Oct 15, 2024


Sooooo excited . . .

I get to spend this early morn
with my younger daughter!

Alas, now that I'm about a 
100 years old and rarely leave 
the cabin, I don't get to see the 
kids as often as I would like.

On the other side of the quest,
these priceless visits warm my
heart to a slow burn.

One of the things I love about
this particular age, would be
seeing the children as adults
and watching them rear their

I bless my x-wife for sharing 
her babes with me. She is an
amazing mother.

Today, my heart is full . . .

Oct 14, 2024


"We are here to heal, not harm.
We are here to love, not hate.
We are here to create, not destroy."
~Anthony Douglas Williams

Methinks we all need a daily
dose of A.D. Williams; we need

Alas, I fear we exist rather than
live and we do so without a great
deal of thinking on our part.

Today, I meet with my niece and
her fiancee for wedding planning.
Part of me trembles at the courage
a young couple must have in order
to join the matrimonial rat race.
Yet another part of me cheers them
on and wishes them well.

For me, October becomes a time
of pondering, rethinking time- 
honored practices and choosing to
deal with things a tad differently. 

May we all have a look/see and a
good think about how we proceed
from here . . .

 - - -

"We destroy life, and we pollute 
oceans and skies, yet we have the
audacity to call ourselves superior
beings." ~A.D. Williams

Oct 13, 2024


Thirteen glorious days of
celebration so far . . . and
at 75, I'm more than a tad
worn out! Oh, but what 
fun it has been!

Sooooo, today I'm going
to enjoy a b-day present 
I received, an absolutely
delicious book. Can not
wait to get into it.

Actually, I may be in a bit
of a mood as I read all nite
last night. Methinks I feel 
a nap coming on at some
point today.

Right now, I find myself 
overwhelmed with a great
deal of gratitude . . . 75?!
Wow! Just WOW!!!

Add in the visits, outings,
fun mail, cards, and these
feelings of thankfulness
are quite understandable.

My heart just feels all tingly!

Oct 12, 2024


"I am pieces of all the places
I have been, and the people I
have loved. I've been stitched
together by song lyrics, book
quotes, adventure, late night
conversations, moonlight,
and the smell of coffee."
~Brooke Hampton

This may just be the loveliest
sentiment Brooke Hampton
ever wrote. Even, without her
customary four-letter words!

In truth, her words so define
who one is, and/or becomes.
I think of being reared in a
small, beauty of a right-wing
town, going away to school
in the desert at 15, Mexico 
for the following 20 years
and back to the US to end
my 40 year teaching career.

Today, I am honored to spend
some of my birth month time
w/two of the dearest friends
I have made here in the US.

I can only imagine the fun we
will share, memories hashed
and new ones made.

I swear, this whole turning 75
caper is an absolute blast!

Oct 11, 2024


Simply can not believe that 
a third of my birth month  
is celebrated and gone. And, 
oh what fun I've had already!

We'll be a birthdaying today!
Towns to see, beers to try out,
antiques to be wished over, 
delish foods to test.

First look-see was a phenom
antique store. Wow! Ever so 
glad I had no shekels with 
which to spend non-existence
life inheritance or I would've
had none left over!

Next, we hit a 2nd hand store
of an unbelievable nature. I
came home with 10 baskets,
which I collect.

Lunch will surely have ensured 
my own fat regime for the rest 
of my life.

Yet having said that, an amazing
FAC followed . . . in 2 places.

Did I ever comment on just how
much I just love b-days?!

Having said that . . . turning 75
is the best . . . lookin' towards
my 80th already!

Oct 10, 2024


"When you dance, let your soul
lead. Your body will follow." 
muses from a mystic

Just ruminating . . .

Growing up in a religious home,
I never learned to dance. Doesn't
mean I didn't danced anyway. 
And alas, I find I'm not much for
dancing these days.

Now, October is playing my song 
and I find my soul dancing, if not
my feet . . .

Autumn days are passing . . .
Friends visiting, drinks hoisted 
and toasts made. And yes, my 
soul is dancing.

Strange about friends . . . 

 . . . some from far, far away 
and others from right next door.
And, ever so many less as we
age, move away, and grow apart.

I find, as I muse and ponder, 
that I am ever so grateful for 
those who have stayed the 
distance . . .

Oct 9, 2024


How I love Wednesdays!

