaming
must be that thing of nightmares
so afraid to sleep
Sep 11, 2019
Today is that day in our personal
histories, a day of such vast sorrow
from which we will never recover,
nor ever forget. Each of us can say
without hesitation, where we were
when the horror erupted, drowning
our very souls. The awe of that initial
moment left us open-mouthed,
speechless, paralyzed in disbelief.
Our minds simply could not assimilate
a reality in which the Dean Koontz and
Steven Kings of this world truly existed.
We cannot accept. We cannot believe.
We are forever changed. Pray history
does not repeat itself.
tis beyond belief
our horrors notwithstanding
the stuff of nightmares
histories, a day of such vast sorrow
from which we will never recover,
nor ever forget. Each of us can say
without hesitation, where we were
when the horror erupted, drowning
our very souls. The awe of that initial
moment left us open-mouthed,
speechless, paralyzed in disbelief.
Our minds simply could not assimilate
a reality in which the Dean Koontz and
Steven Kings of this world truly existed.
We cannot accept. We cannot believe.
We are forever changed. Pray history
does not repeat itself.
tis beyond belief
our horrors notwithstanding
the stuff of nightmares
Sep 10, 2019
Reminiscing through my own poetry of
yesteryear . . . I found myself inundated
with sorrow, no longer having the courage
to face life and longing for death with the
peace I believed it would offer me. Only
the vast love for my children kept me alive.
Today, I suffer immensely from SADS and
winter forces me to draw courage from the
depths of my being. Now, i bow in thanksgiving
that somehow I survived. The love I have for
my own is now coupled with a deep respect
for the people they have chosen to become.
I look at them, the battles they have faced,
sallied forth and conquered . . . and they
lead the way for my continued living, winter
or not . . . there are simply no words . . .
Bless you and bless you again!
how i love mine own
those children gifts from the gods
how do i give thanks
- - -
yesteryear . . . I found myself inundated
with sorrow, no longer having the courage
to face life and longing for death with the
peace I believed it would offer me. Only
the vast love for my children kept me alive.
Today, I suffer immensely from SADS and
winter forces me to draw courage from the
depths of my being. Now, i bow in thanksgiving
that somehow I survived. The love I have for
my own is now coupled with a deep respect
for the people they have chosen to become.
I look at them, the battles they have faced,
sallied forth and conquered . . . and they
lead the way for my continued living, winter
or not . . . there are simply no words . . .
Bless you and bless you again!
how i love mine own
those children gifts from the gods
how do i give thanks
- - -
de Una Suicida
por mi desierto al amanecer
paso velós y sonrisa alegre.
sed, compañero,” le dije con afán.
del agua que traes ahí.”
agua,” me dijo a mí, “No es para dar.
la sé servir y no la sé tomar.”
lentamente la derramó
las arenas del desierto en frente de mí.
por mi desierto al medio día
paso lento pero fas serena.
vino tinto, dame a mí.”
dije ante alegre bohemio que encontré ahí.
Dama, puedes coger la botella,
ya la he compartido y mucho no le queda.
fin y al cabo me la has de devolver
familia tengo y la he de mantener.”
la botella, saborié su olor
su forma y deseé su sabor.
en hora buena recordé su deber
aún sedienta, se la devolví.
por mi desierto al atardecer
paso vacilante y mirada vacante.
sed,” susuré al patriarca digno,
os ruego, que me desmayo, me muero!”
champaña para tal noble reina.
de Vuestra Merced, os lo juro, lo juro!”
copa de plata, incado con respeto,
sirvió la bebida, perlas de vida.
la bebí, restaurada, salva al fin.
sin par, colirio para mi alma,
al instante, “Os amo, os adoro.”
dichosa de delirio, se me resbaló la botella.
por mi desierto a la media noche.
por momentos, llorando mi pena.
árido desierto, fiel amigo mío,
entrego a tí, me muero sedienta!”
febrero 1986
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