"When a woman has sister-
hood with other women, with-
out comparison or competition,
she gains the super power to
soar." ~Christine Arylo
Methinks the term lucky, does
not even cover how I feel . . .
I have sisters, bottom line, at
the beginning and ending of
all comments. So no, lucky
doesn't really do it for moi!
What I do have, is a great
sense of gratitude. I know
there are those women who
feel they have never really
found sisters in their lives.
Who knows?! Is it luck? Is
it the power of attraction?
Is it simply meant to be?
Ordained somehow?!
Perhaps, it is not to be under-
stood. Maybe it just is. What
ever it is, I'm beyond grateful.
And, as one cannot pay back
those who love, pay it forward
comes to mind! Not sure what
that looks like, but I intend to
ponder until I suss it out.
Truly, what a gift love is . . .