Alas, must not betray my 
own secrets, but love me
my Wednesdays and ever

Today, I'm celebrating with
my guy by setting us up for 
fave Beau Jo's Pesto Pizza. 

Yikes! Can't help but wonder 
what I'm adding to the ole
waistline this October?! Just
doesn't bear thinking about!

I'll be thinking of my crazy
pal as she celebrates her own 
b-day today. She'd be better 
off w/me and pizza, but she
insists on working, go figure!

 - - -

Raising a glass and a piece
of pesto pizza to Heidi and
my other October babes . . .

Anna, Barb, Clemen, Colleen, 
Corina, Dennis, Esther, Fran, 
Francis, Greg, Heidi, Jennifer, 
Joyce, Karen, Maria, Nancy, 
Pam, Rebeccah, Sarah

Oct 8, 2024


Today, a day by the fire
and all that comes with . . .

So looking forward to this.
Truly there's naught like it.
It's like time slows down,

Sitting in silence, holding
hands. Chatting quietly,
from time to time, is sweet.
No need for anything else.

Imagine the day may bring
an old movie, maybe some
music, something to eat. 
All wondrous! All glorious!

Find myself moved by the
sweet happenings in life.
Rather wish I had learned 
to slow down long before
retirement and elder years.

Although, I suppose one
does what's necessary to
get through life . . .

Still, loving me my elder

Oct 7, 2024


So looking forward to
today . . .

Get to spend time with
the first friend I made
when I came to the US.

She has just published a
new book, available at

Witch Way, Stannie?
~Marilyn S. Wells

Fab! Fab!! book! We'll
be discussing it today.
I like it so well, I've
already gifted six copies.

What is it about the gift
of friendship?! Methinks
'tis what keeps us going.
I would add that it's ever
so important to be friends
with our adult children.

This weekend, I got to
enjoy them. They are
phenomenal people. And
today, I'll my first friend.

Time to celebrate? 
Hell yes!

Oct 6, 2024


Methinks today came 
early. Might have some
thing to do with having 
gone to bed early! Ha!

Ever so lucky in that I
get to spend time with
one of my friends from
my old school district

Sooooo love me some
birth months! The re-
connecting that happens
is both amazing and 
priceless. Plus, I love
the news updates as well.

I'm finding that I enjoy
these October days so 
that I hate for them to
end. 'Tis almost like I
try to draw them out to
the last second.

Can hardly wait to see
that this day, day #6,

          H A P P Y !!!


Today was simply packed
with wonder!

Three of my daughters
came for brunch; alas, 
the other two . . . one 
had a sick little boy and 
the other had work.

So, we four laughed and 
cried, told tales out of 
school, ate and waded thru
champagne and mimosas.

Then we met up with the
guys who had gone off to 
play pool and share some

A night time fire warmed
us in the evening. A long
day and simply filled with 

Turning 75 and celebrating
with my beloveds must be
one of the most beautiful
things to ever happen to 

Much loved my kiddos as
babes, yet as adults, they
fill me with amazement . . .

Oct 4, 2024


Back to lovin' me some Oct
days . . .

Had such a fab time with my
dearest and bestie Tommy
yesterday. 'Twas a bit chilly,
hence my first fire in October.

Do you have any idea what
it's like to drink a frosty beer
in front of a fab fire on a cold
day?! Such fun . . .

One of the best things about
a birth month is catching up
with fam and friends. Today,
I get to catch up with a friend
from my old neighborhood.
We even got to serve in the
same school district.

Sooooo looking forward to
seeing her. Bet we talk faster
than we can write.

Lesson learned from yesterday:

Don't try to get fat in one day!
You have the entire month to
lay on the pounds!! What's the
hurry, already!!!

Oct 3, 2024


Never thought I'd be b-day'd
out in two days . . .

Got home from our fave café 
of yesteryear and told my guy
I thought a little nap was in
order. All good . . . and then
I woke up at 6:00 a.m. this
early morn.

I asked him if I had slept
straight through and he said
I had. Went down and got 
my two cups of buttermilk
as is my custom and began
writing this missive.

Turns out it was 6:00 eve,
NOT morn . . . How old
did we say I was?!

Still, had a great time w/
my son over tons of Mex
foods. I may never be the
same again!

Best of all, the gals came
out and sang me, Las
Mañanitas and gave me a
special dessert. Sweeties!

Feelin' fat and sassy . . .
now, which day is this?